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Posts posted by Sylvia.4870

  1.          Wait a minute. Did the Thief player you encountered with play the Specter, the Daredevil, the Deadeye or the Core one?

      According to your details, AI players were from the Thieves Guild, one of the Elite skills on the Elite skill slot and the large AOE cc skill that made you stunned for a while despite your struggling with the breakstun skills you had was one of the Specter's capacities.

            How to counterattack these? Be aware of his assistants and pay attention to their mastermind with significant abilities for dealing damage. Those thugs can be slain one by one once you have some moments of time to focus on them. In case of the AoE cc skill you mentioned - you have to escape from it by timing the breakstun skill in the third pulse since that skill can stun you  twice times in a row, get out of it as soon as you are able or try not to stay in the area of it.

    • Thanks 1
  2.   Pure curiousity:

    1. Hate the profession because of its design?

    2. Hate the profession because of lacking the knowledge about its mechanics?

    3. Hate the profession because of its playstyle?

    4. Hate the profession because of its  access  to stealth?

    5 .Hate the profession because of its  access  to mobility?

    6.  Hate the profession because of the unique cooldown timer for the weapon skills, known as Initiative?

    7.  Hate the profession because of its slippery for being hard to catch?

      Yes. I have met some poeple with hatred within their minds under these conditions up till now. I'm not surprised. As long as they don't stand in the position I am, they will never get away from hate and never be different from madmen or boring crybabies.  Some of them expected  the Thief to fight them under the specific rules, which the Thief can't - fighting with no dirty tricks, no magic like warrior, for example. Some complained to me with these: ''I'm done with you. All you do is run. Sh-t is so sad'',''Coward'',''Chicken sh-t'' and so on.

     I don't know about the ones  in the current 'Balance' team nor the ones  who chopped the class in each one of the patches from the past till the present, but there is one thing I can feel obviously, passion in their hearts isn't so same as it was. Additionally, they made mistakes on the Acrobatics  trait  and the Specter's shroud. The Hard to Catch - spamming shadowsteps for gaining  a portion of endurance? Excuse me? I already have vigor  after evading an incoming attack of  a foe's. The Evasion for 2 seconds after using the Elite skill? I don't rely on that much. The previous version of its was more reliable even if its cooldown time was 5 minutes. I don't get it. Why make it so complicated?  Reducing  the coefficient of the shroud from 1.65 to 0.69? Unbearable.Unacceptable. The shroud  for the specter isn't effective anymore.




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  3.    Dear our beloved ArenaNet, I, one of many players, would like you to fix the Initiatives on Thief. The Thief can still use the weapon skills despite running out of the Initiatives  and  holding insufficient Initiatives  for the weapon skills' requirements. It is a kind of bugs.  Please, fix it as soon as possible.Thank you in advance, sir.

  4. ... A long time ago - in the World versus World gamemode, somewhere in the Desert Borderlands, South of the map...

    The Enemy Zerg: *enters the area of the south camp,looks at the roamer, capturing it , tries  to stomp the roamer with the fangs  and the claws of the Warclaws*

    Me: *captures  the camp, encounters with the enemy zerg, feels excited, confused, afraid, heads to the east for luring them away from the area, starts to counterattack them*

    The Enemy Zerg: Target acquired. Let the Hunt begin! *chases  the roamer with no second thoughts*

    Me: By the Gods of Tyria! *kites  around, plays  around the Enemy Zerg, tries to fight them back with every inches of abilities available*

    The Enemy Zerg: *continues on catching the roamer with the sharpened projectiles of Rangers, the fire magic, combined with the skills of Necromancers', of Guardians' and of Elementalists', the Spears of Justice from the Dragonhunters, the Confusion damage from the Mesmers, the damage from the claws of the Warclaws, the deathly marks  from the Deadeyes, the smashing from the front fighters*

    Me: *enters  the downstate status  and the last breathe leaves from the body* Ack!

    Also me: Report.There is an  enemy zerg in the south of the map. Be careful out there. 

    Teammates: Understood.

    One of the moments  in the World versus World gamemode.   >_<


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  5. 8 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    This year, it’s him being hunted. By a squad of a dozen giant turtles..

        The Horror of the Labyrinth: Oh dear. How can I-? Nevermind. Oh my! My Defiant Bar will be broken faster than it was, won't it? *painfully screams, sobs, laughs sadistically*

        Also the Horror of the Labyrinth: Alright, Commander! Show me all you've got. Don't hold back! *Rawr!*



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  6.  Imagination for the Halloween Festival: All the monsters  in other maps of the Players Versus Event gamemode and the Defenders  in every objectives of  World versus World gamemode  turn into the Halloween ones. Doors  of the Halloween Monsters spawn in every maps  for every 15-30 minutes(PvE).  The Maps of the Borderlands in World versus World gamemode are full of the Halloween Atmosphere. In the Player versus Player gamemode, extra maps, containing the Halloween  theme; the Mad King as the referee to judge which team is the victorious one in every match, etc.



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  7.    ...The upcoming patch of October 4th 2022...

      Macemen, Pikemen,Hammer Gladiators, Barbarians, Axemen, the Sunspears  and the Ones with the Gunsabers: (enters  the offensive stance and uses the defensive tactics  to onward to the battlefield):

      We are very  ready, sire! To battle, men!Till the end of the earth! Hoorah!

      The Masters of Illusions: Now, we have our powers  as we should! We will dominate everyone who dares  to defy our magic! 

      The Masterminds of the Elements: Thunder! The Wrath of the Earth! The Vengeance of the Seas! The Flames! Who dares to challenge the nature of the world shall suffer! 

      The Protectors of the Wilderness: Melandru! Give us strength! Those who hurt our forests mustn't go unpunished!

      The Masters of the Mists: We shall strike them down with no mercy and no ashes remain!

      The Holy Warriors: By the Holy Fire and the Light, our enemies  will go to the Oblivion for eternity!

      The Masters of Advanced, Creative, Deadly weaponaries: We will continue on researching superb devices and durable tools. Then, our foes will see the power of the ingenius creators!

       The Masters of Shadow and Acrobatics: They will never catch us, this time. The longer  they allow us  to go here and there, the merrier we feel! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

       The Masters of the Black Art: They will taste the power of pain more than ever! They will beg for mercy in the very end when they have no way to escape from the grasp of death! No one can flee. This is the destiny every lives must face! 



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  8.   ...Halloween 2022...

    (In the Mad Labyrinth)

    The Horror of the Labyrinth: (grabs  the chainsaw and stares at a target)

    Me: Uh-oh. Are you going to play hide and seek with me? 

    The Horror of the Labyrinth: Of course, I am! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! (activates  the chainsaw)

    Me: (kites the Horror, fights the Horror and runs around the corridors in the map as  evasive tactics)

    The Horror of the Labyrinth: Your strategy won't be useful against me! (grabs the target)

    Me: Oh no! (tries to escape from the Horror's attacks)

    The Horror of the Labyrinth:(slashes, chops, slices, screeches for inflicting torment damage)

    Me: I'm bleeding and I can't stand still. I've got to move all the time. By the Gods of Tyria!

    The Horror of the Labyrinth:(activates  the Ultra-Violence mode) Game over!

    Me: Nooooooo! (enters  the downstate status  and  the defeated one in the process)

    The Horror of the Labyrinth: Thanks  for the fun! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! 





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  9. On 9/23/2022 at 12:54 AM, Verdict is Vengence.6912 said:

    In my heart of hearts, I'd change sword into a power weapon. The sword is the most popular weapon in all of fantasy yet ours is a condi weapon 🤮

    But reasonably, I'd firstly want offhand sword changed. The 5 skill with block and counter is ridiculously outdated. The impale ability with skill 4 [impale] on sword needs ammo or allow the skill to reset if you successfully [rip].

    Main hand sword, I believe like others here, need to remove the root. The immobilize can be on the initial strike while you're left to remain mobile.

        At first, many years ago, as  a new player, I thought sword for the warrior profession could inflict physical damage as effectively as condition damage. I was wrong. It is suitable for condition damage. lol I wish it was good for power damage.(Maybe I didn't play it properly. Correct me if I am wrong)

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  10.       On Saturday 24th September 2022, in the night,  the Free-For-All Arena. After the incident in the evening of the day, I ran into an asuran reaper, surrounded by undead minions. I , at that time, was playing and practicing as a core warrior. I and he had a duel. The fight went normally until it reached its conclusion , he lost. Next, he suddenly complained, "Jesus, core warrior is overpowered." I was confused  and asked him,"Pardon?". Later, he scolded me, "Eat a sh-t for your pardon, dumbarse." After that, he rushed on me like an angry red bull in a pit and defeated me twice times in a row. I tried to fight him as I could. End of Story.

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  11. 37 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

    Does reporting someone for spamming also including people /w while they have you on /ignore so that you're never able to respond to them?

        I believe so. If that person still harasses you by flooding your chat in whisper mode, say mode or map one with words, which you don't want to see at all, you can report him for spamming.


  12. 37 minutes ago, lokh.2695 said:

    PvP Mapchat truly is the lowpoint of the community imho. I don't care too much, as I've been to far worse places on ze interwebz. I just block and move on with my life/game. Makes PvP more enjoyable and there's alwas room for more on my BL.

    Also: As you discribe it, there is a possibility that the person in question /w'd to the wrong person, mistaking you with somebody else.

    Also also: People get mad about the weirdest things and you'll always find someone to be upset about whatever happens. If you want to, you can give it a short thought about what might have caused the situation on your side, but in the end, if ppl just insult then block, so you can't even respond to them anymore, it's their problem tbh. Again, block and move on.

    Also also also: Offering to out players to the community does not look all to well on yourself either. Maybe remove that part of the OP. Is it really better to call for a witch hunt over what could have been a case of mistaken identity or simply  person at the end of a hard day losing their kitten?

      I removed that part as you suggested. Thank you for your advice.

      No. He intentionally whispered to me. No mistake. Not at all. If  he blocked me after saying such a thing to me without regret nor hesitation, that meant he had thought to do so from the start. Additionally, I didn't even start the conflict at all. He did. I don't have anything else to explain for I did nothing offensive to him. I have been confused up till now.


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  13.   (This took place in the Free-For-All Arena) In the evening of my Saturday 24th September 2022:

        [Whisper mode]

       A: You had to change,huh?

       Me: ( In mind:excuse me?).

      A: Funny

     Also A: I see now.

     Me: (In mind: what in the bloody universe are you trying to say?)

     Also me: Changed what?

     A: You are just a b-tch.

     Also A: puts me into the blocklist afterward.

     Me:  (In mind: What the heck is going on? By Joko. What have I done wrong this time?)

     P.S.  Let me get this straight. Assuming that I comprehend what he refrerred to correctly(Since he loved to leave such a vague mark to me and let me imagine his  to something else). Is change so awful? Even if I play another class such as the warrior instead of my main thief? I don't get it. I played the heavy armor class way before touching the thief(that time, I lacked of motivation to continue on playing warrior, tried on thief and set the class  as the main one till this day). Everyone has to change. Everything has to change. Provided  that he meant that I changed from the thief to the warrior for just evading something or him, that idea is already dead wrong.


                                                                                                                            The  End.






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