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fable spirt.8465

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  1. warrior main, can confirm. Even if you don't intend to do it can still hit targets beyond range. and ignores the x and y axis. Was hitting beyond the wall and on top of the wall but only had the wall targeted to use the healing aspect of the skill.
  2. Skill one on staff is ignoring the axis and hitting things on top of and behind walls in WvW.
  3. fully compensate anyone who had made any legendary runes prior to the legendary relic becoming available with a completed legendary relic. When the release that contains legendary relics goes live, the eligibility period will end, and the only way to obtain a legendary relic will be through the normal crafting journey. So yes they will if they do it before legendary relic is released.
  4. I guess it's listed wrong someone said in chat it's 2 wins and 3 matches.
  5. There is a setting so that you can hear the game even when it is in the background so you will always here the que pop.
  6. Question for the removal of the Aqua Breather? While I agree that it should use the stats and rune from the head armor the main reason I care about this slot is the swim speed infusion. Where would you put this infusion? Would you change swim speed from an infusion and add a 2nd type of slot to the head armor? Would the aqua breather only remain for the purpose of holding the swim speed? When purposing changes you do have to look at all aspects of the game and try to think outside your own play to things you would never do but someone else might. While underwater content is practically removed on future expansions it is still a part of the game. On to relics, this isn't the first change to gear in 11 years. When the game launched we only had Exotic gear (minus legendary weapons which is why legendary weapons are upgraded from exotics). We got ascended gear a year after release and 2015 brought Legendary armor and later trinkets. I do like the addition of relics due to the changes brought to Runes as you sometimes had to sacrifice using a better rune for a crappy one due to the bonus affect. If anything they should increase the stats of legendries slightly above ascended or give them a special stat as this might be the power creep that you want.
  7. Depends heavily on key binds and length of fingers. I use QERXZ for utility and C for dodge. Mouse4 2345 are weapons, I don't have the biggest hands for the keyboard I use. as a result utility is easier for me to access while also using WASD. Most of the time I'm a little over and behind my target holding S to try and stay in place while using the targeted and AOE skills. While I would have to let go of S to press weapon skills (at least 2).
  8. Worse as I have radiant armor and visually parts of my armor has holes in it as well as my hands are missing.
  9. Try the Mistwalker infusion with Radiant armor. I have no hands! I hope they fix this infusion as any armor with a glow affect is dulled or as mentioned about the radiant armor where the armor it's self is the glow it just removes the model area. I have no hands, you can see the shoulders of the chest piece, my kneecaps are gone and I have a hole in my head.
  10. I never noticed this; I do like the skills better on the utility side vs the weapon skill slots. I would say they just change all to the utility side and move the dogfight or flight to the dodge and add an internal cooldown for the healing so that you get stealth from the masteries and healing from the skill. I would like for them to add these skills for use on all maps not just LW3, certain EOD encounters, and SoTO. Main reason for me saying keep on the utility side is there are other encounters i.e. The Shatterer, Siren's Landing, Dragon Stand, and Octovine which us airborne mechanics as well as the forementioned bring relics to Livia in Amnytas. Reason I do not agree with moving the items for Livia to the Special action key is there is already special actions used on several maps and the event in general would need to be changed so that the special action is used in all modes of transportation like mounted or running and it would suck if you were about to complete the event and somehow acquired a rouge special action that deleted your much needed item.
  11. I used the infusion with Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor and it made the armor dull and removed the blue glowing effects. I decided to change to the radiant armor (achievement set) that has a glow effect on the Hands, Feet, Shoulders, and Helm. Upon accepting the amor change and closing the panel I now have no Hands, Kneecaps, Shoulders, and there is a hole in my head. Is there going to be a fix to this?
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