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Posts posted by Taril.8619

  1. The short answer is: It's highly unlikely.

    A new playable race would involve a TON of work:

    • Recreating ALL existing Armour and Outfits for that race (Both genders, if applicable) - In addition to new Cultural Armour.
    • Creating animations for every skill for that race (Both genders, if applicable)
    • Creating Personal Story for levels 1-30, including all options available to other races in terms of quest selection.
    • Doing Voice Acting for various voice lines, including Story/LW from HoT onwards.
    • Likely, (But not strictly necessary) expanding lore to justify their existence during pre-newest expansion content (I.e. Things like, having a "Friend" in Destiny's Edge to advance the PS plot line. Having racial representation in the Pact during the Orr arc. Having a Racial Leader to go to the meeting of the Leaders in LW2. Or even just the basic "Why are they only now being seen about the place?" things)

    All this and, how profitable would it even be for ANet to do all this work? Well, given that paid race changes don't exist, maybe they'd sell a few extra Character slots but otherwise probably not very.

    IF they did create a new playable race, they certainly have options to choose from (If for some reason all the above issues were solved):

    • Ogres
    • Dwarves (Yes, I know that during the PS they keep going on about Ogden Stonehealer being the Last Dwarf... But that's complete BS given that Ember Bay apparently had several Dwarves there before Primordus glomped them during LW3 leaving just "Rock Face")
    • Hylek
    • Kodan (Though, very similar to Norn. Possibly with Norn actually decending from Kodan)
    • Largos (Does have issues with cosmetics though, given the constant facemask and wing-like appendages)
    • Tengu
    • Forgotten (They are believed to be extinct, but Asura were believed to be myths before they popped up above ground)
  2. Since I was bored and frustrated at constant disconnects and rollbacks when actually playing GW2 after the patch, I thought it'd be fun to reorganize Necro's traits based on their names.

    As such, I threw together this absolutely awful set of traits:


    Armoured Shroud - Gain Protection for 5s upon entering Shroud.

    • Spiteful Talisman - Deal 10% increased damage to foes with no boons. Axe and Focus skills recharge 20% faster.
    • Dark Defiance - When disabled, gain 3s Retaliation and Protection. 20s CD.
    • Bitter Chill - Chilling a foe applies 3x Vulnerability for 8s.

    Spiteful Renewal - Consume conditions to gain health when using a healing skill. (Consume 1 condition)

    • Sinister Shroud - Shroud skills apply Vulnerability for 5s.
    • Putrid Defence - Take 7% less damage from Poisoned foes. When struck below 75% health create a Poison Nova (30s CD)
    • Unholy Martyr - When entering Shroud, transfer conditions for allies. Upon leaving Shroud consume conditions and gain Life Force. (Transfer 5 conditions. Consume 3 conditions)

    Unholy Sanctuary - Gain Barrier when you enter Shroud.

    • Weakening Shroud - Deal damage and Weaken enemies when entering Shroud.
    • Vital Persistence - Gain 180 Vitality. Gain health equal to 20% of healing you receive.
    • Spiteful Shroud - Deal damage and Cripple foes while gaining Retalitation when entering Shroud.


    Barbed Precision - Critcal hits have a 33% chance to cause bleeding. Bleeding lasts 20% longer.

    • Mark of Evasion - Leave a Mark of Blood when you dodge. 6s CD (Now also provides a trait icon when your next dodge will create a Mark)
    • Plague Sending - Your first attack after entering Shroud transfers 2 conditions.
    • Necromantic Corruption - Minions deal 25% more damage and take conditions from you. When a minion attacks, it transfers 1 condition to its target. 10s CD per minion.

    Insidious Disruption - Applying Cripple or Chill also applies Bleed 4s

    • Lingering Curse - Condition damage is increased by 200 while wielding a Scepter. Conditions applied by a Scepter have 33% increased durations, and Feast of Corruption becomes Devouring Darkness.
    • Path of Corruption - Whenever you apply Bleed or Torment, apply an additional stack.
    • Chilling Darkness - Applying Blind also applies Chill 2s. 2s CD.

    Target the Weak - Increases critical hit chance by 2% for each condition on a foe. Gain condition damage equal to 7% of precision.

    • Corrupters Fervor - Deal 2% increased damage per condition on a foe.
    • Parasitic Contagion - Heal for 10% of the condition damage you deal. Applying a condition generates 1% Life Force (1s CD)
    • Master of Corruption - Corruption skills apply additional conditions and 2s Resistance to you. Corruption skills have 20% reduced recharge.

    Death Magic:

    Furious Demise - Attacking a foe below 50% health grants 5s Fury (5s CD)

    • Flesh of the Master - Minions have 50% increased health and 10% of the damage and healing you receive is split among your minions.
    • Chill of Death - Attacking a foe below 50% health casts Spinal Shivers. 20s CD.
    • Supremacy - Deal 10% more damage and condition damage to foes with lower percentage health than you.

    Death's Embrace - Deal 25% more damage while downed. Attacking a foe below 50% health applies 5x Vulnerability 8s (10s CD)

    • Banshee's Wail - Warhorn skills gain 50% increased effect duration and 20% reduced recharge.
    • Fear of Death - Fear deals damage over time and inflicting Fear grants 15% Life Force (5s CD)
    • Deadly Strength - Might grants more Power and less Condition Damage. Gain 5x Might 5s upon entering Shroud.

    Last Rites - As long as you are not downed, nearby allies do not bleed out. Gain Healing Power based on your current health.

    • Death Nova - When you or one of your minions is downed, create a Death Nova. Summon a Jagged Horror when you kill a foe or strike a foe that is below 50% life.
    • Death Perception - Gain 33% critical strike chance against foes below 50% life. Striking a target below 50% life grants 250 Ferocity for 3s (3s CD)
    • Close to Death - Deal 30% more damage to foes below 25% life or while below 25% life.

    Blood Magic:

    Gluttony - Healing or applying Barrier to an ally grants +10 Healing Power. Stacks up to 25 times.

    • Ritual of Life - Cast Lesser Well of Blood when reviving an ally. Wells of Blood revive allies with each pulse. 35s CD.
    • Awaken the Pain - Taking damage or losing Life Force grants 10% increased damage for 5s.
    • Blood Bond - Cast Lesser Signet of Vampirism when you inflict Bleeding that matches or exceeds the threshold. (Threshold 4. CD 20s)

    Vampiric Presence - Grant nearby allies Life Siphon on their attacks. This is increased while in Shroud. You gain 150% of this auras effect.

    • Life from Death - Heal and partially revive allies when leaving Shroud.
    • Blood Springs - Healing or applying Barrier to an ally grants 1% Life Force (1s CD)
    • Quickening Thirst - Gain 10% attack speed. Gain bonus increased attack speed based on current life. (Below 75% life, 10%. Below 50% life, 15%. Below 25% life, 20%)

    Siphoned Power - When you remove a condition from an ally, grant Might (10s)

    • Sanguine Rituals - Wells apply Bleed (5s) and Protection (5s) with each pulse.
    • Eternal Life - If you would receive a lethal blow, instead gain Barrier and Protection (3s)
    • Transfusion - Shroud skill 4 heals and revives allies. Up to 5 nearby downed allies are teleported to you upon activating Shroud skill 4.

    Soul Reaping:

    Reaper's Might - Shroud skill 1 grants Might (15s)

    • Soul Comprehension - Gain 20% increased Life Force from all sources.
    • Soul Marks - Marks generate 3% Life Force and are unblockable. Staff skills gain 20% reduced recharge.
    • Mistwalking - Gain 25% movement speed. Entering Shroud grants Swiftness (10s) and removes movement impairing effects.

    Soul Battery - Maximum Life Force is increased by 20%

    • Soul Barbs - Gain 10% increased damage for 10s upon entering or leaving Shroud.
    • Wraithborne - Spectral skills grant 5 Might (15s) and Fury (10s). Specral skills have 20% reduced recharge.
    • Soul Corruption - Conditions you apply deal 0.5% more damage for each stack of Vulnerability on a target.

    Beyond the Veil - Shroud skills gain 20% reduced recharge.

    • Soul Harvest - Deal increased damage based on current Life Force (Above 75% = 5%, below 75% = 10%, below 50% = 15%, below 25% = 20%) attacks generate 1% Life Force (1s CD)
    • Signets of Suffering - Signet passive effects are increased and apply while in Shroud. Signets gain reduced recharge each second while in Shroud.
    • Dhuumfire - Shroud skill 1 applies Burning 3s (1s CD)
  3. @SeTect.5918 said:Yea but i didnt want mention them because it should be a discussion only for 1 class for now.

    But you did mention them. Via your statement about "Every melee class has 14,000 health"

    Meanwhile, these 2 classes have the same amount of health as Guardian, but less armour and no-where near the same number of tools to stay alive.

    @SeTect.5918 said:I never saw an enemy giving me a 500 dmg hit or less, the Regeneration is too low and aegis is only once every 40 seconds, and if you make 1 mistake with dodging or blocking, you are instant dead, other classes like warrior just tank it away.

    Aegis once every 40 seconds (And again on demand if you use the virtue) should be all that you need if you play well. Since, again, Thief and Elementalist exist and they don't even get Aegis every 40 seconds.

    If you make 1 mistake with dodging and blocking you are instantly dead? That sounds like pretty much every glass cannon build. Even medium health classes like Revenant, Engineer, Ranger and Mesmer can get one-shot if they mess up their dodges/blocks while running full glass.

    All the while, still not having the same number of defensive tools as Guardian.

    @SeTect.5918 said:With marodeur armor as Guardian you will be a warrior but with less hp and damage.

    Actually, Guardian deals more damage innately than Warrior. So sacrificing damage would put you down to about Warrior level while your innate survivability goes up to Warrior level.

    Then you get all the defensive tools that being a Guardian brings (Including a block skill on one of your best damage weapon, Focus)

    Guardian is one of the tankiest classes in the game. It just requires you to play better in order to use its kit effectively. It is also one of the most damaging too (Unlike say, Thief which is squishier and has less damage output and very few defensive tools in its damage build)

    Warrior has high innate health, but has less tools to protect it. In addition, its damage build actually makes it squishier than light armour classes because Berserker E-Spec has a huge toughness penalty on it. However, many Warriors will trade off their damage and go for the tankier Spellbreaker E-Spec because they value surviving over dealing more damage, some will even opt for Marauder gear on top of that due to how much extra health it provides for how little damage it costs.

    Just for information, with full ascended gear (No food/utilities, runes or infusions):

    Berserker gear puts you to: 2382 power, 1960 precision (50.71% crit chance) and 960 ferocity (214% crit damage)Marauder gear puts you to: 2172 power, 2172 precision (60.81% crit chance) and 633 ferocity (192.2% crit damage) with an extra 633 vitality (6,330 health)

    That's a difference of 210 power and 21.8% crit damage for 6k health and 10.1% crit chance. That's not going to gimp your damage, especially with more crits helping average your damage out (It can also mean dropping a Sigil of Accuracy and picking up something that provides more damage, such as Sigil of the Night or even getting Sigil of Strength/Sigil of Bloodlust to end up with more power than the Berserker gear)

    For more numbers, 50.71% crit chance with 214% crit damage means an average damage modifier of 108.5%. Whereas 60.81% crit chance with 192.2% crit damage means an average damage modifier of 116.8%.

    This means that Marauder gear can actually deal more damage than Berserker with various builds, especially ones that can get additional ferocity or extra scaling from Precision. Berserker only maintains its "BiS" status under ideal conditions where you're in optimized parties that provide permenant 25 Might stacks and Fury (As well as auras such as Spotter and Banners to help reach 100% crit)

  4. @"SeTect.5918" said:Hey there,i suggest more Health Points for Guardian in PvE, the reason is that every melee class has a good health points amount of at least 14.000 hp or more, but for guardian it is still at 11.645, which makes greatsword or sword + focus very difficult sometimes.

    Thief and Elementalist both melee and have the same health.

    Guardian has low health because it gets Aegis to block big hits and constant regen to deal with smaller hits from its Virtues.

    If you're finding your health to be too low still... Get some gear with Vitality on like everyone else does. For example, Marauder gear is popular for OW builds because it gives a bunch more health while being still decent damage.

    Or look to try and improve your ability to dodge/activate virtues or utilities (Such as "Retreat") to give yourself Aegis to avoid these large attacks or to provide Protection to help mitigate them.

    Or use Focus skill 5 or the Shelter healing skill to block the attack. Or Sword skill 2/GS skill 3 to blind the enemy for that attack. Or use Renewed Focus to become invulnerable.

  5. Yeah, that JP was complete and total butt (And not in a good way)

    I think it took me about 8 hours and 4 trips into the place to finally reach the end because of stupid greasy rocks and janky glider mechanics...

    The mechanic of having to land on the exactly correct pixel or you slide off back to (What might as well be) the start is one of the worst ideas for JP's. The other top contender is stupid blind jumps (Which the JP in Siren's Call was full of).

    I feel the design of the ghost pirate JP in LA is ideal. A bit of jump, a bit of puzzle, making a nice fun Jumping Puzzle.

    As opposed to some pile of crap that you need a guide to be able to tell where to go (Such is the case with blind jumps) or need to watch a guide 100 times to learn the exact pixels you need to use in order to stick the jump you otherwise made...

  6. Inb4 this isn't a bug but beta testing the next round of Mesmer nerfs.

    First, dodgeless Mirages.

    Then, Cloneless Mesmers.

    Finally, Mesmer characters become just NPC's standing at JP's providing portals to the end.


    • Like 2
  7. I guess it depends on where you look.

    Bearing in mind, the recently added "Living World" subforum, which not only hosts new threads about LW but also had a large chunk of LW related threads from General Discussion moved into it.

    Profession subforums are... Soso... Maintaining a small amount of activity (I guess many people have given up hope of ANet remembering that they exist, much less read them)

    General Discussion still sees a moderate amount of discussion, though of course reduced now that LW stuff no longer gets posted there.

    PvP/WvW subforums are still full of tears, as always.

  8. Top DPS class: Guardian.Easy time getting into endgame raids: Guardian.Best PvP: Guardian.Best WvW: Guardian.Best Guardian: Guardian.

    For leveling, you get a free level 80 boost with the expansion purchase.

    If you want to level up naturally, without the boost then you don't really need guides, just whack on experience boosters (Ideally one with +100% Kill Streak bonus) and go slap things (Ideally: Yellow Name enemies or if you're feeling spicy any red name enemies that are 5-9 levels above you (Note: Enemies that are 7-9 levels higher than you will take significantly reduced damage from attacks and thus using conditions is the key to killing them) also, make sure to keep moving around a zone as respawned enemies give almost no experience, as do enemies in areas where you've killed a ton)

    Though that kind of defeats the purpose of the "Leveling manually" in an effort to learn the game and your class and is basically a strategy to emulate a level 80 boost (Using a mere 3 hours to powerlevel 1-80 is not that much different!)

    It would probably best to take the slower path of going through zones doing Hearts and Events, at least until you're comfortable enough to boost up to 80.

  9. The level 80 boost (That you often get with an expansion) isn't meant to fully equip your character in optimal end-game gear. It's meant to just kit out your character in a way where nublets who insta-boost to 80 can do level 80 content without getting smoked by the first OW trash mob (Hence why Soldier gear for high defence instead of something good like Berserker)

    Veteran players will either have a plethora of spare gear to use to equip their boosted characters, or the knowhow on how to quickly/easily obtain gear with more ideal stats. While newer players will likely welcome the extra defence as they learn the game and its systems before finding out about gearing more offensively and learning how to play glass cannon.

    As far as not being able to salvage the gear, I guess it's there to stop people getting free gold from salvaging a bunch of exotics from their free 80 boost they got with a bundle or expansion (Including Sigils of Force, one of the more expensive Sigils because it is BiS for Power builds in PvE) or chucking the gear into the Mystic Toilet for a chance at some rare Exotics.

    To be honest, I'm still surprised that you actually get full Exotics from the boost, I half expected to only be clad in Rares or even Masterwork gear (I guess ANet acknowleges how trash non-Exotic gear actually is...)

  10. @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:Anything but the sword. It'a already a weapon that 8/9 professions can use. We don't need it to be used by necro, we need other weapon types to see more use across professions.

    Well, it's all inclusivity makes more sense for a weapon type becoming Core. As it would seem less out of place.

    @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:If you need a necro melee why not try a 1h mace? It makes a much better fit for a necro:

    1. Mages are seen carrying smaller 1h blunt weapons in case someone just needs a good whack on the head without wasting precious spells or putting a pricey magical weapon in danger of being damaged in a melee scuffle.

    Maces are more prone to being damaged due to the impact forces they see, especially since they're aimed for hitting the hardest objects (Skulls, armour) it puts a lot of strain on the haft which is typically made out of wood.

    In addition, swords can often have ceremonial or ritualistic importance making them have some sense for a practioner of magical arts. Not to mention the entire "Spellblade" archetype is centred around Mages who use Swords to stab people with magic.

    @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

    1. Mace represents defense and burliness. Necro is the embodiment of that. Very tanky, very little reliance on tricks (unlike ele and mesmer) to survive. He straight up facetanks his damage, and would profit from a weapon that amplifies that ability.

    ...Which in this case, would be Sword.

    Ranger, Revenant, Weaver, Mesmer, Engie, Thief, Guardian... All their Swords are designed either with in built defensive properties (Ranger has evades, Revenant has its evade skill, Mesmer has evades during its skill 2, Guardian has proj block on its skill 3, Thief gets an evade on the S/D dual wield skill) or is one of the weapons in the kit that emphasises getting up in the face of the enemy (Weaver does a lot more stabbing the opponents face than say, Dagger which is more about dashing everywhere like a sissy. Engie is about leaping at the enemy and slapping them down with heat boosted attacks, Thief's S/P is about standing your ground in Black Powder and slapping people with Pistol Whip)

    @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

    1. A defensive, melee, condi weapon is what necro really needs. Something that along stacking condies, would features things like weakness, daze/stun, protection...something to help him survive on a weapon, since as any pvp necro knows, that's a very arid area of necro's kit when it comes to keeping yourself alive...

    Though, given the complete lack of any CC's in Necro's weapons thus far (Really just Knockdown on Torch 5, Fear on Staff 5 and a bit of chill/cripple here and there) it would fit better for a CC heavy weapon to be situated in an E-Spec. Probably one that takes on the "Tank/Bruiser" role for Necro and has mechanics to let Necro actually be able to tank (I.e. Some form of being able to receive healing while in "Shroud").

    A CC focused weapon added to Core could cause some balance issues due to adding an influx of CC into the kits of existing builds.

    @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

    1. As for condition to be applied i think confusion should be the first pick. Necro gets dogpiled a lot, having a punishing condition against such tactics would be lovely. Also few things confuse you more then a mace 2 the face :)

    This is further a reason for such a thing to end up on an E-Spec. As Confusion is not currently a condition that Necro applies or has synergy with (I.e. There are no traits improving Confusion like there are for Poison, Bleed and Torment).

    I could however imagine some sort of Tanky focused E-Spec that brings Confusion to the class alongside some Retaliation (As those 2 are linked via Boon/Condi conversion as well as having synergy together) using Mace to provide some CC when enemies aren't hitting themselves by trying to attack you.

    So yeah... While I'm not against Mace for Necro, I'm not entirely sure it would be suitable for Core Necro in the same way something more "Bland" like Sword would be.

  11. @Sigmoid.7082 said:Obviously I feel so otherwise I would't have brought it up. To me boon corruption on necro weapons is just as important and thematic as symbols on guardian weapons. We know skills can do specific conversion so if anything you could have a skill that removes a boon and applies more poison if it manages to do so. I would change the condition transfer to something like this on sword 2. Not having any at all I feel would be lacking to me.

    Well, to me boon corruption on Necro weapons isn't that important. Heck, even when thinking about weapons and Boon hate I think of Mesmer before Necro because Mesmer Sword strips boons and deals more damage based on this.

    Meanwhile, actually playing Condi Necro, what I'm always wanting more of, is condi transfer. Because that's the entire gimmick surrounding their Corruption skills, the only skills they have that actually do anything for Condi builds (Outside maybe Punishment skills with the trait that makes them cause your next Sand Shade to proc burning... Oh and their boon corruption effect)

    If literally any Necro weapon had boon corruption on an auto attack, maybe. Since then it'd at least be applied frequently enough to be a notable mechanic. Otherwise to me, it just feels like an afterthought tacked onto Necro weapons to justify how bad they are because "They Corrupt BOONS!!!"

    @Sigmoid.7082 said:Again because I think its more interesting. You may see no reason for it but I do.

    But WHY.

    That is the question I asked you.

    WHY is it more interesting for you that the auto attack applies bleed? What does that achieve that is in any way interesting when Bleed is literally the least interesting condition in the game that has no mechanics to it?

    Is it just the fact that it makes the auto attacks of this weapon weaker? How is that more interesting? Having yet another trash Necro weapon on top of the pile of literally every other Necro weapon besides maybe Torch?

    I'm open to new ideas to make things more interesting, but I need reasons. More than "I think it's interesting" which is not a reason.

    @Sigmoid.7082 said:Having a weapon that just "another sword with a flurry" but condi X/Y/Z is boring to me.

    Then provide feedback and suggestions instead of "I don't like that" and "I think it should be [insert another classes weapon] instead"

    What would you do instead of a flurry? That also stands apart from something like Scepter that applies a stack of Torment based on existing conditions.

    But fine its your idea, leave it as a 3 hit but the poison has to be moved to the last part of the auto chain. Every auto attack that applies poison always does so last because of how strong it is and forcing you to commit to it to get it. I would also change the cast time to 0.75s.

    But I think it's boring having another weapon that is just "Another sword with poison on its last auto attack"

    See how that sort of response feels? Yeah, it's not great.

    As far as the poison application goes, I think it's fine as it is. In the places where Poison is strong (PvP) Necro has issues with mobility and actually sticking to a target, which is one of the main issues with Dagger MH too. Add in the fact that the weapon lacks boon corruption (Again, only particularly notable in PvP) and I think it balances out.

    Being able to get close enough to land some hits and apply poison will be rewarded with this weapon and it's not like it's terribly hard to get some distance from a Necro to cleanse the poison and heal up (While if the weapon is used by Reaper and they use their Shroud to get close... Well they'll have to choose between dealing damage with Shroud skills or leaving shroud and applying poison)

    @Sigmoid.7082 said:Besides all this we'll never get this as a core weapon and it really belongs on an elite spec to properly fresh it out.

    Most likely not. Still, I'd love to see it as Core, because I'd love to see the opening up of the options for Core/Scourge and maybe even Reaper condi builds that aren't stuck with Scepter for eternity.

    In addition, it being an E-Spec weapon will likely mean that we'd be stuck with an E-Spec with MH Sword and no good OH condi weapon (Because Core OH's are pretty bad for Condi) thus meaning that Scourge will be the go-to Condi build and will still be using Scepter/Torch forever (Due to how OP Burning is). Unless a miracle happens and we end up getting Sword/Sword for an E-Spec and it happens to be busted enough to compete with Burning (Well, if it is you can guess it'll get nerfed into the dirt in no time flat)

  12. @Sigmoid.7082 said:

    @Sigmoid.7082 said:Doesn't make it any less boring though.

    True, but it's simple and effective. Unlike some of the jank skills that Necro weapons/kits have been stuck with such as Nightfall/Executioner's Scythe/Life Siphon/Unholy Feast/Marks

    It also quite easily lends itself to applying many stacks of conditions, which is the staple for condition builds these days (To drop like 20-30 stack of conditions nigh instantly...)

    Admittedly, I was toying about with an idea for a new mechanic, one that is utilized by the Sand Eel enemies in PoF - Which is their "Feeding" debuff that for its duration applies bleeding stacks up to a cap (Which is 5).

    The issue with such a thing is trying to balance it, especially on a weapon designed around the application of poison - The PvP rammifications for a sticky poison that can't be easily cleansed (Since you can't remove the Feeding debuff and cleansing the bleeds just makes them stack up again) are significant, more so than ease of reapplying poison with auto attacks (On a class with low mobility and a melee weapon with no CC effects)

    @Sigmoid.7082 said:I know you did this. But my reasoning is because Rust/Natural Frenzy are irritating to get to and requires you to be in two fairly non damaging attunements and you will be in one of them for an extended amount of time i.e it isnt always readily available due to the nature of weaver. Also poison and torment are far stronger than bleed/ bleed + vulnerability. Increasing the cast time to 0.75 seems reasonable.

    ... Hence why I lowered the power damage and upped the cooldown...

    If 0.75s cast time is deemed necessary during balance testing, that could easily be done. But right now I'd also try and stay away from the awkwardness which is many of Necro's attacks being really slow for no good reason (Like, I get that GS was designed to be slow, but Reaper is so slow it necessitates the perma-Quickness trait, Dagger and Axe skills are really slow and in the cases where skills don't have slow cast times, their projectiles/effects occur really slowly)

    @Sigmoid.7082 said:Half the offhand weapons doing it doesn't prevent every mainhand having it. The only necro weapon that doesnt corrupt boons is staff and probably for good reason.

    But still, the weapon is functional without it and as you said, Poison and Torment are stronger than Bleed?

    Is there any reason for putting it on Sword other than "Every other Necro weapon (Sans Staff) has it"?

    Would it be lacking if it didn't convert boons? Given that boon conversion is only really good in the place where Poison becomes even more effective (PvP/WvW) which is what this weapon excells in applying?

    @Sigmoid.7082 said:The reasoning is in the section of the comment you didn't quote. It also limits how quickly you can reapply poison. Plus because its more interesting.

    I read that, but there's no reasoning for adding bleed.

    Your only reasoning is for adding multi-hit on the final strike to synergize with Curses and Blood specs.

    No reasoning for why add bleeding to a weapon that's focus is about Poison and Torment?

    If you want bleeding, go use Scepter. That's what it does. This weapon is about Poison.

    Also, I don't see how it's more interesting to simply copy/paste SB dagger and simply replace Vuln with Torment which is what your suggestion would do (Given that SB dagger applies Vuln/Bleed/Poison > Vuln+Bleed+Poison across its 4 hit combo)

    Even more so trying to work a sword for a 4 hit combo sounds like it'll end up feeling underwhelming, since it's typically Daggers that do attacks fast enough to be 0.25s cast times and thus a 4 strike combo ends up taking 1s total, while typcial Sword attack have 0.5-0.75s cast times and thus would take 2 seconds to do 4 attacks. With the nature of attack chains being backloaded to the final strike that would be so ridiculously awful to play with due to interrupting auto attack chains when using abilities or dodging (This will be on top of Necro's reknowned lack of mobility options - Even more so with a melee weapon outside of Reaper)

  13. @Sigmoid.7082 said:Skill 3 seems boring. Pretty much most swords have some sort of flurry. Cast time is also too low for how strong it is.

    Well, most swords having a flurry suggests most swords will end up getting a flurry right?

    As for its cast time/power, I used Weaver Earth 3 as a guide for its strength and cast time (But lowered its power coeficient significantly to put on some extra condi duration and increased its CD), last I checked, that wasn't a particularly broken.

    @Sigmoid.7082 said:Skill 2 steps on the toes of epidemic if I am reading this correctly. Also has no stack cap so would let you double dip on the abilities strength and suddenly gain 50stacks of a condition. Would rather it do something else with a count of 2.

    You're not reading it correctly.

    It doesn't do anything even remotely close to Epidemic.

    It works more like Deathly Swarm. It takes conditions on you and gives them to enemies. I.e. Another way to work with Corruption skills and their self-Condi applications.

    @Sigmoid.7082 said:No LF generation

    I'm working on that... Forgot to add it initially.

    @Sigmoid.7082 said:No boon corruption.

    Shouldn't really be needed. Given the vast number of utilities that Necro has that corrupt boons as well as literally half of offhand weapons provide boon corruption/strip if needed.

    @Sigmoid.7082 said:Auto is ok. Maybe make it closer to ranger dagger and have 4 strike so you can throw bleeding in there on the first auto and last auto.

    Okay. But why?

  14. So I was thinking. Necro only has a single Condi MH weapon in their core kit, Scepter. This means that currently, any Condi Necro build has to use Scepter (Thus is then also pushed towards Lingering Curse trait)

    As such, what if there was a new Condi weapon for core? What if it was also a melee weapon?

    So here is my idea, Sword: Given that Scepter focuses on primarily Bleeding and Torment while Scourge Torch focuses on Burning and Torment, I figure a new Condi weapon could focus more on Poison and Torment (Thus could benefit from Putrid Defence trait in Death Magic that buffs specifically Poison)

    Skill 1:

    Plague Slash

    Slash at your foe dealing damage and applying Poison.0.6 power coeficient.4s Poison duration.Max targets 30.5s cast time.

    Pain Strike

    Strike at your foe dealing damage and causing extreme pain, applying Torment.0.6 power coeficient.4s Torment duration.Max targets 30.5s cast time.

    Bile Cut

    Cut your foe with a blade covered in necrotic energy, dealing damage and applying conditions.(2x) 0.8 power coeficientTorment 6s duration.Poison 6s duration.5% Life Force GenerationMax targets 30.5s cast time.

    Skill 2


    Release a blast of necrotic energy, spreading your conditions to nearby foes and applying Poison.1.0 power coeficient2 stacks of poison 10s duration.8% Life Force GenerationBlast Combo FinisherMax targets 5Conditions transferred per target 10.75s cast time.10s cooldown

    Skill 3

    Agonizing Plague

    Strike at foes in front of you with your blade and necrotic energy dealing damage and applying conditions.(8x) 2.0 power coeficient4 stacks of poison 6s duration4 stacks of torment 6s durationMax targets 50.5s cast time20s cooldown(Can move while casting)

    Edit: Added some LF Generation. Updated skills 1 and 2 (3rd attack of auto attack now deals 2 instances of damage. Skill 2 is a Blast finisher)

  15. For power builds:

    Smokescale and River Drake

    Smokey because it provides a ton of damage and some evasion while merged. River Drake because it gives some okayish support underwater.

    For condi builds:

    Iboga and Shark

    Iboga because vomiting confusion on things is fun, also its pull is really useful. Shark because sharks are cool (Also Charging Bite is dope)

    Utility pets:

    Brown Bear and Siamoth for champ soloing, Bear is tanky af while Siamoth is fairly tanky and comes with a knockdown that helps with breakbars.

    Bristleback for if I just want a pet to sit back and not die (Such as if I'm playing Druid) which Bristly does just fine with its ranged DPS.

    Jacaranda if I want some more sustain.

  16. @Dadnir.5038 said:

    @Dadnir.5038 said:Personally I would have given druid a similar treatment as they did to soulbeast instead of the pet stat loss: Replace F4 (pet swap) by the avatar. They could even use the opportunity to stow the pet while in avatar form (ironically the druid might benefit a lot from such thing).

    It would certainly improve but it would not completely solve the problem.Slb has a class mechanic who works with pets so that's okay, instead CA is a class mechanic who has nothing to do with how Ranger was designed, you should remove both pets and give to Druid a mechanic entirely dedicated to team support.This would require Beastmastery to be reworked so that it can work without pets.

    The issue with removing the pet is more than just "beastmastery". A lot of traits in other traitlines "need" the pet and the ranger's downstate isn't designed to work without it.

    Technically, SB shows that most of the things don't "Need" a pet since when merged the pet modifiers just go onto your character instead (Which, admittedly, makes the spec even stronger due to it meaning that Condi's use your stats as well as getting things like Attack of Opportunity from GS 2) with only some exceptions, such as Signets not providing extra benefit to compensate for the loss of pet procs/stats, "Protect Me" doesn't give barrier and of course "Search and Rescue"/Lick Wounds don't work (Well, LW does, but that's because going down unmerges SB so you have your pet back).

    Which is one of the weird things about Ranger in general. If Druid lost the pet... It'd end up being a huge buff for them because of how these things interact. Including Beastmastery's 150 all stats, 300 Ferocity and 30% movement speed from its lesser traits and how Druid isn't hugely reliant on their pet anyway.

    Thus, in order to make petless Druid (And any other E-Specs, potentially even SB itself) work all that needs to happen is for the few skills that don't work properly to somehow function. I.e. "Protect Me" grants its Barrier and "Search and Rescue"/Lick Wounds function somehow (To be honest, these could simply utilize a temporary "Pet" summon like an Astral animal comes to revive for Druid that has similar stats to a normal pet and can be killed like a normal pet - Though this "technically" would be a buff since while Lick Wounds revives your pet if its dead, it doesn't fully heal it meaning that for a normal Ranger with a pet a damaged pet before being downed makes it easier to stop Lick Wounds while summoning a full health "Pet" upon activation circumvents that)

  17. I'll get around to obtaining the Griffon and Skyscale soon™

    Beyond that...

    Jackal is my go-to all purpose terrain mount. Since, it's the fastest at going up slopes because it can teleport. It also has slightly higher base movement speed than the raptor.

    Beetle for speed! Of course, if the terrain allows it.

    Skipper for the yumps, probably one of my most used mounts just because I cheese everything by jumping up cliffs...

    Skimmer for deep water or large areas of shallow water (For example, the water in Elon Riverlands) and of course, environmental hazards that require it (Quicksand, Brandstorm, Sulphur etc)

    Raptor I rarely use these days and only for some very specific jumps that have a large distance and require maintaining or increasing height (Everything else can be done with Jackal...)

    I do however, have all the mounts keybound to the numberpad, so I can easily swap between mounts as required.

  18. @God.2708 said:Smothering auras was a much needed trait to release the strangehold water had on elementalists condi cleanses. This has long been an issue with elementalists traits due to their fairly poor utility cleanse options (though swapping cantrips to earth could make cleansing fire somewhat viable in that regard, especially in combination with diamond skin).

    Though, there could be other ways to improve Ele's lackluster cleansing. Such as improving some utilities (Signet of Water active cleansing a condi? Glyph of Elemental Power cleansing a condi? Ether Renewal being not trash? Maybe reduce the base cooldown on Cantrips to something less than 400 years?) or alternative lines getting some cleanse capacity somewhere (I could see Arcane having a cleanse on attuning trait, maybe in place of Final Shielding?)

    @God.2708 said:They intentionally removed precision from being conditionally applied because it makes crit maxing for PvE very annoying and unreliable. Those sorts of traits in the air line are a bad direction.

    Well, the thing is, with Precision being converted into Ferocity as baseline for the specialization due to the changed lesser Grandmaster trait, it's no longer as detrimental to overcap on crit chance with the spec. Whilst also improving the usage of the spec for builds outside of PvE Power builds that hit 100% crit chance.

    @God.2708 said:This is a massive nerf.

    Maybe so, and if required it can be buffed.

  19. This was actually something I brought up in a Rev thread of all things...

    @Taril.8619 said:Hmm... Now I'm imagining what if each race had unique mount skins they could use in lieu of a number of available mounts:

    Hound of Balthazar for Human.Charr Tank for Charr.Animal Forms for Norn.Power Suit for Asura.Druid Spirit for Sylvari.

    That could be pretty cool xD

    Some are easier to design than others, for example;

    Norn:Raptor: Snow Leopard formSkipper: Frog/Bunny formSkimmer: Owl formJackal: Wolf formBeetle: Minotaur/Ox formGriffon: Griffon formSkyscale: Dragon form... Uhh, wait?

    Sylvari:Skimmer: Floating flowerJackal: Fern HoundBeetle: Jungle WurmSkyscale: Something like the Shadow of Mordrem dragon

    Charr:Skipper: CharrzookaSkimmer: Rocket CarBeetle: Charr TankGriffon/Skyscale: Personal Charr Copter (Reduced in size and complexity to not only fit the mechanics but also typical mount sizes)

    Asura:Raptor: GolemSkipper: GolemSkimmer: GolemJackal: GolemBeetle: GolemGriffon: GolemSkyscale: Golem

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