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Everything posted by Zape.2094

  1. Thanks guys, might look into Deso a little then! :)
  2. Thanks alot for your input! Ive noticed we fought against TAG yesterday on FSP, and it was a fun matchup indeed. :) Are you in TAG? How are you liking the general atmosphere in Deso? Thanks!
  3. Hello! I recently came back to GW2 and I'm dedicating myself to WvW pretty much full time (a few hours each day). I currently reside on Far Shiverpeaks, but since the community on this server seems to be toxic to oblivion, I've decided to leave it behind. I take WvW quite seriously - I always try to perform my best, both in terms of fighting and in terms of PPT, and my aim is always to win a matchup (a bit cringe, I know, but thats just how it is). If your interest isn't the same as mine, we can perhaps still make it work, so dont be shy to hit me up with what your expectations are! :) Since the LFG section of the forums is generally swarmed with PvE guilds rather than what I am looking for, I decided to post here instead. :) Briefly about me: 24 years old, self-employed, playing a few hours daily, depending on mood and occupation all throughout the day (from mornings to nights). I mostly play Spellbreaker, although I do really enjoy the Revenant and Firebrand aswell. Im a very vocal person in general, and use Discord regularly while gaming (especially WvW). I prefer to follow organised groups, so commanders who are on Discord; it doesnt matter if the tag is public or private, as long as it's not a toxic environment. When there's no tags or I feel like spreading out rather than grouping up Im usually on my thief scouting (normally HBL or EB). I'm generally dedicated and focused while playing, and I'll always follow the commander's calls pretty much to the core. What Im looking for: A server (and preferably a guild) with the same general mindset as mine: Try to improve, work together, and generally try to win a matchup. I enjoy fights as much as the next man, but gathering a 50 man group to fight in EoTM while the enemy is flipping our HBL garri is not in my interest. I want to defend and take objectives as much as I want to fight the enemy. I need a balance of both to make it work. :) Since I do mostly enjoy fighting in bigger, organised groups I'm preferably looking for a big, dedicated WvW guild with regular raids. What you get for recruiting me: An active, very positive attitude player with passion for the game and the will to improve. As mentioned before, I am very vocal. I love contributing. I'll happily fulfill any role in the squad that is needed (according to my capabilities ofcourse), and I'll proudly represent both the server, and the guild. I do have a commander tag, although I am still somewhat unexperienced in terms of commanding, so I'll probably not be doing that much, but if needed I can step in aswell - both as a closed guild tag, or an open tag when neccessary. I will ofcourse pay for my own server transfer, and I will ofcourse adapt to the guild's schedule and requirements. If your guild is recruiting, or you'd just like a +1 on your server (I can find a guild later aswell, it's not THAT big of a deal, I just want to be a part of a likeminded community), please do leave a comment down below with some basic information and we'll see if we match! ^.~ Regards,Z
  4. Im from FSP which is full, so I cannot advise you to transfer to it (although I totally would if you could), but just some food for thought: You want low percentage of bandwagoningYou want a lot of open tag commandersWhich one is it? Open tag commanders pretty much bandwagon all the time since its their job. :bleep_bloop:
  5. Exactly. I have screenshots of players posting these links in starter zones to annoy newcomers, cause apparently getting newbies kicked out of the game is super fun and very exciting. I barely got one of them to stay with the game, because I quote "i started today and i keep getting crashed every 15min". After I explained it was patch day he decided to stick with it for a few more days. Can we do something about it, or are ArenaNet as usual just going to ignore this issue?
  6. Can we please do something about the players who are spamming people with this trait? Or is this "not reportable"?
  7. So probably weaver and dragonhunter would be the best bet here I assume? Revenant has a bit of it, but feels a bit too clunky in terms of being very predictable and having no real mobility. If you get focused you're gonna get stomped. Whereas a weaver could technically mist form / blink out, and the guardian could just pop his shitton of invulnerabilities if it gets that far and run out safe and sound. Do Rangers have any proper disengage? I never played them much but I didnt think they had that much mobility. Sure, they have immob, but you cant count on that to work vs a zerg (stability, multi enemies, etc...)..... How do rangers get out of trouble other than sitting at 1500+ range (and greatsword leap)?
  8. But then again how effective this is often depends more on how good the commander is at herding the kittens than it does on the skill of the thief. So which class would you suggest for such actions? Im thinking ranger cause of the 1500+ longbow range, but it kinda lacks AoE (except for longbow 5, which makes you a sitting duck), or perhaps an Elementalist with a staff (1200range and good AoE)? Any ideas? Id really like to give zerg busting a go ^.^ Btw Caed, Ive heard of you busting people out on your deadeye, hope to see you ingame some time!! :) The answer you are looking for is core guardian power build. It can spike as well as a staff weaver but its WAAAYYY easier to pull off, the cooldowns aren't as punishing, you have 2 invulns, and utility that actually helps your team: ALL AT THE SAME TIME. You give up a bit of range because it relies not just on staff but on scepter, but its 100% worth it. I was playing staff weaver in WvW zergs for awhile and just on a whim switched to power core guard. It feels like a cheat code.Do you go full Berserker with it, or should I go more Marauder and healthy stats aswell?
  9. But then again how effective this is often depends more on how good the commander is at herding the kittens than it does on the skill of the thief. So which class would you suggest for such actions? Im thinking ranger cause of the 1500+ longbow range, but it kinda lacks AoE (except for longbow 5, which makes you a sitting duck), or perhaps an Elementalist with a staff (1200range and good AoE)? Any ideas? Id really like to give zerg busting a go ^.^ Btw Caed, Ive heard of you busting people out on your deadeye, hope to see you ingame some time!! :)I just said it has a problem with the follow through. It can still do it. If you want to pewpew... then pick a class that got pewpew. There is no 1v50 zergbusting omnibuild thats running full berserkers mixed with full minstrels, all the traits and every skill on the bar. I dont think you understand what I mean by zergbusting.... I dont plan to 1v50. I plan to cloud the enemy zerg and pick off their tail, flank the enemy zerg and put a ton of damage down on their downed players to rally our zerg. Generally I want to be behind the enemy zerg when my zerg is on the other side. When they clash, I want to flank and throw down damage, then quickly get away to safety. :) Basically clouding.
  10. But then again how effective this is often depends more on how good the commander is at herding the kittens than it does on the skill of the thief. So which class would you suggest for such actions? Im thinking ranger cause of the 1500+ longbow range, but it kinda lacks AoE (except for longbow 5, which makes you a sitting duck), or perhaps an Elementalist with a staff (1200range and good AoE)? Any ideas? Id really like to give zerg busting a go ^.^ Btw Caed, Ive heard of you busting people out on your deadeye, hope to see you ingame some time!! :)
  11. friday, 27 november ,2020 Here's a post that didnt age well
  12. This was the point of signets and swiftness. Some brilliant mind at ANet decided that movespeed disparities weren't big enough, though, and to overload boons even further by changing rune of speed. 25% should be the permanent number. 33% should be swiftness. No other benefits should exist.If people want instant mobility, they should take weapons which provide it. If superspeed is necessary to evade certain things, it means AoE radii are too large and should be cut, and the effect made an extreme rarity. It's that simple, and yet, here we are... I got absolutely nothing useful to add to the topic but I wanna express my appreciation for your proper use of "radius" plural. You go lad, the world needs more people like you.
  13. That was very detailed, loved it! Which weapon does the power scrapper run? Do they use a hammer? Or do they use one of their utilities as the main weapon to spam 1? :)
  14. Thanks guys, this has been very helpful!! :)
  15. Thanks alot for your input! Few quick questions: Which weapons do warriors generally use? Or Dragonhunters? Do reapers go berserker stats with the greatsword for melee cleave, or whats the general consensus? Do weavers use staff, or is there a better alternative? Thanks!
  16. Hello, its me again! Today I've come to forums with a slightly different question: What are the current "meta" WvW classes for group play, and what is their purpose? For example, I notice often a commander saying "We need more X class", or we lack damage, or whatever, and Im honestly sometimes baffled and unsure what exactly I can do to change it. I would appreciate it ALOT if somebody could review briefly what each class in WvW is currently designed to do and roughly what builds they have to use in order to achieve that goal. Here's my current understanding of how things work right now, please fix any misunderstandings I may have about the game as Im still somewhat new to the game and the mode itself even more so: Warrior - these guys seem to be used as a "bubble" tool from my understanding; I think the spellbreaker spec has a large bubble on it that disables boons or something and thats the main reason why people bring these guys to zergs. They are generally prefered as tanks if I understand it correctly? There's no "viable" DPS builds for a warrior in a zerg is it?Guardian - I seem to see a lot of these guys; mostly they seem to be supports though shouts (firebrand spec), but they also seem to be running DH or core guardian sometimes. Do they use power or condition damage generally if they wanna go DPS? Which weapons do they use?Revenant - Hammer revenant seems to be the go-to build for ranged spikes and damage right now, so these guys seem to be brought in for DPS and a bit of boonshare. Thats it right?Thief - These guys have no spots in zergs from my experienceRanger - Same as thief, people dont seem to really like them. Or are there any viable builds for "zerging" as a ranger? Engineer - Scrappers seem to be brought in a lot for their gyros (stealth especially) and superspeed.... Is that it? Or do they also do good damage, or whats the reason people bring them?Necromancer - Power scourges seem to be an alternative to the hammer revenant. Are reapers of any use to the zergs? I really like the reaper spec and hate the scourge one. Is greatsword reaper of any use for example?Mesmer - seem to be brought in for the stealth simillarly to engineers... Or am I missing something? Also, do these guys play DPS, or just support? Which weapons do they use?Elementalist - Ive only seen a few tempests get spots in squads so far and they seem like a weaker version of support guardians (condi cleanse, support).... Am I missing something? Is there any DPS builds an elementalist can run to be helpful in zergs?All in all, the most important question I have, and the one I cannot seem to find a good answer for is: Is anybody other than scourges and heralds actually useful in terms of DPS to a zerg? I really love playing strong cleave classes (ranger or necro or warrior or guardian with a greatsword, elementalist with daggers, elementalist with a staff....), but Im not sure if any of them are actually welcome in organised WvW environment. Any insight would be MOST helpful and appreciated. Thanks!
  17. Hi. I'm running roaming spec shoutbreaker in these days. It's pretty fun :smiley: Build is here -> http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAMxzlFwuYYMNWJmUX9vVA-zVRYVh3MqhCp3Ko7QI8EQ1ZB7ZA-w This one actually look really fun, I might give it a try! :) One last question for all of you guys (you've all been super helpful btw) - Which class would you generally take for picking off stragglers in a zerg? What I mean is, I love to go behind an enemy zerg and kind of nuke their backline and people who arent stacking well.... For this obviously I need a lot of range, so staff ele or longbow ranger come to my mind, but the staff ele seems way too squishy.... Ranger however doesnt seem like it can do enough damage to actually kill anybody and seems to have pretty poor AoE on the longbow. Am I wrong? Thanks! Forget staff Ele, for decent damage to pick off stragglers you're going very glassy, and as soon as you're noticed you're focused and have to withdraw. Plus the majority of projectiles are so bloody slow you never hit anything moving faster than a walk. The extra 300 range on Longbow is brutal. Most annoying way to die is at 1500 pewpewpew range when your cool-downs are gone. In most cases when I'm picked off it's either an opportunistic Thief, an aggressive Reaper with full shroud or a kitten pewpew Ranger. As an added bonus your unmerged pet will follow a target for miles, and then add to that using "snap to target" ground targeting means you get to drop longbow 5 on targets behind walls.That actually makes sense and sounds pretty damn annoying indeed. I might look more into the Ranger option, although I gotta say I really have having a pet lol. Thanks!
  18. Hi. I'm running roaming spec shoutbreaker in these days. It's pretty fun :smiley: Build is here -> http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAMxzlFwuYYMNWJmUX9vVA-zVRYVh3MqhCp3Ko7QI8EQ1ZB7ZA-w This one actually look really fun, I might give it a try! :) One last question for all of you guys (you've all been super helpful btw) - Which class would you generally take for picking off stragglers in a zerg? What I mean is, I love to go behind an enemy zerg and kind of nuke their backline and people who arent stacking well.... For this obviously I need a lot of range, so staff ele or longbow ranger come to my mind, but the staff ele seems way too squishy.... Ranger however doesnt seem like it can do enough damage to actually kill anybody and seems to have pretty poor AoE on the longbow. Am I wrong? Thanks!
  19. Thanks alot for your input mate, very helpful insight! Do you think P/D thief is a good duelist? I really dont like playing the revenant that much tbh, I like it in zergs cause its pretty simple, but outside of that not really. Or a longbow ranger - are there any strong builds to duel with that?
  20. NA or Europe? Also, what server? Add me in game regardless and I can provide some thief specific advice if you'd like. I will add you, that would be great! Im on EU, Far Shiverpeaks. :) Thanks everybody for loads of input, I appreciate every single one of you alot! Keep rocking!
  21. Any chance you could hook me up with a build for it? Which legends and weapon sets do I use? Thanks alot guys! :)
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