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Squidgeididdly.2930's Achievements

  1. EU Seven Pines Pheonix Dawn A bit random. I usually try and catch my guild's raids when I can, which are usually 19:00 GMT, but usually end up joining on Thursday evenings around 20:00. Occasionally I do solo roaming at random times, or join a random squad. They felt more balanced. The fights felt more even, and when I was roaming there were more people and players darting about. I felt more likely to have an ally show up if I got caught in a scuffle. We had some really fun, organic fights as well. Were someone had a tag on, but voice wasn't needed because the numbers on both sides worked well. Yes I did. I selected my normal WvW guild, but that scuppered me as my guild had made or joined a secondary guild just for the beta. I'm not sure what their logic was there. Unsure. Almost always. The second week. It felt very smooth, and I liked the incentive of bonus XP and reward track progress. Support were great with sorting me onto the right team. I had no idea it was coming. I play GW2 about every other day, and I check the Dev Tracker, the news posts, and the subreddit most days. So I don't know how I didn;t know it was happenign until partway through the first week. I wanted to take more advantage of the bonus WXP boots etc.
  2. I have a Wizard Vault QoL suggestion. I would like to select my dailies/weeklies category for that week when I open up the wizard vault for the first time in a week, rather than setting it ahead of time the week before. E.g. a choice dialog when I log in, or when I open the vault, asking me to choose for that week, like when it first started and we had to choose week 1's category during week 1. For example, I didn't know about the WvW beta events until I logged in the other week. I was excited to take part and intended to play WvW for the few hours I played that week. I try and keep up to date with GW2 news, as I don't play that often, so if there any special events coming up I can make the most of them. However I managed to not hear about the recent PvP and WvW beta/rush events. So, I was annoyed that my weeklies were stuck being PvE for a good part of the play time I had for them. It would have been nice if I could have selected WvW Wizard Vault that week and not be stuck with PvE. I could also see myself happily paying some wizard bucks to swap my category for that day/week, or a free swap if I haven't made any progress towards the rewards yet. Not game breaking, or game ruining, but it would be a sweet QoL adjustment that would help me enjoy these short events (when they catch me by surprise).
  3. I've noticed that Alacrity I generate while attacking the raid training Golem is vanishing quicker than the boon should. I did see another thread on this, but I'm not sure if it's the same bug. Maybe it's related to the bug mentioned on this page? https://snowcrows.com/builds/mesmer/mirage/condition-alacrity-mirage "(Note: there is a bug with Regeneration at the Golem: It will apply level 1 Regeneration, granting you insufficient Boon Duration. You can fix this by using "Reapply stored configuration" at the console)."
  4. Hi Fire Attunement. I tried the Harbinger again last night, and I had way more fun after the changes brought in. Throwing the elixirs was satisfying, and I liked the option of putting, or not putting, blight on myself to manage my levels. I'm finding the tooltips a bit hard to parse, but I'm sure I'll get my head round them. I'm still not sure what the shroud skills do, could their tooltips be added to the weapon skill section in the hero panel? I always run out of life force trying to read them. Regardless of what they do, I really like the Harbinger Shroud. It feels spicy knowing it's a risky choice to go into it, and the skills are fun! The animation on the 5 skill is amazingly arcane and spooky while feeling powerful, I love how it feels like I'm fighting in "my arena" when I use it (one of the reasons I enjoy necro so much overall), and the movement on 4 is fun. The pistol, I'm not so sure about. I just spam the skills and hope for the best (to be fair this is always my strategy regardless) but the projectiles are really cool and feel very necro-y. Althoguh I did use them to effectively gain life force when I wanted shroud, so maybe I do know what it does and am using it well. Overall, great job on this one. I have decided to craft Quip to use when EoD comes out, so I think I'm sold on Harbinger now
  5. I see where you're all coming from. Perhaps it's because I'm just viewing each legendary item as a step on the path to getting a character with all legendary items, so from my perspective having two amulets isn't useful. But you do all make good points, that final tier cheev could be something I don't want to do and I can sit back smugly thinking about my existing amulet
  6. So over the past year and a bit I've been making legendary trinkets in anticipation of the legendary armoury coming up and I've got the cheevs for a lot done and even crafted a few. The other day I crafted Slumbering Transcendece, the leg. amulet. Which I was happy about, one step closer etc etc. Then I noticed that the free legendary we'll get with the Season of the Dragons Achievement (which i fully intend to complete) is also an amulet... I now feel that either this new legendary is utterly useless to me if i will be able to equip it on all my characters, OR I've just wasted all my coins and clovers making Sl. Transce. because with the Armoury I have zero need for two amulets. If the new leg. were a ring or an accessory it would make more sense as people are less likely to have two legendary rings/accessories TL;DR I'm feeling annoyed and frustrated and like I just wasted a lot of my time and in-game currencies by making an amulet to use in the Legendary Armoury, when it turns out i could have just crafted Vision or Colaescence instead waited a few months done a few cheevs and boom two account-wide legendaries for teh price of one, but i've screwed myself over. wah
  7. I think that's the case, I don't remember it incrementing after making my PvE legendary armour either, but I definitely noticed it after Sl. Transcendence. So I'm guessing that Vision will count, but Conflux won't, and perhaps neither of the other armour sets will count. Perhaps the issue is that it's looking for Transcendence and I only have the Slumbering version. And with the armour, it's six items so the cheev struggles to see all six together as one legendary? these are my guesses
  8. I have crafted five legendary items and put them on a character, but my Legendary Collector achievement has not incremented to reflect this. I have crafted and placed onto a character the following: * Astralaria * Ad Infinitum * Aurora * Perfected Envoy Light Armour set * Slumbering Transcendence My Legendary Collector Achievement has recorded only 3 legendaries. I couldn't figure out how to upload images so here is a link to an imgur album of me mousing over my legendaries on my character. https://imgur.com/a/42Lsk5Q
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