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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Vipers is normally the safest bet since everything outside chrono uses it (and even some chrono builds)
  2. It seems like everyone and there mum either plays DPS Virtuoso, Quickness Chrono, or Alacrity Mirage. I don't see any PVE game mode where they don't dominate these roles. (raids or fractals they are less common)
  3. I don't use continuum split on gravity well its to hard to time. I normally used it on the heal skill to burn through Zerg damage when clashing . This is also when you want to use you other Well, by placing them on your own Zerg you will catch enemies inside to. Again mass invisibility is much better since it will let you escape. The primary problem before was the support skills where so hard to land with Well since it was the final pulse, but now that is no longer the case. Throwing wells on the Zerg means they do land right away, "The first pulse of a well also applies alacrity to allies near the well". Anything else you get is just a bonus. I mean its hard to describe how hard it was to apply support skills consistently in WvW. Guardian was about the only class that could do it reliably, now we have at least two more. One being Mesmer and another being Warrior, Ranger not so much. Engineer and Revenant can to but are never really played supportively in WvW, at least I never see them run that way.
  4. I said Wells, Gravity Well was okay but the invisibility is the better utility in most cases in WvW.
  5. Stretched Time does make it much easier to land support skills. Everything is super situational but there are plenty of times you can AoE with Well's especially since you can target yourself for the boons when you get rushed. I mean I run small scale groups through WvW and Chrono really had no use case outside quickness application before. No one understand how to play anything in this game so I suppose this goes on deaf ears.
  6. Arg I guess I wont post anything for a while since nobody likes anything positive on this cesspool. Me and my wife will just play chrono in WvW by ourselves, I mean the biggest problem we has was the fact that it was so hard to land the boons from wells and outside support it had no real use case but now with the boonrip/superspeed it does.
  7. Although a proper rotation can get you high dps i will agree that in general most engi weapons have much better auto attacks that all their other weapon skill, I mean take flamethrower for example. In general I find the weapons skills are the true utilities and the toolbar is your weapon skills since they often add more damage to your rotation (highly subjective to your build)
  8. The new Wells are amazing since no longer do you need to play Chronomancer Wells support and now offer some utility to power builds especially in WvW where Chonomancer has problems vs Zergs. As a support you can slot in Alacrity or Quickness based on what the party/zerg needs, an amazing trade off for an elite that traditionally was able to do both really badly. Over all I'm super happy with the changes.
  9. Quickness is fine and often Chronomancer can fill a slot in a raid or strike for this role. In terms of alacrity you only really have Mirage since alac uptime for Chrono is not high enough. Healing is Mesmer weakest role since none of the elite specializations specialize in this and you only really have the core mantras. The best you can hope for is a high burst Chrono healer with mantras
  10. Alacrity Chrono only works on situations where your squad or party stack for long periods of time. So essentially world bosses, then it honestly is very op since you can pump out a lot of alacrity, quickness healing from Wells in a short duration and you don't even need to stand next to them. This can be game changing for some world bosses where melee tend to stand in red circles. 2 or 3 Chronomancer can one shot claw of jormag, Me and wife often do this. *I won't respond to negative comments
  11. I don't post on the forum any more, only on reddit. Your comment proves exactly why I don't. Ps, you are just bashing someone who said they did okay with mirage
  12. The problem I had with ESO is they would strip out class mechanics and call that balance. I mean Nightblade could move as fast(er) in stealth just like normal running (Not as bad a sorcerers teleport). It was super fun but not really OP but they removed it from my memory because no one can move quick while in stealth. The splitting of skills into Magicka and Stamina was again another bad change since it removed any diversity in your selection since those skills damage scaled off the resource your primarily use. The previous system was better since Stamina players would use weapon skills and then Magicka was reserved for survivability or buffs skills. If you were a Magicka player your survivability tool was blocking or dodging.
  13. Okay I guess meh I'm just here to say my piece. This whole thing is just about why I still play Gw2, I'm not making grand claim like the balance is good for other players, it is just good for me.
  14. Arg it's more my brain/dyslexia. Sorry if I confuse people sometimes I tend to think up my words faster than I can type so sometimes I make points twice and such.
  15. Yeah good breakdown, I mean I only use Untamed in PvE for lazing farming with longbow + longbow barrage cycling. I use a similar build for WvW too but there it can destroy other players and have the super speed to get away.
  16. The drake was pretty niche anyway I only ever saw it work on stacked plat tournament teams. Outside of stacking plat players to steam roll a tournament I never saw it.
  17. For PvE yes this is how you play it. Honestly the Untamed is confusing but if you main Ranger it is nice since you have access to things like super speed utilities or Perilous Gift a 3 second immunity to damage. Its kind of just another flavor of core, if you played Soulbeast for the burst you will hate Untamed since it completely the opposite.
  18. I cant play Necro the whole charging up my class mechanic never does it for me. I mean I hated it on Druid to but at least there it is tied to better healing not your main damage. I prefer more resource management style classes like Thief, Mesmer and Engi.
  19. It used to be much worse and I complained so much when they dominated fractals. I mean sPvP guardian is pretty OP at the moment but necro is no where near where it was a year ago. I mean necro is only op due to its class mechanic it doesn't exactly have many boons applications. Both Warrior and Ranger are pretty bad to at the moment due to the lack of boons (support wise)
  20. Yes I meant PvE, for PvP I only play Ranger. I have tried scrapper a few times but if they have to much condi it can be rough.
  21. Yeah dude same story for me but rather than those it was ESO, Warframe, Skyforge.
  22. All but one jumping puzzle can be cheesed, but you would need the griffen to do one of them. Essentially you can fly your griffen or bunny leap with the discount into the jumping puzzle. I think you can skip all the jumping puzzles with a special food(can be bought with gold).
  23. Proves my point even more. How amazing is it that you can still find old content challenging, I mean games like destiny 2 have a really problem with power creep.
  24. That why I think it's good that Arena Net is willing to do it. I mean it's not fair if your favourite class with an OP build gets nerfed but every class is on an equal playing field. Spellbreaker comes to mind which now is similar to other boon rip classes.
  25. It is a hard thing to get balance. I for one atleast enjoy the current difficulty and build diversity. The more build diversity you have the harder it is to balance and it trivialises content so we can't really win. For example in Eso I had a Nightblade build that could self heal based off damage. Rather than allowing this build to continue the devs removed the passive healing and replaced it with a static heal. I feel like this example never really happens in Gw2. They never straight up remove something rather lower its performance. (maybe torment runes but it is not a class)
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