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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. I play closer to the snowcrow/metabattle DPS so this build would be even less damage than what I currently use.
  2. Looking over the recent nerfs and many of the previous elites that have had massive changes or standardization (like boons), I noticed a trend. Arena Net are not afraid to alienate their player base to prevent power creep. I mean its not perfect since most core classes are not as powerful as the elites but ultimately my point holds true. This goes on to my next point which is how do other MMOs deal with power creep. Most MMOs buff other classes or simply mechanics which sounds great since your particular play style is never nerfed but it does create issue around content difficulty. You can see a lot of this with MMO's like Warframe where every new frame has a new way to break the game and rather than trying to balance them they just buff everyone else or make the combat simpler. ESO is another culprit where they straight up remove mechanics from a class rather than trying to balance them, making every class play the same. The primary reason I play GW2 is the class diversity and the constant balance along with it. No class plays the same and at the same time no class is to OP.
  3. Honestly bring friends and all do the achievements together and use a guide since some can be hidden. They build in the fact that you have extra player in the later seasons/expansions but the early ones they don't so you can in a sense abuse it especially if there is a boss fight. I just did the bug in the system from LW4 and everyone get to become a cube that can disable other cubes which is cool way to add other players.
  4. I would say end game for most players is slowly unlocking each mount and then masterys. I guess after that people farm nodes for there home instance or get legendarys like I did. In terms of raids/strikes and fractals most of the player base don't bother except for t1 daily fractals.
  5. Yeah we agree, Scrapper is to much a jack of all trades. I can pull high dps that my other healer + quickness characters but what's the point when I have less boons and less heals than them. Over all I feel like the class excels at open world and WvW content and that's about it. Maybe if the dps was buffed by 5k you could see it being a good off-healer or off-quickness option.
  6. I would be happy if they turned the new strikes into fractals as well but that is probably to much to ask.
  7. They have far more incentive to do them over raids or strikes more than a few times.
  8. I just feel most players have no reason to raid and to complete a strike more than a few times. The weekly caps don't help but again this content already has a reputation for not being played so I don't think it will change. Anything that could improve it like a group finder would just result in massive backlash so the solution is probably retire all 10 man content except for the odd strike mission.
  9. I think the biggest problem which I illuded to in another thread is there is no raiding or striking system. We need a gear grind like fractals for raids/strikes. Why would a PvE player even consider doing them regularly if they can obtain no benifit outside of the odd achievement or jade bot module. Gold per hour is one thing but what if they provide special infusions or something that effects your gameplay outside of this end game content like fractals do. Why can't we buy map progress with raid/strike currencies like pvp? I mean all players have to really do in this game to achieve anything is to play open world metas for the gold to gem conversion.
  10. I was doing some testing and if you play it pure support is does okay damage but again supports are not supposed to deal damage so it is a waste. During my testing I could get roughly and extra 4k damage while healing/quickness.
  11. I don't want legendary armor for light armor classes since I don't play ele or necro. I do already play ranger and prior to maining mesmer I did play engi and theif alot.
  12. It is a far easier to do recommended daily fractals, the other option is to just buy them.
  13. I mean most PvE player need to play fractals at some point since there is a lot of currencies and infusions. For example, stabilizing matrix are primary found in fractals and they are used for legendary armor. Raids provide almost nothing while Strikes are just useful for EoD and Icebrood Saga one off items or achievements.
  14. While the other two engineer elites can pull off 38k DPS minimum, scrapper is stuck with 32k or even lower at 28k if they decide to apply quickness. I don't mind the barrier nerf if it was offset with higher damage which right now it isn't. Lets hope the upcoming patch provides some flat damage number increases to the scrapper tree. Another big problem with the engineer top DPS builds is they all rely on Grenade kit which dare i say very boring. I don't really know a fix for this since its kind on Engineer thing to have bother power and Condi share a kit for damage but it makes the whole class very dry. PS: I'm on the look out for a new main to stick legendary armor on
  15. Yeah I agree, I would love to see a power buff then maybe a can roll a full healer Virtuoso.
  16. That and it can pierce though multiple enemies rather than relying on AoE or cleave damage. I can normally hit two bosses at once with my rotation so twice the damage.
  17. I was just thinking a gear/infusion grind in Strikes/Raids would be fun. Right now I have no reason to do them except for getting achievements or gold.
  18. Well I was just pointing out how good it was before the golem benchmarks came though. I don't even use the meta build since run a hybrid and heal with my Virtuoso even in end-game content. If anyone gets the blame for Virtuoso nerfs it would be snowcrow. I guess I'm just hoping my flavour of Virtuoso is barely affected.
  19. Yeah I agree I'm just saying I could live 38k but anything less I will probably complain.
  20. I hope you are right, I'm sure it will drop at least a little since its fully range. I would be happy with drop to 38k DPS, anything less and I will be sad.
  21. I more meant like the Mist Attunement you get from fractals. That and the whole system of agony, it probably should not be as restrictive but something to grind to give you a small advantage in the Open World.
  22. The WvW ones look like a good alternative but it is not PvE. I'm just looking to make strikes and raids more rewarding a specific infusion vendor like fractals.
  23. I did look they do exist but it seems like a werd after thought and not similar in anyway to fractal versions.
  24. Most strikes and fractals they are top dps. 30k at the very least without banners and spirits. Again that's not my point, it's just that hope Arena Net doesn't nerf them so I guess we agree then.
  25. I mean I do stick up for Mesmer a lot but I'm having so much fun with hybrid Virtuoso especially in Fractals and Strikes. I mean being able to pull 5k less DPS to heal is really making the whole build so much fun. It is basically a repeat of Mirage and alacrity. I know their DPS at the moment is way to high in end-game content but still Arena Net don't go to crazy with the DPS drop. PS. Don't flame me or this thread since I don't want it locked or for posts to be removed since you don't like me.
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