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Everything posted by CalmTheStorm.2364

  1. They are definitely listening to feedback and are making frequent adjustments to PvP balance. Check the patch notes if you don't believe me. That doesn't mean that they are listening to YOUR feedback or that you agree with the changes they are making, but Anet definitely IS modifying PvP balance. Personally, while I think there are still plenty of annoying/toxic things that I hope will get addressed some day, I think this is easily the most diverse meta I've seen since I started playing 3 years ago.
  2. The fact that you *can* destroy the vines does not mean that it is often feasible to do so. For starters, as has been pointed out, the vines are a) difficult to target and b) usually take a couple of seconds to destroy once targeted. That results in a lengthy immob in itself, since the 2s immob per pulse adds up quickly. Add in the fact that ranger has access to a ton of CC (druid usually tries to combo the immob with a long daze, for instance) to prevent you from attacking the vines or cleansing in the first place, and you have a pretty toxic/oppresive dynamic. Imo, entangle and jacaranda and druid seed trait should just be a 4s immob up front and be done with it. That's still a really long immob and provides plenty of kill potential, but it also allows for more counterplay. Some of those skills/effects would need their CDs reduced to compensate, of course.
  3. It's actually 2s of immob per pulse. Which means that, if you sit in the roots for 5s until they dissipate, you'll still be immobilized for an additional 5s.
  4. Agreed. I have long wanted tremor to be a leap attack with aoe knockdown. Would be much easier to hit multiple targets that way and gives the added mobility as a bonus (which is important because you need a way to set up crushing blow). Crushing blow should also have it's cast time reduced to at least 1/2s and a lower CD. A small range increase (like 180-240) would also be helpful.
  5. DS reach is unblockable. Unblockable projectiles are not reflected (or blocked).
  6. Really hoping they go after an Arms/sword rework. Warrior has very little condi presence in competitive modes, and our core condi weapons and traitlines help that not at all. Arms, sword, and mace stand out to me as the parts of warrior needing the most redesign love. LB and Rifle could also use help.
  7. There is, however, a Specter and a Moa. If Specter gets pets, I'm leaving.
  8. That would work too. The ammo skill is really nice for detonating fire aura via KoF, tho, so I'd hope they would add the functionality in somewhere else.
  9. Would be cool if there were a way for torch 4 to inflict more burning... Maybe more burning the closer you are to the target? It's 600 range, so if your target is 0-200 range, gets 3 stacks of burning 200-400 range, 2 stacks 400-600, 1 stack Would reward landing a CC or otherwise being able to stick to the target and could be a sizeable DPS bump.
  10. Pulsing CC (immob included) is bad design. Nothing worse than using a stun break (or cleanse, in this case) and immediately getting re-CCd cause your timing was a little bit off. Further, the fact that the roots don't count as enemies and don't get auto targeted by your skills is dumb.
  11. Yeah, you are right. Much of condizerker's design revolves around KoF, which limits build diversity, and, as you point out, makes it impossible to take the all important eternal champion trait. Similarly, there's no real opportunity to take last blaze since savage instinct is so important (not that LB is particularly good, anyway). Alas, fixing that would require a significant rework of condizerker, or at least of warrior's condi weapons so that they could be a potent force without relying on berserk mode/KoF for any sort of offense. Maybe we'll get lucky on June 27 in that regard, but even if we don't, the torch changes in the OP would at least make condizerker a little more viable.
  12. I really, really don't understand why they just didn't shorten the time it spent hanging in the air before dropping. Of course it's never going to hit anything if it hangs for 3s. What if it only hung for 1-1.5s? Putting an auto track on the thing so that you can't out range it or LOS it was a bad move.
  13. @Cal Cohen.2358 for the upcoming patch, please consider giving torch some love. The extra ammo on blaze breaker definitely helped, but it's not quite there yet. My suggestion: Reduce Flames of War CD to 20s. Increase range of the fire field to 240. Most of the power of torch comes from being able to generate fire auras by leaping through FoW and then detonating them via King of Fires. Making FoW a little more available will help this. Berserker also has difficulty staying on top of the highly mobile classes in today's meta, so increasing the radius will help with this too. Thanks for considering it!
  14. I maintain that traits like BP, AH, and cleansing ire should function like: "Gain one stack on burst use; gain an additional stack per bar of adrenaline spent if the burst hits." That way you always get something, but you gain a lot more if you play well and actually land the burst. Given that other professions have similar powerful effects that are completely under their control (like vindicator getting a +15% dmg mod just for dodging), I don't think this is unreasonable.
  15. That's a price I'm willing to pay. Just kidding😜 Necro has a right to be viable just like everything else. But even if what you say is true (and I doubt it, tbh), nerfing supports then allows for buffs/redesign of Necro in ways to make it more self-sufficient. I mean, it's not exactly a good spot to be in if your class requires being babysat by a support to be functional, right?
  16. I mean, if by "variable interaction and depth to gameplay," you mean, "spamming mag aura/projectile denial while enjoying near perma protection and cycling through blocks and invulns all while keeping teammates from dying," then yes, there's a lot of "depth" to be had. Personally, I find the dynamics created by getting a kill and what that means for the team fight itself as well as the overall map state to be far more compelling than an interminable slog where nothing dies (or is immediately revived either by a rez utility or by overpowered hand rezzing that allows you to outheal someone actively being cleaved).
  17. "PvP is a lot more fun when things die and stay dead." Discuss.
  18. Maybe. I wouldn't conceed that it'd be OP without play testing, as there are lots of factors that play into whether a thing is OP beyond just the numbers themselves. I do hear what you're saying about it being boon-based vs condition-based; that is an important dynamic change. As stated above, though, there would be significant opportunity cost to build around generating and maintaining max might to maximize the value of the trait, esp in competitive modes. But, tbh, just having the +2% crit chance without the + crit damage would still be amazing. Being able to use low-precision gear could be a game changer for warrior.
  19. DD is master level; this is supposed to be a GM trait, so it makes sense it would be more powerful. If you put it on the master tier, making it 2% crit chance only would make sense. If it were too strong in PvP/wvw, it could obviously be tuned down, but I think there is sufficient opportunity cost in taking Arms in the first place and then having to take enough might-generating traits (and traitlines) and utilities to get good value out of it.
  20. It's patterned in Decimate defenses, which is 2% per stack, so I'm going to disagree.
  21. Interesting trait idea: Furious Strength (replace from the OP): Gain +2% critical chance and +0.5% critical damage for each stack of might you have. Lots of obvious synergy with our might generation and related traits, makes critical capping easy, facilitates use of Dragon/Cavalier/Crusader/etc gear. Could be fun.
  22. Lots of good ideas here. Thanks for the feedback!
  23. Agreed. It would be hella unfair (and extremely frustrating) if you try really hard--and maybe even play really well-- but your team loses and you get absolutely nothing to show for it. That certainly wouldn't motivate me to try harder. For instance, imagine you're down 200-300, your team just wiped, and the other team is in the process of getting a triple cap. A comeback is still totally possible, but experience tells me that there's probably an 80-90% likelihood of losing at this point. If you tell me, "you can keep playing, but if you lose, you get nothing," I would be much more likely to say screw it and sit in spawn. What's the point of putting in the effort when you're unlikely to get anything out of it? On the other hand, if I could still earn a lot of rewards and maybe even salvage my rating, I'd be a lot more motivated to keep trying, even if the game were out of reach. That's a lot healthier for the game mode, imo.
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