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Posts posted by Jianyu.7065

  1. 23 hours ago, Drizzly.4562 said:

    Do you have an argument of why you *should* have to spend time engaging in an entirely different game mode you don't like other than "you currently do, and that's that"?

    What do you say to strictly pvp players about acquiring a GoE?

    Saying that WvW is that far removed from pve, in your words an "entirely different game mode" is deliberate misrepresentation. I'm not a fan of WvW, and while it may seem like it's a waste of time, you can go there an earn exp toward a reward track only engaging in pve combat. I know, pretty big stuff to wrap your head around, but it's true.

    So, it has nothing to do with "this is the way the game is and thats that" because in the end, players who ultimately refuse to engage in WvW are simply just being fussy. The idea that your expectations should be fulfilled in an "easier way" because you refuse to do a thing that results in you fulfilling your expectations on your own just because you perceive the current way as being more difficult is entitlement, not a point made or a side in an argument.

    I sometimes feel like players who claim to dislike WvW simply haven't played WvW. And while I can agree with WvW being a kind of rag-tag game mode, the only reason players who claim to dislike WvW would go there is for a GoB. And if you only go there to earn a GoB, your biggest waste of time is making up arguments for why you dislike WvW and that you should be able to earn a GoB in pve - you probably could have had a couple GoB by now. 

    It's not like ANet is deliberately gating the GoB behind WvW to spite you. Contrary to what you believe, there are many players who engage in all aspects of GW2. And just because a small group of players refuse to engage in WvW for a GoB doesn't mean the GoB is in the wrong place.

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  2. 9 hours ago, Sawyer.4127 said:

    I wish any of you would make an actual argument for why you think it should be this way instead of just going "If you don't want to play WvW, don't have a legendary".

    Again, please clarify to me why you think that should be a thing? Is it just entertaining to you for others to suffer in a video game they're supposed to enjoy? What pleasure do you get from preventing people from getting the best items in the game? What part of letting someone spend 5 hours in PvE instead of 5 hours in WvW hurts your experience with the game? Why does the idea of that upset you?

    This is just silly. Clearly this argument has always been limited to gamemodes and nothing specific within them. Plenty of things I don't like to do in PvE, but I'd still rather do those over spending hours in PvP.

    The fact that a starter kit exists in the vault trivializes it? It has the option for 4 10+ year old legendaries so people have the option of getting ONE slightly easier than would otherwise be possible. There's 17 weapon types in this game, as well as armor. It does not and should not matter to you if it exists. 

    1. I like some of the legendaries, I like the convenience that comes with them. And despite popular belief, I'm quite entitled to want to make one and still not want to play PvP/WvW.

    2. I'm happy that the people going "No", with zero context or argument as to why, seem to enjoy their time getting legendaries as is. But plenty of people bring up this discussion, so clearly there's also a bunch that don't. And in the same vein, why do those people get to decide what that I should be spending my time doing stuff I don't want to, just because they enjoy it? Especially given any of the proposed options for change wouldn't make their experience any different. 

    3. Because one of the biggest end game systems currently forces you to. It's fairly normal I would say to want to take part in the best gear in the game, but that doesn't mean I can't have problems with the process.

    PvP and PvE are fundamentally different types of gameplay and while you can enjoy both, many also don't. And I really don't see what you are gaining by having people spend hours in game modes they don't enjoy playing. What are you wanting to force that for? Do you really want people in PvP/WvW that don't want to be there? I feel like that's more harmful to those gamemodes than anything because they'll always try for the easiest way to get out of there as quickly as they can.

    So if someone wants to spend an equivalent amount of time doing something else, kill a trillion PvE mobs for example, why is that a problem? The time spent is the same. The impact on your experience is the same. What's the downside exactly? Are we trying to keep the image of prestige on something you can literally spend $100 and go buy on the trading post (Gen 2 and armor aside).

    And before I get more comments saying buying them on the trading post is the solution for people like me, I want to ask this. Do you want people to play the game, or don't you? Because those are conflicting arguments. 

    I'd love to earn my own legendaries, and I have already and I do enjoy majority of the process behind it. Nobody is asking for "easy" or "faster". Quite the opposite actually. I'll take harder and slower if it means I can continue to play the game mode I enjoy. And honestly if that's not good enough, then I feel like you're just looking to make people miserable. And for what? 

    Just because something can be used in every game mode doesn't mean it will be. Just because I just play PvE doesn't mean I'm going to sit here and say "Haha PvP player go do map completion because that's how the system was made". No, I'd love it if they had a way to get gift of exploration doing just PvP. I don't understand the concept of actively trying to make the experience less enjoyable for others. You can have both without trivializing it or making it "easy".

    Consider why it upsets you that you have to spend 5 hours in a part of the game to earn something that isn't even in the ballpark of being kept from you.

    Do you have another arguement besides "I don't want to do this - fooey"



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  3. 41 minutes ago, Liewec.2896 said:

    personally i want more fun endless tonics, open world content, dungeons like the classic ones we had at release,

    more armour sets (i like skimpy armours but variety is good, so give us a mix!) preferably available in game as either drops, rewards or just sold by a vendor.

    I, for one, can certainly get behind there being more dungeons. Mini dungeons, while a good idea on paper, are not fun when there are many players in them. There should be one dungeon in every zone themed around that zone or the meta in that zone.

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  4. 17 minutes ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

    Using one of your examples, gift of battle, this is obtainable only through WvW. Now a player like myself who is terrible in any form of PvP goes in and starts ruining it for people who actually are good and want to do well in WvW. So while I'm understanding they want players to go in different game modes, when they only do it for one item. It can be frustrating for everyone. I don't mind the effort, but I do mind dragging everyone else down with me...

    I'm not a fan of pvp either but your comments about WvW sound like you haven't played it. I'm not sure you can drag other players down. I haven't been there since before the expansion but I heard they reduced the reward track experience so you can actually earn a GoB quicker than before - either way, it would only take you about 8 hours (iirc) of barely participating in pvp in WvW to earn a GoB. It's really not "that" bad

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  5. 1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    The best solo gold farm and yet I... don't see anyone other than 1-2 people in a PoF/LWS4 map or EoD maps do it? 1 LFG in a map isn't exactly saying that the content is non-abandoned.

    In the first months of EoD you could say fishing was popular, but now I can find a group doing Arah faster than find others fishing for reasons other than an EoD daily.

    That's hogwash and makes me wonder - do you even fish, bro?

    I only go to Kourna, but everytime I do - there is easily between 10 and 20 players there.

    Not to mention, other areas where you can pass large water features in just about any map, I always see at least 1 to 2 players fishing. Heck - I even saw some players fishing in Aurenes chamber in the golden city at random points.....

    It's not necessary to make some stuff up to fortify your point....

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  6. On 9/8/2023 at 11:38 AM, Drakkon.4782 said:

    I appreciate the advice, but it in no way mitigates the main problem with fishing, which is the same as what has plagued the game since it released 10 years ago: it wasn't explained properly, and documentation in-game is abysmal. Also, fishing that requires you to jump through so many hoops isn't relaxing, which is what fishing should be. Right now, fishing is the equivalent of a jumping puzzle. I shouldn't need to spend money, either real or in-game, just to catch 5 fish for a daily.

    Again, thank you. I'll look into that, but I wish it was in-game, and not just in the wiki. It doesn't bother anyone that they have to do the heavy lifting with the documentation for this game?

    It's sucks that you're not enjoying fishing. The only thing I can agree with you on is the in game explanation. 

    I make money fishing - far more than what I spend and I don't jump through any hoops to do it. Acquiring information is never heavy lifting in my opinion, especially when it's helpful, regardless of how little is provided in game. Learning to make money by fishing was probably 10 minutes worth of reading and I was stacking 20 gold per hour. Period. 

    Basically, level up fishing and your skiff completely. Get jade lures, quality sushi, and bait that is native to the map your fishing (if need be), and you're all set. Literally, the most difficult part is leveling the masteries.

    I hope the advice you're getting here helps.

  7. This has to be consistently brought back up because it is a big disturbance to continuous gameplay and can severely interrupt your enjoyment. 

    My wife and I were forced to another map during the JP in Metrica with the attunements. We're not JP masters so it took us a while to figure it out but the map closed when we were near the end. After the map closed and we were in the new map, my wife missed a jump and could not go back to the portal she was attuned to because the map close wiped out our attunement. So, after spending so much time we just left to do something else feeling a little burned out. We avoided volunteering because we thought it may affect our attunement and progress so we tried to complete the puzzle, unfortunately...well...it took us too long and we were forced to change anyway and it pretty much did what we expected. Poopy.

    And it's not enough to say that the map close pop up comes up and you volunteer only to end up in another map and 30 seconds later - another map close pop up. 

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  8. On 9/8/2023 at 8:38 AM, wolonggong.3469 said:

    You are the one being obtuse. The argument by the OP is about the DAILY LOGIN.

    A fair and HONEST argument is that the daily/weeklies are better because it is now a little more like the old login rewards.

    The fact you people keep attempting to make it sound like playing the game is the point is proof you are not arguing in good faith but instead hated the fact people were being rewarded something for just logging in and do not understand the very reason for MMORPGs having those things in the first place. This entire thread is nothing but toxic people hating a thing and trying to find a way to justify it. And having to lie like this is proof you people have no ground to stand on.

    There is only ONE fact here. The old daily login rewarded an item every day that cannot be matched with the current system by just logging in. The only way to come remotely close to it is by now having to, as you say, "play the game" which means it still does not match the old system which did not require it. This is what happens when you form an argument based on a lie instead of creating an argument based on FACTS which is that the daily/weeklies are now better. But this is a white knight argument meant to try to dismiss the legit complaints of fellow players.

    Nothing makes me sicker than a group of players that lie to dismiss people in their own community.

    We all know you want to die on the hill of your silly point. But, the fact is - if you ONLY logged in to collect the daily reward and did NOT play then your argument doesn't even matter because the rewards you're collecting are worthless if they're just being collected and then used for nothing else.

    Seriously, just leave if all of this makes you sick. You're trying way too hard to swing this in your favor and you are 100% just wrong. Period.

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Tachenon.5270 said:

    I got the Gift of Battle today (along with a 3rd piece of stat-selectable armor) and now I has a Starter Kit Bolt! I'd run around bling blinging with it but I need to unwind from all that intense WvW so I think I'll relax for a while and maybe make another pizza sandwich. With extra pepperoni. Yeah.

    That's what's up!

  10. The most confusing thing about the OP is that they claim to have enjoyed their personal journey and that its nice to feel like they have achieved something even though it means nothing to other players, and then in the same paragraph they claim the nice feeling is now diminished because what other players achieve means a lot to the OP.


    Why do you care about what other players are doing if you know other players don't care about what you're doing. 

    Your achievements being appreciated or diminished solely by you has nothing to do with anything except you - its your choice how you feel about your achievements.

    Sounds more like you want to stand out and hold your achievements over other players - which is toxic.

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  11. 2 hours ago, wolonggong.3469 said:

    The OP is telling people that do not like the new DAILY LOGIN rewards that its better than the old by combing having to do a bunch of game content + the daily login points to get what the old system gave you for doing what the system was created for, logging in.

    The ONLY way there is a fair comparison is to look at what was once gotten for logging in to what you can now get for only logging in, 5 points per day. That, is the ONLY way to compare the old to the new. Saying it is better now if you do a bunch of game content to get more points is actually proof it is a worse daily login reward system because you only needed to log in to get them.

    This was a clear white knight thread which is why it fails so hard with anyone but those that also want to white knight the new system and accomplishes a grand total of nothing as it does not change anyones mind and further increases the divide between the players who now get to see a lot of people attempt to dismiss their legit complaint with flagrant lying. Again, they should have just reworked the daily/weeklies and left the LOG IN reward track alone, as that is the reason to have a LOG IN REWARD system in the first place. To reward for logging in.

    And this is why you ignored my point about what if they took out the PvE and made all the tasks PvP, would the system still be better...because you know it wouldnt be even though "You could do a lot of playing and earn more to buy more". Its a bogus argument. The daily login pays out 5 points and you cant buy anything for long periods of time thus making this a WORSE LOG IN REWARD SYSTEM. All extra point sources mean nothing, because the OPs is trying to argue about it being a better login system. Deal with it. Its a white knight post and it fails.

    C'mon man, you're being deliberately obtuse now. The fact is - if you plan on actually playing the game, the new system is more rewarding. Period. Argue that however you want - I'm sure some company will arrive to help you "white knight" for your side. It doesn't change the facts, though. 

    With that, maybe it's better you stop playing since all you're really defending is technically not playing at all. If you do that, I'm sure it will make us all happy....

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  12. 22 hours ago, wolonggong.3469 said:

    The entire OP is him "comparing" the old daily login with the new by comparing all possible points you can earn via login, daily and weekly points against just the old login rewards. Clearly a fair comparison...not. It needed to be refuted. It is neither a fair comparison nor is the new one a system that everyone must accept silently.

    77 days (his using a season for comparisons) x 5 for login rewards = 385 points. THAT is the only thing that should be compared if a person like the OP is going to say that the daily log in rewards are better now. I am not going to sit back as someone tries to blatantly lie to white knight a system that so many hate. Their hate is justified. If someone likes the new system, say it and move on...do not make long posts that are 100% false to try to undermine players legit reasons to not like it.

    When drastic changes are made to an 11 year old system, expect blowback and a divided playerbase. Imagine if they removed all PvE daily/weekly rewards and made all but the login points locked behind PvP...would it sill be "better" I mean, you "could buy more" with all those extra points you didnt have in the old system thus its BETTER!!!!

    They should have just revamped the daily/weekly and left the log in alone, its the entire POINT of having a log in reward system in the first place, to reward someone...for logging in.

    The worst part about this position is that it ONLY takes into account if you only log in and do not play the game at all. If you're comparing just what you get for logging in and then doing absolutely nothing else - then yeah, you're at a loss in the new system. However, in respect to just logging in to get the daily login reward and then not playing at all - the rewards you gain are technically worthless because they're not being used for anything of worth. So, in this way, the new and old is comparible because you're not getting much out of either if ALL you do, all you ONLY do is login and nothing else. 

    However, if you logged in, collected the daily and played for an hour - the new system is beyond more rewarding than the old system - and there really is no legitimate reason, other than spite, to dislike the new system.

    OPs math is on point - if not lacking in specifically addressing the fact that it's value is primarily based on actually playing the game and not just logging in, collecting your daily reward, then logging out.

  13. 2 hours ago, Schimmi.6872 said:

    It's also 1g, it's mentioned in the name of the items - Bag of Coins (1 Gold)

    The diffenrece is, that the version for 6A is limited, the other isn't.

    Gotcha. I didn't see that. That said, though...you still get 90g before you start buying the 30a one and while it is unlimited, does it maybe seem a little overpriced? Maybe it shouldn't even show up until a player exhausts the limited version because someone is definitely going to was acclaim on that.

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