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Posts posted by Gorem.8104

  1. 3 hours ago, Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485 said:

    I was wondering why It seemed so useless of a skill.

    Yeah in beta 1 Bladesworn looked great. Using the skill proc'd on weapon swap effects so we could use Sigil of Vision to grant crits to our hardest hitting attack without needing to worry about Fury or Precision, and Flow stab gave stability on activation with multiple uses, so was great to combine it. 

    So what they did was change it to not proc weapon swap effects and then changed Flow Stabilizer to grant Fury instead, and tied our Stab to on use of DT. So we lost the active conrol of Stab and its use outside of DT and gained a skill that no one will ever use. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

    Pet abilities usually keep being usable while in downstate, is it not the same for untamed?

    It should theoretically improve ranger in downstate, since as an untamed you can control the usually pet-activated CC abilities yourself, for example to interrupt stomps.


    Well, when I tested it in SB, on down the beast knocks down. In Untamed, it didn't. 

    • Like 1
  3. Shortbow still a random auto attack changed to a skill you need to ground target. 
    Pets abilities cannot be toggled to be auto casted making it the weakest pet spec as when downed they don't use abilities and when up they don't use abilities unless you micromanage them. 

    is there even any changes at all to this terrible spec that only gimps ourselves? 

    • Like 5
  4. Anet: Here's a beautiful new expansion, enjoy!
    Also Anet: oh btw you better play the new elite specs because we will nerf older specs and do a random GLOBAL nerf to all classes sustain, oh and those expensive Torment runes? hahahaha! Also Rev's, your class has been bugged for seven years and actually you are not meant to gain weapon swap effects! (smiley face here) 
    Its fun to watch 

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  5. I did promise to make this thread, and as expected Bladesworn kept the nerfs from Beta2! Flow Stab was so much better giving stab. IT HAS STAB IN ITS NAME. 
    We have ample access to Fury, when I think Warrior I think 25 self stacks of might and Fury. I don't think "you know what Warrior needs more access to? Fury." 
    Now the question is, can you still just jump over Bladesworn abilities. 

  6. So its gone through... 


    Is the change a good thing? Why did we need open world to be nerfed this much? in a giant zerg against open world bosses what this feels like is just everyone will be getting less buffs on them. Sure their focus appears to  be their strikes for some reason but like what about other content Anet?

    And also, won't this just cause 5 man mirror groups? As no one has 10 man targets anymore, just need a 5man meta and multiply that by 2. 

    It just seems like such a dumb idea to be so focused on making classes too much the same. Bring the Profession, not the player. 

  7. Hahahaha 
    Anet: "So we decided to ignore everyone, pretend comments against this didn't exist and go ahead with what we were doing anyway, all feedback to us is toxic feedback doesn't matter if positive or negative or constructive" Just like when they nerfed wvw participation and they ignored all of them, now they ignore all of the fractal players. Open communication? ayyy 

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  8. 4 hours ago, Teratus.2859 said:

    Tbh I think the entire pet system needs a rework.. and it's long long!! overdue if you ask me.

    If/when Anet decide to do this though I think they should go all in on it and really add a lot more customisation to pets at the same time, not just improving and fixing them where needed.

    I want to see something more akin to a build your pet system in Gw2, let me choose my pets F2 skill, what skin it has and allow me to actually customise the stats of my pet somewhat by choosing if I want my pet to be supportive, ferocious, deadly etc.
    If I want to use a Tiger with mighty Roar that gains bonus vitality and concentration from Supportive stats, I should be able to do that.


    Ya know, imagine if Untamed was like that with pets, you could mix and match to make the ultimate pet.
    I had so much fun playing Impossible creatures, wish that game got a sequel 

  9. 17 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    Agreed. I'm not sure how much benefit there was in including streamers because presumably they're people who already stream GW2, but after the press embargo was lifted a lot of MMO and general gaming news sites had articles and videos showing off EoD which will help get the news out there to people who aren't currently playing.

    Here's some examples I found:







    Issues with using those articles is also that unless you follow them, you don't see it. What I see is basically what Google shows me if you look at it from a perspective of the way advertisement works these days. I look at Google recent news and get gw2 content cause google knows I am interested. When I wasn't, I did not get a single article on anything gw2 related show up. Idk, maybe they need to like pay google to promote their work to people interested in games? Put adverts out on TV's all over the world? Get popular Youtubers who play all sorts of games, like Let's game it out, to advertise? Honestly that last one is a great way to find gamers who may have never even heard of GW2, sponsoring popular independent people not affiliated with with google or news articles and gw2 itself. 


    There's a reason Genshin is one of the highest grossing games of all time, they sponsor channels. They advertise on all fronts. Everyone knows about that game even if google never told you or you have never played it or watched it. 

    • Like 2
  10. Is Warrior just not useful in group PvE content*


    Cause lets be honest here, if we didn't have banners, the numbers of Warriors in pve content would be extremely low to zero. We offer less then other classes in every way and have outdated skills galore. 
    Its just fortunate that gw2 pve is not some of the hardest content in games, so that you can still bring classes that bring less to the table. In open world of course Spellbreaker is fine and tanky. Now really, we have to wait months before hopefully in the balance pass Warrior gets a lot of updating. 

  11. 1 hour ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    I mean, they kinda tossed that out the window when Jormag and Primordus vomited into each other's mouths for a grand finale to IBS, soo....


    Which still makes no sense how that follows Jormag literally saying to us "I won't do that" Like we missing multiple episodes where we trick the trickster. So maybe anything goes 

  12. 25 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    You act like we're talking about real people here. Get a grip.

    Exactly, and this thread was made entirely because that is all GW2 writers know how to do, when a characters story is finished they get to die. Never retire or written off, but killed for no reason. 

    I mean Taimi's been "Dying" now for years and years. Like "hey lets see how many times we can use a "near death" excuse for shock value just like the many characters we kill". 

    But tbh if Aurene dies that just sounds so incredibly dumb and the writer who wrote that should be fired. It'll make the entire gw2 story pointless. She's supposed to be our way of balancing all the magic we have unleashed onto the world. If she's gone the worlds doomed and if they make up terrible bad excuses as to why that's not the fact, then Joko was right all along, we are the bad guys. 

  13. 11 minutes ago, StarPT.7431 said:

    What's anti-consumer about showing it to partners so they can hype up the public? xD It's called marketing.


    What public though? Public ourselves? Public the GW2 Community? Did a single new person who doesn't watch GW2 content and doesn't know about GW2 and doesn't know about the Expansion watch? 

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  14. On 2/26/2022 at 2:57 AM, Danikat.8537 said:

    As far as I know it was only for journalists and streamers, so it's part of the promotion of the game. They give those people early access so they can write reviews, which then gets more attention on the game and helps potential customers decide if they want to buy it or not. It's not like Anet just decided to let them play early as a favour or a gift, they did it as part of the marketing for the expansion.


    Yeah but, its not good promotion. I see Anet continuing their usual stance on having the worst marketing team besides maybe Nintendo. They are promoting the game, to people who already watch the game. If you watch WP, that means you most likely play the game or already know of the game or know of the Expac. I know people who play other mmo's or don't play mmo's. If I asked them "did you watch the tour" they say "what? Gw2 is getting an expac? neat" 
    Anet needs to learn to market the game to none of us. Can't bring flesh or new blood in or bring people back if they have no idea this expac even exists. I played GW2 at launch, and quit for six years. 

    In those six years I had no idea GW2 had 2 expansion releases until I came back to the game last year. And this would explain why, they are promoting the game... to people who already own it. 

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  15. 3 hours ago, ReaverKane.7598 said:

    OMG, just noticed this thread, and i'm just laughing at the sheer ridicule of Arena Net trying to justify the MC change by mathematically proving it was totally unnecessary and petty.
    And that they flat out lied on the original article when they said that "Currently, Challenge Mode fractals are one of the largest single sources for Mystic Coins entering our economy, as each boss in Challenge Mode 98, 99, and 100 has a small chance to award either 1, 2, or 3 Mystic Coins."

    Honestly, i'm mad at myself for believing this company could change. And congrats on fooling me into paying for the pre-order. Nice move.


    Oh yeah that was hilarious actually. The original article made it seem like most MC's that exist come from Fractal CM's which sent MC prices up. Then they post this and we find out that actually Fractal CM's are about 1%ish of the total gained MC's. (as its amongst 7% of everything else after daily logins) Proving themselves wrong and proving that the change will only hurt the dedicated players who do CM's for no reason at all and will have no effect at all on the market and are only doing it actually to force people off old content and to buy the expansion. The only sense made is that for a single player (without alt accounts) it could be a way to get more MC then they wanted you gaining. Which means they don't like the individual experienced good player. 

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  16. 6 hours ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

    As much as I want to predict which character will die, I will not say for now since we don't know much about EoD story bridging with current story for now. A lot of major death moments have usually been characters we did know for a while but were not part of the Main character party or were side characters we only known for a few moments. Any major death main character party wise was mostly in Heart of Thorns and that was years ago.


    Also, I think people need to step back a bit on how a character can retire from the storyline. Far too many seem to think, in my opinion, that a Main character can only retire is by Death. There are countless other ways a character can retire from Main Character status plot wise without dying and we not even guaranteed that everyone from our current group of friends will ended up as companions in the new storyline set after the Elder Dragon Story ends. They may just have everyone from the current group retire from Main character status to pursue their own life goals while the Commander meets and create a new group of Main character companions.


    Main characters can retire from the storyline alive as shown by several major characters having retired and only return once in a while as side characters due to their job after they retired from Main character status. Logan and Rox are both officially retired from main character status at this point as examples.



    well tbh, with Canach and Rox changing voice actors I rather hope we don't see them again as at least when we hear Rox's old voice in Fractals that all still makes sense. Also retiring them right is hardly a thing in GW2's favour as the writing is never good enough to retire right besides Rox and even then you don't really see it actually happen yourself, you are still just told it happened. Really should be show don' tell but again, that would require better writers then GW2 has. 

    I would have had Almorra retire and pass the Vigil a long. She did good work and took down Kralk, shoulda just had her hang up her crown as age caught up to her and let her retire peacefully, close her story that way. 

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