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Posts posted by Taril.8619

  1. Pro Tip: If you actually want to participate in these things, use a throwaway account. Or a hundred.

    But yeah, I'll hard pass. Mostly because I know that people who actually care about these things, can just make tons of throwaway accounts to particpate and making any feeble attempt I make to just you know, do things once and be done with it have practically 0% chance of actually winning.

    Such is the way of these things that are just marketing garbage getting you to like and share (Often post/retweet) their stuff, only to fail miserably because it ends up being a plethora of throwaway accounts yelling into the wind with their 0 followers, 0 friends and unused email accounts...

  2. First and foremost, they need to rebalance the current pets so that 99% of them aren't total trash.

    Then they can look at adding in new pets.

    As far as actually seeing new pets... We probably will. Given that we've gotten some HoT zone pets (Bristleback, Smokescale and Wyverns) and PoF zone pets (Rock Gazelle, Sand Lion, Jacaranda, Iboga and Cheetah), we're likely going to get some new pets in the next expansion.

    Though, I wouldn't mind seeing additional pets being available though of course, the primary concern is making the current ones not complete trash where your options are basically, Birb (For PvP), Bear (For OW PvE), Smokescale, Bristleback, Wyvern and Rock Gazelle...

  3. Necromancer... Is weird. Unlike every other class in the game, they're forbidden to have access to boons like, at all.

    This presents a problem in PvE, where most conditions are outright useless (Weakness, Cripple, Chill, Slow, Blind, Immobilize, Taunt and Fear all do nothing against bosses besides some breakbar damage and against trash... Well, trash explodes before it's really possible to apply conditions much less actually see their effects) and thus limits the supportive capabilities of Necro's.

    Even more so when the singular non-damaging condition that is actually useful in PvE, Vulnerability, is applied by pretty much everyone and their cat, making the 25 stack cap a given and thus not in any real need of something like a dedicated Vuln applier class (Which Necro would be decent for with its ample ability to apply Vulnerability with things like GS3, Unyeilding Blast, Death's Embrace)

    As such, it would seem that the ideal solution would be for Necromancers to be able to apply and maintain a unique condition. One that will, unlike most non-damaging conditions, actually work against enemies with Defiance and would provide a unique avenue of team support for them much like how some other classes bring unique buffs such as Warrior's Banners, Ranger's Spirits (Notably Frost Spirit's 5% damage increase) and Precision aura, Renegade's Life Siphon from Soulcleave's Summit and of course the trifecta of Chrono/FB/Rene with their Alacrity/Quickness.

    The trick for something like this though, would need to be something that is useful, but can stack so that multiple Necromancers in a party doesn't have diminishing returns and it can't be too strong because unlike some other party buffs, a condition doesn't have a target cap for who can benefit from it.

    It's also worth noting, that there could in fact be multiple unique conditions from Necro's, tailored towards specific E-Specs (I.e. Reaper could provide something with power related scaling such as direct damage similar to the likes of Soulcleave's Summit/Signet of Vampirism. While Scourge could provide something that scales with their Condition stats or just something that provides general support)

    As far as ideas of exactly what form this/these condition(s) should take, I dunno...

    Maybe something like:

    Blisters - When being struck, take X damage. Can only occur once per Y interval. This damage cannot critically strike.

    Doom - A percentage of damage taken over the duration of this condition is dealt as condition damage when it expires or is removed.

    Debilitated - While active, the maximum stacks of Vulnerability you can have active is increased by X.

    Or something.

    What do you all think about such a thing? What would be your ideas for a unique Necro condition?

  4. @Ghos.1326 said:

    @Dadnir.5038 said:@Ghos.1326Truly, the greatest enemy to improvement is ignorance. I hope your desire to learn will cast ignorance into the fire.

    The devs ignoring the fact that the necromancer rely on tools that are very effective in PvP/WvW yet nigh useless in PvE is the reason behind the restlessness of the GW2 necromancer's community and answers like yours. The necromancer is tied to tools that are dangerously strong in PvP/WvW and hopelessly weak in PvE, this is the crux of the matter. People want block because it's a nice answer to prevent a heavy hit as well incoming hard CC (yes things that necromancer is weak against). People want stealth because in GW2 it's a busted mechanism with no drawback.

    Scourge has been meta in pve for a while now, though, and if i'm not mistaken, it's been meta in pve since HoT because of the mass corruption it has. And it's pretty durable with the skills that grant it damage reduction, protection, and its shroud in general.

    Scourge is not meta for PvE. Mass corruption? For all of the 0 boons that are in PvE?

    It is sometimes wanted in Strikes and that's it. In Raids it's outclassed by Druid/Healbrand and in Fractals it's literally useless.

    Scourge has primarily existed due to Epidemic, which is hit or miss in its actual usefulness.

    Skills that provide damage reduction? Such as? Protection? Oh you mean the wells trait that got deleted? Shroud in general? Shroud for Scourge is just some barrier which is useful, but not particularly amazing (Not like a Guardian auto applying Aegis or applying AoE Aegis/Protection/Stability/Resistance) while Shroud for Reaper is tied to DPS so you don't want to soak damage with it.

    All the things you mention are only relevant in PvP/WvW.

    Mass corruption is useful in PvP/WvW because people spam boons like mad (And are also actually affected by the conditions they get corrupted into)

    Necro is actually tanky in PvP/WvW because core Necro can use Shroud (Yes, core Shroud, not Scourge) for its damage reduction and health bar replacement (Which is not possible in PvE, since for Core Necro, Shroud is a DPS loss from its already underwhelming DPS)

  5. @"Brujeria.7536" said:Yeah, the class bias is obviously showing. For ele its completly fine to get fully healed with weapon skills under any circumstance. For necros it MUST BE HOTFIXED when a utility skill gets situational good. It wasnt too strong in most cases. It was only strong against 5 targets, but then again, so should scaling heals be and this is also a big rsik for a class with no mobility, stealths, evade or active defenses.. There are several heal / damage prevention skills that are as strong under ANY circumstance. This one actually required you to hit a lot of targets.

    But well at this point, alongside the totally unecessary scourge nerfs im 100% sure that its class bias. Some classes are broken and overpowered since 8 years straight, nothing is done. like at all. Oh its ele WE CANT NERF IT, OUR BALANCE LEAD PLAYS IT! Oh its rev? WE CANT NERF IT ITS THE SELLING POINT OF OUR EXPANSION! THIEF AND STEALTH IS COMPLETLY BROKEN. Why is it not nerfed? oh because its fun to play- at least for the thief and not for anyone else.

    The complete balance in this game is so rotten and biased that, if this would be real life, and you would convert the classes into different nations, they would surely get sued for blatant racism.

    It's reminiscent of the balancing that happened in Warhammer Online...

    Where the balance lead mained Bright Wizard and thus it (Alongside its Destruction counterpart, Sorcerer) was THE best class in the entire game by a mile, with the highest damage output and a "Drawback" that was so laughably undertuned it literally didn't exist so long as you received an heal one per minute...

    When Slayer and Choppa came out, they also were pretty good. Not quite as strong as Bright Wizard, but still decent. Making the total number of worthwhile classes to play up to BW+Sorc, Slayer+Choppa, Healers (Mostly Warrior Priest/Disciple of Khaine).

    Sure, you COULD still play other classes, but they would be far inferior to BW/Sorc in literally every way, besides maybe an tank to take on Keep bosses (Though, WP/DoK could often do it especially with a bunch of heal spam from multiple healers)

    Meanwhile, Marauder was the punching bag for the balance team. Anytime someone found a set up that could do anything at all, it got nerfed immediately. Like, it wouldn't even be good, it'd just be playable and BAM! Nerf hammer! Literally, the class didn't do anything at all and it would just get nerfed and nerfed and nerfed, it had absolutely no skills that were worthwhile at all (Unlike its counterpart White Lion which had a brokenly OP repositioning skill which was fine... I guess because White Lions would be on the same team as Bright Wizard, ergo balance lead)

    I guess this balancing can work. I mean just look at how well Warhammer Online is doing as a result of it.

    ......... Oh wait.

  6. What do I think it'll be?

    Probably yet another single target Power based DPS E-Spec. Using probably a greatsword...

    As for what I'd like?

    A Bard/Minstrel/Dirge/Troubador style support E-Spec with Warhorn.

    A Pirate/Bandit themed E-Spec with a unique mechanic that focuses on comboing skills together coming with Axe/Axe.

    A Fencer themed E-Spec that focuses on Ripostes and Parries with a unique mechanic of enabling single 1h weapons to have 5 skills (With some method of allowing an additional Sigil to be utilized while increasing the stats of your 1 weapon) that also comes with off-hand Sword (Hey, just because you CAN single wield, doesn't mean you HAVE to :p )

    A Saboteur themed E-Spec that uses bombs and explosives and comes with Torch.

    A Warlock themed E-Spec that uses shadow magic to drain the life out of enemies and comes with Scepter and Focus (If we're talking about things that won't happen anyway, I can suggest Scepter + Focus in one E-Spec)

    A Trickster themed E-Spec that creates illusions to confuse enemies while they attack from range with a Longbow (Rather than being actual NPC's like Mesmer, they'd be just skill animations, much like the animals that appear when Rangers are doing some of their attacks)

  7. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @"Jazz.4639" said:so here is the final document, i will leave this for any critic and rework suggestions for a short time before i will send it to cmc.

    Regardless of the outcome, that's a hell of a lot of work - good effort.

    As with others I'm not having any expectations - the track record doesn't inspire much confidence. But who knows.

    expect the worst and you will never be disappointed

    Until someone finds a way to perform below what you believed to be the worst possible...

  8. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @Taril.8619 said:It's the fundamental flaw in the idea of not creating completely separate skills for PvP and PvE with the excuse of "We don't want players to get confused when swapping between game modes"

    Since, the balancing of the same skills in PvE and PvP will always be impossible, the two game modes are just too radically different that you'll end up needing to utilize competitive splits to have
    semblence of balance in PvP but then you start creating significant differences between class function between game modes even with
    number tweaks comparable to having actual unique skills between modes.

    Arguably, it's even worse with splits, because with entirely different skills, you expect them to work differently.
    With splits, you think it's going to work how you're used to and then you use it and it's nothing like how you expect.

    I disagree. If you think that, it's probably for the first, maybe second time you enter a different gamemode.

    You can say the same thing for having completely different skills too.

    Sure, but I wasn't the one trying to make an argument based on that claiming one is confusing for new players and the other isn't? That was your claim, not mine.

    Neither was I.

    I said both would be confusing to new players. With one being arguably worse.

    @Sobx.1758 said:

    @Sobx.1758 said:Having skill splits causes you to not really need to learn each class, trait and skill from scratch, because at least some of them are simply toned downed versions of pve ones.

    Except, you need to learn a lot of things with current splits. For example, CC skills dealing 0 damage, durations of skills being cut considerably, increased cooldowns (Increased Initiative and Energy costs for Thief and Rev), the damage of conditions (Torment and Confusion), in some cases class mechanics (I.e. One dodge on Mirage)

    Never said you don't need to learn anything, it's still easier with splits, reread the part you've just answered to.

    ("...from scratch, because at least some of them are simply toned downed versions of pve ones.")

    Even "Toned down pve versions" can offer a stark difference in how they work. For example, CC skills doing 0 damage (While in PvE they might be some of the highest damage skills on the weapon set/class).

    Both methods of tuning require some non-insignificant learning when swapping between modes.

    @Sobx.1758 said:

    @Sobx.1758 said:If OP is complaining that having different cooldowns makes new players way too confused to play the modes, then I doubt having to learn the whole new class for the mode would somehow make him/them feel better.

    OP is complaining about how cooldown differences affect the flow of a class. Not so much the confusion it causes.

    Entirely new classes can still have good flow to them, with skills that are designed for the game mode.

    So making new set of skills would somehow automatically make for a "better" (which according to op means apparently "the same as in pve") flow? Doubt.Split skills are "designed for the game mode" -that's why they're split from pve, right?

    It wouldn't automatically makee them "Better", but there's more room to provide "Better" flow and readability to the differences.

    Split skills are not "Designed for the game mode", they're merely "Adjusted for the game mode". Mechanics stay the same, with just numerical differences on damage/duration/cooldown/cost/target cap. This can lead to issues arising in particular game modes when certain mechanics are stronger/weaker than in other game modes.

    @Sobx.1758 said:

    @Sobx.1758 said:I'm convcinced number/effect splits between the modes take objectively less time to learn and adjust than the entirely new set of traits and skills.

    Yes. Until you have to relearn the splits every few patches because they have to rebalance them constantly because of the inability to create balanced skills for 2 different game modes whilst trying to adhere to a "Lets not make skills different!" ideology.

    There's not a huge amount of balance changes in each patch. Not to mention, that some of them are just rather small numerical changes, which are far from making you need to "relearn the splits every few patches". You're just intentionally overblowing it to try and make an argument, right?Also you're saying that as if new set of skills/traits for wvw/pvp would never need any balance changes. We simply know that's false. Not much in that matter would change -if anything at all.

    The amount of balance changes =/= the effect of balance changes.

    Things like the recent Sand Shade changes was only 2 changes, but the effect it has on Scourge is pretty significant and the split in WvW has a huge impact (Especially on Sand Savant trait that has now become useless in that mode)

    I'm not saying that PvP/WvW unique skills/traits wouldn't need any balance changes. But they would require fewer, since they wouldn't be affected by half-baked global changes and then subsequent splits.

    @Sobx.1758 said:

    In essence, it becomes a short term increase in complexity and workload for an overal long term decrease due to requiring less balance changes over time.

    No, not really. There are literally pvp-only games getting constant balance patches, both numerical and mechnical with way bigger frequency than gw2 does.

    These games also have better balance than GW2 does.

    Also some of these games, do changes purely to shake up the meta rather than any actual "Need" to make changes.

  9. Could be cool. It was one of the neat parts about later editions of City of Heroes, after they introduced the ability to recolour skills, allowing you to match them to your outfit (As well as also roleplay them as being different skills. I.e. If I recoloured my Earth skills orange/yellow/black I could make them look like Lava instead of Stone. Or if I recoloured my Fire skills Green I could match my secondary skillset that is Radiation themed)

    As far as "Muh visual noise!"

    1) For PvP/WvW have enemy skills use default colours/"Enemy" colours (Similar to default equipment skins option)2) Add option for "Use default allied skill animations"3) Add option for "Use simplified allied skill animations" (This setting would reduce even current default effects to be less obtuse)

  10. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @"Taril.8619" said:It's the fundamental flaw in the idea of not creating completely separate skills for PvP and PvE with the excuse of "We don't want players to get confused when swapping between game modes"

    Since, the balancing of the same skills in PvE and PvP will always be impossible, the two game modes are just too radically different that you'll end up needing to utilize competitive splits to have
    semblence of balance in PvP but then you start creating significant differences between class function between game modes even with
    number tweaks comparable to having actual unique skills between modes.

    Arguably, it's even worse with splits, because with entirely different skills, you expect them to work differently.
    With splits, you think it's going to work how you're used to and then you use it and it's nothing like how you expect.

    I disagree. If you think that, it's probably for the first, maybe second time you enter a different gamemode.

    You can say the same thing for having completely different skills too.

    @Sobx.1758 said:Having skill splits causes you to not really need to learn each class, trait and skill from scratch, because at least some of them are simply toned downed versions of pve ones.

    Except, you need to learn a lot of things with current splits. For example, CC skills dealing 0 damage, durations of skills being cut considerably, increased cooldowns (Increased Initiative and Energy costs for Thief and Rev), the damage of conditions (Torment and Confusion), in some cases class mechanics (I.e. One dodge on Mirage)

    @Sobx.1758 said:If OP is complaining that having different cooldowns makes new players way too confused to play the modes, then I doubt having to learn the whole new class for the mode would somehow make him/them feel better.

    OP is complaining about how cooldown differences affect the flow of a class. Not so much the confusion it causes.

    Entirely new classes can still have good flow to them, with skills that are designed for the game mode.

    @Sobx.1758 said:I'm convcinced number/effect splits between the modes take objectively less time to learn and adjust than the entirely new set of traits and skills.

    Yes. Until you have to relearn the splits every few patches because they have to rebalance them constantly because of the inability to create balanced skills for 2 different game modes whilst trying to adhere to a "Lets not make skills different!" ideology.

    In essence, it becomes a short term increase in complexity and workload for an overal long term decrease due to requiring less balance changes over time.

    @Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:

    @"Taril.8619" said:It's the fundamental flaw in the idea of not creating completely separate skills for PvP and PvE with the excuse of "We don't want players to get confused when swapping between game modes"

    They are completely separate skills, but the two of them have the same icon and name. That's all.

    Tell that to the numerous balance changes they make that effect all game modes (Then require re-balancing for individual game modes in hot-fixes shortly after). Most recently it was Sand Shades for Scourge. Getting put back to having the effects cast at the Necromancer and the Shade (After having being globally nerfed before, having significant impact on PvE and PvP Scourge because of this change directed towards WvW) and then having to be re-adjusted specifically for WvW with decreased target caps because of this global change.

    The fact that they are still trying to utilize global changes, as opposed to having completely split skills, suggests they're trying to cling to them being the same skills with all the disadvantages that provides alongside all the disadvantages that the thing they're trying to avoid (Split skills) also provides when they inevitably have to utilize that method of balancing.

    They may as well just go the whole hog and create unique icons/names for PvP/WvW/PvE skills and thus never utilize global changes given that they have to end up splitting almost everything anyway.

    Which would only be beneficial overall. Especially since it means that things can be better designed for each game mode. I.e. Less AoE for WvW via reduced target caps. Things like Warrior Hammer and Mace/Mace no longer having half of their skills dealing 0 damage because they're CC and in PvP CC does 0 damage (Unless it's Necro's Fear with Terror trait). Boon applications can be reduced in PvP. Phantasms can become useful in PvP as it will be possible to have another trait instead of Chronophantasma. Etc.

  11. It's the fundamental flaw in the idea of not creating completely separate skills for PvP and PvE with the excuse of "We don't want players to get confused when swapping between game modes"

    Since, the balancing of the same skills in PvE and PvP will always be impossible, the two game modes are just too radically different that you'll end up needing to utilize competitive splits to have some semblence of balance in PvP but then you start creating significant differences between class function between game modes even with just number tweaks comparable to having actual unique skills between modes.

    Arguably, it's even worse with splits, because with entirely different skills, you expect them to work differently. With splits, you think it's going to work how you're used to and then you use it and it's nothing like how you expect.

  12. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @"Taril.8619" said:

    Exactly my point. When they were
    passive, they were

    The weird thing is: Anet changed turrets and nerfed them to the ground for being too "passive".Yet they managed to make them
    passive with their rework.

    Honestly, I have no idea what Anet is thinking when it comes to turrets. It seems they just want to kill them and hope people forget they exist.

    It seems like a bit of a theme with what ANet says and what ANet does not lining up.

    Similar to the whole "Signets of Suffering is not taken because it's not strong enough" and then they nerf it.

    For turrets and minions... They just want them to stay competitvely unviable so they don't have to bother with actually needing to work on them.

    There's a lot they could do to make them actually useful while avoiding the early issues of bunker builds in PvP, but it would all require actual work more so than many other trash utilities that simply need number adjustments and/or added boons/condi's...

    I mean, we're nearly 8 years into the game's life and we still have tons of core utiltiies, weapons and specializations that are total trash with no sign of attempts to update them to the same standards as newer designed options (I.e. What is found in E-Specs where many weapons are well designed, many specs have multiple viable and useful traits and many specs come with utilities that are useful and interesting).

    Not to mention we also have things like good utilities that have outdated designs (For example, Warrior Banners, Engie Elixirs, Necro Corruptions and Chrono Wells) that are useful and strong but clunky as all heck or limited compared to more modern designed skills (I.e. Comparing Elixir's self only effects with minor ally effects on toolbelt action with the plethora of AoE boon application effects found throughout things like Herald, Firebrand, Deadeye, Renegade, Druid etc... It's to the point where skills like Warrior and Guardian Shouts have fallen out of favour because their AoE boon application just isn't necessary due to many other sources of AoE boonspam)

    Either way, when it comes to the topic at hand and "New Players", both Turrets and Minions in their current state are viable for newbs due to being usable/good in all open world PvE content. Their lack of competitive prowess will not discourage new players as new players tend not to focus on min/max gameplay and the ones that do would be fully aware that in a min/max setting, build options are vastly decreased and would not be dissuaded by knowing that a utility such as turrets/minions would not be viable in end game, instanced PvE.

  13. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @"Taril.8619" said:

    Well, turrets are pretty passive, given that all you really do is put them down. Maybe you pick them up again to put them down again for their overcharge later but that's about it.

    With minions, you have Flesh Golem and Shadow Fiend where you use their active but the majority of minions output is from their auto attacks.

    In any event, these CAN be played passively (I mean, this is literally the basis of the AFK-botting strategy) and thus they have been limited in their power (In addition to other reasons) hence their lack of "Viable playstyle" because it seems that ANet doesn't want strategies that play themselves to be viable and ergo, we have trash minions, turrets and animal companions (As well as no longer having perma-Phantasms) as well as limited viability of auto attack focused builds (Such as Sword Thief)

    The closest we have to viable passive builds are things like Reaper where a lot of damage comes from Shroud auto attacks (But still requires building of Life Force as well as utilization of other skills such as Wells and Shroud skill 4 to achieve a reasonable DPS) and Revenant who relies a lot on activating a legend's upkeep skill and auto attacking until out of energy (Though, other skills are used to make sure to get below 10 energy by the time legend swap comes off cooldown to be able to swap and proc Charged Mists as well as you know, actually needing to swap legends and reactivate upkeep skills)

    Keep in mind that turrets not always worked like that.In the past, the overcharge abilities have been abilities which you activated yourself, not automatically on placement.

    Since you are claiming that pressing buttons means something is not passive: then back then when turrets actually were good in at least 1 game mode (PvP), they have been
    passive than they are now. Because you were actively managing and timing your overcharges as the engineer.

    Exactly my point. When they were LESS passive, they were MORE viable.

    @Kodama.6453 said:However, they should do something about them. Rework them to actually require imput from the player and even stat investment.

    They should do something about them.

    Will they do something about them? Probably not.

    Especially since they'll upset people who like their current iteration which they'll use to justify leaving turrets (Also minions and animal companions) as being terrible. Given that there are people who enjoy their passiveness as well as the fact that they don't scale with stats (Meaning that they can run cheese builds to basically afk farm open world...)

  14. Early game, while leveling, having a Pistol in your off hand and casting Black Powder for a Smoke Field that pulses Blind will prevent most enemies from being able to damage you at all.

    Later in the game, with some Marauder or Berserker gear you can use a trait called Invigorating Precision in the Critical Strikes line which will give you health based on your crit damage which provides a ton of sustain.

    This can make Thieves surprisingly hardy. But they can be susceptible to being bursted down quickly from certain enemies and bosses if you're not careful.

    Beyond that, things are fairly straightforward for Thief. Hit things until they die. Dodge the bad stuff to not die (Or to deal extra damage as Daredevil). No particularly odd or difficult mechanics to utilize and your stuff is pretty easy to see (I.e. Unlike other classes, weapon skills don't have cooldowns so you don't have to try and remember skill cooldowns when you weapon swap)

  15. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @Taril.8619 said:There has been a general theme with ANets balancing where they keep passive damage builds down so that more engaging builds are used instead (This is likely one reason for Reaper's low damage potential, due to a significant portion of it coming from auto attacks in Shroud which is a very passive source of damage and can be exacerbated through Signets of Suffering + Signet of Undeath for AFK Reaper to just auto attack in Shroud forever...)Well, that's untrue! It's not a general theme at all. I mean, why are Axe/Axe Berserkers able to do so much DPS then? Or Daredevils ... or D/D Deadeyes, Soulbeasts (condi or power), Firebrands/Dragonhunters, etc. etc. I mean, all of these have incredibly passive rotations (some even ridiculously passive: only hitting F1 like crazy, or only pressing 5 every now and then between all the auto-attacks), and doing a lot of DPS with it (far more than a
    Reaper at least) AND be more useful to a group.So,
    might think there's a general theme, but ANet has never said or stated such a thing, and evidence shows the opposite!

    They have to press buttons and therefore are not passive.

    Passive means not doing anything.

    Passive does not mean "Simple". The aforementioned classes have simple rotations, but they all have to actively press buttons.

    If you see it like this, then minionmancers and turreteers have never been passive, too. If you just placed your turrets and didn't press any buttons afterwards then you were doing something wrong and definitely didn't get a viable playstyle out of that, even at turreteer's prime in PvP.

    Well, turrets are pretty passive, given that all you really do is put them down. Maybe you pick them up again to put them down again for their overcharge later but that's about it.

    With minions, you have Flesh Golem and Shadow Fiend where you use their active but the majority of minions output is from their auto attacks.

    In any event, these CAN be played passively (I mean, this is literally the basis of the AFK-botting strategy) and thus they have been limited in their power (In addition to other reasons) hence their lack of "Viable playstyle" because it seems that ANet doesn't want strategies that play themselves to be viable and ergo, we have trash minions, turrets and animal companions (As well as no longer having perma-Phantasms) as well as limited viability of auto attack focused builds (Such as Sword Thief)

    The closest we have to viable passive builds are things like Reaper where a lot of damage comes from Shroud auto attacks (But still requires building of Life Force as well as utilization of other skills such as Wells and Shroud skill 4 to achieve a reasonable DPS) and Revenant who relies a lot on activating a legend's upkeep skill and auto attacking until out of energy (Though, other skills are used to make sure to get below 10 energy by the time legend swap comes off cooldown to be able to swap and proc Charged Mists as well as you know, actually needing to swap legends and reactivate upkeep skills)

  16. Not too sure why this thread was necro'd.

    But anyway, I managed to get 250 of each currency in 2 days, just by doing Hearts and Map Completions on several characters and a couple of Dragonfall metas.

    Hearts = 20 currency per character (Except Jahai which only has 3 hearts for 15 total per character) per day.Map Completions = 25 currency per character (Except Sandswept Isles which only gives 5 per character... Also, Thunderhead Peak might not be worth doing MC due to requiring both meta completions to access the Dwarven Catacombs PoI's)

    Grab some nodes for ~5-10 currency per character (More if you have not garbage tools like my pleb ones)

    Can also by 5 of each currency (Sans Mistborne Motes) in Dragonfall for Volatile Magic per day.

    Depending on how many characters you have at level 80, you could probably get all currencies to 250 within a few hours, provided you have some Karma to spend.

  17. @Agrippa Oculus.3726 said:

    @"Taril.8619" said:There has been a general theme with ANets balancing where they keep passive damage builds down so that more engaging builds are used instead (This is likely one reason for Reaper's low damage potential, due to a significant portion of it coming from auto attacks in Shroud which is a very passive source of damage and can be exacerbated through Signets of Suffering + Signet of Undeath for AFK Reaper to just auto attack in Shroud forever...)Well, that's untrue! It's not a general theme at all. I mean, why are Axe/Axe Berserkers able to do so much DPS then? Or Daredevils ... or D/D Deadeyes, Soulbeasts (condi or power), Firebrands/Dragonhunters, etc. etc. I mean, all of these have incredibly passive rotations (some even ridiculously passive: only hitting F1 like crazy, or only pressing 5 every now and then between all the auto-attacks), and doing a lot of DPS with it (far more than a
    Reaper at least) AND be more useful to a group.So,
    might think there's a general theme, but ANet has never said or stated such a thing, and evidence shows the opposite!

    They have to press buttons and therefore are not passive.

    Passive means not doing anything.

    Passive does not mean "Simple". The aforementioned classes have simple rotations, but they all have to actively press buttons.

  18. @Dadnir.5038 said:

    @Kodama.6453 said:I like the idea to give us a new buff type that makes x following attacks steal health from the enemy.

    Objectively, such boon won't do any good to the necromancer where he is in need of help.

    The issue of the necromancer is that it's tools suck in PvE instanced content (not in PvP nor in WvW). Life stealing suck in PvE instanced content and so does boon corruption. If life stealing was valuable in PvE, dark fields, something that the necromancer overflow with, would be valuable and it's not the case.

    AoE Life Siphon is nuts in PvE it's why Renegade spends almost all of its energy on Soulcleave's Summit when using Kalla.

    Dark Fields suck because the effect of Dark Combos suck, having low damage coefficients and only even providing Life Siphon for Projectile and Whirl finishers (While SCS provides it on every hit) which not a lot of damage sources actually provide in Raids.

  19. Some enemies are seemingly programmed to attack players, especially during S3 where they spawn when a player reaches a certain area. Though it settles down later and in PoF they go back to being dummies that focus on pets.

    As far as aiding you, you can take more defensive traits and utilities:

    • "Guard" will provide damage reduction as your pet will share some of your incoming damage.
    • "Protect Me" will give you a barrier to help absorb damage
    • Signet of Stone can give you some more Toughness
    • You can go Soulbeast and gain access to Dolyak and Moa stances too (The former providing damage reduction, the latter providing boons as well as increasing the duration of other boons you create)
    • Beastly Warden can allow you to make your pet Taunt nearby enemies
    • Wilderness Survival specialization can provide some defensive traits

    You can also consider trying some different pets. Moa for example, have a heal for one of their skills while having some nice utility on their F2 skill (Either AoE protection or an AoE Daze/Chill. Fern Hound has an F2 skill that provides a heal and some regeneration too.

    If this all fails, you can try changing out some gear for more defensive stuff, such as Marauder.

    If THAT also fails... Just go Druid and spam heals forever ;)

  20. @Lily.1935 said:I've heard storied of players joining the game to try out a Warrior or guardian to be a tank only to find out that Mesmer was the tank in almost all content which quickly turned them off.

    Warrior can play as a Tank. Since they have access to Block on shield and they don't have to do DPS to be useful due to bannerbotting.

    Also, "People try out a tank" lel

    Tanks are the least popular role in MMO's, by a LOT. So much so that Tank populations bottleneck group matching in basically every MMO (The exception is FFXIV these days because Shadowbringers expansion absolutely murdered Healers and made them the most boring classes in the history of video games)

    @Lily.1935 said:Its nice if you have that strange option like a mesmer tank, but you should still have those other options, such as Guardian and Warrior tanks, be just as good at that job if not better.

    Warriors are okay tanks. As are Renegades and Druids and Guardians.

    Mesmer is only the best tank in optimized raid set ups (Mostly, it can differ from boss to boss) but doesn't invalidate other tank builds.

    @Lily.1935 said:And to keep toughness viable

    Implying that Toughness is at all viable or even used in PvE.

    Even in Raids where the Toughness = aggro mechanic exists, it is not used beyond 1 piece of gear with Toughness on to put the Tank above the 1000 base toughness (1150 with Soulbeast) that everyone else is using.

    @Lily.1935 said:Other issues we see are builds that are just not great in pve that have no right not to be at least viable. Minion Master Necromancer and Turret engineer both come to mind as these builds are extremely popular with new players but once they get into more difficult content they quickly find that these builds are not good and they have to abandon what it was they want to play. The Turrent engineer specifically being really bad is what got my boyfriend to quit the game because that's what he really wanted to play.

    One of the issues with MM Necro and Turret Engie is that they promote a mostly passive playstyle. Being not to dissimilar to the AFK bots you see about the place.

    There has been a general theme with ANets balancing where they keep passive damage builds down so that more engaging builds are used instead (This is likely one reason for Reaper's low damage potential, due to a significant portion of it coming from auto attacks in Shroud which is a very passive source of damage and can be exacerbated through Signets of Suffering + Signet of Undeath for AFK Reaper to just auto attack in Shroud forever...)

    As such, in order to make these build viable, there would have to be more onus on actively using these things, which in turn can also remove part of the appeal of them in the first place. As well as dealing with the possibility of things like Engie Tank or Healer or Scourge Support being dominant because they can get damage from stat independent turrets/minions.

    Also, it requires ANet to stop globally nerfing things because they're broken in PvP...

    @Lily.1935 said:Even more issues is the difficulty of some classes in comparison to others that probably should be. Take Elementalist for example. Elementalist should probably have an extremely simple high damage build on their core spec, something that doesn't require too much if any attunment swapping.

    But Core Elementalist is literally based around attunement swapping. That's it's entire thing. Saying they should have a viable core build that doesn't require attunement swapping is like saying Mesmer should have a viable build that doesn't require illusions or Necro should have a viable build that doesn't use Shroud.

    Meanwhile Tempest exists to provide a lower skill floor build, by the nature of how its Overload mechanic reduces the amount of attunement swapping necessary.

    @Lily.1935 said:The last issue I see is the high number of junk utility skills.

    This is because instead of improving the plethora of useless core utility skills, they'd rather just churn out a new E-Spec with new utility skills and call it a day.

    @Lily.1935 said:Kits too have these issues where in order for the engineer to get the best use from their kits they need to effectively swap out of those kits after using 1 or 2 skills. Which leads to more new player confusion.

    Well, using kits like this is min/maxing. Which new players need not be concerned with until they're more familiar with the game.

    It's the same for all classes where weapon swapping is a thing that is done to optimize yet would not be directly obvious to new players (Especially some of the optimized set ups like Axe/ + /Axe Warrior that swaps on CD for trait/sigil bonuses for swapping but doesn't change weapons)

    Using kits as replacement weapons works fine for new players and is actually not too bad for open world content (There's meme-y Flamethrower Scrapper builds for a reason. As well as Bomb Kit being a great way to level up as Engie due to Fire Bomb + Smoke Bomb to farm packs of enemies) same as with the plethora of kitless builds that people run in open world content that do just fine (I'm a fan of the Static Discharge meme build personally, that works by proccing the Static Discharge + Kinetic Battery traits as often as possible with Rifle Turret, Personal Battering Ram and Rocket Boots due to their low CD toolbelt skills - 6.75s, 10.25s and 12.75s respectively)

  21. I think it's fine that Holo does more DPS in Power than in Condi.

    Especially since buffing Condi Holo can also lead to also buffing Power given that Power also uses Solar Focusing Lens and Photonic Blasting Module (When not using Sword) which are the Holo specific Condi traits.

    Even when it comes to utilities, Power also uses Grenade and Bomb kits so buffing those is out of the question too.

    Basically, with Power and Condi Holo being so close to each other in how they're built - Using similar traits, utilities and Holoforge skills. It's too dangerous to buff Condi Holo because it can easily indirectly buff Power Holo.

    Instead, it would be more prudent to have a new E-Spec focused on Condi so that it can be separate from Power Holo so that its balance doesn't affect Power Holo and instead focus Holo's balance around its Power build.

  22. Norn I'd assume.

    They have moots regularly, wherein they drink lots of alcohol. Most of their open world hubs tend to be taverns.

    Their camaraderie revolves around celebrating other norn's successes, rather than actually aiding them given their more solitary lifestyles. It's just wait until they successfully do something heroic or legendary and then get together and celebrate.

    Charr would probably come up as second in alcohol consumption, since they also have meatoberfest which is similar to a moot. Though I feel the difference is that charr have more of an inclination towards meat consumption than alcohol even though both are consumed in large quantities during meatoberfests (A lot more of their hubs are focused around animal farms compared to norn and their taverns)

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