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Posts posted by Jianyu.7065

  1. 13 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    Sure but you could only use 3 of them. Which meant, at very least, you'd have to go into the Underworld or Fisssure of Woe with only 3 heroes. Henchmen couldn't go on there either.

    My wife and I were able to beat DOA with 2 of us and six heroes, because we could each take 3. You also couldn't use 7 heroes back then. That change wasn't made until the game was no longer under active development.

    Do you really think the game was designed to solo when the hardest content required you to do it with 3 heroes and 4 worthless henchmen?

    It wasn't just FOW and the Underworld either. The Deep and Urgoz's Warren, which came out before heroes, had 12 characters that could enter. I doubt many could four man that.  Yet that's the most you can take.

    Aside from that, Anet had said all along, it was all about designing a community.  


    I think the game catered to both solo and co-op so, to suggest that it's primarily a co-op game is probably closer to an opinion than a fact - regardless of ANets statement. I played GW1 entirely solo, except for my excusions into Factions, and I accomplished at least as much as anyone who played co-op. What do you expect my take to be based on my experience? Not only that, more content regarding how heroes were used was continuously developed to favor the solo player culminating with mercs. 

    Also, I never said that I thought GW1 was built for the solo player, I said that the idea of the game being primarily co-op is arguable and there is plenty of evidence to argue it.

    • Confused 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    Heroes didn't exist when Guild Wars 1 launched, nor did Mercs for it's entire active development life time. We did have henchmen, but henchmen weren't allowed to go into the Underworld or Fissure of Woe, and they were woefully inadequate in end game content at any rate.

    Well, heroes not existing at launch is just cheery picking to make a bad point. They came with Nightfall which released only a year after launch in 2006. So, while the point of GW1 being geared toward co-op can be made its easily arguable as GW1 spent more time with heroes than without.

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  3. On 3/27/2024 at 11:56 PM, Izzy.2951 said:

    Saying that GW1 was designed as a solo game, when it was designed as a cooperative game in all gamemodes is nearly a war crime. 

    Maybe you should ask Heroes and Mercs what they think about GW1 co-op game design....

    And "war crime" - makes me wonder what your opinion is of actual war crimes....

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  4. I agree with the thought that - while its fun to speculate - we should probably wait to hear IF/when something is officially announced by Anet. It would be a huge undertaking to rebuild the code and update GW2 to a new engine, but how much more or less risky is that compared to dev-ing an entire new game at this stage(?). Many players play GW2 because you can play it with very minimal hardware. I first began playing this game on an i5 650 and a Radeon 5070. This group of players will be completely left out of a new game as many cant afford to upgrade. Hopefully one day, PCs go the route of TVs and become a basically mastered tech that becomes super cheap because they're super easy to manufacture - but thats another topic. Like many of us - I want more from Anet, but their recent content - while decent - has been rather uninspired compared to installments of the past. Was the creativity of HoT a one-shot, or the game changing impact of PoF a tease. Of course, this lack of inspiration can be explained by the dev-ing of a new game, but I can almost guarantee that many of us will not give up our time, our friendships, our knowledge, or things left undone to move over to the new shinney; surely Anet has considered all of this and knows that there is a huge risk here. Even if it is official - what sort of arrival time can we speculate, especially when its been announced so abruptly in its early stages. 

    Personally, I believe a remastered game is their best bet. It allows them to deliver more while keeping most of whats already intact. Potato gamers could probably still play with some adjusted settings. If this announcement is official though, then a remaster is of course just a dream. 

    Otherwise - I can only imagine this announcement being official sounding good to players who have 30k plus hours and nothing left to do - which is a very small percentage of players. I guess it would also sound good to players with certain entitlements, but most of the core player group who have supported this game through love and friendship are probably not feeling very considered by this - IF it is official.

    Also - I am not sure how confident I am in this current dev team to deliver a new game that holds up to the history and longevity of the GW franchise. 


    Jeez, I mean it seems like there is so much left to do and see that we havent even had a chance to discover yet. More of the map visible game world is covered in fog than what we actually get to play in - probably close to twice as large. The move from GW1 to 2 made sense but, will GW3 take place another 250 years in the future. I dont know. I like the idea of a fresh coat of paint and more creativity but not a new game. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, Asur.9178 said:

    A/P has more significant problems than just the terrible A/P 3 design (duplicate of A/D, minus the shadowstep). That's ignoring all the problems with axe's functionality in general that  is currently plaguing the weapon.

    Pistol offhand on its own is terrible without a great finisher on the MH/3 or a ridiculously strong 3. It's why D/P is godly in design and Sc/P is good, while the rest are just awful: S/P is dead, P/P is a meme, A/P is terrible. It's also why any decent/good thief (myself inclusive) wanted either both a MH and OH or just an OH as a new weapon...not another MH or 2H.

    Is there any practical use for A/P. Is it worth using at all in any game mode? I'm interested in your insight. Why is it so terrible. What is it doing wrong. How can it be better. Genuinely interested since I don't know as much or have the extent of knowledge to have a decisive opinion.

  6. I dont believe Masteries are a bad system. In HoT it felt like you were gaining knowledge about how to survive in the deep jungle. Is that how the idea of Masteries continued through the other expansions - well, not exactly, but in essence that's kind of how I look at it. 

    There are a lot of games, single player games even, where you dont get all of the "press F" features right off the bat. Often you have to complete a quest or reach a certain part of the game or gain so many levels before extra features are unlocked. 

    My only criticism with the Mastery system is that it can be a real frustration-fest trying to get enough points. In the end, you're usually left with the hardest ones to get, and while there are more points available than what you need, some of the tasks are just absolute nonsense. But this is where my major criticism of GW2 lies anyway - that they don't focus enough time on improving the fun factor when it comes to dated features, and even some new features. In 2024, even the last few years, it seems like GW2 is focusing more on the carrot to keep players engaged rather than focusing on fun factor to keep players engaged. 

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  7. On 1/15/2024 at 8:13 AM, LichOverlord.6329 said:

    I sincerely hope not, for all our sakes

    Though I may be frustrated, I don't dislike the guy or anything, and he's been great for the PvP community imo 

    I think it would be great if he was actually reading some of this feedback, taking it in, and maybe trying to see things from a different perspective. 

    No shame in admitting you're wrong - he's done it before with scrapper wells, and I have faith that he'll see his mistake here, as well

    I was just joking. I read through this entire post thread the morning after and almost every post that criticized the unnecessary and disappointing changes had either a confused or cry emoji - while the rare reply that saw the changes as acceptable had likes...

    I know, I know...people 😒...right... 

  8. It's as if the need for balance patches only results in the need for balance patches. This teeter tottering of classes being up one update and down the next is depressing at worst, and nonsense at best. I talk to a lot players who hold their breath everytime a balance patch comes out because they know any of the "good" changes made wont last for long, or they know they will have to spend time reconstructing their build. But wait - some classes don't even get touched, other classes get buffed and never come back down, and other classed get nerfed and never go back up. The constant need to change how you play just to remain efficient and effective is NOT fun. ANet really needs to take some responsibility here and probably realign the priority and philosophy of balance patches because you can't just have them because you need them to adjust the changes you made you in the prior balance patch - and this just goes on and on. I don't believe the balance patches accomplish anything except player frustration, unless of course you play a class that never really gets touched. 

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  9. I guess if you were only doing the jumping puzzles just because they contributed to what you could earn from the dailies, and not because they were fun - were they actually as fun as you claim "back then"? Because if you really thought that JPs were fun, wouldnt you just do them daily anyway - you still get the chest....

    • Like 1
  10. On 1/8/2024 at 6:25 AM, Astralporing.1957 said:

    No. The new way is more beneficial to players that like the game to set the goals for them. It's not so beneficial for players that prefer to set the goals for themselves and dislike being railroaded into doing Spirit Vestibule on weekly basis (for example). It is more beneficial to players playing the same game mode all the time. It is slightly less beneficial to players that play the same mix of gamemodes all the time. It is not so good to those that prefer to play the mode that picks their fancy on that specific moment...

    Basically, the system is more beneficial to players that are not a good fit for GW2 as it was originally designed and came from games that taught them to be lost without the game making decisions for them. And it is less beneficial for those that liked this game for the freeform playstyle it offered.

    This system is basically a spreadsheet checklist form thrown in your face with the suggestion to fill it first before you can start having fun on that day. Which might be fun for those that like spreadsheets, but for me degrades the whole game experience.

    Yes, i have noticed that i am earning more than i did in the previous system. I have noticed as well, that i am also having far less fun than before.

    Your reply reads like you're trying to force your disappointment as being the actual reality - and it isnt. Its just your perspective and that reality is yours alone to bare.

    The WV doesnt set your goals because there is far more to do, participate in, and accomplish than the tasks the WV offers. I agree that some of the task arent fun, but you dont have to complete every task in a set to earn the final reward. Sure, you lose a small amount of AA by doing so - but I also dislike the Spirit Vestibule, so I just avoid it and the losses havent occurred to me in a way thats bothersome. I agree that the WV can give the player more agency to choose tasks across the different game modes, and I would imagine that at some point this will probably change, however, your perspective on this is your perspective, and either way - players will still choose the tasks that are easiest, quickest, and most enjoyable to complete a set. Players who choose only PVE tasks now will likely only choose them when/if the WV is converted into allowing players to choose tasks from any game mode at any time.  

    I dont agree with you at all on your second point there. I have played GW since day one, and I have played 2 since beta. I believe whole-heartedly that the WV is a very welcomed change across the player base and was designed with old and new players in mind. I've been playing RPG and adventure games all the way back to Zork on an IBM floppy disk in 1988. My catalogue for gaming runs from Baldur's Gate through Remnant and everything in between. You cant really assume that just because you dont like how something tastes that nobody else should like it either. With or without the WV, this game still retains its sense of adventure - how you choose to enjoy it is on you. If your sense of fun only exists in what you can gain from playing and not playing just because its fun to play, well - I guess I can find a way to shoehorn your point into understanding.

    I think if you look at the WV like some kind of routine workload - that its something you must do just to get by, then you're cultivating your own ball and chain. I play this game because its a fun and relaxing way to release stress. I never play it feeling like I have to keep up with anyone, like I need this or that to fulfill my sense of pride. So, in that sense - the WV to me is just a bonus. I am going to play how I like to play regardless. Sometimes I dont even do the daily or weekly or special stuff. But what I love about the WV is that when I play, I dont have to wait until I reach a specific day for a specific log in reward. My itch for gaming is never in the same place for very long and it could take me months, a whole year even to get through 28 days of log in bonuses. Now, when I do play the game, I can complete a small set of engaging tasks, gain some AA, and then use that to purchase whatever I want/need from the WV. 

    I think overall - a general personality trait for people is that some people welcome change and some people dont. Unfortunately, for the people who dont welcome change, well - change is a fundamental property of our ultimate reality, no matter your perspective. Everything is changing all the time and those who welcome and adapt to it usually continue forward with less stress and more smiles.

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  11. Sometimes we come across players doing a hero challenge solo and stand just outside and watch to see if they will need help or not. Unfortunately, in these instances, maybe 75% of players we come across end up in down-state. So, we rez and help them finish it off.

    On the other hand, we have been downed also, mostly for poor or lazy planning, and have welcomed the help when it arrives. 

    Honestly, after so many years, I'd rather not go back to the closest way point and do it all over again, and we like to think other players are like-minded.

    But maybe not 🤷‍♂️

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