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Posts posted by Gorem.8104

  1. All the players who want good pvp left when they removed 5v5 team battles in ranked pvp. They have only helped to kill the game, that is why you get instant trolls who are against premades posting, because solo players who hate pvp is all that's left. The que's would never end if it was not a daily to do. No one plays GW2 pvp for fun anymore. 
    Matchmaking is and has always been terrible, the simple fact that its forced a 50% win/loss ratio unless you premade or win trade since game release proves this. They removed Premades and are still trying to remove win trading/botting (at least I hope they are). But thing is, all that means is they are only doing to to keep their forced 50%. Its so annoying that if I get a loss, the next match I win 500-100. That is not good pvp. 
    Premades were fun, and have always been fun, it was the best way to pvp back in Warhammer online, had so much fun grouping with guild mates and rocking out all night losing and winning. The fact that GW2 actually prevents fun from happening in pvp proves they don't care about pvp. 

    The game modes too dead now honestly to add in premades. Cause they only work if you fight other premades. Would need a lot of players to start pvp'ing again, would need some revitalisation. Just adding it in now won't solve much since the game mode is so dead and filled with bots and win traders/afk people at spawn if that is the match the game has decided you are to lose. 

  2. 22 hours ago, Reverence.6915 said:

    Sitting on a treb for 30 minutes is fun and interactive gameplay

    Spending 30 mins hitting on Braham and some crystals is fun and interactive gameplay. 

    Spending 30 minutes farming trash baubles is fun and interactive gameplay.

    Spending 30 minutes as a face in a crowd zerg where your contribution means nothing no matter how much you think it does, is fun and interactive gameplay. 

    To some, it is. Why should it also have to float your boat? People play GW2 differently all over the place, Fashion wars is a thing you know, or is spending 30 minutes doing that boring to you as well? 
    We all play GW2 differently. We should not be forcing a certain playstyle in any game mode, if someone wants to Treb for 30 minutes, LET THEM. That is how they play. 

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  3. On 11/16/2021 at 5:34 PM, DKRathalos.9625 said:

    If this is the case I prefer the bugged version where Ryland and Braham dead within 10 secs. Ez Dragonstorm everyone happy.
    I don't know why they so obsessed fixing the bug on dragonstorm where braham and ryland dead, but ignore some other old bug from HoT or PoF or anything.

    That's how its always worked, if its something that benefits us, it gets fixed faster then anything 🙂

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  4. 18 hours ago, Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:

    Yeah, I dunno man. I actually quite liked putting a Treb down at Duri or W/C and trebbing SMC to open up the walls so much that it basically cannot be repaired without draining tons of supply and then try and hit the supply depot to reduce the supply available to defend it. It often takes one or two people a significant chunk of time to do this, to prepare for a commander to come in with zerg to take the inner wall and lord. Now we'd get nothing for spending all that time preparing and softening the target.

    I mean, it was already next to no reward anyway, but you at least got participation and you could maintain your ticks for when you went back to other things. Now you get nothing for the 30 mins, then reduced rewards for the 15mins it takes to get back to T6.


    Exactly, in order to combat people using siege, they decided to just remove all rewards from using siege, You don't see anyone Trebbing anymore. This update has changed WvW entirely from its core. Some do find it fun to hit SMC for hours and keep its supply low so that when people are on, its take-able, that requires a lot of work and effort to pull off as you both need to treb and keep your treb spot safe. 
    Now, if you do so you are doing at a cost, or massively extended time period and risk of losing your treb spot as you have to leave and go take a camp, then run back, and get back to protecting and trebbing, by the time it takes you to get back minutes have passed so you only get short periods of trebbing with rewards. 

    Its like the Anti-Treb patch, they basically could be removed from the game at this point, the devs basically telling us we are only allowed to play with catapults up against walls either zerging or solo play. If they keep patches like these up, could see wvw as a game mode dying entirely no matter how many people try to pretend its not and defend bad decisions. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, Gorani.7205 said:

    I have been playing my regular style a bit the past two days and have to say that the "no participation from repairs" does not affect me at all (as I expected), because I flip stuff regularly. I still think that participation for defense events needs to return to make defending an activity to bother with, even if that one fails.
    Did we get any info whether the removal of awarding participation for those was intended or a bug?

    The thing is, it never has given 10 minutes of grace time outside of EBG, its just always been less noticed by the people defending on outside borders as they had walls to repair and kept up the fighting. This just put it to light that they really only want us using EBG as that is the only good place for grace period time now, just much less fun to solo with all the zergs running around. 
    I really do hope we just waiting on another wvw patch now that either fixes things or gives us grace period options outside of the multiples they have removed. I don't really get how actively playing wvw needs to be punished unless you play a certain way. 

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  6. 23 hours ago, Sviel.7493 said:

    You're probably getting the usual 10 minutes for kill credit on a player.  Or perhaps kills are now the only way to get credit in defense events--that seems unusual, but would be an equally poor change.


    That is correct, unless you are in EBG, EBG still rewards you for repairing (when under attack). Unlike all other maps. If you are not on EBG, kills and camp flipping is now the Only way to get grace time. Outside of you zerging a keep or tower. 

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  7. 9 hours ago, dou.7083 said:

    I feel cut off from about half of the gameplay because it doesn't reward participation.

    • I defend keeps, complete the "repel the enemy attack" event and get zero participation for it . Defending in few numbers is possible if the keep is upgraded, but defending in few numbers doesn't yield you kills, so you end up having your participation decay. So why would I ever defend?
    • I scout ahead of the squad and end up missing out on the experience and the participation for capturing objectives. So why would I ever scout?
    • I want to escort dolyaks because they seem to be important for upgrading keeps and towers, but doing so doesn't reward participation. So why would I ever protect dolyaks?

    I understand that the majority of players are already level 1200+ and with 20 legendries each, so they don't care if they have 0 participation, but these issues really affect the gameplay until then.


    And some other minor feedback/questions:

    • Why do vegetable/herb/berry nodes exist? Half of the items they yield are in such excess they don't even have buying lots on the AH because you can't set it lower than 2 copper. 
    • The siege vendor seems to be selling overpriced siege comparing to the AH? Everything but catapults costs copper on my server. Superior siege still costs less than this vendor's.
    • Why isn't there better customisation of nameplates? If I use simplified nameplates, enemies without a guild become indistinguishable from pets. If I use full nameplates, they get filler names, making them difficult to distinguish from NPCs. So far I settled on treating every pet as if it were a player because there's no other option.
    • Why isn't there more incentive for comms to play on border maps? Everyone seems to be stacked on EBG for reasons unknown to me, but why not give comms a bonus of like 1 pip or extra participation for leading a squad on a border map? Recently I experience this situation: 30-50 player queue to EBG, meanwhile on every border map everyone are just flipping camps and there's zero other activity. It just makes me want to log off for the day, because it's like watching your birthday party being celebrated without you while you're stuck in a tailback.


    1. Unless you are in EBG, defence objective ticks do not grant grace period for rewards, so even if you repair a wall and fend off siege and stop the attackers, you will not get rewarded for actively playing unless you manage a pvp kill, as that is now the only way defenders outside of EBG can get rewards due to the recent patch - a patch that most hate. 

    2. if you are scouting in a squad, make sure they gave you shared participation, then you will get rewards for basically just being in the squad. That way it doesn't matter if you miss out on the camp capture, you will get it anyway and are able to keep scouting, outside of this of course there used to be methods but they were removed, with the recent update to wvw which made wvw worse. 

    3. You can actually get grace time from dolyaks, but you have to actively be buffing them, on my Ranger I use the warhorn to give the yak swiftness, if you do so for the run, you get 5 mins of grace time, tested this working on ebg and alpine maps. If you don't buff the yak or kill someone within range (which gives 10minutes anyway) you won't get grace time. 

    As for the feedback points:
    The nodes exist for other benefits, such as gathering also giving volatile magic, most of my volatile magic gains comes from wvw nodes. Get a good infinite tool with a good glyph and they pay for themselves over time on the wvw nodes. Only buy siege with badges or from the TP yes, as those prices are terrible. 

    On EBG, it depends on Server as some do spend most of their time there, but also that on EBG its just easier to keep grace time up, everything is close by and its just more rewarding to play. It gets filled cause zergs go there to fight. EBG for some reason is like the grace period farm, even afking there is easier as defence ticks do give 10minutes of grace. To prove my point earlier I watched a movie and afk'd in smc for most of my diamond chests after the update came out that made wvw worse. 

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  8. On 11/13/2021 at 11:42 PM, Telgum.6071 said:

    Last time I checked people repaired walls to protect structures, not to keep participation. Guess all the karma train servers agreed on moaning on the forums. 


    Only, tell me, would your spend your entire day repairing if it meant getting no rewards? would you defend a keep for hours, tiering it up to 3, battling against wave after wave of players, for no rewards, such as Bay, which does NOT give grace time from a defence event? Your only way of getting participation now when defending objectives and scouting is kills. All the enemy has to do is just, not show up for a short while, then zerg the place and GG. Hours spent defending an objective where you got no rewards are gone.
    Or would you join a zerg, sit there as a face in a crowd, not pvp at all but K-train which is what these updates are doing, these updates are actually trying to remove all pvp aspect wvw has, and get rewarded for basically doing nothing but being a face in a crowd? 

    I can tell you didn't read a single post on this entire thread. And just came here to troll. Most likely another PVE troll like UmbraNoctis who has not said a sensible thing on this thread yet that is worth reading. The warclaw was great for roamers and scouting, it made solo play more fun but of course, zergs nerfed it. It still needs to exist, wvw would die tomorrow if they removed Warclaw from it, it maintains balance between classes who are a lot faster then the slower ones. 

    I just don't understand why anyone is for this, something that objectively makes wvw worse for everyone. Like its not even subjective here, we now all get less grace time, everyone, its a nerf in every meaning of the word. The only people this does not effect, are faces in the crowd zerglings. 

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  9. 14 hours ago, Shining One.1635 said:

    It seems a bit off to me. I can follow a friendly group and stand in their capture circles, never using my skills, and keep getting 10 minute participation grace periods. If I try to solo a tower, I'm losing participation every step of the way until I kill the lord. The first is objectively less effort on my part, but far more rewarding from a participation standpoint.

    Which is something I used to do often, honestly after the recent patch solo play has just been removed, they don't want you solo'ing towers anymore, siege now needs to be right next to the tower, and be a cata, for it to not go down every second. They don't want you solo defending either, they don't want you scouting, they don't want you roaming. All the latest update did was force people to zerg to play wvw, and its funny how the people defending are all avid zergers who want to force you to play how they do, how dare you play differently then zerging in wvw right? 

    Or just afk in camps every 10minutes without even playing and be rewarded more then someone spending 10 hours defending and tiering up a tower 🙂

    Cause only EBG defence events give grace time, outside of EBG, defence events do not. Your ONE and ONLY access to grace time now when defending outside of EBG is pvp kills. So all the attackers have to do, is wait out ten minutes by capping a camp somewhere else and you are either forced to leave, or fight with no rewards for hours. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    I can't really agree with the siege changes. People don't want to get on trebs especially. I mean while I repair a lot of walls, I probably haven't used a treb in a few moths. 😗


    Yeah I mean, Trebs is honestly something you only really do by yourself when you are not zerging and using cata's or rams for speed, this change effectively removes Trebs from the game mode, as if you decide to build one and use one, by the time its built, and used, you are getting no rewards for actively playing wvw. So even though for some reason they didn't include it in the notes, what this means is less walls being damaged outside of zergs. Which would mean less repairing to do. They've actually removed multiple playstyles with this update all at once. 

    So they don't want us repairing, and they don't want us sieging outside of a K-train Zerg. They don't want us defending, and yet they don't want us attacking, outside of a K-train zerg. Is that what Anet wants wvw to become then? A pve place that contains no enemy players with us just zerging from pve objective to pve objective? Well, it'll be funny to soon see that outside of the zerg running, everything is just t3 now. I already seen the most people I've seen in a long time going from camp to camp nearby the spawn locations and just afking every ten minutes.  

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  11. 24 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

    Could it be that the pip calculation applies to how the new pip gain works, but the pip change occurred midway through the wvw week? So you technically gained less pips than is shown by the game.

    I.e. you earned less pips before the change, but the game is drunk and is only counting how many times you got each of the pip types (gold/silver/bronze for your worlds standing, bonus for completing wood division, bonus from your rank). Applying the new rates to the count of times.


    Could be, I clicked Match totals, added them all up and what you see for the "Match" total includes your original outnumbered pip gain, however what is actually visable if you add all the pips gained without outnumbered, is less. Wood + Rank + Score shown is not counting outnumbered yet the match tab totals include it. 

    Either just a bug or something, unless of course it is increased regardless. Which makes it even funnier then, cause that would be 2 undocumented changes to WvW they ninja updated in. Right after we praised them for having open communication. 

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  12. So, should we post a separate thread for the fact that siege now only gives 2seconds of grace time? Cause its not even diminishing returns, I didn't use a siege, waited for my grace time to hit 0, used a siege to attack a wall, 2seconds. So they nerfed not only gains from defending, scouting, roaming, they also nerfed siege warfare. In the siege warfare mode. lol. 
    Does Anet even wvw.

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  13. I just did some testing, for scouting and roaming and actually playing wvw its still terrible, but I realised something. if you own smc, its actually got easier to afk to get rewards. As people are repairing less, walls stay damaged for longer, so you can watch a vid and just need to check back every ten minutes on a timer for the defence tick. That's rather hilarious. The entire game mode is so much worse after this update, and afking is easier, GG anet. 

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  14. 10 hours ago, Nidome.1365 said:

    Something else I noticed last night - I was catting to open the wall of a t2 enemy keep while allies were distracting them elsewhere for me to do it and I noticed that my participation was dropping while I was catting.


    With all these participation changes it looks like Anet are trying to turn WvW into a boring open field zerg fest.

    So they did nerf siege too, they really hate us actually playing wvw don't they. They really want everyone to Zerg K-train. There will soon be no other way to play wvw besides only zerg k-training, pvp will end, why should anyone fight others? whats the point of pvp kills in WvW anymore? Defence is meaningless now, They hate Scouts, they hate Roamers. You will either have to AFK at camps, or AFK with zerg participation. Which is possible. So can't wait for camps to be removed as well since you can "AFK at camps not allowed how dare camps give participation! no more solo camp flipping how dare you play the game outside of zerging!!!"Which is basically what everyone defending this update wants. If you defend this update, you want the game mode to die. 

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  15. 14 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    The thing that account for 0.0001% of my total participation in a match has been removed WvW IS RUINED!


    Why thinking so selfish? Other people play the game differently then you do, the games supposed to be all about different playstyles and how we all play differently. Why would anyone be for WVW becoming the only game mode in the entire game where you have to be told how to play and have to play the "Right" way? 
    For some, say scouts and roamers, wall repair is a much higher ratio of their participation. Scouts especially could go hours just on wall repair alone, to make sure something stays safe. Removing an active aspect of the game is bad on all accounts. 

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  16. 3 minutes ago, Jitters.9401 said:

    I disagree. No Down State forces people to be better, or squirrel more to get that kill. Must be like 8 or 9  times today I jumped into a group of 4 or 5 enemies taking camps, killed one person, then ran away. Soooo Much Fun.  Players get too complacent in groups and with the no down state they finally have to be wary of the solo roamer running by.


    I LOVE the No Down State and I am not the only one.


    EDIT "I wish it would stay forever."


    Yeah tbh, I love no down state as well. It makes the game so much more about skill, and less about being a face in a group and just winning because there is more of you. You can actually get kills and win outnumbered. No overpowered downstate talents or abilities and just pure fighting. 

    Don't wish it stay forever though as its fun as an event, gets people to play again for a bit. Do wish we got it more often though 

  17. 1 hour ago, salogel.1869 said:

    so it seems that the siege damage participation was actually reduced even tho its not in the patch notes, because hitting a wall with a trebuchet was only giving 2 seconds of participation (it used to be 2 minutes).  The fire rate of a trebuchet at max range is about 13 seconds so yes afk trebbing wont work anymore.

    lol, if that's true that's even funnier, I'd honestly hate to be a pve'r now. Ah well, no more repairing or sieging good luck getting your Gift of battles pve peeps :D. Better join up with that zerg and either afk now with participation that way or have to zerg to zerg your zergy zerg zerg gift of battle. 

    Though honestly that's fine, as siege was the main cause of afk in wvw, whereas repairing walls is an active event and should be returned, the pip change ends up being fine for most players as its a benefit to everyone at all times of day. Even should make it base 3 extra, anything to reduce to many hours of now zerg play it takes to get next to no rewards. Anet hates scouts and roamers and defenders, they only want us zerging at all times.  We have to play how they tell us, we can only play as we are told, no more making up our own game in wvw, the "Cornerstone" of gw2. Maybe a dev has never spent their entire day defending and feeling good that you held a tower or keep solo and are the reason your side won multiple skirmishes due to your scouting before. 

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  18. 1 hour ago, Sviel.7493 said:

    The situation people are complaining about is the post-siege repair after a huge zerg tries to one-push your keep and then hops maps when they fail.  There are no more attackers so there's no defense event, but there's a ton of damage to be repaired and if your zerg also doesn't help (which is the usual), you may be stuck with a 10-20 minute repair job if you want your keep to survive the next zerg rush.


    Thanks to this change, that repair job will now be harder to do without losing participation.

    P.S. Repairing while a structure is under active siege is generally a poor idea anyway.  It does get you participation, but rarely has a meaningful effect on the defense.

    Edit: It seems repairs while under active attack also give no participation.

    This exactly. Who is busy repairing while you are being sieged? disabling or killing the siege/enemy nearby is what you should be doing. Plus t3 keeps take the longest to fix up, if you are left alone to repair both 0%'s that is a very long time where repairing to save your objective is the only thing that will protect it. More often then not you are only repairing outside of being attacked and the only reason you'd do it during is because of participation. Essentially all this leads towards is more flipping going on as walls and doors will always be weakened. Its K-trainers love heart update. 

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  19. 4 hours ago, MikeG.6389 said:

    It seems that you are not satisfied with the (lack of) compensation or recognition long time WvW players received after ANet introduced the changes they did. It's fine and maybe you should take it up with ANet.

    Still, why should I be concerned about that as a less then avid WvW player, especially as it relates to today's update and this thread, even the post you originally replied to?

    By the way, Mithril and Diamond rank players (now) receive +6 and +7 extra pips, respectively. You may think that's not a massive difference, but it significantly more than the (now) +2 I get. That most long-term players will hit the end of the track in two days is not my problem, either. If you average (a very generous) 12 pips a tick, it takes about 10 hours to finish the skirmish track. 90% percent of the players play no more than 2 and a half hours a day, but mostly much less, and only 1.5% play more than 5 hours a day. If you find the rewards you get for those pips inadequate, that's a different question and, again, it might be a good topic in its own thread.


    ? All ranks gained 2, not 6 or 7, and the max pips you can get now at max rank is 19 if you are a commander leading a decent sized squad and had completed wood the previous week. if you are losing and max rank, you get 13 pips a tick outside of leading a squad. 

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  20. 3 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

    Pressing a button once a while while sitting in a safe zone =/= actively participating.

    You don't defend structures by only repairing. At best it buys you some time, but ultimatively you will have to kill the attackers or at least destroy their siege. If there is an actual attack going on. If there is not - well, what are you defending against? Also for like 99% of players repairing already did nothing in terms of participation, because the timer is kept up easily by doing almost anything and it does not stack. And guess what - they still repair, not for some meaningless rewards, but because they want those kitten holes in their walls fixed. That should be incentive enough.

    The change only "punishes" those who want easy rewards with minimal risk and effort. There is no other reason do to nothing but repairing for extended periods of time.


    Its hard to tell just how wrong you are, cause you are extremely wrong, off the scale wrong. Towers are not attacked 100% of the time, if you are a scout defending a tower, you need the wall repair to sustain you while you wait between attacks. Attackers now just wait 10 minutes and boom you are gone, whereas before you could save a wall for helpful use to stay at said tower and keep defending it for much longer then 10 minutes. 

    ALL THIS DOES. ALL IT DOES is punish active players. It does NOTHING. NOTHINNNGGG For inactive afk players. 

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  21. 2 hours ago, Bristingr.5034 said:

    TIL that repairing a damaged wall is now considered "AFKing".


    Yeah exactly, these people seem to think that only afk people repair walls, lol. Its like all the people for this have never wvw'd in their life. No wonder Anet put it in game, how dare active players repair right? Left alone at a keep to repair 2 t3 gates? Well welcome to not being rewarded for defending or repairing while actively fighting people off. Yet that person advocates the ultimate and only true way to afk, squad participation. 

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  22. 3 hours ago, obastable.5231 said:

    They listened to lots of feedback, actually. Like a few hundred Guilds and the constant complaints of people abusing the grace system to bot points via AFK farming, either sitting on a piece of siege or running supply to repair one of the walls being AFK attacked by their opponents. It's been a problem for a very long time that rewards inactive users. Is the behavior of trebbing or repairing bad? No, no it's not, and it is contributing to your team. However if that's all your doing and aren't otherwise partaking in the active offense or defense with your team, you might be abusing the mechanic.  Now if you want to continue to receive rewards for helping your team you have to actually do more things to keep helping your team. I don't see that as an over all bad change.

    In regard to the outnumbered buff - while gaining those pips is nice, sure, it's counter intuitive for a reward system to actively reward a player for making choices that hurt their team. It makes sense it was removed, and hopefully with Alliances it won't even matter as outnumbered would be a thing that happens less frequently with better population distribution.

    All in all, if you're playing and doing things, you should be getting lots of pips with the buff to total pip gains anyway. Especially new players, or lower ranked ones, who have an inherent disadvantage to pip gains to begin with. There's a lot of other barriers to new players that still could use addressing but the pip gain boost is a nice start. The two subtle changes here do indeed disincentivize unwanted behavior but they also promote more useful action and encourage participation in more activities. Really the only people who are going to have a big problem with the changes are the ones who've been abusing them, and to a much lesser extent players who may not be good at doing other things in WvW and have had no incentive or reason to change. Now they have one, and if they like the game mode they'll do something about it and keep earning their pips. 

    Change happens. I wouldn't doom and gloom this until you've had opportunity to see the results. I don't imagine anything will noticeably change other than seeing less AFK pip farmers around.

    I read this from the view that you are someone that never wvw's and only PVE's and likes to complain about other people playing the game differently then you are. 
    How does this hurt the people repairing smc's walls, the literal only place in the game that is constantly under attack and needs repair? Oh wait it doesn't, they will still get the defence tick. Repairing the towers around smc helps people that don't own smc too, but also, how often do you see people at say, Duri, doing this? Oh if you actually play wvw, either there will be one or none inside as you have to hope it gets sieged once every 10 minutes. 

    By ignoring all the feedback we gave them here, they have decreed that the only way for you to get rewards in WVW is to flip camps or join a zerg and K-train. They already stated they will remove the timer on siege attacks too. Which will mean again, no one defending, just people STILL afk repairing smc so nothing changes but active players being punished. 

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