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Alphonse Constant.2394

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Everything posted by Alphonse Constant.2394

  1. Ok, so I looted all the nests in both maps, (Amnytas and the other one) and the nests wouldn't respawn for me. I went back every day in hopes to check a few easily accessible ones, but no. They were gone. And then one day I got dropkicked out of the sky in Amnytas and fell by a nest I looted (I remember the map placement, it was memorable) and that single nest has respawned! And this is the story of how I finally found my egg. In that one nest that respawned.
  2. Nests didn't respawn for me. I looted the ones in Amnytas and the first map. The only I haven't gotten to was the one in the Wizard Tower. If that one doesn't give me an egg I'm bugging support. (pun intended)
  3. I've done the event 5 times so far. I have changed platforms, I have stayed on the same platform, I have killed random kryptis, I have shot targets, I have done all kinds of stuff, and still have not gotten the achi.
  4. For me it is the shoop kryptis from platforms that doesn't complete. I've done that event five times and yet... no completion.
  5. In other news, I just got a daily I cannot do, because the mini dungeon is bugged on literally every map I have ever been on. See, this is why the new system is so amazing: you have no options, so you get stuck with an impossible to do daily.
  6. Thanks. Trying to play ranked PvP destroyed what little was left of my brain.
  7. Thanks. Trying to play ranked PvP destroyed what little was left of my brain.
  8. I am well aware, but that doesn't actually help me. I can still get taxing or vexing tasks from WvW or PvE. I do play PvP, but with friends in a custom arena. I used to do one or two of the old dailies that did not require structured maps. (edit: actually I could have done this in a custom arena. I'm an idiot.) Anyway, my issue is with the lack of options. I want the pool of 16 possible dailies back from which I can pick and choose the 3 that I prefer. I don't want to be handed 3 that I cannot complete, or which will eat into my playtime. That is all. I suffered through this week's hurdles, but I refuse to spend more time on it in the future until we get our options back. And if we don't, I guess I simply won't bother with them, because I don't enjoy this at all.
  9. YES!!! It IS very stressful when you're a tired, badly coordinated person who has to "defeat 3 enemy players in a structured PvP match". I do NOT ENJOY THIS IN THE SLIGHTEST!!! They are forcing me to do things I ABSOLUTELY HATE HATE HATE. What is so relaxing about that?! I'm so effin pissed they ruined the game I've played for 11 years, and GW1 before that. I used to enjoy this game, but now I have to log in an extra 4 hours just to get the dailies and the weeklies done to get some measly rewards? Yeah. From next week on I'm cutting back and only log in to chat with friends. Maybe. Perhaps not even that. Maybe they didn't ruin the game for you, but for me (a tired, badly co-ordinated easy-mode gamer) they did.
  10. You did. But you still said we should be able to complete them and that it's not a downgrade. My point is, as things stand now, they are a downgrade. Until and unless we get back our multiple choices, it will remain a downgrade. (And to be fair I want the reward potions back, too. They were very useful, and they took them away for no apparent reason. Another downgrade, if you will.)
  11. Ok, let's say I am a crappy player and definitely not a pro. (Probably true. I come here to unwind, not to kill everything in sight in the most efficient way possible.) Am I getting pushed out by not having the option to choose the easier tasks? And you wholeheartedly approve? Is that what you're saying?
  12. They are. I am stuck with a defend WvW daily, and unless you are on a server with a strong WvW base, you are fresh out of luck. I am a tired, overworked adult with responsibilities like working, shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc. It's a weeknight, too. I assume I'm not the only one, because others are complaining too, and rightly so. So yeah. I do NOT have time for all this nonsense. Having multiple daily choices meant I could find something that was EASY to do, or just the right fit for me, and I wasn't simply handed 3 options I simply cannot manage to finish even after 2 hours. Please stop taking the kitten or I'll assume you're a little kid with no adult responsibilities, just unlimited time.
  13. I don't have the time to mess around. I'm a tired, somewhat overworked adult. I used to play this game to have some fun and unwind. They ruined that, so I guess... Stardew Valley is an option, too.
  14. I'm so sorry. It sucks. Half the fun is playing together with people, and I agree that ANet really messed up with this. Might I suggest you take your grievances to Twitter? Apparently they listen to any other social media, but their own forums.
  15. Same. I'm hoping enough people will be pissed that we'll get our choices back (and the potions) because the game being like this is not worth playing for me. I might log in to chat with my friends, but that's about it.
  16. Did you miss that we only get 4 (I swear we got 4 and not 3, but maybe I'm wrong) dailies we must do, and we cannot pick and choose from a long list which ones we want to do for the completion, because WE HAVE NO CHOICE?! Sure, we have more things to spend the rewards on, but if I cannot pick and choose what I wanna do, I'm simply not doing it. By the time I log in in the evening/night I'm too tired for a lot of things and roaming around on 3 WvW maps to try and find a bloody "sentry" that nobody else has killed yet is just too much effort. Not to mention time wasted. They simply did not think about their player base and that not everybody has unlimited time on their hands.
  17. Yeah, lovely. I loved using my potions because yeah, not everybody likes the grind - or has time for the grind. ANet seems to be hell-bent on ruining this game. 😞
  18. Welp. So glad I grabbed ESO while it was free. They still have the free login rewards. Still, am mad as hell for pissing away money I could have used for many other things instead of an expansion that completely ruined the game I have played for 11 years. Refund please! (Edit: my issue is with not having a login reward anymore, not having options to pick and choose which dailies I'd like to complete, and having the 2g halved.)
  19. I have like 6 after using up 3. Caught one just tonight. What I've never caught, even after finishing all the other collections, is the shimmering squid. Would give you one of my googlies if I could.
  20. I've enjoyed fishing for days until suddenly it became seriously difficult. My red square couldn't catch up to the fast jumping green bit and I was losing fish after fish. Sure, you can say "oh, fishing is easy!" but I was gonna say just that until I started getting these "difficult fish" I kept losing one after the other. Who says some poor people didn't get the more difficult fish on their first try? And yes, Anet needs to fix this. Fishing can be crazy difficult sometimes and an impossible task. It's really not relaxing.
  21. • Assigned team: Skrittsburgh• Your original home shard: Gandara• The name of the WvW guild selected: Quack Quack Motherduckers [quaK]• A description of the issue: I'm on Skrittsburgh instead of my guild's team, which is Seven Pines. (It's really lonely here on Skrittsburgh)
  22. You you can, if someone is stalking you and or harrasing you you can always turn to the police and the stalker will risk facing severe punishment if they keep it up. In gw2 nothing is done to such ppl. Yeah, I actually had a long conversation with a GM and their supervisor GM about reporting harassment and what to expect from that. They could give no rule as to what constitutes as harassment, to when they would penalize a person for that, or how many penalties would happen before a forever ban. Essentially, there are NO rules for harassment, no rules for a penalty or a ban, either. (As for the police... let's not get started. They cannot do a thing about stalkers until they physically hurt you.)
  23. Absolutely. I do want to have a great time in the game, this is why I block the people who make rape jokes, racial jokes, demean others and so on. And I block those who harass me. What you are apparently blissfully unaware of, is that harassers can be really mean and persistent. And support won't block and kick them from the game. I haven't reported too many, mind, but those I have reported are still playing the game. Those that my good friend has reported have not been banned either, as they never disappeared. The abusive ex Lottie.5370 has mentioned above kept stalking them and emoting at them, thanks to the block list giving out all of their details.Just a couple of days ago a person I was hiding from found me on the map and followed me around. (But at least he was a harmless one.) That's monumentally unhelpful. I mean my chat is already set up to be the most useful, like cutting out the emotes. But whispers are essential, since that is how my friends contact me. Anybody who persistently whispers and aims to annoy me goes on my block list. (That includes gold sellers/spammers.) That has nothing to do with my original message, that blocking should hide your location and online status. I would be cool with even "just" that, but hiding your LFG in parties from your blocked list would also be awesome. Anyway, hiding your status from people you have blocked should be a no-brainer. If you've gone to the trouble of blocking them, there's a 100% chance that you do not want them to know anything about you.
  24. I really don't understand those who are that much against blocking making the blockee disappear completely from the blocked's list. I mean how would it hinder you? Why does the idea bother you so much? Please, do explain, I wish to understand. And wouldn't it be nicer if the game actually handled that for you, like in most other games?Even social media and chats (Facebook and Skype and Discord) with all their leaks and such are handling it better. Anyway, I'm not just talking about trolls. I'm talking about stalkers who are using this as a power-play. Most people use block as a last resort, when they are at the end of their rope, only to realize it doesn't hide them. It really takes a toll. I mean I don't enjoy playing a game where I'm harassed/trolled most of the time. It's really not entertaining for me. We're not triggered or insulted, quite far from it: we just want to get away. We want to make sure that that person can't bother us. We are not trying to shout out to the void that XY is an annoying beep, we just want to become invisible to our blocked players. We just want them to leave us the hell alone.
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