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Posts posted by Gorem.8104

  1. On 1/8/2022 at 8:21 PM, anduriell.6280 said:


    If only can you imaging. 

    Nah no need to go so overboard and using just what is in there: If exploding spores would be a healing skill, casting something like Lesser_Seed_of_Life on each spore that would become a nice group heal/cleanse. With some CD reduction drop in there so it heals for little but you can cast it very often. 

    Also if Perilous Gift would share the buff and effect with up to 5 allies. So the party would have access the willbender buff to not die for 3 seconds and then a bunch on barrier on the top (just to balance out instead healing the pet it exchanges the pet health for barrier) . Also it would be nice to have access to some CD reduction somewhere. 

    The trait Fervent Force could also share the effects of CD reduction with allies every time the Untamed cast a disabling skill. 

    And there you go: group heal/cleanses, buff to not die and Cooldowns reductions + Current CCs and boonrip/corruptions. 
    The pet would still be a problem but if the untamed could revive the pet every time they get the goo on them at a cost of their HP that could solve the issue. 

    No need to increase the damage, with those utilities it would become a nice addition to any squad. 


    More cool idea's, can make Untamed actually sound like a cool class. Compared to what they gave us haha. Considering how bad its been I do wonder if by EoD it turns out to be really good, its just all a "Psyche!" moment for Rangers 

  2. On 1/4/2022 at 4:45 PM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


    Yeah, I do agree with this.  I guess I've not felt the 'insta kicking' yet as have been invited to a few squads out of the blue, but can attest to feeling pretty useless in any large fight because it is true ranger lacks tools for this. 


    Also true that untamed fixes nothing despite being billed as fixing things...which is kind of a depressing outlook for the state of the game actually.  

    Imagine the meta shake if they gave Untamed the ability to give out unlockable to up to 5 allies in your group. Combine that with making Sic Em also effect up to 5 allied targets around you including yourself and your pet, and suddenly it'd have 2 unique uses that can't be filled by other roles. (Aoe stealth sniff pet break too). I mean, there is so many cool things they could have done with untamed but nope, instead its our worst E-Spec by a large, super large margin 

    • Like 1
  3. Problem with Venom Outburst is it doesn't work with Range pets, as they were lazy and gave Range pets melee skills, and all it does it let them get one hit off and the pet ai disengages or misses the second hit anyway. 

    Also good luck keeping it alive at all in wvw, unless they make it not take aoe damage in pvp like it does in pve all the pet's good for is having a bad ai and then dying as its doing less dps then outside of untamed as you have to manually use its abilities. 

    The 2 abilities are fine, but the class itself is so weak and has no purpose its kinda pointless for them to exist. If you see a Ranger playing Untamed you already know they are gimping themselves. As Infusion stated, the class should get a aoe stealth reveal or break, or be able to see through it. Imagine Untamed being able to stick to a theif when they think they are safe, because their pet remembers they have a nose that is stronger then their eyesight. 
    And some group support like aoe damage buffs and boon spread would be great and actually make it a useful class to play in wvw instead of it being the most selfish spec we have making it entirely pointless to play. 

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  4. It was nearly incredibly epic to have Bladesworn come on as easily our top dps and survival spec to play open world in.  Could max stack Fury and Power and then focus on tank stats with no need for precision. And then they removed the ability for the Vision sigil to proc on DT use by making it a bundle instead of a weapon swap, destroying the spec entirely. 

    I was so looking forward to playing my Warrior again, before the 2nd beta hit. As expected they nerfed the class cause it may have actually been a viable class for EoD. If 2022 does see a massive buff and rework to warriors I'll be pleasantly surprised for sure, as their track mind for warriors is "why does anyone even play this class". 

  5. Sort of amazed even a single person voted yes (one vote yes, literally everyone else no) 

    Untamed is a selfish spec that relies on a pet. So 100% useless in wvw. It Maybe, maybe be a spvp spec but literally excels at nothing else and again, the pet ai is horrendous in pvp. It has no real purpose - would need massive changes to actually be a useful spec. 

    Immob SB it is. At least we can dps, barrage, and immob groups multiple times over while giving group Stab. Already, so much better then anything Untamed could ever bring. 

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  6. On 12/30/2021 at 2:02 PM, bro.2856 said:

    This has been driving me crazy! Everyone I ask about this says, they never noticed that it changed for enemies which is what I really miss.


    One thing I did notice, it will still change, BUT you need to be on TOP of the enemy and it only changes when facing certain directions if that makes sense? It was really strange I could make it work then it would stop again so it's definitely a bug. I am currently installing a clean install and going to test it out and see if that makes a difference for me.

    Did the clean install work? Yeah, that's what I miss the most, is it changing for enemies. NPC's too/ Siege in wvw was also nice to be able to see far away. Went from being able to tell if enemy siege or our siege to it all being the same from a distance. 

  7. On 12/23/2021 at 6:48 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Has been an issue for a while now, not just since the latest patch. Most people don't notice it, though.

    I hope it will get fixed after the holidays.


    Yeah, I noticed it a short while ago, saw some reddit posts but not many here. I do see others are experiencing it, and see that it is essentially a bug. Hopefully there is a fix for it in 2022 🙂


    Cause once you notice it, its so hard to stop noticing it. 

  8. 8 hours ago, jojorne.2175 said:

    It's currently 8,779 - 2,192 since the first character beta. So, how do I fix my mount's HP?

    Side effect of them adding the blight mechanic. The health's the same as it was before (mounts have less hp in wvw, mount the warclaw in pve and it has more hp... not that I have any idea why you would ride the warclaw outside of wvw). 


    Would be nice for them to remove the graphic but gameplay is the same as before. 

  9. There used to be match rewards right in the form of a bonus chest you could earn for your server which would give 2 chest drops on a wvw rank up, I still had some of those bonus levels even when I had logged back in many months ago now after quitting for six years. Which means that its still in the game, we just can't earn them anymore. Surprised they don't bring them back too with alliances, give more incentive for winning. 

    On that note this thread reminds me of a time when I got pm'd by the enemy saying "thanks for the pre drop" so there is that 0.0000000001% chance of happening apparently ;D 

    The rewards could indeed do with a touch up, but my guess is their focus right now is just making sure alliances works, hopefully after that is done we actually see something worthwhile added. 

  10. On 12/19/2021 at 6:29 PM, Gorani.7205 said:

    WvW reward systems have been out of balance since launch and have not been updated with the only exception of the pips/reward tracks (they share with PvP), but without the scope of what WvW is (compared to PvP). Right now, it can only be really saved to be self reliant, if the devs make very big changes.
    PvP has pips and reward chests too, why isn't that an issue? Because PvP has the amulet setting, which allows you to change stats pretty much for free - but still awards ascended stuff and liquid gold as a bonus. A PvP player does not have to replace items for a material cost or with gold. Unlocking a few things via gold is almost not necessary. A few days ago I saw a thread by a PvP player that did not even know what to do with all the extra stuff he got.
    PvE Fractals have account augmentation (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Account_Augmentation) for even better rewards playing Fractals, something WvW has never seen (e.g. lets give WvW Karmic, WxP and Skirmish Ticket bonuses via an Augmentation for WvW)
    PvE Strike missions have a weekly chests (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vigil_Emissary_Chest), that gives you rewards on top of your dailies at the end of the week, increasing the rewards for doing a all (including precursor weapons). Weekly chests for WvW players, where they can exchange some WvW currency, like Emblems and Badges could be a thing, but they are not.
    Past possibilities of gaining WxP rank via a purchase have been removed (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_Experience#WXP_consumables), why not allowing us to buy those again?
    Why can't we have those shipment boxes (e.g. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trophy_Shipment) or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magic-Warped_Bundle for sale for Badges, to be able to have WvW players on their way to making legendary WvW armour, to earn the resources in their game type - and not having to go to PvE farms for that?
    Why not making a change to the Enrichments (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enrichment), by combining the two current ones to a single one with +10% WxP and +5% reward track?
    Why not realise that during https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Call_of_War the players actually see rewards coming in and you could make that adjustments to reward track gain baseline?
    Why not create more WvW masteries for something useful, like an extra tier of supply mastery could increase the amount of materials gained from the synthesizers in your objectives, or add ascended food crafting materials to them (as WvW players often want those feasts for additional WxP bonus)?
    Why not add a bonus to WxP gain to the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Canned_food, which is only lvl70 anyway, but could be useful to gaining WvW ranks more quickly, if Ascended food is not available.

    You can't reward the social pillar of WvW with in-game rewards of course, but you can be mindful of what developer and game designer decisions do to them (e.g. the current strong focus on favouring "the large group/guild" in terms of what is rewarding to do and to be with, without thinking too much about the "single player" or small group/guild in that environment).

    We can only hope that ANet really means it when they say "cornerstone of the game" and "all things on the table" when it comes to WvW after EoD launches.


    One can only hope for a lot of these things ay, would make the game more inviting and fun for everyone. Would see even more people interested in wvw which would be nice. Now its as you say, best to only really play during wvw bonus weeks, cause it feels like its closer to how the base rate should be. Just get your wooden chests done and some dailies each week and only worry about going further when its a wvw bonus week, cause by playing wvw, you are actually choosing the path that gives less rewards then nearly everything else in the entire game for almost more effort. I mean we've all done this now for thousands of hours already, actively choosing to play an un-rewarding mode with our time. And Anets last response was only to make it worse for outnumbered people and made Grace period harder to obtain. We don't have alliances yet. So right now its worse. 
    This "cornerstone" of the game as they put it, better see some more major updates. 

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  11. 18 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

    Outnumbered Pips


    If my memory serves me right. It was made for players so that they are equally rewarded when grossly outnumbered.
    When players can't do much, especially those on low population servers and players who logs in during downtime.

    When it  is removed, was it well thought of?
    NO, it was not. 
    This one you should not have removed, zergs and blobs don't care for outnumbered pips, they have pips,
    they have plenty of pips, BUT, when they leave,
    what of the players that haven't  blob and zerg to gain pips from?  
    Are they to be farm by the other servers and have minimum pips at the same time? 

    I'd say this is just another motivation for players to mindlessly Ktrain.

    Exactly really, that entire last wvw patch that we got really shouted out loud "hey, you play wvw by zerging and ppt'ing, you get more pips! It is now the only really way to get pips, get your rank up in the zerg for more pips while you get more pips for having higher points! better get zerging!" Whereas before that patch, you could defend a tower or keep with a few buddies outside of EBG and actually be rewarded for it, for playing on an outnumbered map where you fight against odds in the enemies favour. 

    But nope! Anet doesn't want you playing solo anymore, or scouting or roaming, better get to K-training! I just don't understand why Anet suddenly decided so many of us who actually play wvw actively, were playing wvw wrong. 

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  12. Something i've noticed recently, as of a update/patch or 2 ago is that my mouse cursor has stopped changing icons nearly entirely. For the speech bubble to appear I now have to be on top of the target, same deal for the cog wheel. I used to be able to tell allied siege in wvw from far away due to it changing into a cog wheel, but now it doesn't until you are basically on top of it. Also notice the red sword attack icon for fighting enemies just disappeared entirely. now if I fight a random mob the cursor entirely refuses to change to anything. Click on enemy siege the cursor appears the same as everywhere. 


    What's the current fix for this new issue? I hear its even effected Yolomouse as of course, its an issue with the game gw2 itself that is a new problem. 

    • Like 1
  13. What's the point of this thread? Other people play the game differently then I do so I have to complain? 
    They already ruined a large aspect of wvw with the removal of many active ways to play the game, promoting braindead K-training as they only seem to listen to mindless zerglings when they make updates. If you are actively playing wvw tbh Grace period should never end. You shouldn't even need to worry about it even change it to damage to players alone sets it to 10 minutes. Its not even that rewarding to play and to max out takes as many hours as a full time job unless your rank is so high but then you don't even need the rewards at that point cause you are most likely full legendary. 

    Everyone should be for better rewards when playing wvw so its better promoted, if its a "Cornerstone" of the game, what's the point of playing it if the rewards suck and are difficult to obtain? Yeah cause games that are unrewarding are totally what are played the most these days, looking at you New World and how it died faster then even I imagined. Or other area's of gw2 and how dead they are. 

    If they going to make grace period as hard as it currently is to obtain, then they should do something like double the rate of skirmish tickets per week. 

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  14. So Anet, ETA on the update that reverses these changes to make WvW Objectively better for everyone? Not entirely sure why its been so long now that we've had wvw made a worse game mode in everyway it was before the update that changed this, why you needed to nerf scouts, roamers, solo players, defenders. Why Anet do you only want us to K-train? Why Anet do you not want us defending? 

    Updates should only make Grace period easier to get, not harder for everyone actively playing the game. It makes no sense that you can be super active in wvw and get less rewards then people afk flipping camps. 

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  15. 5 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    So you play for rewards and not to help your community?

    When outnumbered attracted enough allies to come onto the map (you know, it's actual intention), or enemies left the map, to take away outnumbered, did you complain about it to them too?

    Would you play wvw if it gave nothing? Lets see how long it lasts before it dies entirely cept by these "hardcore" wvw players who want to be the only ones playing the game mode. I just don't understand this concept that things that benefit everyone are not good enough for you, the loudest complainers. You complain so much. 


    Outnumbered pips should have never been removed, they should have just added pips on top. They made the slowest worst reward system in the game take longer on perm outnumbered maps. There is no incentive anymore to play on outnumbered maps like there used to be. It makes total sense to bring it back, in fact most of those wvw changes they did in the patch needs to be reversed. Why anyone would be for something that makes the game objectively worse for everyone is amazing. Unless a shill account? a dev account? 

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  16. It felt like we were returning to the first story, the personal story, you get to die now you get to die now you get to die now you get to die. Still annoyed that Trahearne goes from saving Orr and cleansing it to saying "what's next" only to be excluded from the final battle which makes no sense unless you've actually been doing the dungeons to him being written off entirely and then killed. Faolain suddenly changes character and causes 2 deaths which was so predictable. 

    I genuinely liked LW4, I think its the best story GW2 has even with its one forced death that was predictable and story would be better if it didn't happen. (just so tired of gw2 writers thinking death causes "shock" or has "value" in GW2) Its more just annoyance. More like sighing at how badly written things are, I mean I guess we can't expect a good story in an mmo as its railroaded and you can't make choices after the personal story ended but still, I had hopes after lw4. 

    Why do you basically get to witness the death of the rest of the characters you know from the original story? Almorra's death served what purpose? Oh she's achieved her goal, not that we got a good scene with her after that goal and her celebration of killing the thing that wiped her warband or anything. Just, she's dead now, not even a scene with her and Aurene all things considered which honestly could have been cool. Smodor's character was altered so that he could be killed, and for some reason we can't side with him, even as a Charr. (wouldn't it be cool if Charr mains had a different take on IBS? We should have gotten choices considering everything going on). Our Warbandmate here to not really do much but at least they exist. We get to kill our other warbandmates and don't even get anything special for it, just they dead now by our own hands with no words the wiser. Its not shock value its just disappointment. Rytlock dies then essentially everyone we know is gone. Yet they won't kill Braham off cause people actually want him to die. 

    Can we not have a single story without someone dying? I mean even we have died now. How long has it been since we had a character written like Tybalt or Vigil's old man Forgal for instance? had a laugh? I know they made us like our mentor just to kill them off, but after that single shock, nothing comes close even after nine years. That one death basically sets you up for GW2's entire writing style. No character has come close to that after all this time, how awesome would it have been to have your chosen Warband member from the start of Charr's Personal story to be that kind of character, to give you tips and laugh with you and joke with you (for Charr mains of course). Coulda done something epic there. Instead we get Dragonstorm and a mute Fire Dragon which has a rushed ending. IBS should have been an expansion, with what it had it could have been huge. I am looking forward to EoD but honestly, I'm just predicting more pointless badly written deaths. 

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  17. On 12/6/2021 at 8:46 AM, Mil.3562 said:

    What? Now we have auto-attack-auto-repair-afk bots? 😄


    The bots are evolving! they are getting more sophisticated! what is next, they form a group of raiders and take smc under the noses of the enemy and then position themselves at the walls spam clicking them to repair, auto get supply and then auto run up the walls to attack enemies nearby! 

    • Confused 1
  18. The worst class in the entire game that spends it time not helping anyone but itself and just ruining the fun of others while being able to keep up stealth 100% of the time and escape any battle (because that's balanced, sure), is saying that the update is good? Well that is not a good sign. 


    Honestly i'll never understand why people play Thief. You offer wvw nothing but roaming and winning 1v1's against people not specced for dueling and then pat yourselves on the back for winning a fight you should have won. of course it does make it pleasurable when you beat the thief, but then all that means is that it was a bad thief. 

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  19. 3 hours ago, Alpha.1308 said:

    literally EoTM could have fixed this issue 

    they literally had it

    right in front of their face

    they even specifically made an arena for it, despite it being absolutely garbage


    and they had to go and mess up wvw as a whole, rather than use the sandbox that they already trashed on before (i think? eotm has no rewards or something anymore, right? it's dead space?)

    like i need to have several conversations with these devs, i need to understand what's going on in their minds 

    i've been working???? like normal humans do, so i guess i missed out on the "you need to select a guild before reset just before the weekend or now you don't get to play with your friends for a week"

    posted it in the feedback thread to try and get to the right server, still nothing after a few hours, don't understand how there's not a team eyeballing this issue as much as possible but clearly they have no resources as a company to actually test anything, let alone fix anything on the fly 

    tbh, they should have really let us sign up for a week, and also made sure everyone was sent a mail in game telling us to do so, But otherwise this is a beta test, and soon it will be over 🙂

    • Confused 1
  20. 23 hours ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

    I personally don't miss the days of attacking a keep/fort and suddenly 15 people come and kill me, then I never see them again. Why? They were AFK repairing and not going to ever leave the keep/fort.

    afk repairing and yet they came out and killed you, interesting form of afk there as they defended the area and also pvp'd and yet that's apparently being afk? heh. 
    Yeah how dare people defend objectives am I right? How dare people play the game differently then K-training. 

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