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Posts posted by Gorem.8104

  1. 18 hours ago, kettering.6823 said:

    I was just lamenting this when I went too far during a story step and accidentally missed out on an easy achievement and wasn't able to go back. Knowing I'll have to redo all that talking and wandering around slowly just to get that achievement is not endearing... 


    I mean I kind of understand why; GW2 seems to want to tell a lot of the story through environmental storytelling, and want you to feel 'immersed' while you are playing through story instances, which is why most dialogue is interwoven with action. But that makes it so frustrating to have to replay, especially when you're literally forced to for certain achievements or rewards. Not to mention if the game decides to glitch out or disconnect during a story instance as it is so wont to do, you have to redo everything you just did with no way to skip it. Like, no other big game these days seems to have unskippable story like this. 


    I also have no idea why they went from most everything being account-wide to having to unlock everything per character for the jade bot. What was the motivation there? So weird. 

    Motivation is player playtime. Notice how a lot of EoD stuff seems to be a grind, and they seem to want you to do it all over 9 times for each class. Seems their main concern with this expac was "how long can we keep people logged in" 

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  2. If anything the general consensus I have seen for this expac so far on all places, is that most are disappointed. Masteries are not as impactful as HoT or PoF, Jade bot is not account based? The mount is wanted by people but locked behind a raid boss that you can only access every 2 hours? green on green on green? Empty cities? Clipping, a story that seems to only capture 50% of people as most are split seriously Anet just give us Epic stuff, in PoF we killed Balthazar.  Not to mention the E-specs need like another year of work to be in a usable state. 

    Good to have new music at least. 

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  3. 27 minutes ago, nosleepdemon.1368 said:

    So how does the difficulty here compare to pre-nerf Orr, and Heart of Thorns? I really enjoyed the difficulty of both of those, and having to work with other players to complete the larger event stages (though not necessarily needing help constantly). It seems like I should get cracking with the expansion before the inevitable pandering to skill clickers and those who insist on only playing on their elbows.

    Well, in Orr did it take 2 hours on un-rewarding work to end the result with nothing to show for your 2 hours of work?
    In Orr, did a single player be able to render 2 hours of work mute, that you'd need to start the 2 hours over again because of one person able to troll or even worse, not even know they are trolling by standing in the green circle, which we have been taught to do in game many times over? 
    In Orr, Was the RNG so bad that you lose access to even being able to hit the boss/es when they were at 1% so that you fail your 2 hour run due to RNG? 

    The problem here is even dedicated raid groups are failing after 2 hours of work and paying others to leave the map due to RNG mechanics making the boss untargetable at random moments. Including after breaking the break bar, rendering their change mute. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Jaunty.6018 said:

    You are in the minority, but it's a good crowd to be in.  It means you have standards.  This expansion needs a lot of work.

    Tbh at this point i've seen a lot more disappointment from Eod Then praise. if anything its the majority consensus, you see it in game too, unless you go to reddit which appears to be a giant who can kiss anet the hardest contest, have they banned anyone there without a positive opinion to everything? 

    Seriously they the sheer hate and toxic chat coming from the final meta is intense. 

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  5. Oh its easily the worst meta the game has to offer taking the longest time, and being the least rewarding, that will die off entirely once people have their turtles. The only reason anyone is doing this meta at all right now is to unlock it. So in a month or maybe even a week, if its not been nerfed a LOT the zone will be dead and look like the rest of EoD zones. 


    What a failed expac, ayyy. Devs too stubborn to listen to Feedback. 

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  6. Dragons stand is completed daily, just need to be there before the last map closes. If you try to arrive during the meta you won't get into the maps or may still get into one but may fail or will be hard. If so wait till the full map completes it then piggy back onto the full map with the groups in lfg, then just run about opening the vines. 


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  7. 1 hour ago, Ruisen.9471 said:

    Yeah, most of the complaints about the meta is about the turtle, lol.

    I think people would stop complaining if they just let us have the turtle some other way.


    The only problem I see with that right now, is that if they did that, in the next instant, this meta and map would die and never be completed. It should have been like that at the start with other ways to get it if they wanted this to be this hard... but this meta needs to be a lot more rewarding then it currently is. Unless this zone can give out like 40 gold an hour, no one will do this besides raid groups who want a raid challenge in a raid. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, kettering.6823 said:

    Did I miss something? What is happening with GW2 that would make it no longer soloable? I solo most of my gameplay and have continued to do so playing through EoD with no issues...


    An update came out on EoD launch that neutered multiple classes abilities and nerfed sustain across the board, even Warriors got a nerf to their sustain (I mean it was Sun and Moon stance but still, made no sense). Its not about good players who can still play nerfed classes, its about the people who needed these traits, who lost dps on purpose to get them. They had tradeoffs, and instead of fixing it or changing the tradeoff's, they just nerfed the sustain of everyone. Scrapper for example is 66% less sustainable after EoD's launch patch. 

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  9. After the beta where we all got to test the Turtle, I bet there was so many people who wanted to use it with their friends and were gonna be focused on getting it early. Little did they know Anet pulled the rug from under them. Massively advertise a Turtle Mount that is essentially, a raid exclusive mount. That post from Anet only seems to drive the fact that they listen to none of our feedback and are only doing this cause they feel forced too. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, Winola.8214 said:

    Yes it does. However, it is much, much, much easier than the meta and you can probably find a party to carry you. It's like a 10 minute fight. 

    ... hahahaha hahahaha and all those people saying before that we'd not be forced to do strikes are saying what now? Hahahaha. 
    At least its an easy one, but its still content you have to play with other people in a group, which many who play mmo's don't do so that is kinda hilarious. 

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  11. In other words "The meta is hardly being completed at all and launched in a bad state and too many players were leaving the game, so we have rushed out a fix to it and will have it to you soon, don't leave!" 


    Why launch it in a state that would be hated by most players and only defended by hardcore raiders who want OW content as hard as raid boss pve encounters? GW2 is NOT a raid game. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, lokh.2695 said:

    Trust me, we've come a long way with GW2 advertisement and they're doing as good as they ever had. Not joking. EoD has actually been advertised. Not that this should stop, please ANet keep up the good work and keep advertising this great game.
    But as I said, OP, we've seen worse, far worse...

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    ...... There is no words to what I have just witnessed. 

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  13. 27 minutes ago, Friday.7864 said:

    Heard people now leave early if they see the dps isn't going anywhere and players keep getting downed all the time. 
    Lots of afkers too because people are fed up with repeatedly doing events on that map - means those people aren't getting the damage buff.


    Its a great gold mine right now though, just keep joining maps and asking "i'll leave the map if you pay me" 

    • Haha 1
  14. 11 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:

    But they did? 

    They stated very clearly, the objective is to stop fractal and raid mechanics to be ignorable. Which is what these self sustain tools were being used for in group and Raid gameplay... 

    I was talking about disabled people in my last comment, do you need help reading or working on reading comprehension? They at no point have stated anything about why they nerfed sustain that most NEVER used in high end content, and if they did, they lost DPS to do so. Otherwise then separate the two, why should a Scrapper lose 66% of their defence because of something someone can do in some random instance? Its basically removed Scrappers sole use in open world and there has been no comment as to why they wanted to remove this class from the game. 
    You can still "manage" but everything is worse and no reason has been given. A scrapper loses Vit to get the barrier in the first place. Where's the "the tradeoff was not good enough so we wanted to remove its ability to tank entirely". 

    People used a lot of the nerfed stuff because they had to in order to play, Anet has removed it, which effectively ends up just removing players from the game. 

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  15. 4 hours ago, Bingus.4236 said:

    It's better for it to be a bit empty feeling than fall over performance wise because of NPC spam.

    And yet, Grothmar valley worked well and is one of the most praised maps in the game. And what did that have? A LOT of NPC's interacting all over the map. And a LOT of npc's (and players) Rocking out at the awesome concert which apparently gw2 writers wanted to talk down in EoD with Majory being a moody teenager about it. 


    Grothmar is awesome for so many reasons, and one of them is the sheer number of NPC's in the zone. And yet a City. a giant city that has buildings super tall and could house thousands of NPC's, feels empty. 

  16. 5 minutes ago, kharny.3284 said:

    just was in another meta where people were trying and we got close, 10%.....another failure and another 2 hours down the drain with only a minor movement in my xp bar to show for.


    2 guildies lucked out and got in a map with a hidden commander and group that was actively trying to bribe people to leave the map. they stayed and the fight went reasonably well...top tip, if people whisper you to leave the map, stay, it might be the one map that actually succeeds.

    hahaha that's so dumb, but hey if it works it works right. The things we do to succeed where Anet has failed 

  17. Best thing to do as the game doesn't have a skip option, is to either alt-tab and play something else/watch something else for a bit, then alt-tab back in and viola, no story scene. Can also start it, leave the computer, go do something and come back. 

    Don't make a skip scene Anet? Well I'll do it anyway. 

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  18. I only did IBS like 2 months before EOD release and really? So on release you actually had to capture and hold the camps? That is rather interesting. I have been wondering why it seems you can just run and capture all points and just win the south meta without ever needing to transport like any yaks or defend much at all besides like, the moment you capture a point and do events around it. And why when I do try and do those events, no one shows up. That makes a lotta sense now that they had to change it due to tacking on the north meta. 

    Dry Top works cause its short, it doesn't take a long time investment to do and you have everyone who is there running between events and then running and opening chests. Sometimes simple is good. The thing is really, the games gotten huge now and may need more people playing then it currently has to fill all possible meta maps. Having the last meta in EoD take 2 hours is not helping matters. People that used to be spread around may end up doing that then logging off now if they can only play for that time space. 

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  19. I think one of the main issues with Advertising gw2 eod is even if you do manage to hook in someone who had no interest in gw2 before, its not like you can actually just start EoD right away. I mean you can with the free 80 booster but then you also are skipping a LOT of the story. Most of the time if someone new started now we'd say do the first quest in PoF to get the mount and then start from the first living world 2 maps (there's a reason those taxi's exist). (Different in other mmo's for example WoW, when Legion launched I logged in, used the booster and could 100% ignore everything that had happened previously, because that game is a raid game not a story game).

    Honestly, we all just got all living worlds for free. EoD should have shipped with all of them as additions to everything we got for purchasing for at least the first week or month. That way, a new player can come into the game and be able to play the story from start to finish, without the living world gaps they either still need to pay for or grind for. Still doesn't change the fact that my 2 gamer brothers who have both played gw2 before and are playing games from steam and other mmo's, had no idea EoD even existed until I told them. 


    10 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    So the cup deal at Carl Jr/Hardees, sponsoring popular streamers videos and various ads on MMOs sites and Facebook don't count.

    Arguably they've done more to get this expansion out there than they did with POF.  What makes you think that they're not advertising outside normal channels?

    I guess that deal only would work in one Country, as in Australia we had nothing like that. "Popular" Streamers? Yeah that worked well, gw2 has no real popular streamers when our most popular have hardly any views if you compare it to most anything and one only gets views due to free give away's. GW2 is just not a game people watch. Also ad's on mmo sites and facebook don't count, adblocker is a thing and who uses Facebook these days. 

    They needed to make adverts for the game themselves (better then the trailers we got, much better make them actual adverts) and sponsor popular Youtubers (such as LetsGameItOut). They needed to push the expac out with all previous releases included. They needed more word of mouth spreading news. They needed Billboards on highways and posters all over the world. Needed popular gaming reddit's to advertise, popular non-news gaming sources (as most turn all gaming news sources off). I mean there is so many better ways. Even an advert on Steams front page would have done more work then everything they did. I had no idea Eldin ring existed, saw it on Steam's front page and BAM instantly knew about it. 

  20. 34 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    After several days of play testing I can confirm that one can still play GW2 solo.

    Yeah, that's the problem though. What if they hit your spec next and make your spec unable to be played solo? 
    Are people just forgetful what the main point of all this is? 


    People who need accessibility to play due to disabilities in various ways (or need any help they can get), have lost access to builds that allowed them to play with less dps but have good sustain that were not hard to play. Anet nerfed these classes and specs so that people who need them, have lost access to them. 


    Nerfs are objectively bad for the game when it comes to open world play. Both replies after my last comment here seem to want the game to be dead. Make this acceptable then they won't stop and all builds will be worse in solo play. 

    Making the game less accessible is a BAD THING

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