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Posts posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. Asset re-use is good and every MMO developer should do it constantly. I don't need to fight a completely new mob with completely new animations every time I fight an enemy.

    It makes content take longer to make just for a "prettier" factor - pointless. Use the same models/animations, palette swap it, and add new mechanics/affixes. Change the gameplay, which is cheap, not the animation/art, which is expensive and time consuming.

    In conclusion, stop asking for slower content releases in a game by a company that historically(10 years) has been extremely slow at releasing content at a proper speed.

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  2. On 8/1/2023 at 3:03 PM, Player.2475 said:

    This crappy fractal is the reason I refuse to play the game any day it's daily. I cleared it several times, but it's such a slog and not at all rewarding.

    These fixes will solve NOTHING.

    Not only does this boss STILL have 3x more health than any other fractal boss in the game, but none of these fixes address the bugs with its one-shot mechanics, like the goddamn eye mechanic's terrible hit detection where you can get hit even if you're looking away from the eyes on the last walkable pixel of the platform, or the fact that for some players the blast triggers up to 3 times in a row randomly for no reason even after it finished, or the fact that the newly undodgeable numbers attack basically downs you if you have less than 100% hp when it starts.

    Instead of rushing out half-baked content that will make people want to play the game less, how about you actually release it in a finished state?

    I'm not your goddamn beta tester, and this isn't an early-access game.

    At the very least, don't shove terrible unfinished content into the daily reward system. Make it a separate daily - hell - make it separate content since it's clearly not a fractal and doesn't belong there, only existing to make the daily take longer and reward zero extra loot every time it pops up.

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  3. 24 minutes ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

    Devs should start from the assumption we are in GW2 (it even sounds stupid writing it but seems like it has to be said), and anything that comes from outside as inspiration shouldn't be straight up copied (again, this should go without saying, wtf). 

    Yeah I don't get it. I also don't get these people coming in obsessed with FFXIV wanting to play that game inside of this game. This is GW2, not FFXIV, if I want to play FFXIV, as the title says, I'll go sub to it. 

    FFXIV fights do not work in this game, and we keep getting really bad FFXIV fights. Everything made since EoD released has been very FFXIV-inspired and now the newest one is a blatant copy to the point it doesn't even fit the game. This is on top of FFXIV being well-known for having terrible class design, combat, and end game, it just makes no sense.

    Going back and doing the old fractal bosses and even though they aren't  "epicly hard omg I don't have to prog it for 3 weeks to clear because 1 person making a mistake wastes 15m of your time and instantly wipes you(btw this isn't fun)", they fit the game and are actually playing an action RPG with a dodge mechanic instead of one without.

    Silent Surf is completely antithesis to GW2's design that it hurts.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

    You played the game 8years ago and did the first savage fight they ever did

    Considered the most difficult non-ult fights in the game and also considered the peak of class design and combat in FFXIV(current FFXIV class design is an absolute joke), while new savage is a joke. Ultimates I have no interest in as 1 person messing up = 15m of my time wasted, no ty.

    Again, if I want to play FFXIV, I'll sub to it. I do not want to play it, I want to play GW2. Anet needs to stop trying to make this game into FFXIV. It will not work, and barely anyone plays FFXIV for raiding or end game. The majority of people play it for story and RP with catgirls.

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  5. 23 minutes ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

    FF14 is played for endgame, combat and class design. 

    It has the worst class design and combat in the genre. It's end game is simon says musical chairs. I do not like it's mechanic s design, I find them boring. If I want that gameplay I'll go play FFXIV. I want to play GW2, not FFXIV-lite.

    I cleared alex savage gordias at release as an AST so I'm well versed in that games raiding and combat. I quit afterwards due to lack of content and never returned.

    I don't play Virt or Scourge because they are extremely boring and not the vision the devs have for this games combat.

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  6. On 8/3/2023 at 5:12 AM, soulknight.9620 said:

    Energy is bad atm and needs to be removed.

    Energy completely ruins the flow of this spec for me. It's probably only there due to PvP but I have full energy at all times in PvP and it only randomly interrupts the flow of my gameplay in PvE.

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  7. On 8/4/2023 at 6:01 PM, Shao.7236 said:

    Nobody cares about damage reduction in PvE though.

    For the rest though, can't say there's any benefit change energy costs since they are quite nicely tucked together, perhaps making Phase Traversal share it's benefits of Quickness and Unblockable on location to teammates nearby the target would be an insane buff but have people work together also.

    Do you only raid and do strikes in a full BIS premade or something?

    I do mostly open world and duoing t4 fractals/dungeons/strikes and greatly benefit from being able to remove conditions, give myself damage reduction, or break stuns.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Batalix.2873 said:

    I really do not agree with the direction this game is going with SotO. Not only are they recycling a lot of past content, but they are doing so in ways that remove the inherent barriers of design that make gameplay feel weighty and worthwhile. The more the game just approaches "pick a color and join the zerg", the less legacy it will leave behind.

    This is what happens when you let FFXIV players design your MMO with no pushback from the producer.

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  9. On 7/29/2023 at 1:33 PM, Athena.1735 said:

    I will vouch for a few bits of this thread by extending STABILITY is gate keeping everything, due to the amount of stability some classes provides it completely excludes the ones that barely have any, now by no means i am saying to nerf the classes that have that much stab nor am i saying i have a solution but the problem is there, where stability seems to be the main factor decision to choose a support nowadays, i tried joiuning as a heal alac scourge in several strikes group but few groups let me do it because no stability, and yes i agree stability makes everything in sanely easier and faster due to not losing time dodging or with other annoying animations, but it also feels like its breaking end game in a way... like people complaint about the powercreep of dps, what about boons, whgere stability is literally that 1 boon factor that decides the best supports.. i seen groups kicking specific support for lacking stability, but anyway just a reminder that this is a big problem dont have a solution but at this point if u removed stability i couldnt care less, when people make a big deal of something and misuse it i see no reason to give them such a thing... but this is jus me...

    Stability and super speed needed to be deleted 3 expacs ago.

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  10. Enough is enough. We keep getting bad FF14 fights as end game content when that games combat is nothing like this games.

    There's nothing to dodge. The fight drags on too long. It's the same repeated mechanics over and over.

    I legit fall asleep doing this fight. It's so boring and long. After doing Shattered Observatory and Nightmare then immediately doing Silent Surf afterwards, it's like playing a completely different game - a bad one. While the older fractal fights are so fast paced with tons of fun action mechanics, dodging and jumping, Silent Surf is completely devoid of all this.

    FFXIV is not played for it's end game. combat, or class design. Those are actually it's weaknesses that the players complain about example1 example2 example3. It's played for it's story, revealing dress up, and cat girls.

    If you want to turn GW2 into FFXIV so badly, at least copy it's good parts, not it's bad.

    Notice how the pacing, length, and feel of the below video is very similar  to Silent Surf?

    Embrace GW2 for the fast paced action RPG it is and stop trying to make it something it will never be.

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  11. On 7/31/2023 at 5:22 PM, ZenDrake.8316 said:

    We both know that healers that neither give alac or quickness have no place in PvE, that's not an alternative. Prior to this change, you still had at least some healing available on Glint, but now it's really difficult to spend energy on staff skills as you lose out on boon ticks.


    It just doesn't feel fun anymore for me.

    Herald shouldn't be a healer, and vind having healing but no alac/quickness while renegade has no healing but alac is extremely awkward and unfixable.

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  12. Shiro basically has a single usable button in PvE - Impossible odds. The other three  abilities cost far too much energy to ever be used.

    Phase traversal was nerfed in all game modes in 2016 due to PvP. This should be reverted and the energy cost reduced even further.


    May 17, 2016
    • The cost of this skill has been increased from 20 to 35.

    Riposting shadows was also nerfed in 2016 due to PvP. This should be reverted and the energy cost reduced.

    April 19, 2016
    • The endurance gain of this ability has been reduced from 50 to 25.

    Jade winds costs far too much energy and is basically never usable. This should be reduced.

    I'd like to press buttons on Shiro, but I just press impossible odds and it's not feasable to ever use another skill, which makes him a really boring legend.

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