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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Thanks for your reply. Most of Condi Virtuosos damage comes from the Virtuoso trait line with every blade attack applying bleed. The next trait line that adds the most damage is illusions then finally Dueling with Chaos being a close third. This is primarily due to the synergy of Bleed + Power damage, a true hybrid. Hence why Dueling is better than Chaos in the snowcrow Condi build. By swapping out Dueling out for Inspiration you lose a little bit of bleed on illusions(phantasms) and you don't get potential pistol bleed trait. This doesn't really effect the burst rather the sustain. Over all you will lose roughly 20% sustain and almost no burst, But gain 1k HPS in a group and you basically become immune to damage; with both Signet of Either activating and Illusionary Inspiration trait can give you 500 self HPS. True 🙂
  2. I don't need to prove anything, I will just solo things all by myself with my phantasmal defender tanking all the damage. I mean most living world story content has the same difficulty, you saying to me you have to bring friends into you living world story instances? Most of those achievements are easy to get solo.
  3. It can be played with as a high sustain with minimal drop in dps if you run Inspiration.
  4. To add to this good post. I wouldn't do Virtuoso for soloing if you don't have the gear, if you have to pick one do Mirage first and learn that. Virtuoso is currently hasn't got a defined role/build and still needs some core trait interactions. When people figure out what that is, then learn it. My current Virtuoso open world build is Inspiration and Illusions. It can essentially make you invulnerable minus being CC'ed.
  5. That's fine, getting gold is a pretty high achievement and like i have been saying i have noticed a lot more virtuoso lately. I would say most of them were Mirage staff users but all the same. Only for very high level sPvP play, WvW though is bit tricky and i do believe we need to see a buff to Virtuoso here. Soulbeast longbow is still better but mostly due to barrage and rapid fire being easier to land. This has been my experience to, spammed pvp last night with the same Virtuoso at around 1450 and he never dropped rank beyond me playing with him. I think out of the 5 games we played we only lost 1, he was just teleporting around and punishing far.
  6. Exactly, same with Virtuoso in sPvP. You might not win a tournament but you can definitely get high gold with it.
  7. Didn't I make this exact same point, hence why gw2 is predominantly a PvE game. I don't care much for PVP, except maybe the odd WvW skirmish. If you couldnt complete your dailies with sPvP and get alot of gold I probably wouldn't do it. I think this is view of most of the player base, I mean how many people have silver badges. Last time a checked the top 250 player included some in gold which is bit embarrassing. I think I'm like 400th or something.
  8. I don't PvP with Mesmer but I could duel him with my Mirage or Ranger.
  9. Yes exactly and you pair it with the inspiration line you got from nothing to full in as fast as 5 seconds without touching your heal skill.
  10. Wasn't the main uproar about the meta events was that they were to hard doesn't that go again your narrative. I do know they plan on doing some PvP but we don't really know when, like the guild vs guild WvW
  11. @SeTect.5918salt means PvP to quote him the only gamemode that is important. So since he can't play Virtuoso in PvP he doesn't like it, rather that waiting for the eventual balance
  12. I guess but most of the content they add is pve, I mean this expansion added 0 to sPvP or WvW unlike the last one. If you want anymore proof this is primarily a PvE game I don't know if you can find a better one. Meh it's not like I can convince you. Ps. Sorry I kind of derailed this thread even more with Mesmer forum drama
  13. Well that would be more constructive, I mean I want some fixes too, some salt agrees with too (if my memory serves me right) like removing phantasms entirely and having all buffs apply to mesmer alone.
  14. I see the constant contradicting myself point as I'm honestly here to talk about Mesmer rather than push an agenda. I love Mesmer and like to play all its elites so I try and make Virtuoso work. Why must I only play Mesmer in all game modes as well? I loved ranger well before Mesmer so I take comfort that it's my go to PvP class.
  15. Your just here to argue with the nice OP, rather than adding or offering your own view. I mean salt went on a huge side rant, no offence to salt though.
  16. @Oak.2047don't listen to half your replies since they don't play Virtuoso or want to try make it work (daddy. 8125 isn't so bad) As a Mesmer main I definitely stuggled to find the proper use for it to start with. I for one played mirage in fractals and can pull similar numbers to pre-nerf Scourge. For open world I had mastered a brutal effective chrono tank/dps so I had more reason not to play it which I did state a few weeks back. My entire view has flipped basically aligning with your opinion which is the aoe for Virtuoso is amazing. Its so crazy op that you can run condition Virt and 80% of your damage comes from it's base trait line alone. This is so powerful, this means you can run Inspiration or Illusion shatter buff grandmaster. I mean even the snow crow condi build runs traits just to buff phantasms by a small margin.
  17. Another day and another mesmer forum thread that goes round and round in circles. Why even post here if you have nothing positive to say. I don't go and posts where people complain only to try and tell them they are wrong. Just let people play Virtuoso, it isn't going to change drastically any more. If people can find a niche for it let them. If you don't like Virtuoso wait for the next expansion in 2 years.
  18. I cant be bothered recreating it but it is exactly the same as a Snowcrow build except i don't have 100% criticial chance, rather 75%. I swapped out Duelist for Inspiration and the Sword off-hand with Pistol, that's all i changed.
  19. Virtuoso can run inspiration and output aegis if they want, with minimal impact on dps.
  20. I was healing 1k HPS while farming the dragon's end meta while pushing out 20k dps. Inspiration is a really combo, not to mention it lowers focus cooldown. You only really need the illusion trait line for the shatter cooldown and compounding power traits that's it.
  21. I agree with everything you said. I mean I only really use Mesmer in PvE which is the majority of this games content so being decent at that is great for Virtouso. The main thing the 18k auto attack has going for is which is why I top dps open world charts (even when running inspiration trait line) is the 1200 range. I mean with autotargeting on you become a turret. I don't really know enough about sPvP Virtuoso to comment on how good or bad it is; I just see alot of them in gold.
  22. It was only a witty title, i think you are over analyzing my statement. I'm on the Mesmer forum, i hold 3 of the top post in the first page, I'm a Mesmer main. True hence why i don't play Mesmer in pvp, maybe WvW but I prefer Ranger.
  23. All dps don't deliver much else, also the Mesmer kit itself can supplement for the Virtuoso failings. One of the best Virtuoso combos is Inspiration which you could run signets under and then spam them to provide group aegis. I mean this does boil down to the age old problem of the more elite specializations you add the less important and the eventual underperforming each individual one is. This i why i use a plethora of Mesmer builds, Chono Healer, Mirage Buffer, Mirage dueler, Virtuoso ranged dps, Chrono tank/dps, etc
  24. Okay all of these things are true for Virtuoso: Golem dps doesn't mater Auto attack dps doesn't mater sPvP doesn't mater since it cant be played in plat Burst damage doesn't mater The raid or strike dps doesn't mater Topping open world dps charts don't mater Condition healing/survivability doesn't mater I feel like there is a huge contradiction in all this. If Virtuoso golems 40k, raids/strikes 40k, Tops dps charts then its an amazing spec.
  25. k Okay.... I guess i don't really care since all I play is Mesmer PvE and I'm posting on the Mesmer forum. I mean i wouldn't care if Firebrand one shot everything in the game I would still play Mesmer. so what is your point? I only know how to play Mesmer and Ranger i don't really touch other classes.
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