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Everything posted by Yggranya.5201

  1. Consistency seems to be anathema to all MMO developers. Soon they will add time travel and multiverse to make sure there won't be even a memory of logic/sense left.
  2. If they ever make them available for solo, then i might do legendaries. Until then, i could not possibly care less. I don't see what is a "legendary journey" in getting a bunch of zerg festivals and gangbanging everything. Would be more appropriate if you would do some challenges alone.
  3. Any and every decision gaming companies, like all companies make are driven by trying to make as much profit as possible. The user experience is on the lowest point in the line of importance. Sure, if you can make the experience better cheaply and easily, then go for it but if not then whatever. People need to learn that companies are not their friends.
  4. That's the thing in the "chosen hero" stories. Maybe wasn't chosen yet in the pact but it would work just as well for being aurenes pet. The commander didn't have what it takes? Then aurene just chooses the next mook to do the prophecy garbage. Of course you won't fail, it's been predetermined, you can't fail because it's your destiny/fate. I don't understand how anyone can enjoy this kind of crap. You don't do it because you choose to, you do it because you were chosen. If it wasn't you, then any other mook would do just as well, puppets don't need to think. Off topic but whatever... just want anet to know their story sucks. At least it can't get any worse.
  5. I play male characters because i'm male, simple as that. I find it funny how in these kinds of questions people say they play female because of "fashion". come on, you're not fooling anyone. We all know why, the ogling. Instead of staring at my characters ass, i would rather go kill something and watch them fight.
  6. I don't think they look too ugly, my problem with the basic faces is that most of them look like they are a 10000 years old. That may be the point but, eh... at least there is the one face in the makeover kit that's fine. Especially the weird eyes.
  7. Asura in golem body like Blish race ? :D They're not intelligent enough to be playable. They don't wear clothes !https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/3/33/Vampire_Beast.jpg That does solve the problems of having to voice them and the need to adjust armour to fit them... Kasmeer: Commander, Joko has attacked Almoon!Commander: GrawarrrKasmeer: Yes Commander, I'll meet you there. I laughed ! That would be more like a cyborg Asura than an actual machine but i guess i will take what i can get. A golem with a nicer shape than the big chunk ones you see in Rata Sum ?Would depend, would they like for you to wear armor or get some upgrades for your new body. I don't really care, as long as i could get something. Too rare in games to be able to play a machine.
  8. Asura in golem body like Blish race ? :D They're not intelligent enough to be playable. They don't wear clothes !https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/3/33/Vampire_Beast.jpg That does solve the problems of having to voice them and the need to adjust armour to fit them... Kasmeer: Commander, Joko has attacked Almoon!Commander: GrawarrrKasmeer: Yes Commander, I'll meet you there. I laughed !That would be more like a cyborg Asura than an actual machine but i guess i will take what i can get.
  9. You never were the commander, you always were (like in almost every game ever) a mindless puppet who simply does as you are told, no will, no opinions, nothing. Just a weapon to be sent to kill and destroy, not your choise, it's just what you are told to do. Of couse they pretend that your character says things but none of the things they say matter in any way. If you play a human or sylvari, then maybe it's not so bad but playing a charr or asura really sucks. Asura is an idiot, charr is a kitten. What i would like to see in Cantha is that, since the ministry of purity is in charge, they would do what kitten Germany tried to do and come to exterminate and/or enslave every "lesser" race. Then you obviously go to war with them and end Cantha, that would be great. It won't happen but eh... Sooo.... ‘Commanders’ still follow orders. Always have. The more senior the commander, the more they have input into the plan, but the goals are set by people above them. You are the second in command and all the missions with the pact have some random mook tell you what to do and where to go, you know nothing and you command no one. The mooks just follow the living weapon (the commander) after giving him/her their orders.I still remember in orr, when you need to choose a mission for one of the orders, the priory one where you go find the searing cauldron. You are the second in command and they can't tell you anything until you choose their mission, because of reasons. "Commander" what a joke.
  10. You mean the story sucks and so no one can enjoy it. Aurene is not the commanders pet, The commander is Aurenes pet.
  11. Sorry, perhaps I wasn't clear: this would change the appearance of already-existing tags. You still have to buy a tag in-game first. This idea just allows you to add some spice to the tag that goes above a commander's head. Why? So you can glow even more in Lion's Arch?
  12. The only one i want is a machine "race". I think i have ever playd 2 games where you could play as a machine and yes, they had the problem of humanizing them, as always. I know why they do it but would be nice if someone would do something original for a change.
  13. Indeed, i have never joined a guild in any game and i never will. If it becomes a requirement then i'm out. Really, the reason most MMO put something like banks, buff and such into guilds is because if they didn't, there would be a lot less people joining them. Should just stop pretending and make it available. If someone is interested, they will look for one to join regardless.
  14. they actually looked better before they redesigned them.........https://i.pinimg.com/474x/e6/bd/f4/e6bdf446084526b40bd994fc5e68b3ef--guild-wars-sylvari-character-concept-art.jpg Ahh, so you just (to nobodys suprise) want them to be "pwettier". Doesn't really look that different to me.Personally, i would like some machine race, like sentient golems or something. Elf races are popular because most people are obsessed with appearances. so you assume i just want it to be pwetty?oh boy, you have absolutely no idea who i am nor what i like and you just go and talk big just like that, good going.....Then tell me, what do you actually want? That picture doesn't look at all different exept maybe the face. You said that they are not unique but they are a race of plants that were just born some 20 years ago, what should they be then? What would make them interesting?
  15. Huh, P A N S Y is censored for some reason. Kitten indeed. Also N A Z I.
  16. You never were the commander, you always were (like in almost every game ever) a mindless puppet who simply does as you are told, no will, no opinions, nothing. Just a weapon to be sent to kill and destroy, not your choise, it's just what you are told to do. Of couse they pretend that your character says things but none of the things they say matter in any way. If you play a human or sylvari, then maybe it's not so bad but playing a charr or asura really sucks. Asura is an idiot, charr is a pansy. What i would like to see in Cantha is that, since the ministry of purity is in charge, they would do what nazi Germany tried to do and come to exterminate and/or enslave every "lesser" race. Then you obviously go to war with them and end Cantha, that would be great. It won't happen but eh...
  17. Would you look at that, someone who gets the obvious. Of course, most people want to be noticed, want to be "special". But as you said, no one really cares and it shouldn't be shoveled down everyone throat. People should just do what they do amongst themselves and leave everyone else out of it. Too much to ask? Of course it is.
  18. they actually looked better before they redesigned them.........https://i.pinimg.com/474x/e6/bd/f4/e6bdf446084526b40bd994fc5e68b3ef--guild-wars-sylvari-character-concept-art.jpg Ahh, so you just (to nobodys suprise) want them to be "pwettier". Doesn't really look that different to me.Personally, i would like some machine race, like sentient golems or something. Elf races are popular because most people are obsessed with appearances.
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