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  1. I'll start by saying that I love the design. It gives the player decision points relating to the rotation they choose in each attunement for different effects, and each element does what you would expect it to do. My main problem is that it feels a bit clunky, especially in PvP. Pistols should (by design) be quick, medium-range weapons with the primary drawback being few AoE abilities and the potential for having projectiles blocked or reflected. The skills feel a tiny bit slow - the cast time, aftercasts, and missile speed of the abilities add up to skills that can be avoided by enemy players at 600-900 range if they are simply strafing or running. With the amount of reflects in the game, there isn't much risk in reducing the cast times/aftercasts and/or increasing the missile speed on some of the slower skills. Searing Salvo in particular feels maybe even slower than it should be. Furthermore, the damage (power coefficients and conditions) on the Pistol skills are considerably low, especially when compared to the Guardian Pistol skills being released simultaneously. I'd strongly recommend increasing these to make it a competitive option. Piercing Pebble and Scorching Shot specifically could use a boost. Otherwise, one specific suggestion would be that Dazing Discharge (Air 3)'s consume effect should be increased to 8-10 seconds. 5 seconds can be quite short of a window to swap to another attunement and cast a Pistol skill. Anyway, I'd like to add that I think these weapons are really well-designed and fun to play! I'm suuuuuuper excited for them to be added to the game. Keep up the great work! 😄
  2. They should honestly just add a section to the Fishing tab in the Hero panel called the "Tackle Box" which is a material storage-like area into which all types of bait up to a limit (such as 1000) and lures (maybe up to 4 of each type) can be deposited. Extra cool if other fishing-related items could be stored in the Tackle Box, such as any/all types of Fishing Power food. That way, players could more seamlessly fish across multiple characters, instead of needing to dedicate 1 character to fishing or taking the time and energy to move bait and lures over (or holding them on multiple characters...) any time they want to fish on a different character. Even if this was an unlockable that could be purchased in-game or from the Black Lion Trading Company, it would be a massive QoL improvement for anyone that fishes.
  3. Thanks for all your hard work ANet! People will complain, but the patch looks good to me. 🙂 I am hoping that, looking forward, you'll notice with Support Specter and Mechanist one of the primary issues is fighting the UI more than the enemy. We *desperately* need some QoL improvements on the game UI, especially when it comes to targeting allies and managing pets/summons. (why can the Mech fly but be confounded by stairs???) Looking forward to testing out the patch changes, and hoping to see more Player Pain Points addressed with QoL updates in future patches!
  4. They do need to give portals to more specs. Revenant should have one imo, as Thief and Mesmer do that would at least give one to each armor class.
  5. I was suggesting minions not primarily as a way to deal damage but as utility pets that play defensively. Minions are cool, people like them, and still the only profession that gets to access them is Necromancer (and Ele to a very tiny degree). Making an Engineer that is based mechanically on Necromancer seems like a logical step for a new Elite spec, as most elite specs are designed as nods to the multiclassing in GW1. But in my concept they would ideally play like Condi Daredevil more than actually playing like a Necro. There are plenty of other slot skills types you could use instead, the main concept is the shroud and I very much disagree that it's similar to Photon Forge, though if you think PF is too much like shroud that sort of kills for you the idea of ever doing a necro-engi spec in the future. Also just want to point out that different ideas for future elite specs don't have to be mutually exclusive; you could have both! If you would like to see a poison gas trapper with ambushes you can make a thread about it. Sounds cool!
  6. Based on our Discord chat, here's what I'd suggest (just for fun): Engineer Elite Specialization: Exo Equipped with experimental Charr-Asuran Exosuit technology developed by the new Pact, Exos are ace pilots that move effortlessly through the battlefield and crush their enemies to scrap. They wield a Focus to charge their Exosuit's battery, which they activate to unleash mighty attacks and absorb blows. Specialization mechanic: Exosuit Generate battery by absorbing attacks and dealing damage to enemies. When Exosuit is activated, gain access to a new set of weapon skills and use your battery as health until it is depleted or Exosuit is deactivated. New skill type: Minion Exos are able to control an array of mechanical companions that generate battery, attack and lock down their enemies, and even block or heal damage. Minions can be detonated for extra effects. Basically the Exosuit would be like a Necromancer's Shroud and the minions would work similarly to Necro minions. However, there would be some distinct mechanical and flavor differences so make sure they don't feel like re-skinned Necros. I'd suggest the weapon skills for the Exosuit to be most akin to Daredevil Staff skills, making it feels a bit like a Monk fighting with just hand-to-hand combat. It would be cool for it to inflict some conditions like Bleeding, Burning, and Confusion, so the focus would be a melee-oriented Condition Damage bruiser. Focus skills 4+5 should charge the Exosuit's battery and provide boons, possibly with some defensive utility or CC. I think it would be cool for one of the skills to grant Aegis among other things, and for Aegis procs to be in the traits and minion skills. That way, you could have blocking attacks charge the Exosuit battery faster and allow for build choices like using a Shield. Minions should have an effect on summon and an effect on detonation, encouraging decisions about how long to leave them up vs. the utility of detonation+resummon despite the downtime from the cooldown. You could have traits and skills that convert cleansed conditions into Battery, provide Aegis to allies you grant Regen to, things like that. What do you think?
  7. Maybe if existing festivals were trimmed a bit it would be less overwhelming to have them more often. Or just to add annual mini-festivals for the Asura, Charr, and Sylvari to explore more of their peacetime culture in-game without it being a massive undertaking. Also yeah I have no idea why SAB is an annual festival, it has no holiday flavor. It's neat but I would rather have a proper Spring festival in its place. Idk
  8. Yeah probably not, but it would be cool if we had more festival variety - even just mini-festivald that last a week and only have a few little activities associated with them that could space out the other ones. To be completely honest, some of the festivals feel small and kind of conspicuously absent from the rest of the world, like the fact that Lunar New Year decorations happen in one specific part of one specific city and otherwise there is no in-world indication whatsoever that it's a holiday, not even on the next street over....or even in New Kaineng!
  9. Yeah that's what I did. The luck quantity is just a [insert Luck quantity here] really, I don't think there is a great way to objectively assess the relative value of things like Essences of Luck vs. Magnetite Shards vs. Fractal Relics etc. They're all a lot cheaper than the Mystic Forge recipe but that's why there is a 10/week limit.
  10. Saint Patrick's Day is coming up and it made me realize that it would be cool to get some sort of Celtic-inspired Sylvari Spring/Equinox Festival. It's been a while since we've seen much new holiday content released and they usually seem to focus especially on Human and Norn culture (I don't think any take place in Black Citadel, Rata Sum, or The Grove?) With that in mind, I also thought how odd it is that Mystic Clovers can't be crafted with Essence of Luck. The only reason they are even an item in the game is the clover's strong association with luck (and therefore magic) in folklore. It could be a Mystic Forge recipe or maybe a vendor trade like many others that sell Mystic Clovers. I'd say the cost should look something like this: 2x Mystic Coins 2x Spirit Shards 2x Globs of Ectoplasm 30x Essence of Luck (Exotic) Limit 10 per week. Thoughts?
  11. I think you're right that they're getting better re:2 and I'm actually all for waiting to see if this improves without *too much* griping. For point 3, I think it's definitely the most tricky of the 3 to fix because it requires the most balance. You want the game to feel fun and interesting without it being overwhelming. Personally, I think the first and easiest thing would be to start supporting/platforming specific types of content primary or secondary content creation around teaching people things that aren't obvious (such as an official video guide series or in-game tutorials for advanced mechanics). The second thing should be devoting even just a small development team of 1-2 people, maybe as part of the Player Pain Points team, to identifying and addressing specifically what mechanics could/should be simplified without significantly impacting the depth of gameplay. I think there are tons, and a lot of players in the community would be happy to provide feedback on this. For example, not every skill needs to have a flashy explosive animation/effect that obscures view of encounter mechanics. Even just adding a way to toggle off some of these could be a huge help. I don't need to see my allied Spellbreaker's Winds of Disenchantment when I'm trying to watch for the red circle appearing under his character model, and he certainly doesn't need to see it either 😂
  12. I'd say 3 main reasons: 1. Underperforming behavior moderation Most new players get pushed out by the rampant toxic behavior of more experienced players. Bad behavior needs to be punished harshly and good behavior needs to be rewarded, like many popular PvP games have realized. 2. Relatively low development support I'm not referring to new content like elite specs or maps - those can help but only for a short time. I'm talking about community support like events, prize pools, structure, frequent balance patches, etc. People don't feel like playing PvP will amount to anything. Rewards and progression are vital for PvP games. Without that, it feels like an afterthought. 3. Overwhelming and unimpressive mechanics The learning curve is very high and resources for skill improvement are surprisingly disparate and hard to find. There are so many moving parts and information to keep track of for new players that they get overwhelmed and have no idea what's going on. Anyone wanting to get better has to dig deep just to learn some of the rhetoric, let alone the skills needed to improve. Furthermore, many mechanics are janky and unintuitive. At times, it looks and feels like a game from 2012 and that's not what you want in 2023. These need care and attention to be tuned up for the expectations of a new decade.
  13. How could you possibly qualify that? Clearly there is a want in the community for it or else there wouldnt be so many other posts about it. Writing all of those people off as if they're a monolith who just want to exclude you from content makes me think you're the ones who don't understand community...
  14. If people want to use the tool that way, let them. What you're doing here is actively discouraging player interaction because you're afraid it will be bad and disguising that as if it's encouraging player interaction. You could still whisper someone to ask about their build but maybe you shouldn't have to! If someone wants to be elitist in their group they will find a way using the tools they have, which is why KP exists. Just join a different group or make your own, like you already have to do. There is no evidence a tool like this would increase this behavior.
  15. Why do you think that? I definitely don't agree that that's the "main reason" when it's not the reason I or anyone else in my guild that asked me about this did so - clearly we have different "main reasons" in mind. But that's my point exactly - just because gatekeeping exists doesn't mean we should let it drive every feature of our game when we could instead just deal with the gatekeeping (pretty easily imo)
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