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Posts posted by Gorem.8104

  1. 9 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

    This is a late reply, but take a close look at its damage in relation. It has the highest damage of any pet in the game. Its basically a glass cannon, with extremely high Power, Precision and Ferocity.


    It does nearly as much damage as the player in full Berserker gear on autohits.

    Stats don't matter when dealing with the pet AI. The main reason Smoke Scale works is purely just because it can hit targets, why Bristleback works is cause its ranged. 

    Can have all the stats in the universe but that doesn't matter if a slow moving target makes your dps 0 

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  2. 6 hours ago, disco.9302 said:

    Thank you so much! I appreciate your support and understand that you agree with what I've said by the fact that you've added the emoji 🙂

    Its this forums form of downvote, not entirely sure why you want to be downvoted or did you just not realise? 
    You really don't understand how others can have different opinions then you, do you. 
    MMO's just means other people are around, GW2 has built itself on being a game where you can solo for nine years. Nine years. 
    Then released an expansion requiring perfect coordination with 50 people to get one of the expansions main selling points on all of their posts and vids. Even a Beta with it. Which is then followed by a forced 10 man strike (that is easy yes, but still, again, not soloable content) 

    You can't go from a game that has catered to hardcore Casuals and solo players for nine years to a game that is not that without losing nearly everyone playing to the point the game dies and we all can't play it anymore, or is that what people like you want? GW2 servers to shutdown and the game be unplayable forever? If we wanted to play a raid MMO, we'd play the many other MMO's out there that cater to the 1% already. GW2 never did this before EoD.

    Besides, the worst thing they did was do this patch on EoD launch. Why massively alter peoples playstyle and hurt disabled people on an Expansions launch day? Does Anet not respect the Disabled? Do they only want the 1% playing? 

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  3. On 3/6/2022 at 3:09 AM, Felipe.1807 said:

    But it was, thats not even a opinion, its a fact...its like HoT locking Glider behind Gerent meta or PoF locking Raptor behind Serpent Ire.

    Turtle was one of the main selling points, if that wasnt the case, they should had done like the Griffon and keep it a secret from the playerbase and not use it on every advertisement.


    That reminds me of the first time I was playing PoF ( I came in late, during IBS's final release was when I returned to the game)  I was doing map completion in one of the later zones and a meta started that I joined in on, one person was really excited in chat to  see a bunch of us doing it. Was a meta that needed a lot of cc to complete, no waystations were placed (not that I could even use them then) And we managed on our skill alone. That person paid everyone who helped gold saying they had been trying to complete that meta for 2 years. 

    We already have dead maps and meta's in GW2. Its already a thing that can happen. PoF seems to be very notorious for this, HoT I've seen less so as the rewards are still worth it, and we need the currency to keep using our converter. Not sure why they thought the PoF way of doing meta's was a good idea. If certain things were locked behind PoF meta's I'd feel sorry for the entire playerbase. And yet, here we are with EoD, a Turtle locked behind a meta that takes 2 hours and is one of the least rewarding meta's in the entire game.... even if you win besides the Turtle. The world boss Train is better...

    When the 1% leaves the map, good luck to the 99% ever completing it. 

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  4. 19 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    There are many things I don't like that aren't mistakes.  It may, over time, prove to be a huge mistake, but you can only think it's a mistake. I've always thought adding raids to this game was a mistake but it's not an objective mistake, it's just my opinion. Other people have different opinions. 


    There's a thread on reddit with 814 upvotes calling the meta the best meta in the game, so clearly not everyone agrees it's a mistake.

    Imagine quoting Reddit, lol. Just play the game and you can see, though most have left already. Must be thousands of players waiting for Anet for change the meta now. The balls in Anet's court, if they don't change it, EoD's a dead expansion. If they do change it, then at least we've only had to suffer their un-excusable mistake for 2 weeks. They purposely launched this meta with it being a non-consensual raid in mind that only the lucky or 1% could accomplish, it was their choice to do this. And it was a bad choice for the hardcore casual game GW2 has always been. 

    Raids are instanced content for the people who want to do them, and it should have always stayed that way. They did it right at least with IBS that DS had both a Public and Private version AND was instanced content that you had also done in the story. Imagine if we did this in the story and got the Turtle mount that way? But no, Anet decided to make it locked behind a forced raid onto the entire games population on purpose. It makes no sense. It really just makes no sense why they choose this path and then pushed out an update that doesn't help. 


    You hook people into a new game with their first experiences.  If you make players angry and they leave, their word of mouth now becomes "do not play this game". Its always a bad thing when people quit over decisions made by the games dev team, not quitting because this is a casual game that allows you to start playing or stop playing whenever you feel like it. If Anet doesn't change the meta and the zone dies, that essentially will lock out any new player from ever getting the Turtle, ever again. 

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  5. 8 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

    I really enjoy End of Dragons. It is by no means a “disappointing mess”. The devs have worked for months on this expansion so that some random dude in the forums can call it “disappointing mess” - this is very bad behavior in my opinion. 

    I guess you are just toxic because you couldn’t finish the ED meta and didn’t get your turtle? The maps are really beautiful, the metas are fun. I liked the story and the new especs I played so far. 

    You understand that calling other people toxic, means you yourself are toxic, right? I'm confused at this concept of people not knowing how to respect other peoples opinions. Respect goes both ways, treat people badly in real life you should and will be treated badly in return. People are allowed different opinions then you have. Many people are disappointed in EoD for more reasons then its terrible end meta that is badly designed on purpose to lock the advertised Raid mount with a raid gate. Some just don't like the colour, some people can't even see Green in their world. Some don't like the story. Most that I Have seen hate the new E-specs and how not balanced they are. 


    23 hours ago, Friday.7864 said:

    I do agree it's not intuitive to get around in the city o:
    The design itself doesn't even bother me, but getting from point A to point B can be such a pain


    You need a flying mount. Griffon is great from the top WP to fly fast to anywhere and Skyscale is great for pin point area's. 

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  6. On 3/5/2022 at 7:49 AM, LetoII.3782 said:

    No bassboat patrolling, not a single fish...  Siege weapons for pve..

    A new era of WvW investment from Anet indeed.

    Remember, WvW is a Cornerstone!!?!? of the game! Apparently. 
    I Mean, remember when we were joking about putting Siege on the Turtles too? That would have been fun. 
    How dare we have fun in WvW

  7. 3 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    My son and I got EOD primarily for new story and new zones.

    My 13 year old daughter bought it last weekend right before launch. Her reason, “The jade bot and the turtle.”

    I can probably run the meta until I get lucky, and maybe get into a group for the strike.

    Its highly unlikely she will.

    If ArenaNet hadn’t been deceptive about what it would take to get the turtle, I would have made sure she knew she was unlikely to get it before she spent her money on it.

    Here’s hoping they reconsider and back up what they told us. “On par with unlocking roller beetle”.

    I honestly love that quote now "Just like the Roller beetle guys and gals!" lol. 
    If only they'd made it like the Griffon, that it was a secret mount we had no idea about and then could hype up after the fact. (but then again, if we didn't know about the turtle they'd have made less sales as it was hyped up so much, and if we didn't know how to get it, the meta would be dead already) 

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  8. 21 minutes ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

    Hadn't had a chance to notice there wasn't either available in Kaineng.  I suppose there's the lore excuse of being isolated from Tyria preventing access to Tyrian banks and trading posts, but as was previously stated Amnoon has both despite also being separated from mainland Tyria.  Yeah I'd like to be able to access these basic services without having to go all the back to Tyria.

    I mean then is it lore breaking to use portable banks and TP's via an icon in our inventory on Cantha? And then since we get one eventually anyway, doesn't make much lore sense wise to restrict it, when other places had the same reasons but still got it anyway, and we eventually get it anyway too. 

    Essentially, just more NPC's on the EoD maps in general would be great. 

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  9. 3 hours ago, DragonSlayer.1087 said:

    You could have not said it any better. 

    Who in that team meeting proposed this was a good idea??? 

    I guess I won't be getting that Turtle until a year from now when the player population drops down more and they nerf this meta to the ground. 💀👻☠️

    That's if they ever do nerf it or give us another Turtle option. By the sounds of it they were forced to nerf the Chak meta and did so quickly, with this they have pushed a patch out pretty slowly and didn't change anything noticeable unless you get lucky with RNG. There is still issues with past encounters that still exist today, its just less noticeable as they are less punishing. This one is noticeable because there is no rewards, at all, for doing any part of the entire meta map even if you win the map after the first time. More noticeable also due to its strict short timer. 


    If they gave people even 5-10 more minutes on the timer, this thread would not have existed, we'd all have gotten our turtle and the map would be dead. 

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  10. 9 hours ago, Lottie.5370 said:


    If you wanted to finish all the specialisation weapon collections, you would need to play though it 9 times. (Though it may be possible to get someone else to open the last story instance for you and complete that, and it may count).



    Personally I really enjoy the dialogue as I'm doing the story, it feels more immersive than just cutscenes like in the personal story, and I like the writing in the expac (mostly).

    That's an interesting idea, I wonder if its marketable, to full up your story instance and do the story for others, and then they pay you to essentially skip all instances 

    • Confused 1
  11. 19 minutes ago, eyelogix.1654 said:


    and 250 Li. Teapot is just gatekeeping other players to get his win which is quite sad.

    And then promoting said gatekeeping. Like how dare Casual players play the MMO that has been Casual friendly for nine years before EoD came out and promoted a Turtle that no one had any idea was actually a raid exclusive mount that requires LI or the mount itself to be in groups that have the potential to be successful if they get good RNG. 

    This entire fight should have been a strike, or had no timer. Then RNG wouldn't matter as only the people who actually want to do it would be doing it, and then of course you should have gained your turtle before then. If we got the Turtle at the end of the story the meta would have been dead on release. No one would be doing this meta. In a month time EoD will be a dead expansion if Anet doesn't change anything. So much for bringing people to the game. 

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  12. Its honestly kind amazing just how much chatter happens, I am so glad we can turn it all off and watch something else/do something else while it just plays out forever in game. It'd be great to have a skip option but problem is we'd just be able to skip to the end of EoD and get all the rewards for it, as the entire story is extremely skippable as its mostly just dialogue dumps. Did some training, talk, talk talk talk talk talk talk talk, walk a bit, talk talk talk. Get rewards. Next quest, Talk Talk Talk Talk. 

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  13. 7 minutes ago, Ruisen.9471 said:

    Seems like they're looking at balancing it so that eventually it'll be done everyday like Chak Gerent.   Chak Gerent didn't end the game, so I don't see why everyone is up in arms about this.

    They have a history of having poorly balanced metas on release, but all those eventually got balanced and there's nobody complaining about the difficulty now.

    And this history is to what? Keep being repeated on purpose? And that's a good thing to never learn from past mistakes? And they have now published an obvious forced feeling fix where they try and act all high and mighty in the update acting like they didn't even want to do these changes yet alone fix it so that its not an insane waste of time task taking 2 hours that will cause the map to be empty even if they make it easy now. The rewards are NOT worth the effort. Even if you do the map once you have your Turtle there is nothing else here besides some mats. 


    Just because they have done it many times before doesn't mean they should just keep doing it. What are they trying to drive people away from the game on purpose? This is the worst meta the game has had by far, its the worst open world meta above all their other past failures. How can a studio keep making the same mistake and then make a worse one? How did this fight release in this state? That to do an open world meta you need Raid Kill Proof?? 

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  14. 49 minutes ago, Snowlock.3841 said:


    After hours of failing the DE meta, he switched to Elden Ring.  He's now fighting a huge dragon *cough* and dying as he learns the encounter, but he's laughing and meming and having fun, and each attempt is quick to jump back into.  At one point he said, "This is exciting!"  The contrast between this and the DE meta stream is just insane.


    I think what we're seeing, is we're all emotionally invested in the game's ending so we want this to work, but Anet doesn't have the staff or the design chops to make good content any more, and they absolutely cannot read a room or admit the encounter they made doesn't fit open world constraints at all.  There are too many other great games out right now and not enough patience to go around for this ridiculous nonsense.

    That's the thing though, what EoD has done is show us that other games are better and more fun... EoD shoulda not released this year maybe idk, they failed the final meta and locked one of the expansions selling points behind it. Like, what exactly is Anet trying to do right now? Could just imagine the backlash raiders would have given them if failing a final boss in a raid set them back 2 or more hours and yet its ok to do that for an open world event where you can't decide who you are playing with? 

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  15. 1 hour ago, Nezekan.2671 said:

    I have seen Hardstuck guild runs fail at least twice. They are the 1% if the 1%. They don't fail Dhuum CM but they are failing this event. Because as Mukluk said, this is like a none consensual raid. You are forced to organize in a map system that explicitly prevents organization, so you are forced to group with whoever is in the map with you at the time.

    Seen some of Muk's runs, he looks so defeated and is trying hard to keep his stream family friendly, especially once he realised the 8 hours of wasted effort and how only the 1% is able to beat it and is asking to carry him, and how once done, he will never do this again. Which means honestly, once people have the Turtle, EoD is going to be such a dead zone. 
    Essentially the final map we get in EoD, is a 50man Raid Map with mechanics even most raiders dislike and Anet's changes so far is them trying to make it stay that way. 

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  16. 2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Because EoD is not "entry level content", core is. Even if there's explanation/reminder of the needed mechanics in the initial expansion zone, it still doesn't make it entry level.


    Which doesn't make much sense, treat people as if they are new at the start of EoD then end with a meta that requires them to have put all their Hero Points into the right meta specs and also to play the game a lot better then most people can and also be fully in full Asc gear and use food and utilities? 

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  17. 10 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

    That's because most of people enjoying the game are in-game playing it, not arguing on the internet forums. And reddit is... well reddit is a weird echochamber. Usually folks there hate everything and are toxic towards anything positive, so I am surprised to hear they are positive there atm?


    I think its more due to the hivemind and bias mods picking which hivemind gets to exist. But anyway, the thing is, people are not enjoying the final meta or do you have map chat turned off? Have you not noticed how toxic the final meta map chat is? 

    "enjoying" is subjective here, because its not an enjoyable expansion when the biggest selling point is behind a raid boss that is RNG. And you come here to say feedback only to be told "your feedback doesn't matter" as they "nerf but not really nerf" the final meta and ignore everything people have said about E-specs. 

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  18. 10 hours ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

    Did you by chance miss this thread: 


    Oh I didn't miss that thread, I read it and realised they really hate listening to feedback, changed nothing people were asking for, did what they wanted to do and in game you realise that the changes almost mean nothing, a long time exposed means nothing if you can't even damage the boss. That post just showed how disconnected they are with the fan base. 

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