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Everything posted by Michram.6853

  1. I love "Gorrik" and "Rytlock"--maybe I just like names that end in hard K's? I love writing Gorrik and Rytlock because their particular mannerisms and personalities always move scenes forward in interesting ways. Neither are particularly subtle in how they handle problems, but their tactics couldn't be more different. Someday I'll just end up sneaking a scene that's the two of them yelling at each other for an hour and I'll be laughing like a maniac the whole time I write it. Oh I love those characters so much. And Rytlock's reaction on Aurene's ressurection was priceless: "Well, burn me." - it was basically my reaction ;) And Gorrik for his: "I can smell the pestilence in the air!"
  2. Thank you for bringing this up! My answer to this one is going to be pretty broad, but I'm hoping it cuts to the heart of what you're asking. There are a lot of questions in this thread about the future of specific threads like Malyck, Zojja, Rytlock's past, Spirits of the Wild, Wizard's Tower, etc. that would require specific answers we aren't in a position to give at the moment. However! Lately, the team has spent a lot of time discussing the game’s foundation and all the stories that different configurations of designers and writers have told since Guild Wars 2 launched. We’re very aware there are certain plots, characters, and lore that our players are curious about and want to see explored or resolved, so we made plans for future content with many (but not all) of those things in mind. The team is actively looking for opportunities to shine the spotlight on areas of the world that haven’t gotten as much attention as others while balancing the need to drive the narrative forward. It's impossible for us to address everything without things getting muddy or feeling randomized, so we have to prioritize by picking and choosing what works best for the direction we're going. One of the reasons we wanted to do this Q&A was to let you guys know that we are listening because what you have to say is important to us. We're looking forward to sharing what we've been working on at the August 30 event, when we can be more specific in regards to what we say about what's coming. That's a very insightful answer. Now I REALLY can't wait for August 30th!
  3. That's a very private question, but what is the name of a GW2 character that you're most attached to, and why.
  4. Caithe's Branding was quite an interesting thing to see, and I wonder how the Pale Tree and other Sylvari will react to her being... different. I wish to ask if there will be any consequences of this situation in the future, but I will impatiently wait for Season 5 :) What actually made you to put Caithe in such a big spotlight?Was it because you wanted to let her leave her shadows? Or maybe connect the Sylvari (the Dream) with Aurene? I thought about the Pale Tree vision from Season 2 instantly when I witnessed the Crystal Bloom cinematic. And I thought that it was the Pale Tree that made us realize how important the Egg aka Aurene was... When Kralkatorrik said "Mother"... Did he call the Mother Tree? Gosh Season 4 made me ask so many questions, and I thank you for that. I also like how Aurene talked to Kralk and the Commander - She calls them by who they are, she is so transparent, so... prismatic. Grandfather. Look at me! I cannot explain what's about to happen, Champion... Champion... So much empathy... I always knew Kralkatorrik was different. The Forgotten's ritual worked, but only on his Heart, Glint was too blind to notice, and Aurene noticed that instantly. There are things about the Ascension that can only be expressed between Dragons... She said. Heart to Heart. I want to share it with you. All of you. Gosh... every word you choose for Aurene to say was spot on, no other words would be more perfect. Thank you for tears and laughs this Season, Guys.
  5. GW1 system was very unfair. GW2 makes it more player friendly when it comes to die...
  6. Remember - hype is very unhealthy and will only lead to disappointment.Yes, it's 45 mins long. Yes, it can be showing something cool, but it's still A MONTH away (when I write this post). Anet only announced this so soon to give people time to book a place to sleep, to prepare, take some days off. But that's a top tip - if you expect way too much, just don't spend your money on the journey to Seattle, do it just for fun and possibly making new friends. Just saying to minimize all those disappointment posts "That's not what I expected...", "I feel disappointed" etc. if you don't set yourself for disappointment, you won't be disappointed.Just saying...
  7. Nothing, I expect nothing to not get disappointed
  8. War Eternal MusicI've started with the most recent Episode: War Eternal
  9. Hi fellow Musicians and Guild Wars 2 players! I have just started a series of Guild Wars 2 Music, that I began with War Eternal Music, that I gathered while playing this magnificent Episode. Why Am I Doing It?I am a great fan of Guild Wars 2's music and I love diving into all the leitmotifs and trivia about the music. I began with recording the music from the cinematics, that I felt have not gotten enough recognition, like the music that plays during Wynne's Secret Cinematic or Scruffy's Sacrifice Cinematic and more. I did already gather all the Cinematic Music I could (link to the playlist): But I couldn't record some from Season 1 (for obvious reason) and Season 2, because Music, Effect, Dialogue were all mixed together for some of the cinematics like The Pale Tree Vision, 2 final cinematics of Season 2 (not uploaded on Soundcloud either). It's Nicer to Have a One Video with All the Music, right?I love compiling different music, because I can play with the flow of the music. Nothing is ever a coincidence on any of my Compilations, I always think about what will better fit after a previous music.
  10. Imagine if this announcement is a "Diablo Immortal 2.0": "Our next step to make a Living world better is to move Living World to... Living world!"That would be sad, so if you want to announce a Living World Mobile, better cancel your Special Live Event.
  11. I think Mike O will introduce us, Mike Z will give details on what is to come, and some of the Lead Designers will expand what Z will say. So I think Tom Abernathy or Linsey Murdock for stuff about Story and the way S5 will work.And maybe someone that will give some details about competitive modes and hard core content. But I am sure the Anet and GW2 directors are granted to announce what they want to announce.
  12. I hope this topic will appear during the PAX, or maybe sooner: who will take over Maclaine Diemer's place as a composer, as he went freelancer?
  13. Sorry @Stephane Lo Presti.7258 for double post! I can see Primordus and Jormag are rising... Doom
  14. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/join-us-for-a-special-live-event-on-august-30/
  15. Nothing is ever perfect, I almost wanted to start whining about GW2 too, but... I have so much respect for all the amazing moments with GW2 that I'll never forget, like meeting a great bunch of amazing people in game, and some of them also irl.Writing my OP while reading the blog post of Mike Z made me realize that this game has its direction and I like it. I think they want to share with all the stuff for GW2 they have been preparing for the Anniversary (August 28th). And I think they will give a recap of Season 4 with a small teaser for Season 5 somewhere in August too to set in mood for some big stuff they want to share during their Anniversary video/twitch livestream. I mean this mysterious silence from Arenanet recently intrigues me, more than makes me anxious. I think we should all calm down, there is no reason to be that concerned. Constructive critique is amazing, but what's happening on Forums and Reddit recently, this "Game is dying" "Beginning of the End" "People leaves for FF, whats now?" I mean... if GW2 doesn't answer under that pressure, it means they just know it is not true. When the time comes, they will reveal more details on the game's future, I'm very certain of that.
  16. Season 4 was by far the best living world season ever. It had some downsides (that some actually think are its strong points), but the way this season was handled, really gave me a hope that Season 5 can be great as well. I just cannot stop thinking about all those people that worked on "walk of shame" in All or Nothing that stopped our heartbeats, the Joko's incredible cutscene with this unbelievable caring for detail, and this astonishing cinematic in the end of War Eternal in which the devs finally managed to actually PUT a player character into an ART cinematic, not like in game.There were loads of new camera work, like during the battle in the Forge against Kralkatorrik, and as said before this "walk of shame" "in-game-matic". The amount of new music pieces was the highest ever. The OST for Season 4 was so rich, full of new motifs, new styles. Kudos to the composers. We should not forget about the incredible job that Eve Eschenbacher and her team with all the TOP voiceactors are doing. I will never forget the divine performance of Debi Derryberry in Daybreak, when Taimi was kidnapped. Rox's voice was hard to use to at the beginning, but it really fits her. Also Faren's VA is such a delight. The designers, artists, composers have done a great job to make this season a good experience and fun. I don't want to whine about GW2's future, I think it still has a massive potential, and those who ill-will it are just jealous of how amazing this game is. Much support to Mike O and Mike Z that assure me GW2 is in the best hands. Just keep doing your job, in time you will reveal more information, because you are as excited about GW2 as we are. I love GW2, it gives me so much joy to this day. After so many years, I am still enjoying it really much. Bonus Events are a really nice idea to bring people together, and it's so fun to interact with people from all over and just bash some evil bosses like in old, good times. I absolutely loved Dragon Bash festival, it was so wonderful to feel this killing a dragon celebration once again! I am looking forward to the Festival of the 4 Winds with its unique atmosphere. If you want, please share your post of appreciation for Arenanet. I am sure all the devs want to share with everything they've been working on like right now, but they know when the time comes, they will just spread all the good informations. Love You my Guild Wars 2 Family <3
  17. MORE DRAGOOOOONS and Poobadoo. Poobadoo's ascension into dragonhood.
  18. I would be all for turning a bunch of bad guys into anti heroes. Where we work with the Inquest, Fire Legion, Nightmare Court, etc.. to destroy a common enemy that the bad guys may have inadvertantly created Like if the Inquest got their hands on the Infinity Ball and unleashed a version of "alternate us" onto the world that aren't necessarily evil but, extremely radicalized and decide to go on a rampage to purge our world of what these "alt us" see as impure. This was a joke post. I actually meant: "I pray to Balshashar that it won't happen!" :D We will kill another dragon in 3 years, so don't worry.
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