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Everything posted by Kichwas.7152

  1. For a request: More 'pants' and 'shorts' that are tight to the body for heavy and light armor. Not 'buttflaps' and skirts - it's 2020, the need to protect male players from seeing the behinds of male characters is long past, the rest of don't need to keep enduring due to their fragility.
  2. This sale that's been going for the past week - extend it one more week because the Gem store has been offline so much this last week. Also make that a policy anytime the store has major network issues. Put sales and limited time offers onto extension.
  3. Kind of annoying to have so many issues during a timed sale. They should consider extending that anniversary sale. I did manage to get it to work and buy the items I wanted - but then I was unable to get the last thing I was considering as the gem trading and buying both just went completely out for me last night. And it sounds like I was not alone in that.
  4. Possibly.Then again if you look at real world genocides even the ones that last several centuries have usually failed to be 100% 'final solutions'. They can reduce by factors like 99%, such as the Native American population of the USA, or by massive amounts like the Aboriginal population of Australia. But 100% wipeouts - those are very rare and usually only work when short in duration, like Columbus' landing on what is now Hispaniola (and there are still people there who claim to have some native blood - but that kind of hiding by mixing in would not happen with non-humans in Cantha). Quite often even in rapid intentional wipeouts it doesn't get everyone - like the Toltec & Mayan attacks on Aztec survivors after Cortez took Tenochtitlan (most people today who claim to be Aztec are actually descendants of the Indigenous people that defeated the Aztecs alongside Cortez, but a few actual Aztec people did survive the postwar purge). I suspect we'll find pockets of people, and if the purges have ended - pockets that are slowly growing back. At the end of the 'Indian Wars' there were a little less than 200,000 Native Americans left in the USA, but we're over 6.79 million now. Still a LOT less than the estimated 10-200 million (estimates vary dramatically to an absurd degree) they used to have, but slowly growing.
  5. new Global Elite spec: Monk (yes, it's a terrible idea) Guild War's Cantha was NOT based on racist stereotypes so I'm going to hope they give that a hard pass. In fact Guild Wars 1 was, before Eye of the North, completely lacking in ANY stereotypes and had richly detailed original cultures for all three 'base games'. Eye of the North then added Norn and Asura and made them both cheap parody stereotypes - with Norn even a stereotype of a real world people (they were, and still are, basically comedic drunken Vikings. Every stereotype you could thrown at a Nordic person other than being modular furniture salesmen...) That said, Monk IS a core Guild Wars class that didn't appear in GW2.We had skill lines for healing prayers, smiting prayers, and protection prayers. Weapons were things like rods and staffs, and a focus in off hand with rod. In other words, Monk is a caster for the Healer role - not something from lazy racist ethnic stereotypes, but a religious character. I don't really care what it's called, as long as it doesn't need weapons to fight. If it really needs something for the equipment, then just make some sigils/runes on your arms and/or legs to pretend you have something equipped.Ethnic stereotyping is still racist even without the labels.Let's just not take Guild Wars there. As a "person of color", who happens to have roots with both Asia and Africa (alongside both South America and Europe) - one of the shining things about Guild Wars, outside of the Norn, was that it did cultures without dipping into stereotypes. What drew me to Guild Wars 1 back in 2005 was the amount of respect it paid to the cultures of Ascalaon, Kryta, and Cantha - and when Nightfall came out Elona as well. It's lost a lot of that with Guild Wars 2, but managed to redeem itself a bit when Path of Fire did Elona while once again avoiding stereotypes. I'd like to see Cantha get that respect as well.
  6. Guild Wars 2 is still lacking these classes: MonkParagonDervishAssassinRitualist Each of which has the ability to appear in GW2 as an elite specialization, and two of them could offer up new weapons:Scythe and Javalin (spear). If I remember right, Ritualist and Assassin used weapons already existing in GW2. Staff and Daggers. I would think something like this: Monk - this one is really hard because it was a core class meant to sit alongside the base ideas and had so much lore to it... but maybe Elementalist specialistParagon - Revenant specialistDervish - Guardian specialistAssassin - thief specialistRitualist - Necromancer specialist In truth I think Monk should be a new class - lore wise the end of Balthazar could be used as a justification for Monks to get 'out in the world' again and stop hiding in Divinity's Reach (we already have them in game, but they're all NPCs). Devotee of Abaddon (spelling?) would be the elite spec, if the skill lines were healing, smiting, protecting... The skill lines I see on my old Monks (I had 2 of them at max level, the second of which was made solely to try to get to end game with a total damage done of 0 - ie pure healer) were: Healing PrayersSmiting PrayersProtection PrayersDivine Favor
  7. new Global Elite spec: Monk (yes, it's a terrible idea) Guild War's Cantha was NOT based on racist stereotypes so I'm going to hope they give that a hard pass. In fact Guild Wars 1 was, before Eye of the North, completely lacking in ANY stereotypes and had richly detailed original cultures for all three 'base games'. Eye of the North then added Norn and Asura and made them both cheap parody stereotypes - with Norn even a stereotype of a real world people (they were, and still are, basically comedic drunken Vikings. Every stereotype you could thrown at a Nordic person other than being modular furniture salesmen...) That said, Monk IS a core Guild Wars class that didn't appear in GW2.We had skill lines for healing prayers, smiting prayers, and protection prayers. Weapons were things like rods and staffs, and a focus in off hand with rod. In other words, Monk is a caster for the Healer role - not something from lazy racist ethnic stereotypes, but a religious character.
  8. Thanks for the thoughts folks. So basically it's of limited value once skill is up there - but could still have good utility in someting like a WvW zerg where there are more people hitting you than you can even see on the screen. I've got these sets on a Mesmer I have built to be a Chrono, and a Ranger I have built to be a Druid... it looks like I set those up right before I'd left the game, to have as options against my normal mesmer and ranger... only to come back and see we now have multiple builds... but oh well... I can still find use for those two. Maybe I'll make them into WvW characters.
  9. Coming back to the game after a few years away, I found that several of my newer characters, made around the time Path of Fire had come out, had a full set of Soldier's Exotic Gear in their bags. I can't imagine any good use for gear with these stats; Power, Toughness and Vitality.It seems like even if I was hoping to try out raiding and wanted my character to be a tank, this wouldn't be my choice of gear. Has there ever been a build that made smart use of Soldier's gear? Am I missing something? What do people do with this free gear? I noticed I cannot break it down with salvaging. I'm hesitant to just destroy a whole complete set of gear - but that seems like the logical move just to get inventory space back.
  10. This last weekend was the first time I'd logged in for a very long time.Long enough that many of my characters had mails with 2-3 birthday presents. I'd been careful over the past few years to log in just enough to have stories unlocked, but not much beyond that. Unlocked a LOT of new dyes yesterday with those presents... Discovered the khaki outfit I'd paid for years ago was finally back as a werable I could keep on as much as I wanted, and now even in combat. And picked a character that had been an 80 but not done personal story and went at it there. To me that seems the way to do it - jump into some story so you can solo around enough to figure out the buttons and get over the insane EXTREME VISUAL CONTRAST THAT MAKES YOUR EYES HURT of this game... and then take on other things once you have some familiarity back...
  11. I voted Scepter because I can't think of any good explanation for it being scepter... :)But let's go Scepter / Focus. I'm thinking the new spec would be "Old Geezer" and you would get "lecture" utilities like your AoE knockback "You Kids Get Off My Lawn!"An Alacrity / Condition removal Elite skill: "back in my Day!" And you'd use the scepter to hit shorter toons on the head and then yell harshly at them, causing the 'fear' effect.Or if you're an Asura you'd hit them in the kneecaps and trigger a 'fear' that used the 'laughing' emote... You'd also have a "spill my coffee" offhand with "focus" that on finishing the spec gives you a 'complimentary retirement mug' that does condition damage'. You're #3 would be "shake a stick at them" that works as a charge attack. You healing skill would be "take my meds" where you wave the stick, turn about randomly, and suffer a knockdown, but get a massive heal. Because well... Warrior basically has everything... and so... that's what I've got... :)
  12. My Elonan descended elementalist, Mallalai; My Norn Thief: My Charr Warrior: And my Asura Revenant:
  13. What are your graphics settings? For me since 2013 this game has had extreme 'contrast' of too bright and too dark at the same time, and in that spot in Divinity's reach I can usually barely see anything because the lighting glows too much...
  14. Mallalai is named after my Guild Wars 1 Elementalist, who I envision as her ancestor. Her build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFEQJAsYnk4CF5it4CmNAM5iFCALoAEAWAFXykYZ4eV/qv1A-jFEBQB2THAAOBAGUFhts3AMXEYBmgYhWiLcgA2hKBB4BAQBlg/QNAwqERaqiwDVI4iyrAAHAMdAAA-w This is also the only character I have named after one of my Guild Wars 1 characters. Mallalai was a name I picked out of a 'baby names' website back in 2005 when I first got Guild Wars, as my Elementalist. The way I imagine her story, is that the oddly named Ascalonian (it's a name from India) went to Elona and fell in love with the vibrant and charming continent, and eventually started her family there. Later when Palowa took over, the now Elonan family fled north to Kryta and became a part of the Elonian community of Divinity's Reach. I imagine one daughter of every few generations being given the name Mallalai and trained in the elemental arts... and now, 300 years later, the story of that family resumes in my new Elementalist that was made on 'early access launch day' for Guild Wars 2. (Back during GW1, I made Mallalai as maybe my third or fourth character, but before Nightfall came out. I remade a few characters with Nightfall because at the time you could not use the Nightfall skins or hairs unless your character was made to start there - and I liked the quests there more anyway, but the Elementalist had fallen to a mostly unused alt so I didn't remake her. For some reason though, she is the one I continued in GW2... Maybe because my 'mains' were a pair of Monks, Ascalonian and Elonan, and a Canthan Ritualist - none of which I could remake).
  15. And yet 5 years in and almost ALL the armor still has buttflaps. Obviously they don't care to give us any new looks anyway... So we might as well get new races and classes instead. Besides, I can't be the only one who's bank is near full of account bound level boosts...
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