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Posts posted by Karagee.6830

  1. 27 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

    You keep saying this, but that's not why they did it lol

    They did it to try and differentiate it more from other warrior specs, to emphasize the whole "tradeoff" design they were going for. They've gone back on that.

    It's fine the way it is, and if you're unwilling to make use of regular bursts in PvP as zerk you're missing out on useful plays you could be making. A flurry to immob through stab (like on a support), a regular mace stun lasts an eternity, point pressure on longbow, an arcing slice on someone low when you don't have zerk available, and so on.

    Sword is condi. And on condi the core burst immob is useless because you simply don't have the tools to land it. And even if you do land it it also resets your adrenaline, you can't enter berserk mode, so what are you going to do with that root or stun, poor damage on a class with already subpar damage? An autoattack chain? You may even be dead before you have enough adrenaline again to enter berserk mode. Core bursts are in the benchmark pve rotation when you can't be in berserk mode and anything better is on cd. On a 4 mill benchmarks you hit 2 of them? Come on let's be realistic here and I did say I use them in pve.

    The quote doesn't prove people didn't ask for the setup to be changed, so I'm not sure what the point you are trying to make is. If anything it proves that the dynamic of the class is that primal bursts are supposed to be 'put behind berserk mode'...not disconnected from it. And they never said anything in recent month that contradicted this design philosophy.

    Btw I asked how people felt going back to the old design on SC warrior discord when the patch came out in early Ovtober. Many people there were dissatisfied with the design and the consensus seemed to be it was unpopular also years ago before it was changed...

  2. 13 minutes ago, Enirehtac.1245 said:

    I have heard of some commanders that refuse to tag up during betas.

    Another piece of information that should make you question your beliefs. Since these people surely went in the betas with their wvw guilds, why on earth wouldn't they be comfortable playing as usual? Weird, isn't it?

    I stayed with my main guild for betas, not my wvw guild, but the people from Gandara who stuck together played exactly the same way they always do (and I am sure of this because I played against some of our guilds and I was on TS/Discord and chatted on shared guild chats). I've also played together with Germans talking the bare minimum for 2 hours of running together in past betas (note these guys are actually very good and I had a few of them on my block list because of the run ins we had previously)

  3. 3 hours ago, Enirehtac.1245 said:
    1. I think Baruch does have very good players, very good guilds too. The issue is that those guilds play 1-1.5h the day usually at what I call 'happy hour', which is the lapse of time in the day in which everyone in the server that is active in wvw plays. 

    Yeah those are the guys getting farmed and/or run away when they don't play against much lower numbers. We can read the guild tags...

    How exactly can you claim they are good when you also say they play only when they have a numerical advantage?

    I don't understand why someone living in the same time zones as NA would play on EU, it's beyond me. But then I actually play against BB and I know the answer is you would all get farmed, guilds and all, if you played during prime time on NA or EU.

    Wouldn't you be in favour of having a link even if that meant getting full like everyone else? Wouldn't you feel more normal? Say you get one of the german servers that wake up and have blobs at 6am CET, it would be seamless.

    • Haha 1
  4. 10 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    no, 3 buttons means an F1-F3. The current setup is fine, you just need to relearn the muscle memory.

    Yes exactly 3 buttons, since people seem so attached to have the switch separate from the burst skills.

    Notably, as I said above, they changed this setup in the past because people didn't like it and what you say for 2 also works for 3, so with 3 buttons you will just need to relearn the muscle memory (which isn't my problem as I repeated multiple times: I don't want to have 2 keybinds if 1 was working perfectly well for years and I especially don't want core and primal burst to share the same keybind)

  5. 12 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    It wouldn't be 3 buttons, the F2 would just flip to a new skill.

    3 buttons would mean splitting burst and primal burst (and the berserk switch) to always be on different buttons.

    In case they change the berserk switch to also end berserk mode and the button does not disappear anymore, this setup would also be preferable to F1 hosting both primal and core burst skills.

  6. 16 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

    Current F2 > F1 seems ok.

    Previous F1 > F1 seemed to have a slight delay when you play on high ping. 

    (For me anyway)

    Look, other than the fact that using 2 buttons instead of 1 is already inefficient, my main point is that when I play pvp and don't face an NPC I don't want core burst to go off even by accident, so I want the option to have it on a different button than the zerker burst.

    For clarity and for @Fueki.4753 as well, if people have a hard-on for the disappearing berserker switch, then a 3 button setup would be more logical and reasonable than the current setup for me. At least there is no chance to waste adrenaline on core burst.

    I think in your case the lag after entering berserk mode may have happened irrespective of the button that triggered it. For me it was instant, though.

  7. 14 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

    Yes, many people were advocating for exactly the layout we have. The layout we have now is the original Berserker layout, they just reverted the nerf they put on berserker in the past by removing core bursts.

    I am aware they reinstated something that people esplicitly asked to be removed back in the day...this just makes the return to that set up even more incomprehensible. Maybe they are just lazy and hoped people forgot?

  8. 8 hours ago, Justine.6351 said:

    Its amazing how solo roaming is dead but they all come crawling out when downed state is mentioned.

    Not quite. Many people who have voiced concerns about downstate in WvW play in organised groups and zergs, where actually killing someone who is stacking properly is impossible unless someone makes a mistake.

    At the most basic level, downstate is garbage in any situation where there are numerical imbalances. And that applies at any scale. In pvp you can live with it, because when you are fighting 1v2 you know someone in your team should be fighting +1 somewhere else, so at a team level it evens out. In WvW however the numbers are not balanced, so someone has an advantage without any drawback.

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 1

    12 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    I doubt someone popping in a minute to buy a pair of catapults mess with the overall server population hours particularly much.

    Those other things you say promote karma training and flipping is just as diffuse as the rest of the PPT/PPK split that the elite WvW community is constantly pushing . And whenever there's a capture daily, there should be an equivalent defender one - there is at any time, it's called... defending a tower/keep you know the kitten enemy is going to try and take because that's what get you fights. The "fighters" would take that fight regardless of having a daily or not. Who is your target audience here? The elite PPKers that think defending doesnt mean fighting, so they need a daily to justify them coming there? Dont think that's your meaning but that's effectivly what it means, lol.

    I'm fine with having more dailies, but removing existing ones is pretty pointless.

    About this proposal, I don't mind either way, but I think you are kidding yourself if you think people would leave EB specifically to do dailies. You could even change tower and keep capture to be on borderlands or a specific borderland and it would hardly make a difference.

    Obviously this is just my opinion, which is also partly based on what people say on forums. I guess Anet could test this and see how it goes. Maybe you are right and you will see people tagging up just to capture/defend specific daily objectives. 

  10. 36 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    lmao, I'm not the one creating threads whining about my server being full, whining about other servers not being full or asking for another server to get a link in hopes of getting one myself, and now chasing me down in other threads to whine about my arguments, stalker. Hey guys we're not full! we have no zergs! we have no commanders, but hahahah look at our impressive kdr! it must be all from the roamers! we're just as good as mag!


    Everyone sees what these request for what they are. Me come clean and tell the truth? about what? No, how about you? I'm always up front and state facts, if you can't handle those truths that's not my problem, if you want to call me a whiner cause I call you out for your whining, I have no problem with that, just shows you have no real counter argument.


    We've had people come from SoS saying how they're a dead server! how are they full! meanwhile it's because SoS almost always has dead times between eu and na but a health ocx sea times, while all the other servers are heavily NA, everything Gandara doing is straight from the BG playbook, people like that complain and don't fully understand coverage, or time zones, or play times. We've had 10 years to see everything, and we've seen the excuses.


    You know what, you're going on ignore, you have nothing of interest to say to me. Good luck on your crusade, I'm sure anet will reward you all with a link next week, then in Jan I'm sure we'll once again see the whining about losing the link again.

    For someone complaining about walls of text you seem pretty adept at writing some yourself. The shocking reality however is that you didn't write a single paragraph without something inaccurate or false!!!

    Whoops failed again re: linking. I wasn't asking to give BB a link in the hope of getting one myself. That's what you assumed because you couldn't understand the point being made.

    And whoopsies, you don't seem to understand the basics of why the situation between EU and NA is fundamentally different. Nobody on Gandara would complain for being locked for 2 years, if we had a link all that time. You know, just like every server on NA, including BG and Maguuma. 

    And triple whoopsies for not understanding my point about coverage which was leaps and bounds more accurate and truthful than yours and for then trying to backpedal saying they were essentially the same thing.

    It'a funny how nobody on Gandara complained about links in the last 4 months, but you claim to be able to see the future. Or tragic!?

    • Thanks 1
  11. 12 minutes ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

    I don’t follow anyone lol.  We have had our issues.


    you don’t feel you are contradicting yourself but it is evident to people that are used to disagreeing that you have given a poor justification as reasoning in this case.  

    Just calling a ♠️ A ♠️

    Such as? I didn't give any explanation...

    My position is that some dailies are too easy and I proposed changes for people who think they draw too many PVErs. In all honesty, I don't give a rat's kitten about the effects on population or queues because this is all frankly irrelevant for my server. It's a complete non issue.

  12. 1 hour ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    Wait for it.....



    Not surprised about this post. Like. At all.

    We will mark the day this guy contributes anything to a discussion and it will become a GW2 mandated holiday.

    Is it too hard to write something about mech and downstate, as everyone else has done in this thread?


    • Thanks 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

    I mean..,  yeah.  🙂

    on second thought, maybe we just remove the easy daily’s from Gandara.  Have them report back in 16 weeks and let us know how it goes.  Leave the easy ones for all the other servers.

    Sure, let's do it. I will bet nobody will bat an eye or complain. Nobody really cares or talk about PVErs on Gandara one way or another. Besides, unlike xenesis in his blind hatred, use youe brain for a second. Gandara has been Full and locked for years, how many newbies can it possibly have?

    Anyway, don't follow xenesis on his whining marathons.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 30 minutes ago, Dayra.7405 said:

    If WvW dailies are easy & fast, the contribution to server-play hours is low.

    You want them more difficult such that they contribute more to play hours?

    Seems your proposal does the opposite of your goal.

    But I would love that one gone, or the respawn reduced

    If that is the case it's likely good, everyone started as casual newbie, and wvw for sure has the need to attract more player. And if that is the way how they loose timidity to play in a PvP-zone, why not.

    I think that is the essential of the wvw-daily: acclimate to PvP-zone play

    Veteran gives almost the same amount of wxp as a camp, if it also had a shorter respawn time...

  15. 1 hour ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    So your complaint is casual pve players are coming in and clogging up wvw population (specifically GANDARA. LOL, and FA, nice thanks for speaking on behalf of Chaba, we know FA is very shy about talking about their population problems). 🤭

    But then, you want to remove all the easy dailies, so they what... spend more time clogging up wvw populations? 🤨

    How exactly is it promoting karma training when the daily is only to cap one keep or one tower? everything else can easily be done solo.....

    Strider chalk this up to another "open bg" strat, the word gandara was sighted again. These guys, I feel like NA was way ahead of EU in this department. Btw thanks BG for revealing to us over the years, all the tricks behind stacking, lifelong lessons for spotting fishy request that veterans wvw players won't forget. 💖


    P.S I don't think dailies should be nerfed, they should be improved, more added, and even weekly achievements should be added, much like the tournaments one. For one it could be another avenue of rewards, and for two it could be something to guide the wayward souls who can't play wvw without a commander, have something to chase in the meantime.

    Again stop talking about things you're clueless about. Since I go and kill people waiting for the veterans on alpine and always go for veterans myself I have a pretty good idea of how many PVE people come on Gandara compared to other servers. Let me be generous and say we have the same number of people waiting. Actually that's exceptionally generous. This is not a problem on Gandara and afkers are not a problem on Gandara, but I'm happy to bet you are gonna come back in a week and say we complain about PVErs and afk people. Tragic.

    Ah and I missed the rant about BG. So you are just a mysantrophe who likes to whine and complain. Just come clean xenesis, tell us the truth.

  16. 4 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    Before the patch, it was merely acceptable to have Primal Bursts and Berserk on the same key, because there literally were no other Bursts available. Also, Berserk was a Burst at that time. But during that time, Berserker was garbage anyway, because out of Berserk, it was less than a core Warrior and during Berserk, it had an unjustifiable Toughness reduction. In Short: It felt bad, whether you were in Berserk or not.

    Now, Berserk is no longer a Burst, so it's only appropriate to be on a different key, while all Bursts are on the same key.

    Berserk not flipping onto a "End Berserk" ability is a mistake that persists since the very release of HoT.

    Lolwut? Power and condi berserker had been meta in pve for years as BS and spellbreaker and core were garbage. Spellbreaker was better for competitive, but zerker was also better than core in organised wvw.

    In any case you are repeating yourself, I understand your position, I think you have not understood mine and I have no interest in repeating myself. Until there is no permanent berserk button to turn on/off the mode and until you can never have the berserk trigger and burst skill available at the same time as it's been since they removed core bursts years ago, nobody has given me a good reason why I now need 2 keybinds instead of 1 to do the same thing we've always done.

  17. 20 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    For me, the current version is both practical and efficient. Whether I'm in Berserk mode or not, Bursts are always the same key.

    Maybe it's just your muscle memory from before the patch that finally gave back our core Bursts, that's holding you back.

    You might not want to use core Bursts. But me (and probably many others) want to use them.


    I don't want to use them in pvp and wvw, I will use them (whatever few times they are fitted in the rotation without jeopardizing berserk uptime) in pve.

    But I fail to understand how people consider the current set up efficient when you are forced to set 2 keybinds instead of 1. Were you advocating to have a berserk switch on one button and burst skills on another also before the patch? Because logically you are saying that would have made sense even then.

    If berserk is turned into a flip skill, then there is no way around, but this has never been the case.

  18. 6 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Thanks for confirming everything I just said is accurate in at least one case. Got to love that the "lonely roamers" are the poor victims in the situation they usually intentionally seeks out and love finding themselves in. This sound more like the complaints of a duelist, not a true roamer.

    Seems like I hit the nail on the head. Thanks for confirming everything I said.

    And no, you were not right in my case, I don't seek outnumbered fights and I don't know anyone who does (small numbers that is), those are forced on me because weaker players exist and can't do anything on their own, like those engis dying to guards. And by outnumbered fights I don't mean 2v3 4v6, I mean 1v3 2v7 and similar. And I always fully expect to die in those situations and if I don't, that's not on me.

    • Like 1
  19. 2 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

    Why so mutch anger vs soloers?

    Because he roams in a group and ganks people that way, evidently, and this is his coping mechanism to justify what he does.

    If I see someone from my server fighting one on one I usually don't intervene and only step in if he gets downed. I never understood where the fun is in having a fight or turning a fight in +1 or +2 or +3.

    • Like 1
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  20. 3 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    And also you're meant to think on a tactical and strategical level in the grander scale of WvW, not just blindly focusing on a single fight ahead of you. Initial engage, positioning, reinforcements, maneuvering, knowing when to withdraw, knowing when to push, adjusting to builds, adjusting to skill, is all important things instead of a do or die rush. 

    But I think that is rocket science to many. They just want the easy road with no thinking, a difficult 1v3 where reviving making it even harder is never just playing the game on hard mode for them. No no it's the enemy exploiting the game and having it easy. It's always the enemies fault that they engage 1v3.

    If they win they're the bestest player ever and the enemy was kitten. If they loose they are still the bestest player ever and the enemy is still kitten. If the enemy had a really hard time taking them down because they actually are some of the bestest players ever carried by good builds so the enemy needed to 3v1 them, they'll just admit to being regular players with mediocre builds because the enemy is still kitten.

    Ok Dawdler, we know you like to outnumber people and you think 3v1 is fair and balanced, so down state is a mechanic that makes sense because you think those fights are fair and even. You made it clear many times.

    Now we discover that you also think people look for 1v3, when it's normally bad players in a group who seek the lonely roamer for an easy kill and not the other way around.

    Just remove down state in WvW, it's also grossly unhealthy for zerg fights.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  21. No more dailies, have FEWER, more WvW oriented and change requirements for some. Remove veteran and guards, up sentry from 1 to 3, up monuments from 1 to 2, donkeys from 1 to 4 (and escorting also counts), leave ranker, obj defender and camps/tower/keep as they are. Kills should be changed to points scored (6, maybe 8 points) so that you need to find not outnumbered people and if you share kills with 3rd server or kill people with bloodlust the number will change and people will be encouraged not to stay on maps where they outnunber the opponents. You could have things like spend x supplies on siege/repairs or do x damage to enemy structures. Some of these will actually encourage roaming rather than just playing in a blob all the time.

    All of the above should already make it unappealing to most PVE players and wouldn't change much for WvW players.

  22. 11 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    It was suggested by an Anet dev in the past, and can be dug up on the old forum archive, to weight skirmishes by activity levels.  NA and EU prime times would always be weighted at the max level so as to increase the prime-time player's value towards the score and bring it inline with off-hours players.

    I misread. The main problem I see is Anet not counting total play hours, but some weighted metric, when the score assumes a balance based on total played hours. However this would explain why for servers like Gandara there is such a disconnection between server status and actual participation...if your participation is concentrated at prime time and weekend and that is weighted more, then the metric is going to wrong by some margin.

  23. 6 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    And now imagine Berserk on F2 changes to Primal Bursts on F2. During Berserk, Berserker would have access to core Bursts and Primal Bursts at the same time. Does that make more sense to you than core Bursts flipping over to Primal Bursts? To me, it definitely doesn't.

    Then they could just disable F2 for the duration of berserk mode, I don't see the problem. It's a simple matter of convenience of allowing people to have 1 keybind for core and 1 for berserker. If you are using both (not sure why because you'd use core very sparingly in pve and that's about it) then it changes nothing, you still need to deal with 2 keybinds.


    6 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    If anything, Berserk should flip over to an ability that enables us to leave Berserk early. But it certainly should not flip over to Primal Bursts.

    That would at least make sense from a practical standpoint and I would be ok with it since berserk and burst would have to be on different buttons as they both would be usable at the same time (unlike now and unlike the last several years). However the current situation is neither practical nor efficient. I understand your logic, but currently  'berserk' disappears when burst skills are active and vice versa and it was like that before the change. The only reason why berserk is now moved to a different button is that they needed room for the core burst comeback.

    It sounds to me you'd have preferred to have berserk trigger and burst on different buttons also in the past, even though they couldn't be active at the same time and one would always be disabled.

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