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Posts posted by Taril.8619

  1. @"Mewcifer.5198" said:So I think to Anet "Expansion level content" is more about the fact that its a whole campaign of a story. Not a subplot, not a series of smaller events that prepare us for the next campaign. They wanted icebrood saga to be a large overarching, world changing plotline on par with fighting zhaitan, mordremoth, or balthazar.

    But to players "Expansion level content" was about new gimmicks, new elite specs, new maps, etc. They imagined expansion to be about the mechanics because "well story is in the living world too". They wanted icebrood saga to add new mechanics that would create considerable changes in the game.

    It's worth noting, that the devs did talk about adding in the new features that players would consider "Expansion level content" into IBS as and when they were ready.

    Just, that they eventually changed their minds and decided to work on an actual expansion (Which is likely to have whatever "Expansion level content" features that are currently or soon to be ready to implement put into it)

    It's probably a good thing that they do so as well. Since after Build Templates, I'd hate to see what would happen to something like E-Specs released during IBS...

    2000 gems on gem store "Unlock the newest E-Spec for a character"1000 gems on gem store "Get the newest E-Spec's weapon and collection to upgrade it to Ascended quality for a character"5000 gems bundle on gem store "Get a level 80 boost token, unlock the newest E-Spec and get a set of Exotic gear fully slotted with the new E-Spec Runes for a character (This is 10,000 gems worth of items)"

    I'd take the $30 expansion to get all E-Specs, new gimmicks, masteries, maps etc. For all characters, than risk them trying to milk out more individual character items on gem store...

  2. @Lily.1935 said:


    For warrior what I'd like to see is something I personally wouldn't like to play but I know people would enjoy. I'd like to see a tank elite spec.

    Warrior already has a tank E-Spec though with Spellbreaker...

    @Lily.1935 said:These are sorta the things I'd like to see. What about you? What would you like to see?

    For what I want... It doesn't always line up with what the profession needs...

    WarriorThey have Tank (Spellbreaker) and DPS (Berserker) and so they're missing a Support spec. Something that can complement their Shout support and Bannerslave builds.

    I'd suggest something like "Marshal" getting Command skills similar to Ranger's ones, but these provide bonuses for their allies rather than Ranger's providing to their pets/themselves (While merged). Adrenaline is replaced by "Strategem" which is built much more slowly than Adrenaline from normal attacks, but is generated in large amounts when performing or enabling Combo procs and the Burst skills provide boons to allies.

    Weapon would be a Staff (With a skin to look like a banner) and would utilize Marks that produce positive effects for allies and would simulate them being able to direct their allies in battle.

    GuardianThey have DPS (Dragonhunter) and Support (Firebrand) and so they're missing a Tank spec.

    I'm thinking something like "Martyr" getting Corruption skills which will provide a positive and negative effect based on what they do (I.e. A skill that costs their own life, but can heal and ally or damage an enemy. A skill that removes condi's from self and either a target ally or the boons from a foe but removes boons on self etc).

    Class mechanic now procs on being attacked rather than attacks dealt (F1) or over time (F2/F3) - This includes Evaded/Blocked attacks. Each proc will build up a Faith resource which can be used to activate F skills to obtain a spirit weapon and gain new skills. F1 grants a MH Sword that provides nice damage and some Burn. F2 provides a Staff which allows for supporting allies and debuffing enemies. F3 provides a Shield that allows for blocking, protecting allies and CCing enemies. It will be possible to toggle both F1 and F3 on at the same time, but for increased Faith costs.

    Weapon will be OH Dagger and would have an ornate, ceremonial looking skin. Skills would both have a Flip Skill that allows a second, more potent attack with an added cost to it (Health/boons)

    RevenantHas Tank/Support (Herald) and DPS/Support (Renegade) and is missing a full DPS spec with a focus on Power damage.

    I'd suggest something like a norn based Legend and using a Greatsword. With 2 possible routes for its design depending on whom is chosen.

    For someone like Svanir, there could be a lot of Ice related attacks and skills (Like that super OP attack the Svanir with GS's use that sends out a barrage of ice that does like 10 kajillion damage) with bonuses against chilled targets.

    For someone like Aesgir, it could utilize a change to the mechanic where you can only have 1 legend equipped, but your F2 is a transformation into a themed Spirit of the Wild for the Legend (Something like Aesgir = Bear, Shiro = Wolf, Jalis = Ox or Minotaur, Mallyx = Raven, Ventari = Owl) with Legend swapping effects occuring when transforming.

    RangerHas Support (Druid) and DPS (Soulbeast) and is missing a Tank spec.

    I'm not sure what I'd suggest for such a thing though to be honest.

    I'd rather get a ranged DPS spec for Ranger personally, something that could pair up with Longbow + Marksman.

    As such, I'd suggest "Gunslinger" with dual Pistols that have bonus range (Like how their LB has 1500 range instead of 1200, I'd suggest their Pistols have 1200 range instead of 900). Pets would be stronger, but limited in duration (I.e. You eschew your ability to control your companions to focus on your marksmanship) so you summon them for a short period of time and then they are automatically stowed.

    Utilities would be Tricks and provide ways to mess with enemies and keep them at a distance.

    ThiefHas Tank (Daredevil) and DPS (Deadeye) and is missing a Support spec.

    I'd suggest a form of Bard. Maybe go with "Dirge" for the name just to be awkward and have all 3 specs start with the same letter :p

    It'd use Warhorn and Shouts (Which are more "Songs" than actual shouts, functioning sort of like AoE Stances).

    Class mechanic would be a channelled skill called "Verse" where you sing at your target causing some damage and debuffs, and the stolen skills would be "Choruses" which can be activated to end the Verse and provide boons to allies. The "Chorus" will cycle per interval of the channel. On steal procs will only occur per cast.

    Another idea for Thief is instead another DPS spec. Something like "Brigand" or "Pirate".

    It'd use dual axes and wouldn't have Dual Wield skills instead Skill 3 would be a "Dual Cast" skill where it changes based on the last 2 attacks you used (Including last hit of an auto attack chain but not the initial ones). This can end up creating more potent CC if you double cast say Headshot and then skill 3 you get a Stun attack. Or it can be bonus damage, if you do something like Heartseeker twice or Backstab and Heartseeker into skill 3.

    Class mechanic would be "Pillage" where you rush at a target and deal damage while stealing from them. Stolen skills would be class coins that are flipped to provide boons to self (Heads) or damage + conditions to enemies (Tails).

    Utilities would be Elixirs. In the form of alcohol. Ale, rum, whisky, beer, grog... Providing temporary effects both positive and negative.


    Has Tank (Scrapper) and DPS (Holosmith) and is missing Support.

    However, Scrapper is utilized as a Support for Engie right now. So I'd err towards a Ranged Condi based spec for the class.

    Using Longbow, Signets and an upgraded toolbelt that is an exoskeleton. I've gone into more detail over in the Engie subforum.


    Has DPS (Reaper) and Support (Scourge) and is missing Tank.

    I'm not too sure exactly what I'd suggest here. I'd say something along the lines of using dual Maces and applying Confusion and Retaliation to hurt enemies that attack you. But that's as far as I've thought about it really.


    Has Support (Tempest) and DPS (Tempest Weaver) and is missing Tank.

    Not sure what I'd do here either.

    I've been musing about a general idea for Elementalist though, which is a spec called "Astrologist" where Attunements are not based on elements, but on celestial bodies (Mostly)

    I.e. Fire = Solar, Water = Lunar, Air = Locus, Earth = Terra

    Haven't the foggiest what this means yet. But I'll be thinking a bit on it...


    Has Support (Chrono) and DPS (Mirage) and is missing Tank.

    However, Chrono is already the best tank in the game so I dunno what they could really do to add a "Tank" spec to Mesmer.

    All I know is I think it would be cool to utilize the Hallucination mechanic from Iboga in PoF to make enemies hallucinate your clones and for your skills to be empowered against hallucinating foes (Like how Iboga can only pull you if you're hallucinating)

    Where it would fit into Mesmer as a whole, I don't know.

  3. @Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

    @"Taril.8619" said:It's mentioned that Hylek also revere Spirits of the Wild (Which is likely where Frog originated, since I don't think that there would be too many frogs up in the Shiverpeaks)Not quite. The Hylek revere Zintl and Ameyalli (depending on location), and the dialogue of Frog comes from a conversation in Sparkfly Fen between a hylek and a norn bard talking about the bard revering the Spirits and asking "what about Frog?"

    Yes, but there's speculation that Zintl, Ameyalli and Frog may actually be one and the same.

    Since there are similarities between hylek's reverence of their respective Spirits and norn's reverence of the Spirits of the Wild.

    Especially with the oft repeated "Ameyalli provides!" when norn reverence to the Spirits is thanking them for the animals of the wild they depend on for food and shelter. I.e. One could say "Bear provides!" with the same conviction.

    @Konig Des Todes.2086 said:The norn doesn't deny the existence of Frog, which is telling.

    All it is telling of is that norn accept the existence of Spirits of the Wild. It doesn't necessitate the Spirit having originated from them.

    Nor does it really tell that the "Spirit" is in fact, a Spirit of the Wild. Hence Sons of Svanir considering Jormag a Spirit of the Wild and thus referring to her as "Dragon".

    @Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

    Jotun embracing the Spirits could also be an explaination for their civil war that lead to their downfall (Or the shunning of them by the human gods, depending on which version of history you believe) - Some jotun embracing Spirits of the Wild, while others maintained their belief in the human gods that granted them power.You're taking Thrulnn the Lost's description of the civil war at face value, when Thrulnn is an intentional use of unreliable narrator. The jotun civil war had nothing to do with religious beliefs and the jotun never worshipped gods - or, it would seem, anything at all.

    There is currently 2 descriptions of jotun history.

    One where jotun and norn are blessed with magic from the human gods and became powerful and that started the Age of the Giants, with them becoming so powerful that the gods became scared that they'd be overthrown and then they took back their magic and gave it to other races of Tyria. As per Thrulunn the Lost.

    The other where the jotun are said to have become too prideful and sought to expand their tribes out of greed, causing a civil war and the eventual downfall of the jotun. As per Elder Thruln and the Priory.

    Both of these accounts reference in fighting within the jotun populace (Thrulunn mentions that the jotun Giant-Kings became confused and enraged and began fighting each other. Though offers no explaination as to why they became confused and enraged).

    As for how it started, is up in the air. It could be anything. Clash in beliefs. Simple greed. Outside influences. etc.

  4. @"Ogwom.7940" said:That is interesting. I could see that.Though I would say frogs could definitely be found in the shiverpeaks, since amphibians tend to like colder temperatures (Caudates specifically), though there are a lot more species in more tropical areas.We have quite a lot of frog species up here in Canada, including Tree Frogs. One of the species of frog we have, called a wood frog, can allow there bodies to become fully frozen during the harsh winter, and then they thaw out again for spring. We will also get snakes, salamanders and frogs start coming out of hibernation to breed while it's still very cold and lots of snow during Spring.

    I was more thinking that Shiverpeaks has approximately 800,000 Ice Drakes per 2ft of open water, which would lead frogs to getting eaten pretty quick rather than just the climates.

    Though that said, Shiverpeaks doesn't really have a "Spring" so how well would frogs survive in perma-winter? Especially up in the Far Shiverpeaks (Down south near Lormar Pass, Timberline Falls and Wayfarer Foothills sure, since they seem less perma-frosty)

  5. @Ogwom.7940 said:@"Taril.8619" IEven though I've seen it mentioned that Gorilla is a spirit of the wild, I just find it slightly absurd since there weren't any historically in the Shiverpeaks in GW1 or GW2.Maybe they were there and went extinct a very long time ago?

    It's possible.

    But it's also possible that the Spirits of the Wild aren't exclusively found with the norn in the Shiverpeaks.

    It's mentioned that Hylek also revere Spirits of the Wild (Which is likely where Frog originated, since I don't think that there would be too many frogs up in the Shiverpeaks)

    This is another one of those avenues that ANet really hasn't expanded on when they've been shoving kodans and quaggans in our face for "Norn Lore".

    Along with, did any of the Jotun embrace the Spirits? If so, that could account for Gorilla since there's evidence of Jotun occupation of Orr with The Mystic Telescope in Arah. While Orr is the only place Gorillas are found currently in the form of their Risen variants.

    Jotun embracing the Spirits could also be an explaination for their civil war that lead to their downfall (Or the shunning of them by the human gods, depending on which version of history you believe) - Some jotun embracing Spirits of the Wild, while others maintained their belief in the human gods that granted them power.

  6. @Anchoku.8142 said:More ways to generate auras and finish some of the fields Necro drops everywhere interests me more than unique conditions. There is much potential for more interesting play that I feel is left on the table by the developers.

    Auras suck though. Especially in PvE, given that they only do anything when you're being attacked and most of their benefits are minor defensive ones.

    Meanwhile combo finishers, especially ones in Dark Fields, also suck (Because more blind is exactly what Necro needs in PvE...). With really the only notable PvE combo field effects being ones that just deal damage (I.e. Proj/Whirl in Fire Field) or provide boons (I.e. Blast finisher in Fire Field)... Basically, there's a reason why stacking fire fields is the only combo field strat.

    It'd be nice for combo fields and especially Dark fields to be good, but it would require a significant rebalancing of them entirely (I.e. Availability, rate at which they can be proc'd, the ability to stack up like a million fields and proc them all, their effects...)

  7. Yeah, there's a lot of really annoying achievements/collections that are just busywork or require participation in events that spawn infrequently, let alone ones that require doing metas tons of times...

    It also shows up with some of the later LW Dailies, where you end up needing to do a bunch of events that don't happen very often (To be honest, this has been going on since LW3... Bloodstone Fen and the Rift events, Siren's Call and the freaking Kingpin's, Domain of Kourna and the Vine Wall events, Races in Sandswept Isles etc.)

    It'd be somewhat acceptable if these achievements gave a more impressive reward, but they typically don't. Just the same old 5 AP as any other achievement. Maybe a redundant Mastery Point...

    If they gave like a unique skin, an ascended item or something that would make the annoyance you need to put up with to attain them worthwhile. Otherwise, they should reduce the requirements and/or increase the spawn rate of required events (For example, the Daily in Domain of Kourna for the scarab beetle events is fine because those spawn like every minute so it's not a big deal to complete a bunch of them)

    But then again, these unfulfilling achievments are nothing particularly new either. There's plenty of grindy and unrewarding achievements in the base game aswell (Such as the Weapon Master ones... Go from 1000 kills to 5000 kills with a weapon, for... 5 AP... wew... As well as the Slayer achievements, killing 1000 of each enemy type for a handful of AP only...)

  8. @Tempest.8479 said:

    @Taril.8619 said:I'm not a fan of "Balancing" E-Specs by introducing more limitations to actual builds. Both by way of restricting what can be used from Core, or just nerfing Core into worthlessness.

    I agree on the second part, but hear me out on the first part lol. Any build diversity removed from an elite spec would be gained by core improvements through an exclusive weapon and slot skills (along w/ the usual balance stuff that I'm not considering). And the additional limitations would be to make room for new, dedicated playstyles to be added through future specs, while also letting devs buff the mechanics/traits of the current ones. This would create a situation where playing to an elite spec's strengths would be significantly more rewarding, but you would have less to compensate for it's weaknesses. Or, take the safer route and get a little of everything with core.

    It's not really the same. All you're doing is making Core a new E-Spec. With the same annoying restrictions on weapons and skills.

    Only now you're abitrarily removing certain things that could be used to make builds within ALL specs.

    With from what it sounds like, making E-Specs hyper focused on being the best at a particular type of build, further reducing build diversity...

    @Tempest.8479 said:

    @Taril.8619 said:Notably, because in the former, unless you specifically target the actually good weapons/utilities from Core and thus acknowledge the real issue of Core builds being that they contain a lot of lackluster weapons/utilities it has 0 effect on E-Spec builds at all.

    Unfortunately, we do have several weapons that are underperforming. But we also have a case of weapons and/or skills that would be performing fine, if not for an elite spec making them op. I'd advocate for improving what isn't working, while just keeping what would otherwise be ok in the hands of a core class from power creeping elite specs.

    It's not even that E-Specs make a particular weapon OP, it's that the weapon is actually useful for a particular build and is "OP" compared to the trash that is available in Core.

    @Tempest.8479 said:

    @Taril.8619 said:I still stand by the idea that E-Specs should be more focused on changing the class mechanics so as to "Add a new class" to the game (Which is what they're replacing. Instead of adding any new classes after Revenant, we have E-Specs). Rather than what most of them do which is just Core Class Mechanics + some extra stuff.

    That's what I was trying to do by adding these extra limitations. The same way that you trade access to most weapons for attunements going from warrior to ele, you would be trading access to certain abilities for new ones switching from core to elite. It would create a greater "class identity" for elite specs because players would now have a different set of abilities available to them, not just extra. By using skills as a trade-off, they can introduce new playstyles without having to compete with everything that was already there.

    Your changes don't affect the class mechanics.

    It's still going to be stuff like Reaper is Core Necro, but with a good power weapon and better Shroud.

    Changing between actual professions, isn't just trading weapons, it's changing weapon skills for similar weapon sets. A Weaver's Sword has vastly different skills to Warrior's Sword.

    The class identity doesn't change just because a of replacing an available weapon and line of utilities. If the spec is still just Core class mechanics + whatever the E-Spec adds on top. For example, Mirage is still just Mesmer with Mirage Cloak.

    @Tempest.8479 said:Right now we have a situation where, in order for players to want to take new elite spec skills, they have to be better than what's available already.

    Yes, because they're balanced around simply trading Weapons/Utilities with other E-Specs.

    Rather than being about changing the classes playstyle, which would allow people to pick a new E-Spec because they find it fun to play.

    As opposed to this "Trade off everything" and "Make E-Specs have 1 playstyle that they're best at" which ends up being no different to what we had before E-Specs when Core classes would simply make builds around different playstyles, only with less flexibility.

    @Tempest.8479 said:

    @Taril.8619 said:E-Spec vs Core should be a decision based around how they play rather than performing a particular role better. For example, I should pick to play Scourge because I want to have Shroud as F skills rather than a Transformation that Core Necro utilizes.

    While there's definitely truth to that, I think that subtracting a weapon/skills doesn't change that. It just means that now you'd have to decide whether gaining those shades would be worth losing out on a particular weapon the same way you'd be losing out on a trait line.

    Except when you start putting the balance onto what trade offs you get rather than making more E-Specs like Scourge which reimagine class mechanics.

    Especially if something happens like "Oh, Scourge no longer has access to Scepter or Corruption skills, that's now Core Necro's thing!" which would completely kill Condi Scourge gameplay.

    Alternatively, you say "Oh, Scourge no longer has access to Main Hand Dagger or Spectral skills, that's now Core Necro's thing!" which would do literally nothing to Scourge.

    @Tempest.8479 said:

    @Taril.8619 said:But then again, I'm weird and also wish that Weapons/Utilities added by E-Specs weren't locked behind using said E-Specs too.

    I feel like this would create a balancing nightmare for the devs, and it gives them less room to create interesting skills that interact with elite spec mechanics because they would now have to be viable for all iterations of a profession.

    If it creates a balance problem, it's because the weapon is poorly designed. Or a particular spec is poorly designed.

    Also, it doesn't necessarily need to effect their range of skill design. No-where is it necessary for weapons to be equally viable across all builds.

    For example, Holosmith's Sword is designed with the Heat gauge in mind but it's not horrible on its own and would have some use in other builds by the nature of being a power based MH weapon to allow use of Shield.

    If it ended up being underperforming... You could always move some of the power away from the Heat bonuses and into the base weapon. Thus, it still would keep its Holosmith synergy but would still be usable outside of it. There's no rule saying that the heat synergy HAS to be as strong as it is.

  9. @Dadnir.5038 said:Signet of vampirism already do that with it's active, you know the debuff called vampiric mark. Blood bond even add some more on top of that. If you want an "aura", ANet gave the necromancer vampiric presence.

    Yes it's kitten! Yes it's unsatisfying! Yes it's of no use to gain an edge of competitivity against defiant foes! But that's what ANet gave to the necromancer when they were asked for a "unique condition". This is the reality, we already have what you ask, they already gave it, and more of that won't do any good to the necromancer.

    Except, this Signet of Vampirism is not what is being suggested. Since, it does nothing to address any of the concerns that my concept looks to address.

    @Dadnir.5038 said:What you ask for is bound to have an impact on PvP/WvW which make it a biohazard.

    Gee, if only competitive splits existed in the game...

    OH WAIT.

    If only condi cleanse existed in the game...

    OH WAIT.

    If only something could be tuned to affect only Defiant foes...

    OH WAIT.

    If only such a condition was applied by skills that are laughably bad in PvP/WvW to make its presence not nearly have as much impact...

    OH WAIT.

    I'd rather see ANet make small step and adapt the necromancer's tool to the defiance mechanism than see them introduce a condition for PvE purpose and then nerf the necromancer to the ground because the condition impact PvP/WvW. I'm sick of ANet doing this! We've seen ANet's devs doing that for 8 years already, can't we just fix what need fix already instead of adding powercreep mindlessly?

    Are you seriously so delusional that you think that a PvE specific condition that can be tuned to only function against enemies with Defiance (Just like all the "Interrupt" skills/traits/effects which specifically function differently against Defiant foes) will cause Necromancer to be nerfed to the ground.

    While thinking that allowing Necro to apply Chill/Cripple/Blind/Weakness/Immobilize/Fear with actual effects against Defiant foes WON'T cause Necro to get compeltely and totally destroyed?

    @Dadnir.5038 said:Defiance, this god forsaken mechanism, emulate stability, vigor and resistance. It's just a pain to see that boon hate don't work on this mechanism, it is effectively unfair. And for professions like the necromancer that heavily rely on Boon hate, it's just a bane. I'm not saying that ANet need to add more boon in PvE (it would be thoughtless and stupid), I'm saying that ANet should start to understand that mechanisms that emulate boons need to be impacted by boon hate (and not just for the small breakbar window!).

    Except, in all possible situations, bypassing the mechanic using the very things the mechanic exists for is totally broken.

    It's not just boon hate that is the problem with Necro and this mechanic, it's also the fact that conditions which is Necro's "Support" instead of Boonshare are useless against Defiant foes.

    If you allow Boon Hate to work against Defiant foes... What? Do you just let Boon Rip remove Defiance? Well then Necro is still SoL because lulMesmer = perma-removal of Defiance because 0 cooldown auto attacks with Sword removes boons...

    If you allow Boon Corrupt to work against Defiant foes... You get a bunch of useless conditions on the boss which Necro already applies in spades with basically everything in its kit.

    If you let those conditions function on Defiant foes... PvE in its entirety gets broken and consequently, and those conditions get destroyed, completely annihilating Necro from the game (In PvE, PvP and WvW) as well as completely destroying all remaining PvP/WvW balance.

    @Dadnir.5038 said:Because it's a given that PvP/WvW player would end up asking for this condition to be strong in their gamemode as well.

    Tell them to fuck off then. Just like how PvE players get told when they ask for Boonshare on Necro for PvE.

    It's been 8 years of PvE Necro's asking for party support via boons because of the Defiance mechanic. Why should they suddenly cater to the PvP/WvW crowd when they start asking for a specific condition that will only really be useful in situations where it's Zerg vs 1 guy? Especially given the giant middle finger ANet gave to WvW Necro's in the latest patch by gutting Scourge's Sand Shades.

  10. @Dadnir.5038 said:What the OP want is poorly worded, maybe even poorly conceptualized in his own mind. What he want is something that give the necromancer a competitive edge in instanced content against defiant foes.

    In what way is it poorly conceptualized?

    A unique condition. Something that is not part of the normal pool of conditions (Which are either damage, Vulnerability or useless in PvE)

    @Dadnir.5038 said:Personally I don't think that a "unique" condition will do the job, nor do I think that it would be good for the game. The necromancer already have an "unique" debuffing tool: "boon conversion". Making this tool work against defiant foes would be a safer option that adding new biohazard in the game.

    Wait, you think that making Boon Conversion (Thus, 1) Adding a bunch of boons to PvE to be converted and 2) Making existing conditions that are currently worthless actually mean anything against defiant foes) is a safer option than adding in a unique, isolated, completely tunable condition to the game?


    In what way is that even remotely true even on a conceptual level?

    Defiance exists almost completely as a result of how ridiculous current conditions would be versus bosses, especially in a 10 player environment where you can achieve high uptimes.

    Boon Conversion only generates these existing conditions and a sometimes a few damaging conditions with exception of Scourge which converts directly into Torment.

    Boon Conversion in PvE would also be limited by other classes whom can boon rip as well (Notably, Power Chronos who's auto attacks and clone auto attacks and Phantasmal Disenchanters boon rip passively as they do their rotations) not to mention have adverse affects on any classes that benefit from boonless targets and creating a situation where there is now competition for who can rip/corrupt boons first to get the benefits it provides (Not just on Necro's, but also Spellbreakers. Also if any Thieves run Trickery and Bountiful Theft)

    While a unique condition can be uniquely tuned to a PvE environment and have very controlled effects since you only need to consider the impact that the condition itself presents (While Boon Conversion needs to consider the impact of boons being applied to bosses in PvE, the impact of various classes boon rip capabilities and the impact of the condition(s) that the boons are converted into)

  11. Ehh...

    I'm not a fan of "Balancing" E-Specs by introducing more limitations to actual builds. Both by way of restricting what can be used from Core, or just nerfing Core into worthlessness.

    Notably, because in the former, unless you specifically target the actually good weapons/utilities from Core and thus acknowledge the real issue of Core builds being that they contain a lot of lackluster weapons/utilities it has 0 effect on E-Spec builds at all.

    While in the latter case, you may as well just delete Core and Specializations entirely and just have people pick an E-Spec upon rolling a character and giving them a pre-set loadout a la Revenant's Legends.

    I still stand by the idea that E-Specs should be more focused on changing the class mechanics so as to "Add a new class" to the game (Which is what they're replacing. Instead of adding any new classes after Revenant, we have E-Specs). Rather than what most of them do which is just Core Class Mechanics + some extra stuff.

    E-Spec vs Core should be a decision based around how they play rather than performing a particular role better. For example, I should pick to play Scourge because I want to have Shroud as F skills rather than a Transformation that Core Necro utilizes.

    But then again, I'm weird and also wish that Weapons/Utilities added by E-Specs weren't locked behind using said E-Specs too.

  12. Long Range, Condi Based, Longbow using E-Spec.

    Unique F5 swaps out your utilities for new ones, complete with a new set of Toolbelt actions (Basically, reverse Holoforge). The idea being that you've upgraded your simple toolbelt, into a multi-purpose exoskeleton, providing bionic enhancements and nifty gadgets. I.e. You're now essentially Inspector Gadget/Gadgetboy

    Each of the utilities you get will be focused on a particular part of the body that has been augmented, Legs, Arms, Head and the Elite will be the Core power supply.

    • Legs augment provides passive 33% movement speed (AKA Swiftness). The toolbelt skill allows you to leap to an area slamming the ground to knockdown enemies and apply Cripple. The active skill grants Superspeed and causes you to leave a trail of Fire behind you which applies burning to enemies that touch it.
    • Arms augment provides passive 50% action speed (AKA Quickness). The toolbelt skill allows you to fire a salvo of mini rockets in an area which apply Bleeding. The active skill allows you to fire a laser beam from the your palms Iron Man style which deals damage and burning.
    • Head augment provides passive 25% Cooldown reduction (AKA Alacrity). The toolbelt skill allows you to cause bleeding on hits for a period of time. The active skill allows you to break stun and gain brief evasion and has 2 charges.
    • Core Power Supply Elite skill does not have a toolbelt action (That will just toggle off this skill swap effect) and is a toggled effect that increases all of your stats but will drain your health while active. Toggling it off forces a swap back to normal skills.

    Probably have some form of mechanic to play around to limit the swapping of these skills (Potentially a "Battery" mechanic that charges up over time while inactive and is drained by using these augmented skills. Possibly with the Elite providing a burst of charge too)

    Longbow skills itself, are focused around firing a plethora of things attached to arrows. Incendiary bombs that cause burning. Drills that cause continuous bleeding stacks (Similar to the Feeding Time debuff that Sand Eels apply). Electrified Chains that can deal damage over time and can be attached to 2 targets linking them and causing additional damage if they're within range of each other. An aerosolized chemical that spreads gas that applies posion, cripple and weakness.

  13. @Fueki.4753 said:Which other profession has a unique boon or condition?

    Like I mentioned in my original post:

    Rangers have Frost Spirit which provides 5% damage increase. They also have Spotter aura providing 100 Precision.Warrior's bring Banner of Strength for 100 Power + Condition damage and Banner of Discipline for 100 Precision and Ferocity. They can also use Empower Allies aura to provide further 100 Power.Chrono + Firebrand provide Quickness.Chrono + Renegade provide Alacrity.Renegade also provides Life Siphon in an area with Soulcleave's Summit.

    @Teratus.2859 said:I guess Entangle could be useful for bleeds but Ranger can stack tons of that without it really.

    More stacks is still more damage. Damage is useful in PvE.

    I mean, unless you're suggesting that Ranger is able to reach the 2500 stack cap without Entangle...

    @Teratus.2859 said:A lot of that could probably be fixed through limiting how often these conditions effects would work on a boss.Say Blind would only be effective once every 10-15 seconds or something.

    Thus it'd be as worthless as it is now still. Especially given skills that have incidental blinds on them as well as Combo Field effects (For example, Blast Finishers in Dark Fields produce Blind. Chaos Aura from Blast/Leap Finishers in Ethereal Fields can produce Blinds when struck)

    @Teratus.2859 said:Chill, Immob and Cripple could work like normal but their durations would be cut or something so they would need constant appliance to maintain.

    Now you've just nerfed Reaper by reducing Chill uptime. Whilst still potentially allowing something like kiting of a boss via spammed Immobilize/Cripple. Not to mention stuff like mass Chrono for perma Slow (Whilst also nerfing Chrono in all other situations)

    @Obtena.7952 said:I'm saying that a unique condition doesn't solve the problem about boons or help for allies you are talking about.

    It literally can solve the problem. If you consider a condition that provides something that helps the team. You know, much like Vulnerability does now.

    A unique condition that provides an extra 5% incoming damage to a target, would be effectively the same as Ranger's Frost Spirit providing 5% damage to everyone.

    There can be other forms that a supportive condition can take, it merely needs to weaken a foe in some way (Or provide a bonus to people attacking the foe) and aid the party that's fighting the foe. Whilst also not being reliant on being a crowd control effect and thus useless against bosses.

    For example, it can be a condition that when allies attack a target, something happens (Damage triggers, allies get a buff of some kind, allies get resources of some kind etc)It can be a condition that reduces the enemies defences (Increased damage taken, increased potential Vulnerability stacks etc)It can be a condition that amplifies the effect of allies damage (Such as converting a portion of incoming damage over its duration into a bonus tick of damage upon expiration effectively being a "Take increased damage" effect)

    @Obtena.7952 said:The TLDR ... what are you trying to fix?

    Necromancer's lack of PvE team support due to the utter uselessness of most non-damaging Conditions against targets with Defiance.

  14. @Obtena.7952 said:Like ... Fear?

    We have the unique condition ... I just needs to do something else/different in PVE.

    I don't get the original proposition. It's opening complaint is that Necro's don't have much access (self?) to boons ... and somehow this leads to the suggestion we need a unique condition ... that we have. Not seeing how anything being presented is related, nor how it addresses any necro class issues.

    if you want to solve the 'lack of boons' on necro problem, giving them a unique condition doesn't fix that.

    Says the person who likes to argue THEMES!

    A theme for Necro, is they don't provide much in the way of helping their allies through applying boons. This limits their ability to effectively support, since support roles consist of classes that provide boons in some way with some also providing healing. Scourge provides Barrier instead of healing, but has lackluster boon application making it less desirable than say, Druid which provides plenty of Might (In addition to unique modifiers such as Frost Spirit) as well as healing or Alacrigade/Quickbrand which might not always spec for healing but will be providing the very powerful Alacrity/Quickness boons.

    A condition, however, is in theme for Necro. Since a lot of their class is heavily designed around applying many debilitating conditions it's just that most of these conditions are totally useless in PvE since they have no or little effect. Ergo, if Necro could provide a condition that thus increases the effectiveness of their party, similar to the effects of other supports providing boons it would help them in PvE by increasing the effectiveness of their support, without being a conflicting theme in the way that just letting them access AoE boons might.

    @Teratus.2859 said:Take Ranger in PvE for example.. Strength of the Pack is pretty much the only decent or effective Elite skill Ranger has in PvE.Entangle is great against trash but useless against bosses where you'll actually want to use an elite skill.. and the Spirit is best use in group play for support.

    SotP is mostly only good because of its stability honestly, which helps Ranger deal with mechanics.

    Entangle is decent for Condi builds though, since it's a pretty okay amount of AoE bleed even if the immobilize is useless.

    One Wolf Pack is good for Power builds though.

    @Teratus.2859 said:Soft CC condies should work against bosses, I'm all for making that change andit would open doors for a lot of builds and playstyles in PvE which would only be a good thing for the game imo.

    The issue with this is, you'd open up the doors for X/Pistol Thief to be the best tank in the game because they'd just spam Black Powder and bosses wouldn't be able to hit anyone with any attacks.

    Allowing for non-damaging condi's affect bosses was something I thought about as well, but it always came back to how easy it would be for Thief to just cheese almost every boss so hard in the same way they can cheese anything up to Elite to be essentially immune to damage because Blind spam.

  15. Alternatively, instead of shared gathering tool slots.

    Legendary gathering tools.

    With the Legendary Armoury, it'd be effectively the same thing. Whilst also providing potential to have some sick legendary skins and effects as well as a material sink to coincide with people being more enticed to harvest with more easily shared unbreakable tools.

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  16. Known spirits are:

    • Bear
    • Wolf
    • Snow Leopard (AKA Snow Lynx)
    • Raven
    • Minotaur
    • Griffon
    • Owl
    • Eagle
    • Otter
    • Hare (AKA Bunny)
    • Mink
    • Frog
    • Gorilla
    • Ox (AKA Dolyak)
    • Wolverine
    • Wurm

    The primary ones of Bear/Wolf/Snow Leopard/Raven are well known due to them being prominent in Hoelbrak and starting options for norn characters.

    Minotaur is featured in a particular path for norn personal stories.

    Owl is noted to have died during Jormag's awakening.

    Eagle, Ox and Wolverine are noted to have stayed behind after Owl's death to allow the norn to escape Jormag's wrath.

    Mink and Hare (AKA Bunny) are noted in dialogue in norn personal stories (A notable example is a member of the Sons of Svanir berating another member stating "You're not fit to serve Dragon, go worship Mink or Bunny!")

    Other ones have had little in the way of development or appearance. Which is partially why some people are annoyed with the lack of norn lore in IBS because there's so much that can be done with the undeveloped Spirits of the Wild as well as potential for as yet unknown Spirits to also exist (We don't really know because as mentioned with the focus being on Hoelbrak as the main stead for in-game norn, there's a huge preference for Bear/Wolf/Snow Leopard/Raven to be utilized)

    Not to mention other races that also would worship or honour the Spirits (Such as Hylek and Frog) that could be used for development of Spirits (Instead of just "Look, I'm a Kodan. I'm a man-bear-pig. Koda is amazing!" or "OoooOOOooOOoOoOo Quaggan is Quaggan!!!")

  17. @Sigmoid.7082 said:Part of me feels you could bunch an entire LS season / saga into one group and call it an expac and people would be happy ; split an expac into episode and people would call it trash.

    I think one of the issues is that people are already accustomed to Living World content as a free update which provides new maps, new story, new metas, new collections, new achievments etc.

    Meaning when an Expansion does the same thing, they feel disappointed that the product they're shelling out $30 for (That you can't just farm gold to turn into gems to buy like you can with LW episodes you missed) provides just the same content.

    This isn't the case with most other MMO's, which only release things like new maps and achievements and collections to farm with expansions and intermediate content is usually something like a dungeon or raid here and there, maybe a bit of story if the game is focused on story telling (Such as FFXIV) and so these things aren't normalized for players.

  18. @Vayne.8563 said:I agree reading is hard. Still doesnt' change what I've said. And since your rebuttal doesn't really explain anything different, I'll just assume that you're not assuming I'm talking about games based around story many of which I've played. Sure there are games that take that long, but not most of them.

    Again, reading is hard.

    If you note, I mention that main story would take around 20-25 hours for the average game with the remaining side activities providing a similar amount of time to get up to 50 hours per singular playthrough.

    @Vayne.8563 said:On the other hand, you did say that an expansion costs about the same as a regular game $50-60, which as Path of Fire came out only costing $30.

    Reading is hard.

    @Taril.8619 said:If we consider that an Expansion costs about the same price as a full game (Like $40-50ish)

    I'd consider $40ish to be similar to the $30 that PoF cost. Especially when it's mostly just AAA games that cost closer to the upper end of the scale (While also being the ones most likely to be short games and/or trash)

    Many non-AAA games will cost in the $30-40 bracket and I myself have played tons of RPG's that cost that much with 50+ hour playthroughs.

  19. @Kodama.6453 said:I don't really get why you think that the condition needs to stack to prevent diminishing effects for stacking necromancers, especially since (as you mentioned) a condition doesn't have a target cap like boons. If you apply it on a boss, everyone in your party gets the benefits of it.

    And you are talking about other unique effects which make other classes desired in PvE, like banners, spotter/spirits, etc.None of these effects stack as well. So why exactly do you think that it is really necessary that necromancer's unique effect is not diminished by having more than 1 necromancer?

    Because of the nature of conditions and the issues that arise when multiple sources of non-stacking conditions exist. I.e. The reason why old Deathly Chill was bad in PvE.

    This is more important if the effects of the condition scale with a players stats. If they don't and it's something like my aforementioned Debilitated debuff then it'd be fine to have them not stack.

  20. @Vayne.8563 said:

    @Taril.8619 said:If we consider that an Expansion costs about the same price as a full game (Like $40-50ish)

    Also, that for single player RPG's we're looking at ~50 hours gameplay for a singular playthrough (On the low end, top tier RPG's average 100+ hours of content per playthrough) though this includes sidequests.

    Then I'd probably say around 20-25 hours of story and same again for side quests. With the rest of the 50+ hours to match top tier RPG's coming from the multiplayer content (Events, instances etc)

    Of course, this should be time that's spent with actual gameplay. Not time padding grinds, as those are not a feature of single player titles (Beyond JRPG's at least, which can have ridiculous amounts of grinding... *Flashbacks to playing the Disgaea series and leveling all my characters from 1-9999 ten times over for max stats in each of th e5 titles...**

    Thus, with this much content available in an expansion, there would be ample time to work on smaller content updates (I.e. Content Patches/Living World) and work on the next expansion.

    Of course, this will never happen. Mostly because MMO developers/publishers quickly get into the mindset of churning out an Expansion after 1 year (Either because they want to poop out a yearly expansion release a la WoW, or because they only start working on it 1 year before they're due to release it) while such a level of content would require much longer to create as well as a large team in order to work on an Expansion whilst also doing that intermittent smaller content updating.

    50 hours to do the story on most games? Without anything else, just a play through? Hardly. The average is probably closer to 20 hours. There are exceptions like Skyrim, for example because there are mods, but I've bought a whole bunch of games over the years that I've gotten through in under 25 hours, including some very good ones.

    Reading is hard.

    @Taril.8619 said:Also, that for single player RPG's we're looking at ~50 hours gameplay for a singular playthrough (On the low end, top tier RPG's average 100+ hours of content per playthrough) though this includes sidequests.

  21. If we consider that an Expansion costs about the same price as a full game (Like $40-50ish)

    Also, that for single player RPG's we're looking at ~50 hours gameplay for a singular playthrough (On the low end, top tier RPG's average 100+ hours of content per playthrough) though this includes sidequests.

    Then I'd probably say around 20-25 hours of story and same again for side quests. With the rest of the 50+ hours to match top tier RPG's coming from the multiplayer content (Events, instances etc)

    Of course, this should be time that's spent with actual gameplay. Not time padding grinds, as those are not a feature of single player titles (Beyond JRPG's at least, which can have ridiculous amounts of grinding... *Flashbacks to playing the Disgaea series and leveling all my characters from 1-9999 ten times over for max stats in each of th e5 titles...**

    Thus, with this much content available in an expansion, there would be ample time to work on smaller content updates (I.e. Content Patches/Living World) and work on the next expansion.

    Of course, this will never happen. Mostly because MMO developers/publishers quickly get into the mindset of churning out an Expansion after 1 year (Either because they want to poop out a yearly expansion release a la WoW, or because they only start working on it 1 year before they're due to release it) while such a level of content would require much longer to create as well as a large team in order to work on an Expansion whilst also doing that intermittent smaller content updating.

  22. @Yasai.3549 said:I have always thought Fear is their unique Condition and always should have been.

    Even if it was, it's still useless in PvE, besides a bit of breakbar damage. Except in the case of Terror but due to limited duration even then it's only worth ~2k damage per instance of Fear (Which have fairly limited availability anyway with long CD's and/or high costs) and that's more the Trait dealing the damage rather than the condition itself (When the trait also competes with Master of Corruption which is also a good PvE trait)

  23. To be fair, what exactly is "Expansion Level Content"?

    Like, if we look at what LW content is:

    • New maps
    • New items (Inc bunches of Ascended items from vendors)
    • New skins
    • Achievements galore
    • Story
    • Maybe some crafted stuff
    • Additional Masteries
    • Additional Mounts (For LW4 only so far)

    Then we look at what Expansions do:

    • That same stuff
    • Also E-Specs
    • Maybe Legendaries
    • Some new novelty to utilize and monetize (Gliders, Mounts)
    • Maybe something else I'm forgetting?

    The difference between LW content and Expansion content seems to mostly hinge around E-Specs and whatever novelty they're pushing that they can work into creating a bajillion gem store skins for.

    As such, we've not seen any new E-Specs, nor any new novelties. Heck, we haven't even seen anything like a new Mount in IBS (Though I guess that's partially because it's hard for them to powercreep diversify outside of Griffon/Skyscale/Beetle especially with seemingly plans to make Skimmer function underwater)

    Though, given that a 3rd expansion has been announced, I doubt we'll see any of this "Expansion Level Content" during IBS, given that they can just stick it all behind the paywall that is the next Expansion. As that makes more financial sense than the original idea behind the Saga which was to release such content as and when it was done being made (Which given that current episodes are available for free would mean no paywalls on such features beyond players whom start at a later date)

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