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Posts posted by Taril.8619

  1. Oh boy a thread that'll talk about the necessary optimization updates, new engine, better servers so Path of Lag maps are playable...


    Oh no...

    @Mortifera.6138 said:-WvW not required for legendaries

    Just do the necessary WvW... It's not that hard. It's not like WvW is super ultra competitive and you need to grind to the top 0.01% of players. Heck, you don't even have to engage in PvP in order to get the GoB.

    @Mortifera.6138 said:-Gliding and mounts accessible in dungeons and sPvP

    This would only break the game more. It'd be stupid for sPvP balance and will likely cause people to get into unintended locations during dungeons or outright skipping (Even more) of the content altogether.

    @Mortifera.6138 said:-PvP duels in open world

    I'm not sure what this is supposed to "Fix". Also, Guild Hall can provide dueling.

    @Mortifera.6138 said:-Account-wide waypoints

    For a mere 2000 gems, you can get this for a character already.

    @Mortifera.6138 said:-Optional sub fee for bag space and access to all Living World content

    You can already do this. Set aside $10 a month and buy gems with it. Use gems to purchse bag space, bank space, character slots, Living World content or whatever else you want.

  2. @Leonidrex.5649 said:to actually get this kind of condis you gotta eat like 5+ different skills, similar combo from power builds 1shot you.

    But the thing is, Condition builds shouldn't be about smoking someone in one shot. Especially since many of them scale off of just 1 offensive stat (Condition Damage) and bypass Toughness and Protection while Condi Damage reduction is a lot less available since the answer to Condi's is supposed to be cleansing but that doesn't matter if you're blown up by huge stacks of Condi's.

    As far as stacking Condi's goes:

    A Rev shifting into Mallyx popping Searing Fissure/Echoing Darkness/Embrace the Darkness can apply 10-12 stacks of Torment and 8-10 stacks of Burning while ticking extra Torment from autos and elite.

    Scourge going into Shroud and dropping Grasping Dead/Harrowing Wave/Scepter 3 can apply ~10 stacks of Bleed, ~10 stacks of Torment and 3 stacks of Burning. While converting 3 boons into Condi's too.

    Thief using Sneak Attack/Steal/Shadowstrike/Repeater can apply 10 stacks of Bleed, ~8 stacks of Poison and 6 stacks of Confusion.

    Which, while not matching up to my obvious hyperbole, is still a large number of condi's applied in a small number of skills, and result in large amounts of burst damage.

    The issue isn't so much that this number of skills kills someone, but the fact that Condi's have limited sources of damage reduction because they're supposed to deal damage over time and thus be susceptible to cleanses. The potential burst that Condi's can put out with skills that can drop literally 4-6 Condi's on someone at a time is pretty high, which seems at odds with their inherent design.

    It also allows for a lot sturdier builds because you can use Carrion/Sage/Rabid stats and lose little to no damage since really all you need is Condi Damage and you're golden (While Power builds work from Power, Precision and Ferocity meaning it's Berserker or lose a fair chunk of damage) - Which makes sense if the builds are supposed to survive a bit longer for their damage over time to do its think, less so if you're still doing the same as a glass cannon power build and trying to nuke someone in a couple of seconds.

  3. The issue with Conditions, is that they're functionally working like Power attacks.

    It's not really "Damage over time" when you press 1-2 buttons and your target now has 20 Torment stacks, 15 Bleed stacks and 5 Burning stacks.

    Now, this doesn't necessarily mean stacking is a bad thing, because it allows multiple Condi builds to work together as well as incidental condi's from Power weapons that randomly apply bleeds or poisons or burns not screwing over a condi build.

    Really if they simply tuned down Condi Damage and put that towards Condi Duration so that the Condi's do the same damage, but over a longer period of time, that would ease their burstiness.

  4. 1) We were given the role of Commander by Trahearne, who was Marshal. A higher rank then us.

    2) We had no real merit to being appointed to this position other than, we knew one of Trahearne's friends and actually paid attention to him.

    3) Not only were we only Commander in the Pact, thus making that rank irrelevant in literally everywhere else in the world, but we also LEFT the Pact after Orr

    4) We were the "Boss" during LW1/LW2 and HoT in reference to the allies we had gathered leading up to Scarlet's demise in LW1. But after HoT we made a new Guild a la Destiny's Edge (Dragon Watch) and invited all of our friends to join.

    5) In Dragon's Watch, we are all equals. Though, technically we and Rytlock are the founders/leaders (If I recall correctly, during The Head of the Snake LW3 story it's mentioned during discussions with Queen Jennah about us being the leader of Dragon's Watch)

    6) We still have no real merit to actually lead anyone. We just smash things good.

    7) The title "Commander" is really just being used as a generic term for characters to reference us (As opposed to something like Slayer for Norn or Legionnaire for Charr) - Especially since "Dragon Slayer" became awkward during LW3/PoF and "God Stomper" is dumb. (Poo-bah on the other hand...)

    8) Also, post HoT, we became BFF's with leaders of each city for some reason. But they're still far more influential and with higher ranks than us, so they can still boss us around. I mean, I wouldn't like to have all of the Legions from the Black Citadel after me because I told Smodur where he can stick his orders, would you?

    9) As far as background story goes, there's limitations with it. From the fact that, unless they add in additional stuff to the original Personal Story, then they simply don't have much background stuff to reference, even more so when many of the events were tied up completely. Then they have to ensure that every character is getting similar treatment otherwise it can be unfair, but also without expending too many resources to add in each characters unique choices they've made throughout their PS...

    Beyond that... It could be nice to have a bit more influence over things. Even if its the option of a few different lines here and there (Similar to in FFXIV where they've been adding in more options with responses, so you can be generic adventurer or be sassy af). It'd also be cool to see more racial differences pop up, with different dialogue, references to culture etc. It happens on occasion (Also, there's things like that 1 achievement in HoT that requires being a Sylvari...), but having it appear more would be cool (Though, no more race locked achieves plz)

    It'd also be cool if we could have more choices with lasting effects. Like the choosing of the banners in Amnoon, only if they were in any way relevant again in the story besides like 1 line from Joko in LW4. Or how we picked a tribe to help in PS (Hylek/Ogre/Grawl) but if we also got some more stuff from that choice beyond what nameless NPC's followed us around in like 1 mission. Though, I do however see this as additional work to put in these alternate paths and choices, which might not be sustainable.

  5. @"Dadnir.5038" said:Well, you added to much LF gen now. A single skill with LF gen would have been enough (like most other weapons).

    Well, I was anticipating this weapon being used in PvE. In which LF gen is an issue for Necro due to the lack of dying things during boss fights.

    So, instead of being something like Dagger which generates LF on attacks 2 and 3 of its auto attack chain (2% and 6% respectively) or GS which generates LF on all of its attack chain and 2 of its skills (1%, 1%, 5% on skill 1, 12% of skill 3 and 4% per target on skill 5) I'd put in a mix and tone down the numbers.

    With the current numbers, each 1.5s auto attack chain is generating 5% LF (Compared to GS's 7% over 2.5s, Dagger's 8% over 2s and Staff's 4% every 0.75s) while the 10s CD skill 2 is generating 8% LF compared to Axe 2's 8s CD 12%, Scepter 3's 10s CD 13% and GS 3's 10s CD 12%.

    The numbers seem to be comparable. Though, I'm open to see if you can show otherwise (Something more tangible than "More than 1 skill having LF" as if it's not possible to split LF gen between multiple skills in a weapon)

  6. @Yasai.3549 said:They could rework Staff to be a full Condi weapon as well.Staff right now is all over the place, has Condi, has Power, but isn't exactly good at either unless shooting Staff autos at something for meh damage is considered "good"

    True, but from what I can gather from people who actually like Staff, is that it's supposed to be the "Support" weapon.

    Which with some tweaks could actually be a thing - I.e. Add condi cleanse to allies from skill 4, add boons to skill 3 and 5 and you're good to go.

    Also, there's something to be said about having a Condi melee weapon for Necro too.

    @Yasai.3549 said:I was just thinking,Poison, Bleeding, Siphon, and any sort of vampiric sort of design can be put onto Dagger, while we have a new Power cleaving weapon instead.

    Though, it's not as if we don't already have a Power cleaving weapon. Greatsword exists.

    Dagger can also be reworked into a cleaving weapon if needs be with minimal changes (Think Life Transfer and Tainted Shackles from Core Shroud instead of Life Siphon and Dark Pact)

    Meanwhile, we don't have a second Condi weapon. We don't have a melee Condi weapon. We don't have a Condi weapon with cleave. We don't have a Condi weapon with auto attacks that generate LF.

    Most of these points can be hit with a new weapon that is Condi melee. (Which if we're talking about getting a new core weapon, would take as much effort to design as a new core power cleave weapon)

  7. @Yasai.3549 said:Appreciate trying to come up with a new weapon for Necro that has actual cleave, but like others said, this is literally what Dagger needs.

    If anything we need more Power options for Necro, and I don't really like Sword much for a Necro.Maybe something like a Hammer? or Mace?

    Well, Dagger could be reworked/buffed into a proper Power weapon. Along with Axe getting Unholy Feast buffed.

    Which would then give Necro Dagger, Axe and eventually GS as viable Power weapons.

    Having a new core weapon for Necro should be a Condi one since Necro ONLY has Scepter for Condi. This is even exacerbated by the fact that Condi builds will often take Scourge and thus won't even get Shroud skills to replace their weapon skill at all (Meanwhile a Power build with Reaper will be using Reaper's Shroud a bunch helping alleviate the need to swap weapons so often)

  8. @Kodama.6453 said:The definition you found yourself for spite: the desire to hurt, annoy or offend someone.Sadism is if you are getting pleasure from hurting other people.Now why would you desire to hurt someone?Getting pleasure from it (sadism) could be one possible interpretation in this scenario.And I think this is what they meant here.

    Sadism is a possible interpretation, for feeling Spiteful. But if they were going for Sadism, they should have called it Sadism.

    Since Sadism and Spite are two completely different things.

    Sadism is a possible reason for feeling spiteful, but not the only reason. Spite in of itself has nothing to do with sadism since you can feel spiteful without being a sadist and thus getting pleasure from causing the pain to others.

    @Kodama.6453 said:Especially if you look at the common use of thematics like pain, suffering, etc.Torturing and sadism seems like a thematical focal point for me in the spite trait line.

    In some trait names, sure. I.e. Awaken the Pain and Signets of Suffering.

    But in the actual trait effects? There's little to do with Torture or Sadism there.

    • Reaper's Might? Gain Might from using Shroud skill 1? Nothing torturous or sadistic about that (If it was Shroud skill 5 then maybe you'd be onto something with Tainted Shackles due to it inflicting Torment)
    • Spiteful Talisman? Deal more damage to foes without boons? Nothing here. Maybe if it was dealing damage when you stripped/corrupted boons then sure, that'd be torture.
    • Spiteful Renewal? Consume conditions to gain health when using a healing skill? Nope.
    • Bitter Chill? Nope.
    • Death's Embrace? Maybe you could argue it's torture because you're enhancing the pain the target feels?
    • Chill of Death? Again, maybe torture because you're dealing bonus damage for stripping boons?
    • Awaken the Pain? Nope.
    • Dread? Yes, this can be considered torture. Dealing more damage to foes that are Feared and making them take more damage when you cause Fear.
    • Siphoned Power? Yes, this can be considered Sadism, since you're getting rewarded for causing damage.
    • Signets of Suffering? No. In fact, they don't even cause suffering since it's only their passives (I.e. Positive effects for yourself) that are being enhanced, not their actives.
    • Close to Death? No. Torture relies on prolonging the pain, ending their suffering quicker is the opposite of what you want.
    • Spiteful Spirit? No.

    @Kodama.6453 said:Not entirely sure if we can use signet of agony as an argument here... it is a skill that is available for every class. Do you imply that every class in the game is utilising death magic?

    Yes. Also, I'm not implying it, the game literally tells you. The guy in Lake Doric tells you about it, how they put Mursaat magic into a Signet but it only works when you're close to death and so have a connection with the mists.

    It implies that Signets don't require an affinity for the magic they have stored in them, i.e. We don't need to be Mursaat nor Necromancers in order to use the death magic contained in the signet. We just need to be able to draw the power required for the magic in them (In this case, being able to draw from the mists)

    It also implies that Signet of Agony should be usable whenever by Revenants who channel the Mists for their skills, but we'll let ANet figure their way out of that hole.

  9. From the wiki:

    Damage done = (Weapon strength) Power (skill-specific coefficient) / (target's Armor)

    Armour is Defense plus Toughness (So, the base value for level 80 armour is: 1924 for Light armour classes, 2069 for Medium armour classes, 2217 for Heavy armour classes and 1917 for Berserker during Berserk (I.e with 300 less Toughness as base toughness is 1000))

    So, an example:

    An Exotic Greatsword (995-1100 damage) 2000 Power 1.0 skill coeficient / 2069 medium armour = 1012 damage

    Adding say, 100 toughness making that 2169 armour = 965 damage

    Making it equate to approximately 5% damage reduction (Thus can extrapolate 20 toughness = 1% damage reduction)

    Checking with 500 toughness so 2569 armour = 815 damage

    Approximately 20% damage reduction (So in this case you can extrapolate 25 toughness = 1% damage reduction)

    Thus, there are diminishing returns so it's not possible to state X Toughness = 1% damage reduction.

    However, depending on your current armour levels, you can figure out about how much toughness it will take to gain an extra 1% damage reduction (With little to no toughness, it will be about 20 toughness for 1% damage reduction. While at around 1000 toughness, it takes about 30 toughness for 1% damage reduction)

  10. @"Kodama.6453" said:Looking at all possible translations for the word spite, I think that they probably went with another definition than you are using for your concept.You said that spite can be about annoying someone and such, but I doubt that is what they meant.

    I think spite actually refers to the sadistic side of necromancers. Less "annoying" and more "torturing", maliciousness, malevolence, etc.If that is the definition they went with, then I think having a trait that improves damage against targets with low health makes sense. Imagine a necromancer with a sadistic character. What would a wounded enemy invoke in such a personality? Their sadism kicks in and they come after you with even more cruelty than before.

    Link to this definition?

    I've checked Cambridge, Collins, Macmillan and Merriam-Webster dictionaries and none of them have that meaning. They have maliciousness as a synonym, but not a definition.

    The closest I've seen is M-W whereby Spite can be: to treat maliciously (as by shaming or thwarting)

    "As by shaming or thwarting" - That sounds more like weakening enemies with debuffs and being tanky enough to ignore (Or "Thwart") their attacks.

    @"Kodama.6453" said:Which makes thematical sense, even more in my opinion than putting it in death magic. Because as I said, death magic is about interacting with dead matter. The wounded enemy is not dead yet.

    But again, the game has already utilized "Close to death" as a manifestation of death manipulation in Signet of Agony which uses the fact that you're close to death (Downed) as reasoning for being able to use Mursaat (Mist) magic.

    Also, a wounded enemy can be considered partially dead. Depending on the severity of the wounds some of their bodily functions and organs can be shutting down, emulating the effect of death.

  11. @Kodama.6453 said:I disagree with the premise that CC is considered supportive.

    Is it dealing damage? Yes or no.

    Do damage dealers look to stack on CC skills and utilities? Yes or no.

    CC is a suportive function.

    @Kodama.6453 said:Taking an example from another class, thief. I think we can both agree that thief desperately needs a support elite spec, since thief can't play a support realistically?With the premise that CC is considered supportive value, there is no need for a support thief elite spec? Since daredevil provides plenty of CC with it's utility skills.

    CC on its own does not qualify enough for a fully fledged support build.

    It however, does add to a support build that can bring some other support functions such as Healing/Barrier/Boonshare.

    Just like how part of Scourge's "Support" is its ability to boon rip. Even if the capability to boon rip in of itself doesn't make a support build (Otherwise we wouldn't have gotten Scourge or Chrono as Core Necro and Mesmer can boon rip for days)

    @Kodama.6453 said:Scrapper is about combo fields, yes, and that makes it valuable in WvW. But in the PvE environment, scrapper doesn't really work as a support.

    And yet, the only high end PvE build for Scrapper is: Heal Scrapper which has a similar rating in raids as Scourge an E-Spec you acknowledge is support focused. (Both of which have better Boss Viability ratings than Heal Tempest

    @Kodama.6453 said:In my opinion, a support spec in this game is someone who provides sustain in some form (may it be through healing, barrier, or other means) and boon sharing.Scrapper can do some of this stuff, but is not focused on it like other support elite specs are. Tempest, scourge, druid, firebrand... these are true support elite specs in my eyes. Scrapper tries to do some stuff these can do, but is just not on the same level.

    I can see where you are coming from, but I refuse to see scrapper as our support variant since it isn't able to compete with true support elite specs in a PvE environment.

    Scrapper can provide a fair amount of sustain, due to being able to exploit Water fields for AoE healing and Healing Bolts. They can also share boons via Blast finishers in Fire/Lightning fields. They can also apply Auras via Blast finishers in Ethereal/Ice fields.

    Scrapper is used entirely for support builds right now. There's no "Scrapper Tank" builds, like there are Chrono tanks. Scrapper OW builds are typically passed over for Holo.

    So even though the primary aspect of the spec was to be the Bruiser, it has come out as Bruiser/Support.

    As such, having a Condi/Support E-Spec is unecessary for Engie.

    If anything, due to your dislike of the idea that Scrapper is support, we'd need to get a SOLELY Support focused spec, like Druid for Engie's "Support" E-Spec. Not another half baked hybrid Condi/Support (Which has worked out so well for Scourge... Useless for damage, outclassed in PvE support by Druid/Firebrand/Renegade/Chrono. Outclassed in WvW support by Scrapper. Outclassed in PvP support by Tempest/Symbolbrand)

  12. @"Kodama.6453" said:The key here is "flesh and bone". Thematically, I still consider this to be dead matter. It is organic matter that is not living.And carapace has flaws in design, I won't deny that. My point is solely thematically here.

    Death magic doesn't have to either interact with dead enemies/allies or "nearly dead" units on the field to have a thematical fit. Death magic is what you described here, being a meat and bone mage. Utilising unliving organic matter, however this might turn out, like minions, bone armor, or whatever.

    Thematically, yes, Death Magic doesn't have to interact with dead enemies or nearly dead units.

    However, given the large number of traits that DO affect nearly dead units, it makes the most sense to put them into Death Magic. Since, they're not curses or conditions, so they don't make sense to be in Curses. They're not really anything to do with Soul Reaping (Maybe if there was "Gain Life Force when striking a foe below 50% life" trait?). They typically don't have much to do with Blood Magic, at least in the iteration we have which focuses on Life Siphon and Healing. While Spite... Can be argued to be about "Harming" things but even then it doesn't really have any intrinsic affinity for targets at low health (It's not really any more or less spiteful for a target to be below a certain health threshold).

    Meanwhile, Death Magic has a potential thematic for being stronger versus targets that are closer to death and so more susceptible to magic that manipulates the dead.

    Since, this particular overhaul wasn't me designing 5 completely new specializations for Necro from scratch, it was merely me shuffling around traits and then changing some effects to suit the new location if the previous iteration of the trait didn't fit or literally wouldn't work (I.e. The Carapace traits from Death Magic don't work unless you have the entire Carapace mechanic)

    IF I was to design specializations from scratch, I very much could have utilized some other themes and mechanics such as Bone Shields, Flesh Shields, Grasping hands etc in its design.

  13. @Kodama.6453 said:The only reason why scrapper is used in support builds is because we don't have a truly supportive spec. Having supportive utility skills with traits which contribute absolutely nothing to the support playstyle is better than having nothing.

    The innate F5 of Scrapper literally has use for reviving allies. As well as being a Lightning field.

    Then some of its traits buffs allies:

    • Gyroscopic Momentum provides Superspeed to allies with your Wells and your F5
    • Mass Momentum provides Stability to allies with your F5
    • Speed of Synergy provides Superspeed to allies when you use a Blast finisher.

    Not to mention things like System Shocker (Longer lasting Swiftness/Daze/Vulnerability), Expert Examination and Kinetic Stabilizers which provide supportative effects (Such as taking down breakbars and maintaining Vulnerability stacks - Which allows DPS to focus on dealing damage and even slot more damage focused utilities if they don't need to bring CC)

    @Kodama.6453 said:The added weapon (hammer) also doesn't give scrapper any value as a support. It gives CC, damage, and defense. But what exactly does hammer provide to buff your allies and support them?

    Whirl finishers, a Lightning Field and Proj Reflect. Also, CC is a supportive function.

    That said, most Scrappers end up using Shield because of the added utility from Inventions (Protection and Cleanse on shield skill usage)

    @Kodama.6453 said:Yes, scrapper has some supportive features in some gyros (shredder and blast gyro don't),

    Whirl finisher and Blast finisher (Also Fire Field) respectively.

    @Kodama.6453 said:Look at other support elite specs they have designed like scourge and tempest. They have supportive value baked in every part of their new tools, traits, utilities, and weapons. Not just one of them like scrapper (utility skills).

    Scrapper is literally about using combo fields. That's its thing. Many combo field effects are supportive and is the reason why Scrapper is the primary support class in WvW because it can produce many AoE cleanses and AoE heals with Blast finishers inside Light and Water fields respectively (Which Scrapper can even provide themselves)

    @Kodama.6453 said:My point is: while scrapper has some supportive qualities, it isn't designed as a true support...

    It's a Bruiser/Support.

    Just like how Scourge is Support/Condition. It's not a "True Support" since unlike Druid, many of its features are damage based (In fact, there are all of 2 traits in Scourge that provide direct support, Abrasive Grit and Desert Empowerment. The majority of its "Support" comes from spamming its F skills, which it does because they do damage too)

    ... Even then, it's damage sucks. Just like Scrapper does crap damage even with some of its traits being self damage boosts (Mass Momentum, Object in Motion, Applied Force

  14. @"Kodama.6453" said:Other defensive traits can also work thematically here, like the whole carapace mechanic. The necromancer gains toughness per stack carapace. If we thematically flavour "carapace" as the necromancer covering himself with an armor made out of bones, then this would fit into death magic's thematic perfectly. You are utilising bones, which are dead matter.

    But the Carapace mechanic is fundamentally flawed, in that 1) Stacking it is pretty jank either requiring Conditions or Kills which makes it awkward. 2) Toughness stacking is horrible for PvE due to how aggro works.

    Stacking any other kind of defence is hard too. Since Vitality and Healing Power is thematically more "Blood" than "Death" and beyond that... There really isn't any more defensive stats. You could try and make it simply stacking % damage reduction similar to Protection, but then you face the issue of do you let it stack with Protection and Toughness allowing for immortal PvP builds? Do you have the entire mechanic rendered moot by Protection? Do you have the mechanic render Protection worthless?

    Initially during my reorganizing of the specs, I was considering shifting the stacking mechanic over to Blood and have it be the theme for that spec, but I realized that honestly a single trait can do everything the mechanic needs, which is what ended up being Gluttony. Since that stacks nice and easily works in all areas of the game and builds (Since "Ally" traits also include yourself) and inherently causes various skills to be enhanced by the nature of how Healing Power works (As opposed to Toughness which doesn't impact any skills and thus needed mechanics to work off of it)

    Also, technically, minions are not dead matter. They have never been alive. As mentioned by Trahearne as a reason why his minions are safe from Zhaitan's corruption. You're essentially a meat mage conjuring flesh and bone the same way an Elementalist conjures Earth/Ice/Fire/Lightning as opposed to animating dead matter.

  15. @Kodama.6453 said:But looking at the elite specs we already have available and what is missing from engineer, I think there are 2 niches we need this elite spec to fill: conditions and support.And I think that preparations work a bit better in that case. With being a support spec, I think something that we can trigger any time ourselves is better for gameplay than something that requires an enemy to walk over it.

    It's worth noting that Traps don't necessarily require an enemy to walk over them.

    Healing Trap for instance, triggers only when an ally, whom is missing health, walks over it.

    Also, I'm not sure about trying to hit 2 roles with a single E-Spec. Especially Support for Engie when Scrapper is pretty much entirely used in a support role.

    Engie is missing just straight up Condi focused spec. In fact, outside of Firearms, Engie doesn't have a single spec that actually provides anything for Condi except the odd bit of Burn/Bleed in Holo. Tools really just provides Power with Static Discharge. Inventions is... lul. Explosives is Power(With most explosives also being Power based with only Shrapnel Grenade, Poison Grenade and Concussive Bomb providing Conditions). Alchemy is Boons/Support. Scrapper is Power/Support. Holo is Power.

    If we're going with the idea of Chemical based Condi E-Spec, then you can still obtain your Chemical Support by using Alchemy as your 3rd spec (So Firearms/Alchemy/E-Spec) since it's not as if there are any mandatory options for that 3rd spot given the lack of Condi bonuses.

  16. @Dadnir.5038 said:Well, anyway, this "spite" could probably be renamed at this point, being on the defensive like that doesn't suit the word "spite".

    Spite: A desire to deliberately hurt, annoy or offend someone.

    I'd say shrugging off enemies attacks fulfills the "Annoy" part of the definition of Spite.

    Especially if you then also use your defensiveness to hurt enemies via Retaliation or "Offend" them by sapping their strength with debuffs.

    Not to mention, some of these traits are unchanged from their actual implementation in the actual Spite spec right now (Spiteful Talisman, Spiteful Renewal and Spiteful Shroud which uhh... I mistyped is actually Spiteful Spirit)

    @Dadnir.5038 said:I'd see this in spite anyday.

    I'd see them in Curses. The line they're currently in. The line that focuses on Cursing enemies with damaging conditions.

    @Dadnir.5038 said:Stronger than the scourge trait that grant LF on corruption, awesome!

    A Grandmaster trait being stronger than a crappy Adept trait? SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE THAT'S ILLEGAL!

    @Dadnir.5038 said:Overall it end up way to strong with this kind of trait position.

    You realize that all I did was move it up to Grandmaster and add in 2s of Resistance right (Just because it's annoying dropping to 50% life while doing a burst condi with Blood is Power + Corrupt Boon in a Condi build with high Condi damage...)?

    @Dadnir.5038 said:I wouldn't put the "while under X% health" traits in death magic. It doesn't make sense, your foe and you are still alive and kicking after all. Apart from the poorly placed minions trait effect It doesn't smell like death magic in any way.

    Where would you put the traits that require your opponent to be near death then?

    Given that any traits or effects that activate upon death or after death are functionally useless outside of Open World (Even then, Champions/Legendaries/World Bosses also negate on death effects), the only reasonable way to facilitate "Death Magic" is by using the mechanic of targets being "Near Death" - Similar to how the LW3 mastery Spectral Aid allows you to use Signet of Agony while downed because you're close to death and thus can channel the power of the Mists.

    @Dadnir.5038 said:

    • Quickening Thirst
      - Gain 10% attack speed. Gain bonus increased attack speed based on current life. (Below 75% life, 10%. Below 50% life, 15%. Below 25% life, 20%)The idea look great but translate poorly in the game.

    How so?

    We have traits that already check your life percentage (Last Rites for example)

    We have a trait that gives attack speed (Dual Wielding)

    The only poor thing about this trait is that it is negated by Quickness. But outside of Reaper, Necro doesn't have access to Quickness (Also, personally, I'd love to see the perma-Quickness from Reaper's Onslaught removed but that's a topic for E-Spec changes)

    @Dadnir.5038 said:Make it "reaping a boon grant you might (15s)". I don't think Shrd#1 use fit the meaning of "soul reaping".

    Well, that's what the name of the trait is and what it does currently.

    Also wtf is "Reaping" a boon? There's no terminology for that in game. (If you mean stealing boons, then Necro has none of that. Necro rips and converts, stealing boons is Thief and Mesmer)

    @Dadnir.5038 said:Don't really fit the "reaping" idea.

    Depends on how you look at it.

    I consider Soul Reaping to be about matters of the Soul as well as Reaping.

    Pure "Reaping" focus would be better done by the Reaper E-Spec.

    @Dadnir.5038 said:I don't see what it does in "soul reaping"

    If you use the idea of your Signets being powered by souls it makes sense. Soul Reaper has more souls so stronger signets. Being in Shroud and thus consuming Life Force charges your Signets with souls.

    It makes about as much sense as it being in any other trait line.

    @Dadnir.5038 said:Same here it doesn't fit the idea of "reaping" anything.

    Burning people makes them dead. Dead people have their soul harvested by you (I.e. Life Force gain on death the passive mechanic of Necromancer)

    @Dadnir.5038 said:Within the idea of "soul reaping", I'd have put anything that "reap" things. Boon convertion and the like could have been fitting there (chill of death, unholy martyr... etc.)

    Boon conversion isn't reaping though. Reaping is gaining something. Chill of Death doesn't gain anything. Unholy Martyr could be considered since you are "gaining" Life Force, but the way it comes from having taken negative effects makes it feel less like "Reaping" (It also feels more like you're getting stronger to spite your enemy for having applied conditions to your allies)

    If Necro had boon stealing, then sure, that would make sense for Soul Reaping. If Life Siphon wasn't far more clearly a Blood Magic theme that could also come under "Reaping".

    Life Force manipulation makes a lot of sense for Soul Reaping and thus Spectral skills (All of which grant Life Force) too also fit (As well as being manipulation of your own soul), since you're "Reaping" the enemies "Souls" to gain Life Force and then, expending that Life Force so you can "Reap" more "Souls".

  17. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @Yasai.3549 said:I've got a better idea.


    I would prefer preparations, considering that they function basically the same, but with the addition that you fire them manually instead of them triggering every time an enemy walks over them.

    Traps feel more fluid though, because you can insta-pop them by placing them on an enemy. With preparations, you need to wait 3 seconds, which even in PvE can often mean a boss has already yeeted across the zone...

    As far as new Engie utilities go...

    I think Signets could be interesting. There's some interesting design space there with how toolbelt skills would work. Would they also provide passive bonuses? Not to mention how Signet actives often have 0 connection with the passive effects allowing some really odd pairings to cater for a variety of builds.

  18. GS + S/Sh isn't the ideal set up.

    As far as how you want to play, you first need to ask yourself if you want to be Support or DPS. As they play differently.

    If you want to be Support, you'll want to be using Sword/Sword and Shield (You only need a single main hand sword) along with Signet of the Ether/Signet of Inspiration/Well of Recall/Well of Action/Time Warp. While using a few pieces of Diviner gear to allow yourself to maintain your Alacrity and Quickness buffs from your Wells.

    If you want to be DPS, you'll want to be using Sword/Sword and Focus (You can also use Greatsword instead) along with Signet of the Ether/Mirror Images(Well of Calamity if using Greatsword)/Mantra of Pain/Phantasmal Disenchanter/Gravity Well. With of course full Berserker gear.

    The gameplay is fairly similar and consists of building up clones and shattering them when you get up to 3. The main difference is Support build prioritizes placing down its wells to maintain the boons, while DPS build prioritizes using high damaging skills such as Blurred Frenzy.

    With the large burst of both builds being the use of Continuum Split, where you'll want to drop down a bunch of skills in its duration.

    Support build will want to use Time Warp > Signet of Inspiration > Well of Recall > Well of Action. So as to maintain boons.DPS build will want to use Continuum Split during the cast of Phantasmal Swordsman > Phantasmal Disenchanter > Signet of the Ether > Phantasmal Swordsman > Phantasmal Disenchanter > Illusionary Leap > Blurred Frenzy.

    As for Mirage, you'll want to be using Axe/Torch and Pistol along with Signet of the Ether/Signet of Midnight/Signet of Domination/Crystal Sands/Jaunt. While using full Viper gear.

    The main difference with this build is that you only want to shatter your clones, when you have the ability to quickly get back to 3 active clones available (Typically when you have a Phantasm active ready for when it becomes a Clone). This is because the clones will actually deal damage in the form of applying Torment whenever you gain Mirage Cloak and as such you will always want to have 3 clones up for maximum damage potential.

    There is little else to this build, it's merely a case of using your Phantasms as they become available and managing your Clones as well as dodging a bunch as dodging gives you (And your Clones) Mirage Cloak.

  19. @"Rezzet.3614" said:i hate the anti minion mentality and excuse some people use for engineers when necromancer and ranger exist , in necromancer's case their minions have 50% damage reduction via armor as well as 25% more sustain and damage via traits + life stealand also buffing the summoner while alive and they too have "overcharges" and are mobile and can crit .

    The anti-minion mentality is due to the fact that while Necromancer and Ranger exist... Their minions are nearly or actually worthless in PvP/WvW.

    It's one of the main issues with minions in the game, is that they're intentionally made bad because otherwise it'd be "Unfair" in PvP/WvW to allow them to be at all useful (Though, partially because they all have independent stats meaning you can play full Bunker and have minions/pets/turrets unaffected by your complete lack of offensive stats)

    It's even more prominent with the control point based sPvP, in which having Turrets be decent can be a way to effectively zone out a control point for a long period of time at little risk (Well, ignoring the fact that a well designed set of turrets would be easily taken out if left alone because most of them have less range than even shorter ranged weapons like SB/Pistol)

    Though, all this is still just a farce really, given that there have been plenty of games with classes using AI controlled units that have functioned in PvP settings, such as:

    • WoW's Hunter (This includes after they added Bestial Wrath to make your pet go super saiyan and be unkillable, immune to CC and deal a ton more damage... In a spec where about 60% of your total damage output was from the pet)

    • WoW's Warlock (This includes both newer age Demonology with its Felguard/Wrathguard that makes up a large portion of its total damage output but also earlier Warlock builds that have for example, used Succubus for its charm ability or Felhunter for purging buffs including some classes 2-5m cooldown spells)

    • Warhammer Online's White Lion (This even had the most brokenly OP ability in the entire game for its open world PvP - Fetch. Which would allow you to target literally anyone you wanted inside a keep, then your pet would run THROUGH the locked and barricaded door, grab that person and then fling them through the wall to directly infront of the WL character themselves and thus into the enemy zerg to be annihilated)

    • Warhammer Online's Squig Herder (This included some really freaking annoying pets. Like the Spiked Squig was essentially an NPC Bristleback firing a ridiculous stream of high damage spikes at someone. Horned Squig was essentially like those annoying Mushroom Chargers dashing through enemies and knocking them down.)

    • Warhammer Online's Engineer (They had 3 turrets and each spec specialized in one of them. Gun Turret went with the Rifle build and did single target damage. Flame Turret went with the Bomb build and did short range AoE. Bombard Turret went with the Grenade build and did longer range AoE/CC)

    • Warhammer Online's Magus (Though, these were always kind of mediocre and were just flat out inferior to Engineer... However, they never had to walk anywhere like a pleb because they floated around on their own personal hover disc which was cool (Also, technically, it was a demon they had summoned))

    • Anarchy Online's Engineer (Whose entire kit was just making a huge robot who was way stronger than you to beat everyone up. Like, it would be more than 50 levels higher than you if built right to the point where you wouldn't even be able to see what level it was)

    • Anarchy Online's Bureaucrat (Who had some really strong pets though if anything was OP about them it was always their ridiculous CC they could use to lock people down as well as shut out a lot of their actions by literally using skills called "Red Tape")

    None of these classes have ever really been a major issue for PvP in their games, even the White Lion with its absolutely crazy skill, was still only particularly good when attacking keeps and only if healers allowed themselves to get targeted (Otherwise it was mediocre at best and forever kited at worst). Even Engineer in Warhammer Online, where many instanced PvP areas where focused on defending a particular location (King of the Hill type modes) weren't overly strong and in fact the strongest aspect about them was their Morale Skill 1 which was a huge knockback and was great on the one map where the entire place was surrounded by Lava.

    Nothing about GW2's combat systems suggests that properly designed minions/turrets/pets couldn't be functional without being broken. It just requires some actual designing to take place.

  20. When comparing MMO numbers and specifically Forum/Reddit discussion numbers...

    Keep in mind that FFXIV uses a 3 monthly content release schedule (Delayed due to lockdown) and incentivises subbing for 1 month then cancelling for 2 months because of how short all of its content is (And how worthless its gear is and how quickly you can obtain it. Heck upon the release of a new raid tier, you can instantly craft gear that is better than what drops in Normal Raids and will reach the minimum item level requirements to go through the entirety of the latest Savage Raid tier - Hence so many day 1 Savage Raid clears)

    As such, players have much more time to spend being idle cities while posting on forums about their new outfit or wierd RP sessions...

    Also, WoW likes to do as little as possible, so you can often get content droughts that last 6-9+ months because lelyouallboughtthe12monthgametime"Deal"anyway.

    So players have plenty of time to talk about the game more so than actually playing it.

    GW2 has a lot more things to actually do, especially ones that are actually fun (As opposed to doing Beast Tribe/Rep dailies or running the same trash hallway simulators using the Duty Finder/LFD tools in order to get your daily bonus reward ad infinitum)

  21. @"Kodama.6453" said:I don't quite understand why you are switching their roles here. As far as I know, spite has always been the trait line for power damage, but in this rework here you make it more of a defensive trait line.On the other hand, death magic has been about tankiness, but you make it a damage trait line here.

    Because, as I said, I made changes based around names.

    There are a bunch of traits that deal bonuses to things below 50% life, which is more suited to "Death" Magic.

    While "Spite" sounds more fitting for being tanky and using things like Retaliation to punish enemies that attack you.

    @"Kodama.6453" said:Also a single trait that gives a 30% damage modifier seems a bit much.

    Currently there already exists traits that give 20% damage. In fact, Necro currently has one (Close to Death: Deal 20% more damage to foes below 50% life)

    I figure why not differentiate the trait from other similar ones (Bolt to the Heart, Executioner, Swift Termination) by making a more "Death" orientated theme of requiring a target to be closer to death (Below 25% instead of below 50%) but giving a higher damage boost (30% instead of 20%)

    Now, technically, it's objectively worse with these numbers (It'd require a higher damage boost to be comparable to the standard 20% under 50%) but putting a higher number would probably make people think it's crazy OP (And it might end up being too good in PvP due to taking out downed players)

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