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Posts posted by Gorem.8104

  1. 11 hours ago, Cameryn.5310 said:

    I'm not sure why people think the metas should be full since EVERYONE IS STILL GOING THROUGH THE STORY.  This happened at PoF launch too.

    Cept for the simple fact that in Lorna Pass, there is TONS of people, yet in Cantha its devoid of people unless you use the LFG tool. You can still see people doing their stories ect. 

    is it just hard for people to accept facts and respect others these days? 

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  2. 2 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

    Do you know what MMO means?

    No offense, but I think what you are looking for are RPG's.
    Although I must say I don't own EOD, but I doubt Anet will deviate much from his solo game. POF is super easy as a solo player and HOT, if you're a bit familiar with your class, is as well.


    Do you know what GW2 meant? It was a game meant to be played in many different ways, some people barely even get out the starting zone before entering fashion wars and just spend their entire lives in Lions Arch or something, everyone plays differently, its one of the greatest aspects of this game. That for some reason, they are moving away from. 

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Zacchary.6183 said:

    Vocal != majority.

    Yeah it only means the most dedicated people who want the game to improve and be better for everyone including a better in game experience for all players. Negative feedback is still good feedback, it means people like your game and want it to improve, when I stop seeing it, it usually means the game has died. I really do miss Warhammer online. The thing is that the ball is in Anet's court now, do they listen? Or do we just move on and forget all this. 
    But it really just hammers in the point that Anet marketing team is amongst the worst of any team out there, that this expac was marketed to people already playing the game, as we have a tiny, tiny portion of people who actually watch gw2 content, our most popular YT people can barely manage 20k views after days. I see random yt vids of people with few followers post like Stardew Valley content and get over 100k views in a day. If our minority is this small, it doesn't bode well 

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  4. 1 hour ago, witcher.3197 said:

    I think it's obvious why, and it's not an in-universe reason

    Oh yeah I realise this, if this was skyrim I'd turn off their plot armour, slice their heads off and make them my puppets so I could at least laugh when they talked in the story. I'd not mind them at all if they were a bit more realistic and didn't seem so forced and shoved into your face. But honestly that appears to be most of this story and release, wasn't expecting much after IBS's bad writing but whoa. Way to much politics in my fantasy adventure with giant cats. I just wanna smash things with Rytlock and my Dragon "pet" haha. 

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  5. 22 minutes ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

    Forums always have been a place of doom and gloom, no one is ever happy, this expansion is being good.

    Bit of a Broad statement there, other people are allowed different opinions then you, gotta respect everyone to be  respected back. 
    The e-specs had six months of work and we were told they wanted to do more work on them after they didn't have the time to change much between beta's. The fact that they hardly changed at all and are released in a disappointing state, people should be allowed to be disappointed. Otherwise, what is the point of feedback if its all positive? Nothing would change then and the game would die off. 

  6. It was such, such, such a bad move to do this balance update with EoD's launch. If they reverted this update/ just launched EoD without these changes everything would have been fine and most would have just sat and enjoyed EoD, instead they left a bad taste in peoples mouths. They were so determined it seems to get this out at launch that they didn't think. 
    Yes Scourge, Guardians and Rev's needed nerfs... in PVP. Not open world. Not every single classes getting some sustain nerf. Notes for Warriors who were hoping for large changes is a single change and its a nerf. 
    All we were hoping for was updates to the E-specs. That would have been better time spent designing and balancing then nerfs. The expac launched so well too, just buggy story instances. 

    I just don't get Anet sometimes, I really don't. 

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  7. Yeah, Was playing a few hours ago and my first experience into EoD in its first map, was almost devoid of players. I just figured that meant that most were on the other maps if they had meta's or something over there to do and being on the first map was pointless. Looks like we actually need to use the LFG to even find instances with people in it now 🙂 Hopefully this is changed soon... just like the speed reduction with strafing 

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  8. You can like the spec that has the lowest pet dps and is selfish and gimps yourself with less survivability, cc and damage as our other specs all you like without needing to tell us or apologise. 

    What Untamed has given us is another way to play Ranger, a worse and clunkier and playing Ranger in a nerfed state, sure, but hey at least its another way to play a class even if you have to kitten the class 

    • Confused 7
  9. So everyone, question, out of the elite specs, is there even a good one? 
    I thought Mechanist might be good but it got stealth nerfs and is still useless in water. 
    In fact I see there is a few stealth changes that have made classes worse then they were in even the second beta which was full of nerfs. 
    Like is there a new EoD elite spec we would pick over other elites? 

  10. 2 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    That's pretty much it.  And like I said, I just plain don't get why they did it in PoF and they're doing it again now with EoD.  You had it, guys!  Totally nailed it!  Everything that was wrong with the core game's aimless, pointless maps full of escorting stupid cattle like the "incredible innovation" of dynamic events simply existing would be enough?  You figured it out and solved the problems with that when you designed HoT.  You gave us a reason to care about the events and you designed a coherent UI to funnel players to the action.  No more pointless.  No more aimless.  Fun, rewarding, fully integrated with the story.  Everything fit.

    So why go back?  I get if you want to have hearts and one-off events tied to non-story-related things like fishing and flavor.  But why throw out the stuff that really worked?  Because HoT was hard to navigate?  Because the combat was tough?  People complained so let's just toss it all out and go back to core?  How did we miss on this? Were you not listening to all the complaints about PoF event structure?

    I really hope it's just the first map.  I don't want to believe that they didn't listen to years of feedback about how PoF failed on this and did exactly the same thing all over again.


    Ya know, that is a good point, make all the events dynamic and flow into each other, all for the point of working towards zone wide meta's, coulda made Cantha quite fun if they actually did do that. Seems to me the first zone at least will die after a while, not much point to revisit, events are skippable and its just hearts over again. I mean how cool it would have been if we could do a meta to light up the entire place, zone gets set to night and the entire sky is set alight with jade fireworks because of our achievements with all the townsfolk cheering and boats in the harbour. Honestly how great would it be to have it track like HoT meta's do with participation 


    Could have even made it that if you do the meta daily, you also auto complete every heart daily too and get messages from the npc's so it could even act like world building. Of course I'm getting excited by something that is not even in the game now, haha

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  11. 3 hours ago, Pezz.4758 said:

    not to be that guy but GW2 currently has less than 4k viewers on twitch on release night


    saying this should set the industry standard while games like Elden Ring and New World were attracting

    100000 in a single STREAM on release night is just disingenuous



    New world is a terrible game made by a terrible company that failed and Eldin Ring is a bad port to PC with terrible performance issues and an EXTREMELY bad launch that cost them millions of dollars. Try harder? 

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  12. 2 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Nice story, but would be better if it was true. I guess you missed the big changes they did make after the first beta?

    Story? Its literally what Anet said, "We didn't have enough time before the second beta to change as much as we wanted" 

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  13. 49 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    Extremely early first impressions for me after an hour or two spent playing on the first map:

    Fishing:  Hated fishing in WoW.  So boring I couldn't stand it.  Your implementation of it is simple, but at least it has some sort of gameplay to it.  Will the novelty wear off?  Most likely.  But as far as fishing in MMOs go, this is an improvement for me.

    Aesthetic:  I don't know what it is.  When I saw the previews I wasn't impressed.  Maybe it's just that I'm excited and this is all new, but the first map is just lovely.  I can't wait to see more!

    Music: Okay, really loving this aspect of the first map.  The music is beautiful!  What more can I say? 🤩

    Events: I guess it can't all be good news, can it?  I don't get it, guys.  You hit pure open world gold when you designed HoT with brilliant story integration and chain events with UI elements to guide players through and help them feel connected.  Then you threw it out the window with PoF.  So, imagine my surprise when I reach the first map of Cantha and it's...PoF all over again.  Just...why?  Seriously, SERIOUSLY hoping some of the other maps bring back that HoT magic.  Major disappointment here at first glance. 😞 

    Underwater Combat:  It's a cool idea and always has been, but you guys really should have restrained your urge to push this.  Why?  Because you never finished it!  Too many skills don't work underwater and I really feel it's a straight slap in the face as an elementalist player that we have only 1 weapon to choose from and it's power-based.  Could you have at least taken a moment to update the single weapon we have to apply conditions for condi builds?  Just dumb.  Please fix.

    To sum up my very early first impressions.  I think you've created a beautiful map here.  It's a crying shame that it looks so much like the missed opportunity the PoF maps were.  Really hoping the other maps are better.

    True that on the events, honestly they hit a gold mine with HoT maps and how each was designed. Maybe they figure it was all too rewarding? I mean unless they nerf Drizzlewood coast, are we stuck there now for the foreseeable future? 

  14. That first story quest jump ability was so bugged it was hilarious. Hey Aurene, you need to work on your trajectory, I clicked to land there, not spin around on the spot and fall off! 


    Disappointed that its the 2 blandest characters so far with us, Majory and Kas are super boring. Hopefully Gorrik gets more limelight then them. Not sure why they picked the worst members of Dragons Watch for the expac 

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  15. Honestly when they said that adding Charr as a race was a huge mistake and stated that they would never add new races, that right there was enough of a confirmation that new races will not be a thing. Saying no mounts, expacs ect is something that could change, however them stating that they regret adding in a race we already have due to cosmetic design changes... was quite substantial. 

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