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Posts posted by Gorem.8104

  1. Looks like its time to wait for the 15th and see even more changes to the worst meta the game has ever seen for 10 years. If they keep it like this, fine, let the map die and let it never be played again. So many mistakes with EoD, launching with a balance patch surprise to ending with a In your face in every single advert turtle locked behind a raid boss in the non-raid MMO that does things differently. 
    Really hope they don't make you have to fail the meta 20 times to unlock it. 

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  2. That was their plan, just like Dungeons. They nerfed them, removed the only reason anyone did them, so that it would be dead content. Just a matter of time before Fractal dailies are removed. Anet is known for this by now. Just like how classes got nerfed and EoD classes have great sustain. Just like that entire update that launched with EoD. 

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  3. 23 minutes ago, Cynder.2509 said:

    This is how events or dungeons or raids in other MMOs work actually. Beat a hard (and actually hard thing) thing for a chance for a prestigeous reward. In WoW you'd get cool mounts from some of these usually. 

    Only, this is not WoW, GW2 is not a raid game, it is the casual MMO game. Keep that stuff instanced so the majority doesn't have to do it. 

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  4. After witnessing a failed attempt where we were 6mins to go at the 20% mark when that phase started, had broken all CC bars, didn't move too much before that point, was a fine epic battle. We kept all Thorns down, had people complete the wisps, hardly any deads needing to revive, everything was going well, we downed all three champs at about the same time. 

    What on Earth is that final 20% phase? When I landed back on the platform, she instantly went into a CC phase which of course, means no one had EMP due to the game removing it from you, then during it swapped sides then spawned Tail and kept swapping sides. At the same time as the many, many side swaps half the squad got put into bubbles or Pools, myself included. I died from the infinite CC bar pool, respawned, landed, Pooled. Did it again, landed pooled. Sat there, dying, unable to do anything but watch others die and fail the boss at 11%ish. 


    Why is so much expected from Pugs? From the majority of the playerbase which are casuals or who are playing GW2 because it is the relaxing MMO? Why is open world content like this at all? What were you smoking when you designed this? The Whirlpool's bar needs a huge nerf, or better yet just outright remove it. How anyone can defend this terrible boring unrewarding meta amazes me. This is not a challenge. This is just dumb. Six minutes.... and I doubt more time would have helped anyone with how so many people couldn't even do anything as they had to keep running back and forth to get to the tail. Yet alone the boss. 

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  5. 19 minutes ago, Cynder.2509 said:

    Another great challenging meta ruined by nerfs because of casual whining... 
    Why are we veterans and raiders so neglegted... We need more challenging stuff. Even raid cms are too easy. Give us something coming close to WoW mythic runs please. 
    I love this game but it saddens me as a veteran to see this game becoming more and more far too easy. Almost every other veteran shares my thought as we want something that isn't a complete snorefest. 

    You are 1% of a playerbase built of 99%, catering to raiders and elites kills games and has done so many times in the past. if Anet didn't nerf it, you would not be able to play GW2 anymore as it could have shut down. Losing 99% of players would gut the game, that is why this "Challenging but actually just badly designed final meta with no rewards and a ton of RNG that required raid level skill from casuals" was nerfed and I hope it continues to be so that more people get to experience the game. a Scaling Timer for bronze/silver that adds another 10 mins would be perfect, then you are rewarded for effort and everyone gets to do the meta. The Tail hurting the Main target would also go a long way, or even if beating it once in a phase means it doesn't come back up again. 


    Long way to go still, but this change will help. 

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  6. 29 minutes ago, Sentient Anomaly.9473 said:

    Hello everyone, we have an update from the Guild Wars 2 team. We'll be localizing this for German, French, and Spanish as soon as possible:

    Hi all,

    Last week we made some changes to the final encounter of the Jade Sea meta event to help improve the accessibility of the fight, and we’re happy to see that the rate of successful event completions continues to rise each day. We’ve kept a close eye on the community discussion after those updates were made, and today we have two more changes that we’d like to discuss.

    First, effective immediately, we’ve reduced the frequency at which the Jade Sea Final Boss activates their 'Tail' by about ~50%. This will give players longer windows to deal damage to the boss and contend with the various other mechanics of the encounter. To be clear, this change does not require a game build to take effect.

    Second, in the March 15 update, we’ll be providing players with an alternate path for acquiring the Siege Turtle Egg, which unlocks the collection required for the Siege Turtle mount. We’ll be adding a new vendor to the Jade Sea map that will sell the Siege Turtle Egg at the cost of 200 Writs of the Jade Sea. The Siege Turtle Egg will continue to be awarded to players that successfully complete the “Battle for Jade Sea” meta event, so players will have the choice to unlock the collection via a challenging meta encounter or through time investment.

    We’re looking forward to seeing how today’s “tail” adjustment plays out, and we’ll continue to iterate on the fight until it achieves our goal of being a challenging yet doable encounter for most of our players. Achieving that goal will require continued attention from us, and some patience and learning from our players. This situation feels not too dissimilar to the release of Tequatl, Triple Trouble, or Dragon Stand, all of which are popular encounters in Guild Wars 2 to this day.

    As always, thank you for your feedback!

    We'll see you in-game,

    • The Guild Wars 2 Team

    Thank you. 

    Edit: One thing to note, the rewards besides the egg need to be tuned up by about 2,000% to make this worth the time required. More rewards for pre-events and a lot more for success. 

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  7. 8 hours ago, Seth Moonshadow.2710 said:

    This right here 100% every last word and perspective! Good Job and well said. Also moving forward if it's a box item feature then like EVERY other mmorpg deliver the items to me in in game email the second it launches and let me use the new shinies to play the content you built! OR Start labeling your release "Challenging Content" or "Open World content" releases. So we know which ones to buy and not buy.



    Muk Nailed it on the head with that vid. Love that part also where he's like "oh, HS failed? I thought it was 100% its down to 90%?" As they are the 1% of the 1% which means them failing is even more hilarious. When even the elitist elite people fail, that's a badly designed open world meta. 

    Anet, seriously, all you going to do is reduce/nerf/"bug fix" the bites? That's it? Not addressing the fact that all EoD meta's reward next to nothing? Not addressing the complaints? Ignoring everyone? I'm not sure that is the best business plan. 

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  8. I Was so confused when fighting the Leviathan, it looked like such an epic battle underwater and going inside and depth charges. That when it died after this epic fight... the rewards are? Not even a champ bag? It was actually just a normal event? With people complaining in chat about how bad EoD rewards are. 


    Like there is no incentive at all to play this content. You can make more gold in almost any other zone, compared to anywhere in EoD. (at least we have the one summoning stone market, but that will crash as the weeks go by, and also, WHY do the meta's not drop these? Why not add them as a reward for DE????) 

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  9. To me the game ended with LW4, anything after that is filler. Kralk was Built up over years and many seasons, he left a visable scar on the map and world that will be there forever, when he turned someone, they were turned for good none of this fairy tale ending dragons die and they turn back to normal business. Kralk was the reason we have the Vigil, as he wiped out Almorr's Warband in the past. The Pact would never have been a thing without him. He changed and altered the world and his ending fight was worth it and awesome, the final zone is a sight and so well done as you fight him on 2 fronts both inside and out. 

    EoD to me is a filler arc after IBS's terrible story writing. Only for some reason we swear a lot more. Even the NPC's are swearing. Like it feels like a bad fanfic, like some random person was picked off the street and the devs said "hey, can we use your random fanfic for EoD story". I didn't get to play LW1, so the entire start has no emotional weight. The entire first zone is just dialgoue and wait, talk and wait, some swearing, talk and wait, talk and wait, do some random tutorial that feels out of place after nine years of game, talk and wait some more, fight this random boss in a cave that has no meaning behind it, talk and wait, talk and wait. 


    How anyone thinks EoD story is good amazes me, Its the most bored I've ever been with no build up. 

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  10. I got the Griffon wayyyyy before the SKyscale and I love it. Its worth every penny, the speed you can fly is amazing, can go across entire zones in seconds. 

    It was also a secret mount that they had not advertised, and it was a special thing. Its not hard to save up the requirements, there is a lot of stuff you get daily via logging in and it all starts to stack up. Just playing the game nets you a lot of gold with the rewards from story quests. Its a really good mount, and it can be slowly paid off. 

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  11. 4 hours ago, grx.8714 said:

    Im actually really liking it in pvp as well, it has an high learning curve and cap, but also rewarding if played right, so after multiclassing a lot i decided to make it as my main.


    What makes it that good in solo pve exactly?

    And you go full berserker?


    Hang on, its a secret, i'll send a message 

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  12. I Wonder if this thread lasts the day, been a few of these now that Anet has deleted or hidden. Any post that talks about the dialogue eventually gets censored, if it has not already by the time I type this. They censoring this subject hard. 
    Seems like they want to be able to suddenly start cussing in game, completely out of nowhere, and to add their bias into it, spoiling the story. But hey, we don't have to listen to the story, just alt tab and play something else/ watch something. 

    I did that when I first got to Kaineng after I dumped the lady into the water by hoping off the boat, walked to the first enemy, alt tabbed for 30 mins, alt tabbed back and the story just ended and I Got the bot, was nice. 

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  13. So they have reduced the bites. What about adding simple non-rng based rotations to the fight? Like: 

     "5-10 seconds after you kill the tail that is when the break bar appears" and bam, not even anything else being changed would mean 500% more kills

    Kill tail - run back - cc - dps would be a fine rotation


    Ya know, give us something instead of just vague "boss is different now" This idea also rewards players for doing mechanics, and if they get too many tails, counter balances it. 

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  14. 2 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    So long as you have MMR and UD together it doesn't really matter what else you slap onto BSW, it will function in PvE. The toughness is probably not even needed, and you can most likely get better sustain from Tactics and PS and a rune set that summons a critter.

    Imagine if they nerfed MMR during that update that nerfed sustain.
    Like, imagine trying to solo as a Warrior without the Strength Trait line (Shudders) 

  15. 9 minutes ago, Will.9785 said:

    Take the turtle out of the meta and award it for completing the story.  This solves the turtle issue.

    Next, give players a total of 1 hour to complete the escort and Soowon fight.  Set the rewards based on the total amount of time spent.

    If the total time is < 40 minutes (for example) - you get GOLD and 30 chests.
    If the total time is > 45 minutes but < 50 minutes you get SILVER and 20 chests.
    If the total time is > 50 minutes you get BRONZE and 10 chests.

    Finally, add a daily reward chest to ALL EOD METAS that gives a choice of antique summoning stones, memories of Aurene, map materials (jade, resin, etc.), and something else.  You should get this regardless of what rank you achieved (bronze, silver, or gold).

    You're welcome ANet, I just fixed your expansion.

    What actually is up with the rewards from events? Just killed the Leviathan and not even a chest or Champ bag. Like, the events here are literally pointless to do a second time. Did they just forget to actually give us rewards for doing the content? If they did it like you suggest, EoD would be such a better expansion. DE should be crazy rewarding, like it needs to give out like 60 gold at the end of it. And that is STILL less then you get farming other meta's. 

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  16. 7 hours ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

    ArenaNet can you please at least break the silence before your community is destroyed?

    If Mukluk feels depressed after playing the content, the person I consider the most capable of wording and understanding both sides of the community, that means... you messed up.

    This silence is not doing the game and the community any good... we need answers.

    And btw: Getting siege turtle in a different way is not the prime solution. You locked SO MUCH behind a succesful Dragon's End, it's not even funny anymore.

    I was doing achievements while waiting for your responce, but... I am getting more and more frustrated with achievements that unlock step by step and end at "talk to so and so after conclusion of Dragon's End" 

    Cantha right now, is the worse place one can be as a casual or mid-field player. You see walls rising in front of you around every corner due to 1 Raid like Meta.

    TBH I can't wait for someone to Tell Muk that "Btw, Story elements are locked behind this meta and you need to beat it multiple times to experience the complete story" So even if they moved the Turtle, the story itself is still locked behind this raid boss. The Turtle is the only reason this event is being completed or done at all, but meanwhile people are just utterly not caring about the locked story elements. 

    Its just such bad design. Also on the Casual comments, I know there is still people working through Seitung. There is a lot of people still yet to experience DE. Hopefully the Alpha testers can get it fixed by the time they get there so they can beta test. Hopefully there is a fix today that removes the RNG and adds 5 mins (or just allow you to damage the boss while the wisp phase is active), (and while the wisp phase is active, you can't get tail).

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  17. 18 hours ago, Sevens.9452 said:


    oh and people seem to love complaining about rng:

    one group did it with 6mins to spare (the post is gone so i cant link it)

    and based on this analysis, rng only accounts for 3-5mins, so stop blaming rng, the meta's fine. and teapot is clearning the meta regularly at the moment

    2nd oh before people go there, teapot already said: "We are on the case! But you didn't pay for the mount, you paid for the ability to unlock the mount!" (see comments section https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOm-BGR1ka0)


    Ya know, the only thing I can see this vid doing for Teapot is costing him potential viewers as people leave and just stop watching GW2 content entirely. Teapot's group is the 1% of the 1%, they don't have the right really to say "oh this is actually easy guyz" as they request LI and gatekeep and pay people to get off maps. The Meta has RNG, there's no "complaining" about it, there is vids on this forums, 5 vids of this same fight, and EVERY time the boss is different. Doesn't matter on dps. The boss is different. 


    If Anet truly wants this open meta to be a raid boss, just come out and say it Anet, so the 99% can leave. 

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  18. 4 hours ago, Blaeys.3102 said:

    How is ArenaNet ok with what is happening because of these issues? 

    This doesn’t feel like the game I fell in love with ten years ago anymore. I really hope it gets addressed soon.

    Same here tbh. The day before EoD dropped everyone I knew in game was happier then now. Everything was fine, the forums were fine, we were all excited, much hype for the Turtle, and hope for E-spec changes they promised. There was no arguing. Everyone was just having fun in the game modes they enjoy. 

    Then EoD hits and I see people flaming others in chat and calling others names and the community divided. Considering people reference old mistakes in Anet's content as an excuse, will the same be for EoD then? When Anet releases the next "hard(Rng open world non-consensual raiding mess)" content, will people be like "remember Chak, remember DE". already know that is going to happen with the first over a week of DE being like this, and the bugged meta's in other zones with people yelling harmful remarks at anyone who opens chests that for some reason are there before the boss fight in Seitung. 

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  19. 1 hour ago, Wraith.3524 said:

    Wait, just found out supposedly after getting lucky and completing the Dragon's End meta, you have to do a raid-style Strike Mission?


    As someone that's played since launch with a small handful of friends, I'm pretty surprised by this.


    End game mechanics wise, it feels like this expansion was designed by an entirely different team that didn't play the game or wasn't aware of what made it so special. HoT had its flaws and I felt PoF was great, but all this gating feels like implementation of reasons I quit World of Warcraft ages ago.


    I loved that seeing other players was never a detriment. I loved that my legion of alts was a benefit and not an inconvenience. It felt like my time was respected (unlike WoW) but not so much this go around.


    I've never been blocked by a random for speaking in map chat before this expansion (In Dragon's End, I asserted to a player with an addon that it's unreasonable for players to know their dps since the game has literally never informed the player of that info. Got called a drooler and was blocked.)


    I don't PvP, and the PvE community was always helpful, polite and pretty funny during map metas. This marks a sharp turn for the worse, in my anecdotal experience.

    Speaking of Gating content... didn't they say one of the reasons they took MC's out of CM's, was because of Gatekeeping? And yet Anet follows that up with Gatekeeping the turtle behind a 50 man raid followed by a 10 man raid then uses excuses to try and get away with it. 

    What happens in a month when the raiders leave and its just people doing story/map completion/fishing in the zone. Is it really planned to be another Serpents Ire? 

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