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  1. You are missing nothing. It's just a bad weapon. It's ok at best at a support weapon, but mace/shield is just better.
  2. Spear is a hybrid weapon, though Condi is likely going to be better. However, the real reason for the nerf is because they want to force us to use grenade kit. I don't use kits, so I'm just kittened.
  3. The bleed is likely to have synergy with firearms trait line for the 30% crit
  4. I did a dps test between power and condi Holosmith (zerker vs grieving gear) and both got around the same dps numbers. (17k for me, but others can likely get higher) So, the spear should work on power builds just fine.
  5. PVE perspective. The weapon feels great for condi holosmith, but it does have some pain points. It's hard to tell if a target has focus in large groups, and I'm not even sure if it's working on bosses. Skill 2 feels very meh, it works to apply focus but skill 5 is a far better movement skill. Skill 4 is too slow and feels clucky to use. Moving it to a 3/4 cast time would be better. Skill 5 is fine, though I don't really understand why you need two movement skills. About skill 3: It seems to me that holosmith rotations will revolve heavily around this skill. The idea is that you cast the skill, goes into forge mode for a 5s rotation than back out to cast Electric Artillery. The issues are that you can't build heat fast enough this way. I got around the issue by swapping from Solar Focusing Lens to Light Density Amplifier, but increasing the time that Electric Artillery is active from 7s to 10s could help. Electric Artillery is also a bit slow to cast, though I'm not sure if that's do to the cast time or the animation, but it can feel clucky.
  6. If it was just the juggernaut, I'd use it. That's a decent form, but the randomness of it make it a waste to use.
  7. Did you notice! Engi spear has a dash on 2. Holo forge has a dash on 2! It's everything I've ever wanted! I'm going to cry.
  8. I'm holding judgment until the weapon beta. I really hope it's good.
  9. If the spear is bad, I'm not getting the expansion... or if it's another support weapon.
  10. Is Hard Light Arena really not used that much? I use it all the time on Holo. It's a good source of furry.
  11. Yeah, very much a nerf. Well, apart from the mine appearing under the target. The fact that it no longer triggers on crit just makes it worse.
  12. A comment got me thinking the other days, and I think they have a point. Give turrets mini-wheels so they can follow you around, in other words, make turrets into pets. One of the biggest issue with turrets is how stationary they are.
  13. Partially being negative yes, but also because I knew that reworking a weapon takes far more work than just number tweaks. Add in the fact that the bow is very likely to be an unpopular weapon, the devs will be less incentivized to spend their limit time on it. The bow will be added to the ranks of the many, many, subpar weapons in the game already, all of them could use a rework but such a thing is very unlikely to happen when the weapons are 'good enough.' already.
  14. Sorry to say, but it's doubtful that Anet will ever touch the bow again, outside of small number tweaks.
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