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Posts posted by Taril.8619

  1. @Astyrah.4015 said:

    @Blocki.4931 said:You get used to this very quickly. I never latch onto anything anymore unless I want to or it's a tiny object that I didn't see, like a root sticking out.

    Yeah you get used to it after a while but a toggle option would be nice although not necessary. I agree with the OP's suggestion that wall-clinging should recharge the altitude meter without having to unlock the mastery, and this would make the accidental wall-clinging less annoying sometimes since it would fill your altitude meter.

    i think they wont do this because it makes breaking out of bounds (maps/zones/etc.) easier like you'll be able to get over those super tall invisible walls easier... but people still find ways to do it and doing it doesn't even harm the playerbase/game in any way, anyway (only harms the one who did it if they get stuck for example) .. so i can't see why they can't just let us have it =)

    It's nothing that isn't already possible. With the current jump and the fact that you can hover in place forever to regain endurance. Meaning you can literally just hop onto something, jump to regain green bar, fly higher and then just hover while waiting for endurance.

    Throw in Bond of Vigor for additional green bar recharge and instant endurance gain and you can literally scale up whatever objects.

    Meaning that it's not a particularly good reason to make the Skyscale's unique mechanic kind of terrible for normal use (Thus, often would be better served by having the ability to toggle off wall grabs so you don't have to deal with them)

    Not to mention, there is an incredibly easy way to prevent any and all exploits of those invisible walls. Which is cap altitudes with no mount zones (Given that Skyscale's first mastery allows you to remount in the air means that even people without Gliding from HoT would be safe after hitting such zone and being dismounted)

  2. Depends on your group and what elite you run.

    If your group has people whom can provide slow and/or you're running Time Warp then you can get enough out of Danger Time to be worth it.

    If your group doesn't have any slow application and you're running Gravity Well (Or Mass Invis for some skip strats) then go Improved Alacrity.

  3. This interaction is a double edged sword.

    On the one hand, it messes with skill queueing.

    On the other hand, it's really, really, really freaking nice to be able to cancel a skill to interrupt a target with a stun or to use an evade.

    There's plenty of other classes skills that have 1s+ cast times that cannot be interrupted by other skills which hurts their flexibility, which imo should be changed to be similar to this interaction. More player agency > the convenience of being able to queue up your combos.

  4. Daredevil can be solid with P/P dodging between Unloads to proc Boundless Dodger (Damage if you land near an enemy and 10% damage buff for 4 seconds), Havoc Specialist (5% damage per missing endurance bar) and Weakening Strikes (Weakness application to get 7% more damage) and if you're not staying too far from enemies, you can throw in some Fist Flurries during Init downtime.

    Deadeye can work well too with damage from Premeditation (1% per unique boon), Iron Sight (10% damage against a marked target) and Maleficent Seven (Init regen plus a bunch of boons upon reaching max Malice) or Be Quick or Be Killed (Quickness on stealing, 200 Power and Precision from Quickness).

    I find the main advantage of DE, is the init gain from Maleficent Seven allowing more Unload usage. The downside of it though, is that consistently obtaining M7 procs requires using the stealth skill to dump Malice and allow you to stack up again, but Pistol MH's stealth skill is a predominantly Condi based attack (With its Malice scaling being additional Torment stacks) which doesn't do very well in P/P's heavily Power focused Unload set up.

    Outside of M7, both specs are fairly even. DE with BQoBK can burst really hard by dumping all your init on Unload very quickly with bonus damage, but it can leave you completely empty and just plinking away with crummy auto attacks also very quickly. While DD will provide more damage over time with consistent damage boosts (Though it can also burst with Swipe > Impact Strike > Fist Flurry > Unload combo. DD also has a nice bonus of Boundless Dodger allowing you to tag enemies in an AoE while doing events, which can be sorely lacking from P/P if not using Deadly Aim trait.

    So yeah, if you can capitalize on getting a bit closer to enemies, Daredevil can perform very well. If you tend to stay back then away from enemies then DE will provide a bit more.

  5. @vesica tempestas.1563 said:The alternative to trinity is established in games like eso or gw2 both of which have solid pve and pvp.

    Err... Wut?

    Firstly, ESO uses a trinity for its PvE. You have a Tank, Healer and DPS...

    Secondly, ESO having solid PvE? lul

    Thirdly, GW2 having solid PvP? lul

    @kharmin.7683 said:

    @vesica tempestas.1563 said:Mmos need trinity - meat shield/jump out of red circles like a hole in the head, the world had moved on.

    The fact that GW2 has persevered over 7+ years without the holy trinity would seem to disagree with this point.

    Might want to re-read that particular quote. As it's saying that MMO's don't need trinity.

    (It does however talk about meat shields and moving out of bad circles... Which is literally GW2's Raiding...)

  6. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @Taril.8619 said:I'm not sure if it would necessarily pose a large problem for them to compensate for people who have bought bag slot expansions on multiple characters.

    You must have missed the EU server downtime compensation threads a little while back then.

    No, I did not miss them.

    However, they did provide compensation as I mentioned above. 1000 gems, 1000 gem value mount skin and 300 gem value bonfires.

    If it was a large problem to compensate people for redundancy in gem purchases, they wouldn't have given out gems and gemstore items for non-gem purchase related issues (To be fair, after the rollback was rolled back, people in EU server chat were hoping for/expecting just getting a booster. The forums being the forums started being a vocal minority like always)

  7. @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

    You don't know that making inventory expansion slots account bound would reduce revenue, you suspect that it might, but you don't have any data to support that assertion. It is very possible that many people would purchase more inventory slots if they could use them on all of their characters.

    At this late date, whether more people would buy account-wide bag upgrades is a moot point. The real issue from ANet's point of view would be the demands for compensation from all of the players who did buy the character-bound slots.

    To be fair, they did just give out 1000 gems to everyone who lost something on the TP (Items or money, no matter how much, even if it was only 2c) during that rollback that happened a while back (This is on top of the 1000 gem value Mount Skin and 300 gem value Bonfire they gave out right after the rollback happened)

    I'm not sure if it would necessarily pose a large problem for them to compensate for people who have bought bag slot expansions on multiple characters.

  8. @"Kunzaito.8169" said:I agree that the skyscale is clunkier than the griffon, but I understand the design reasons why. It's already the closest thing to being "BiS" for all mount situations. They want to provide some incentive, however small, to still use other mounts sometimes.

    Something that may help you to know is that the skyscale DOES have a skill that does sort of a spinning forward burst of speed and eats up 1 segment of endurance per use. It's not associated with a mastery and not bound by default so I didn't even realize it until working on the skyscale course in Grothmar where it's required for gold. It really makes movement while in flight feel much smoother and more agile (as well as faster).

    Yeah, I already know the dash. It is bound by default, to V same as other mounts mobility skills.

    The fact that it is like 100x more useful than the final mastery for Skyscale speaks a lot about it...

    I just feel that it would be more interesting if the unique mechanic of grabbing onto stuff and the mastery were less clunky and more competitive than just dashing between landing (Thus making the Skyscale feel less like "Raptor 2.0" that's just effectively leaping across the map and more like a unique mount)

    Hence why I also try and keep that grabbing onto stuff as a mechanic to play around, meaning that you'll want to use Skyscale more when there's walls/trees to grab onto while other mounts like Raptor/Jackal/Beetle/Skimmer will work better when there isn't objects to grab as well as in situations like tunnels and caves where there's too many walls to actually move with Skyscale. With Skipper already having an advantage with climbing by the nature of ascending much faster than the Skyscale (Even if this particular suggestion would allow Skyscale to climb higher than the Skipper, the usefulness of that particular trait is limited)

  9. @Obtena.7952 said:

    @Obtena.7952 said:Whatever anyone want's to think about me, what I say or how I say it ... nothing is more obvious that the reality that EVERY time we get a balance patch where necros get DPS and are still not team desirable ... it's PROOF that pushing DPS on necro to increase that desirability is not a solution to getting teams. EVERY TIME.

    Here's the issue. Necromancer did not get much of a DPS increase. They got a minor one for a build that is still behind and a major one for a build that was literally dead on the release of PoF. And it still lags behind the other necromancer builds.

    I'm fully aware of everything you are saying here, especially the part where you indicate necro doesn't offer much ... THAT is the problem that needs to be fixed if necros are going to be accepted in meta PUGs ... NOT more DPS.

    Either one could work honestly.

    If Necro was doing high DPS, people would accept them more readily into parties. Especially if support roles have already been covered (I.e. You got your 2x Quickbrand, 1x Alacrigade, 1x Heal Druid, 1x Tank (Chrono/Druid/Renegade)) so the only requirement you're looking for in the remaining party slots are just raw DPS.

    Same as if they had good and relevant utility. Where they could find a place in one of the support roles depending on what utility they are providing.

    One of the issues with just giving them utility though, is that you have relevant utility providing classes whom ALSO deal more damage than Necro (FB/Ren notably) meaning that just giving them utility won't necessarily make them accepted in PuG's (Especially ones with ignorami that are looking to filter classes based on SC's benchmarks)

    Though, either way, I don't think that Necro will end up getting either. Not while the class mechanic functions as such and the class design is kept the way that it is (I.e. The shroud mechanics mixing damage output and defensive boosts and the design of "Support via debuffs" in a game where Defiance exists in its current state). Especially when a major part of Reaper DPS is: Press F1 > Auto attack which makes it a very easy way to achieve a significant amount of potential DPS (Which is why random plebs can perform better DPS as Necro than with "Meta" classes that require actual skill usages for their DPS)

  10. @Clyan.1593 said:Im surprised vanilla era has the most votes. I think it was fine, but 3 years without an expansion was really getting boring as hell.

    It could be that people are looking more at the content itself, rather than how long said content was current.

    Also, despite not having an expansion, it was still getting content updates through S1. Which is what matters most in an MMO, constant content updates, rather than specifically constant expansions (I feel that the forcing of regular expansion drops hurts more than it helps. Since it means that you end up with story arcs that get cut short or rushed to completion, you get less content expansion within a particular expansion, you get less time to work on the next expansion because it has to be ready by X date rather than when it's actually done being produced CoughWoDCough and you feel the need to force in some gimmick to be the big highlight of the expansions rather than adding stuff because it would actually imrove the game)

  11. So, I recently got my Skyscale and its masteries and it's a very nice mount. Very versatile and quite good for traversing the map.

    However, the mechanics of the mount feel not very fun, being clunky at best and outright detrimental at worst (I.e. Trying to maneuver near an object and grabbing onto the wall)

    As such, I thought I'd suggest a couple of changes that might make it feel more fun and interesting to use while traversing a map:

    1) Grabbing onto a wall recharges the green bar the same as landing on solid ground as a baseline effect (Without masteries)

    2) Wall Launch Mastery altered to no longer charge the green bar. Instead it charges up a jump that provides a speed boost for a few seconds (Depending on charge length). In addition, when reaching full charge, it will automatically jump off the wall (To give some better fluidity to the process)

    I think these changes would make the Skyscale more interesting to use, being able to maintain momentum by jumping off of walls and other objects as you glide through a map (As opposed to other mounts such as Griffon where you fly across a map with its flaps or Roller Beetle where you try to avoid objects to maintain speed and do tricks to recharge energy for more boosts or Raptor/Jackal where you utilize their mobility skills for speed or to bypass terrain)

    While retaining the theme and limitations of relying on having objects to grab onto in order to utilize its mobility potential.

  12. "Something that can be swapped regularly"

    "Impactful to gameplay"

    Pick one.

    These are mutually exclusive traits. Either something can be swapped regularly, making it have little overall impact to gameplay because no options would be very strong. Or it provides impact to gameplay but you don't swap it very often, if at all, because there will be an outright best option to use (Same as with all other "customization" such as gear, runes, specializations, traits etc).

    Even more so is if it was locked behind as you put it "a really difficult to unlock thing". Such a barrier immediately prevents it from having any tangible effect on gameplay, since if it did, then ANet would drown in all the tears of casuals whom are not able to put in the time to obtain such an impactful benefit (In addition, it would cause further segregation in Raids/Strikes as well as cause even more horrendous imbalance in WvW)

  13. From those three, Rev and Ele are both decent right now.

    Mesmer is ehh... Especially in PvP as they've been nerfed a bunch.

    But in Open World, you can play literally whatever and you'll be just fine (Well, maybe a few hiccups here and there in new maps as Weaver, since there's some enemies that put up Retaliation which kills you so fast as Weaver but otherwise no issues)

  14. @"Yggranya.5201" said:They should just have different equipment and skills for PvE and PvP to avoid the obvious problems. So i ask myself again: why didn't they do that?

    I believe the reasoning they use is "We don't want players to suddenly not know how their character works when shifting between the modes"

    Which discounts how different classes can feel due to significant changes in skill cooldowns, effects (CC skills doing 0 damage in PvP for example) as well as limitations in available stats/runes/sigils...

    So yeah, the excuse doesn't really hold up very much these days, with the amount of splitting they've already done.

    Leading to the original decision now causing vastly more work for them as they keep having to buff/nerf/split skills constantly because of their impact on one mode based on changes made with regard to another mode. Compared to if they just made completely separate classes for PvP and PvE which, yes, in the short term takes more work but in the long term requires far less maintenance since you can make whatever changes you like without having to be concerned with additional impacts based on other completely unrelated modes.

    The only question would be with regards to WvW, whether it'd continue using PvE gear/runes/sigils or would instead use PvP amulets/runes/sigils (The latter would likely be best for balance, due to it being the focus of Player vs Player related balance changes. It'd also be beneficial for newer players whom can access WvW early, but don't get proper scaling up to 80 so end up being weak af due to no Exotic gear and limited skills/HP's)

  15. @Kodama.6453 said:Only exception for me is your change to AED. While I would love to get an instacast healing skill again (was great to be able to heal while stunned with medic gyro), AED might become too strong without a cast time.

    I mean, that's the idea.

    Try and unseat the king of Engie heal skills that is Healing Turret which is ridiculously strong (AoE heal + Condi cleanse + Water field + Blast finisher + Regen)

    It still has that timer delay when used not right before death.

    Can also make it not usable while stunned to give that counterplay.

    @Kodama.6453 said:I understand that giving the overcharge effects to toolbelt skills might be conflicting here. I thought it might help some of these skills, too. Static shock for example is pretty weak as a skill and giving it more targets to CC might help, especially in combination with the new scrapper trait that gives barrier for CCed enemies. But I felt it would be too much to give that effect baseline.

    I think the better course of action would be to try and think of baseline changes that could be put in, rather than putting some more stuff into Gadgeteer.

    Especially since, surely the goal is to make Gadgets in general more usable, rather than only usable in a build that runs Tools and Gadgeteer

    @Kodama.6453 said:And not really sure about giving bleed to Throw Mine. Both that skill and it's toolbelt have historically always been power based skills, adding bleeding to it would feel odd for me.

    Why not both?

    Given that we have stuff like Shrapnel Grenades, Poison Grenades, Flamethrower, Holosmith in general etc... Which provide both Power and Condi. A couple of stacks of Bleeding on Throw Mine wouldn't be unreasonable and it'd give some more options for Condi builds (As opposed to running just the 3 utilities that actually provide condi damage - Rocket Boots, Flame Turret and Flamethrower maybe Bomb Kit in PvE for Fire Bomb)

  16. AED - Remove cast time. Make it stronger as an "Oh Shi-" button.Static Shock - Increase range to 300 to give it a bit more leeway for use.

    Throw Mine - I'd say borrow charr's Shrapnel Mine. Give it Bleed and Cripple.Mine Field - Reduce the cast time to at least 0.5s. 1s is soooooo slow.

    Utility Goggles - Also gives some Alacrity.Detection Pulse - Provides Controlled Analysis (I.e. Also gives you Fury and applies 10 Vuln stacks)

    Slick Shoes - Also provides Swiftness and Cripple.Superspeed - Also provides Stability and Vigor.

    Rocket Boots - Ground target. Also does explosion upon landing. Explosion provides Burn.Rocket Kick - Range increased to 900. Is now an Explosion. Also provides 0.25s Daze.

    Personal Battering Ram - Also inflicts Weakness.Launch Personal Battering Ram - Is fine as is to be honest.

    Gadgeteer Bonuses:

    AED - Stuns enemies in a 240 radius on the lethal trigger.Throw Mine - Rips more boons. Applies more Bleeding stacks (Increased for each boon ripped)Utility Goggles - Also provides endurance as well as the protection.Slick Shoes - Cripple becomes Slow. Swiftness becomes Superspeed.Rocket Boots - Increased burning stacks. Passively increases movement speed by 25% while slotted.Personal Battering Ram - Also provides Immobilize.

    Not so sure about having Gadgeteer also buff the toolbelt skills though, seems like it might be overloading the trait, as well as then also directly conflicting with Kinetic Battery which provides a bonus for using toolbelt skills.

  17. For Exotic gear, you can craft it.

    Or you can run through Verdant Brink and farm airship parts to trade for armour boxes. 500 parts + 1g = 1 box. With Glove boxes also having a chance to drop from the Airship Caches that you open to get airship parts.

    The tricky part is the chest piece, which you can only obtain through the night meta event, either through drops from the bosses (They are available when the night timer reaches 20 minutes remaining) or you can get a choice box from getting the map meta up to maximum (Tier 4).

    There is no easy way to obtain Exotic Weapons with choice stats (You can get Machined Weapons from Dragon's Stand/HoT metas but as it's a collection achievement it's only available once per weapon type) beyond crafting them.

    For Ascended gear, you can craft it.

    Or you can run Fractals/WvW and get Ascended gear boxes.

    You can also complete Specialization collections to obtain an Ascended version of an Elite Specializations weapon with choice stats (Which can be used by any character as like all Ascended gear, it is account bound and doesn't bind to a character on use)

    For accessories (Back, trinket, rings, amulet) you can get currencies in Living World Season 3 and Season 4 or Icebrood Saga maps to trade in for Ascended accessories with choice stats.

  18. It doesn't make me mad that bag slots are per character, not per account.

    It just makes me disinclined to actually invest in them at all. Especially given the history of ANet nerfing classes into uselessness. What if I spent a bunch of gems to get the extra bag slots on my favourite class and the next day a balance patch makes it complete garbage? (Of course there's theoretically the flipside too, of ANet making a class really fun so I want to switch "Mains" but that's far less likely than anything fun getting the nerfbat right to the face)

    What makes me mad is how much "QoL" stuff there is on the gem store overall. Bag slots, character slots, bank expansion, material storage expansion, unbreakable gathering tools, build templates, gear templates...

    That sort of stuff irks me, especially when such things feel purposfully limited at base in order to push people into buying them (For example, why can I only hold 2 gear templates when I have access to 3 build templates? Why is a bank that is accountwide only hold like 5 things by default?). Made even worse by the per character nature of some of them (Bag slots, build templates and gear templates. Gathering tools to an extent too as you only get 1 set per purchase which means constantly passing them between characters)

    Like, fair enough on things like cosmetics and utility things such as boosters, account features (Name changes, makeover kits, hair style kits), dyes, home instance nodes etc. Those stuff have little impact on your actual gameplay and don't feel particularly egregious to exist behind MTX.

    But those QoL features that can really impact gameplay... A whole load of FeelsBadMan in my opinion.

    • Like 2
  19. @viquing.8254 said:Duellist discipline and sharped images get destroyed.

    You can say that about literally every single trait for Mesmer though.

    @viquing.8254 said:Blinding dissipation is 1.5 sec and didn't put damage without ineptitude and ineptitude was already nerfed.

    Duration is not important, what is important is that it procs Ineptitude.

    Ineptitude still provides condition damage.

    @viquing.8254 said:It's not a boost to condi anymore. only a clone generation traitline while playing condi.

    It still can provide condi damage. Which is why it's meta for PvE Condi builds.

    The fact that alternative utility surpasses the condi damage provided by the spec (Due to nerfs) doesn't negate the fact that the spec still provides condi damage.

    @viquing.8254 said:

    Method of Madness
    (Create a Lesser Chaos Storm when using a healing skill),
    Chaotic Transference
    (Gain Condition Damage based on Toughness, gain Expertise based on Concentration) and
    Chaotic Persistence
    (Outgoing Boon and Condition durations increased for each unique boon on you)Though, Chaos is pretty pants for actual condi damage and seems geared more towards some sort of Apothecary/Plaguedoctor support build.90 sec CD such a high damage boost.

    75s CD (35s PvE) not 90.

    Though, the stat boosts are not on a cooldown.

    @viquing.8254 said:No, there is only illusion who realsticly boost condi output currently.

    No. Illusion is the one spec that provides enough condi damage increase to justify over running other utilities or sources of damage in PvP (I.e. Domination is used for the extra Vuln stacks and Boonrip)

    Just like happens within Illusions and Mirage specs, where Condi damage traits are passed over for more impactful utilities (I.e. Master of Fragmentation instead of might from Phantasmal Force or lulScepter trait. Elusive Mind instead of Infinite Horizon due to nerfed Ambushes)

  20. @lil muffin.1250 said:

    @"kharmin.7683" said:Needing a holy trinity for world bosses? Egad!

    you laugh but if you think about it... lots of the content they build like bounties.they are litterally spam and dodging one shot mechanics.with the holy trinity people would have to group up and they can create more substance content that isnt boom you are dead cuz you couldnt see the aoe because everyones skills are being popped off all the time.

    Or... They wouldn't change a thing.

    A lot of modern MMO encounter design relies on the exact same principles as are found here.

    "Tanks" dodge/block the one-shot mechanics that target them."DPS" run around dodging the one-shot mechanics that try to interrupt their DPS rotations."Healers" run around dodging the same one-shot mechanics that the DPS do, while throwing out heals for the unavoidable damage that bosses require to actually make healers have to do something in a decent party.

    The epitome of this is FFXIV, where 99% of the fight, is everyone just avoiding the same one-shot mechanics, while trying to mash their DPS rotations as hard as possible. With that last 1% being Tanks using defensive cooldowns when the Tankbuster happens and Healers using a spell to fully heal the Tank after a Tankbuster or the party after a Raidbuster.

    Arguably, GW2 could have made things more interesting by completely eschewing the notion of Tank/Healer/DPS divisions and made it so that people's survival was heavily reliant on their own abilities (I.e. Personal healing skills, dodging and positioning) with very few abilities that supported allies beyond boon applications. With more stat focus on how to deal your damage rather than choosing damage or defence or healing (With a very one dimensional end result depending on game mode)

    haha so you want a solo game with people whojust happen to be around.got it.

    I mean, that's largely what things end up playing out as.

    Raids being you doing your own thing and hoping the other 9/19/24/39 people you're with do their own thing and don't mess up.

    PvP is always "I keel you" with allies being around to help you KS.

    There's very little in online games that promotes actual playing together (I always laugh when people say things about MMO's like "Oh but you have to co-ordinate with your TEEEM! For cooldowns!" when it usually devolves into everyone presses their 60/90/120s CD skills as they come available thus always syncing up with everyone else. With some games having it so you hold onto them until a specific boss phase where everyone just presses all their CD's and goes ham)

    This is especially true when games also don't balance around people having voice comms, so things like actually having to sync skills gets removed because random PuG groups cannot realistically do things like that.

    GW2 has the Combo Field and Finisher system, but it utterly fails to generate any meaningful teamplay due to mostly lackluster effects and the fact that you just spam all your skills like normal as other people spam their fields on targets so you automatically start getting your combo effects that are actually worthwhile (I.e. Put Fire Field on boss. Now everyone's getting Burning Projectiles for free)... Or things like Scrapper where someone just makes their own damn fields with blackjack and hookers to do their own combos in...

  21. @viquing.8254 said:Currently there is one traitline boosting condi damage.

    There's 3 actually.

    Dueling - Duelists Discipline (Bleed on Pistol Phantasms), Sharper Images (Bleed on Illusion crits), Blinding Dissipation (F2 Blinds) and Ineptitude (Blinds also apply 2 stacks of Confusion)

    Illusions - Cry of Pain (F2 inflicts 1 more stack of Confusion and its Confusion stacks last 33% longer), The Pledge (Reduced torch skill cooldowns and torch skills apply additional 3s burning), Compounding Power (Creating an illusion grants stacking 2% damage and 30 Condition Damage buff), Maim the Disillusioned (Shatters apply Torment) and Malicious Sorcery (20% increased attack speed with Scepter and 20% reduced Scepter cooldowns)

    Chaos - Method of Madness (Create a Lesser Chaos Storm when using a healing skill), Chaotic Transference (Gain Condition Damage based on Toughness, gain Expertise based on Concentration) and Chaotic Persistence (Outgoing Boon and Condition durations increased for each unique boon on you)

    Though, Chaos is pretty pants for actual condi damage and seems geared more towards some sort of Apothecary/Plaguedoctor support build.

    @XenesisII.1540 said:/walks in whistling and hangs hat up/sees discussion on nerfs still/turns around, grabs hat, and walks back out while snort laughing that anet left the community to fix a class

    Yeah... Seems to be this sub-forum in a nutshell...

    Instant derails to whine about pointless crap which then end up making up the majority of the overall thread...

    Then people wonder why ANet doesn't read their forum posts xD

  22. You can get every HP in PoF with just the Raptor (Long Jump) and Springer (Basic Jump).

    Mastery Points will rely on obtaining Raptor (Long Jump) Springer (High Jump), Skimmer and Jackal (Sand Portals).

    However, you can get more than enough Mastery Points for all of these mounts via doing the story. In which you only require Raptor (Long Jump), Springer (Basic Jump) and Skimmer to complete entirely. All the other Mastery Points are wierd and are there so you spend mastery points to unlock skills whose use pretty much only gets you the ability to get less Mastery Points than it cost to get the skill in the first place... (Though Jackal's Sand Portals are used for some Collections and Springer's High Jump helps with getting around)

    For specifically the MP at Shoals of Sovereignty (I assume the one on the cliff top), you can use a normal Springer to jump up the cliffs there via jumping on rocks and crevices jutting out, bypassing what I believe is the intended strategy of using the Sand Portal that takes you to the top of those cliffs. I belive I used to use the south eastern side of the larger cliff formation back when I had just the pleb Springer.

  23. You don't even need to attack the crystal, just stand somewhat near it and it'll start zapping you for you to counter.

    Also, due to the speed of your movement while the crystal is beaming you and Justicar's speed while spinning, it's often easier if you try and go where she's heading and wait for her to beyblade into the beam rather than trying to chase her down.

  24. Focus can provide you with some LF from skill 4 and boonrip + chill on skill 5.Dagger can give you some condi transfer from skill 4 and... Skill 5 doesn't do anything (If it even lands before your opponents die of old age)Warhorn gives you an unblockable 5 target daze on skill 4 so could be worth running even without a useful skill 5 (Though, you'd still get the extra 7% MS while out of shroud from Swiftness vs Locust's 25%)

    Take whatever you feel you'd get the most out of.

  25. @lil muffin.1250 said:

    @"kharmin.7683" said:Needing a holy trinity for world bosses? Egad!

    you laugh but if you think about it... lots of the content they build like bounties.they are litterally spam and dodging one shot mechanics.with the holy trinity people would have to group up and they can create more substance content that isnt boom you are dead cuz you couldnt see the aoe because everyones skills are being popped off all the time.

    Or... They wouldn't change a thing.

    A lot of modern MMO encounter design relies on the exact same principles as are found here.

    "Tanks" dodge/block the one-shot mechanics that target them."DPS" run around dodging the one-shot mechanics that try to interrupt their DPS rotations."Healers" run around dodging the same one-shot mechanics that the DPS do, while throwing out heals for the unavoidable damage that bosses require to actually make healers have to do something in a decent party.

    The epitome of this is FFXIV, where 99% of the fight, is everyone just avoiding the same one-shot mechanics, while trying to mash their DPS rotations as hard as possible. With that last 1% being Tanks using defensive cooldowns when the Tankbuster happens and Healers using a spell to fully heal the Tank after a Tankbuster or the party after a Raidbuster.

    Arguably, GW2 could have made things more interesting by completely eschewing the notion of Tank/Healer/DPS divisions and made it so that people's survival was heavily reliant on their own abilities (I.e. Personal healing skills, dodging and positioning) with very few abilities that supported allies beyond boon applications. With more stat focus on how to deal your damage rather than choosing damage or defence or healing (With a very one dimensional end result depending on game mode)

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