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Posts posted by Sylvia.4870

  1.     For almost the entire time of my playtime in Guild Wars 2, I have been playing the Core Thief with Sword and Dagger. It is funny that some players still think I somewhat hack this character for teleporting everywhere continuously or with no cooldown during combat as they believe. In fact, I can't do that all the time due to the limit of  the initiatives. There is nothing free to teleport here and there. So, please, you should look at it and play it yourself first or research more knowledge about it before deciding someone as a cheater or hacker. I grow tired of being accused as a hacker time to time.  

    • Confused 1
  2. 20 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

    Shadow Arts is overall fine, it's the aspect of Stealth and Blindness that screws with players a lot. Because you need a target to remove blind and that target is usually invisible on top while that blind last so long that there's no punishment for the Thief to remain in stealth for so long therefor it's basically free real estate for thieves with 0 risk while opponents struggle to find an opening.

    Those are all things that have remained unaffected by the 2020 patch which is why it stands out so much right now. Durations need adjustments on blinds while Stealth could see it's combo fields nerfed but they really need to start with blind durations first.

    Just so you know, people know how to counter it, that doesn't make it anymore balanced which is the issue here. A good Thief that plays optimally will "always" win against you, no matter how good you outplay it because of the nature of other good tools they have on top of the latter, esp as a Warrior. Those that you beat definitely overly commit their actions or have done mistakes because in general their kit has such great window of opportunity that there's only so much you can do against it.



    5 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    Nerf blind so it clears on auto, then.

    Good thieves blind you mid animation/before you're about to cast that skill they don't want anyway. 

          Glad that I stopped playing Shadow Arts. I challenge it including blindness instead these days though it is annoying in some times. A harder fight, I know. It seems I need to be faster than the one who wields those in hands.


    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Ubi.4136 said:

    Thief is the most forgiving class in the game.  You can make the most mistakes of any class and still just walk away from a fight.  As the above poster said, duel = it's bad form, other than that, every one expects a thief to just blow cd's and when they don't win because the other player is better, they just run away.

         SInce the Thief is fragile, has few options as defensive weapons - dodges, evasion ,blindness, stealth, teleportation capacities, it is not strange when the Thief carefully fights any opponent. A few mistakes can spell the Thief's doom.


    • Confused 3
    • Sad 1
  4. On 1/23/2022 at 8:42 AM, NuhDah.9812 said:

    Actually there is nothing pathetic in telling you the truth, that there are a lot of ways to play around stealth and that stealth is nothing like the unbalanced op skill you make it out to be.

    You know what else has been a problem for years? People not wanting to learn how to fight against stealth or to build in a way they have the option to defend against such attacks, but  complaining in the forums about stealth and ignoring every tip or advice given to them from people who have no issues in dealing with "stealth".

        As long as those who have a problem with stealth still ignore to learn how to deal with the Thief , it is unlikely they will stop complaining on the forums. The endless cycle of grief indeed.

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  5. 2 hours ago, anjo.6143 said:

    Sword gets destroyed by dp sa. 

          Without blindness as a helpful assistance, Blackpowder as an easy method to access stealth with a leap combo from Heartseeker, one who wields Dagger/Pistol might get in trouble easily. Blindness is the real enemy to those who play Sword/Dagger.

  6.     How about meddling the final moment of a skill animation(for instance; Blackpowder from Pistol number 5, Heartseeker from Dagger number 2)when Thief is about to enter stealth(by using any Crowd Control ability)? How about shutting down Thief's Healing skill(Hide in the Shadows, for example)? How about counting down the time to wait for Thief's stealth time runs out, being wary when Thief strikes, predicting what he is going to do and dodging Thief essential attacks at the same time? The rest of the show is up to you who will execute Thief while you can still see Thief before Thief repeats the cycle of Shadowiness. 

       I hope these will come in handy. Thank you for reading.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  7. On 10/9/2021 at 6:44 AM, Cynova.1236 said:

    All this time waiting.... All the hype built-up before the reveal... and THIS is all they have to show for it😐 oof...


    Recycle after recycle

    Re-skin after re-skin

    Boring, useless masteries

    Boring, poorly-designed elite specs

    Even the Shing Jea map and the Cantha environments that were the main thing left that could have saved this expansion... are already looking dry and empty. They introduce nothing new or creative to the same boring event and task structures as before. Even the monsters are the exact same with just a re-skin lol! Same stock map design you can find in Central Tyria. The faces that are apparently supposed to look more asian are barely adjusted. There's no life or intrigue in the map. It's just a cheap-looking re-skin and the designer says it's nearly done... is this a joke?


    The turtle monsters are the HoT frogs with the exact same mechanics! The naga are the sand snakes with same animations! Look at all the new elite spec animations... Seriously... is this Recycled Wars 2?


    HoT gave us all those Jurassic Park/World creatures and PoF gave us Hydras and Sand Sharks and Wurms and Djinns. EoD gives us.... re-skins of those...😦


    There is no selling point. No exciting features. NOTHING. Literally nothing new or exciting or worth spending money on in this expansion.


    Fishing... we have that in LW4 maps. You can just add to that. Boats? We have Skimmer which can go under water. Why do I want to be in a slow, clunky boat that someone else is controlling? And Siege Turtle mount? So I can have a second seat and a cannon. Great. Can I go in the air? Can I scale cliffsides? Can I go underwater with it? Can I do anything ACTUALLY useful and worthy on it? I hope there's something in the masteries that's useful for it other than just upgrading the canon or speed.


    There is no equal comparison between EoD and HoT/PoF in what they advertised for each expansion reveal. We knew HoT and PoF would be exciting right away. Didn't have to question much. EoD? I still can't find ONE interesting or exciting thing about it. What's interesting about it? Let me know.


    They had all the time, all the ideas to pull from, and this is what is produced. Just ridiculous. "Here's our reveal of some small patch features, can you pay us $30 bucks please and guess what... see you NEXT year even tho you already waited over a year just for us to tell you this. The expansion will be fun it will be great we promise👍" - *Proceeds to assure us by releasing unfinished, poorly-designed content that they can't even put up some decent skill icon artwork for* Even their Guild Chat videos are like watching a new, 5-sub streamer trying to get their stuff together. What is going on over there? Who is running this? It was never this bad before. Stop doing them live and just record them if it's gonna turn out like that every time.


    There are only two explanations for this mess... either the dev team and resources are so stripped down and bare that this is the best they can do with so little... or they have lost all passion and creativity and are just cranking this out like their last mount skin selection. Did you see how many skins were lightly-tweaked and resold in that one? Wow. Just wow. 


    This is just sad. GW 2 reached its peak with PoF. It's all down-hill from here. Even Colin and Grouch can't save this.


    The only saving grace would be the Deep Sea Dragon... but I would bet all my gold they are doing this dragon dirty just like they did Kralk and Mordremoth... and giving it that cheesy, poorly-exaggerated, cliche voice that rips away anything cool or menacing about them.


    Probably want us to fight its head or organ or hand in a cheap bubble instance. You dang well know that will be bare bones just like everything else in this whimper of an expansion... $30 for this patch lol. Nah.


    HoT and PoF is all you need.


    This expansion had so much going for it when announced. The advertised features should have blown us away. But with all that time, money, and creative force behind EoD, this is all they can conjure? It makes fan-made versions look superior.


    HoT and PoF even further back in development looked miles better than this.


    This isn't a placeholder and there is nothing significant enough unrevealed that can save this expansion. This is essentially what EoD is. They need all this time before release JUST to polish what they have and to try to fix bugs. There isn't going to be some hidden or last-minute amazing feature that will make EoD anywhere close to as decent as HoT and PoF are. It just isn’t realistic at this point. What we've seen is EoD. This is what you're going to get.

     Should the final form of the product turn out to be amazing enough , I may change my mind and add it as another collection later. Thereby, I won't judge anything yet until it reaches its maximum proficiency. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

    That´s normal  for sure u ruined their PRO yutube video or stream 🙂 sometimes i can facetank with active counters or kill someone with zealots  or  even pleb clerics they always pm noob minstrell f*** most time im using zealots they dont even noticve im aborving their skills rather than soak damage with minstrells + boons.... i dont even have bon duration.

    As i tend to say... typical Gw2 player atitute, expected to get carried with build......rage if  cant make a perfect show off video.

          Truth be told, losing is a part of perfection. What's more, practice makes perfect.

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  9. 1 minute ago, Widmo.3186 said:

    Theres nothing wrong with running from fights, either if you engage or if enemy engages. But if you keep engaging 1v1, then losing, going ooc and repeat - Id honestly start being toxic as well, and siege your right after.

    Quick reminder - if you disengage and engage again during roaming, its okayish cuz you might want to switch builds (some matchups are just a joke, hardcountering). If you go ooc during proper 1v1 - you lost. 

    Thats probably the 'hidden rule' youre looking for. 

     I used to meet one of the guildies from AUNO, a daredevil with dagger/pistol, he kept on fighting me and disengaging from me then coming back twice times in a row. Talk about memories.


  10. 4 minutes ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

    He was a celestial soulbeast, so I mean he should have been able to catch me, but I don’t really care much if it is annoying, to be honest. I mean its roaming, not a duel. And the rule number 1. in roaming is to have mobility, I also got him down low every time but surprise surprise 5 seconds later he had 30 seconds of proteection, 13 stab, 25 might, etc etc.



    Just solo them ezpez.


    Also to add onto this, he started the fight with me. Not the opposite.


    Engineer here actually !


    See above. x)

     13 stacks of stability and 25 stacks of might? That's insane! (Especially the stability)

  11. 1 minute ago, Boh.4568 said:

    permastealth is annoying but part of the thief package.

    permadisengage is worse because basically only thief can exploit it multiple times in a fight, getting free full heals while the opponent's big skills stay on CD during the next engage.

    but hey, I gank roamers 10v1 so it's ok for me.

     Oh , permastealth? Let me guess: Daredevil who wields Dagger/Pistol with Shadow Arts?

  12. 10 minutes ago, schloumou.3982 said:

    If you commit to a 1v1 and then ooc when things go downhill just to reset, then actually yes. It's considered bm. Not all specs can add teef level of mobility.

       I often engage 1v1 till the end of it, whether win or lose. If it turns out to be 1v2 or more than that, I almost instantly go away.


    • Like 4
  13. 1 hour ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

     When thief flee from 30 vs 1 fight i call him coward and tell him stories how i fight 30 vs 1 when i play thief. 😎

         I often get taken down by a group of so-called enemy guildies and a massive squad of enemy fighters with the premium-tier coordination. It's a part of daily life in WvW somehow.


    • Haha 2
  14. 1 hour ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

    Nope, this person in particular said I just played like a kitten and a coward, like I was obligated to stay and fight when I ran out of cooldowns and he had his. He did not seem very happy that I suggested he should put some mobility in his build.

      Ask him these questions: What is Thief supposed to do while Thief isn't so tough as an honorable knight or a gladiator in a colossium? Does he expect Thief to faceroll on keyboard for spamming specific skills with little to no strategic thoughts?

     I want to see him play this class on his own and say those words again after playing and comprehending it sufficiently. 


    • Like 2
  15. On 1/30/2022 at 9:19 AM, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

    Funny how all the people claiming "thief is only strong if you master it" arent even really good thieves. SA carries average thieves and makes them think they are good.

     *Sees almost every Thief players with Daredevil trait, Shadow Arts and Dagger/Pistol as the primary weapon set.*

       That's the current status of almost every Thieves I have encountered with as adversaries up till now.

    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, xKole.9175 said:

    Man, lots of Thief hate lately. 

    I'm a G3 Thief main. I've tasted 1502 and went back down to 1300, but generally sit around 1400-1450. So not great, but not too terrible.

    Another thing I want to say before I start digging into the issue is that most of this really isn't going to be considered until a few months after EoD and we see how Specter affects the class. Which, in my opinion is actually going to make SA even more ubiquitous to those who do rock Specter...


    The two main issues being discussed I think are that one, SA is too OP and two, stealth as a mechanic is too OP on thief and too accessible. (Also Smoke Screen, but I think that's more minor and a side-effect on the main issues)



    Issue One - Shadow Arts - As a thief main, I hate to say it, but I agree. NOT BY MUCH, but I agree lol. It doesn't matter what build you're trying, meta or not, SA always has a place in your build. It's never not viable. Crit Strikes and Acro are rarely viable. Honestly, I'd go as far to say Acro is pretty much never really viable. SA is overloaded, almost everything in that spec is solid. Maybe Specters will use Merciful Ambush too. SA just may be an overloaded spec. However, it's also fun and good game design to have everything in a spec feel like it has it's place and I wish more so that other specs felt as good and impactful to play with.


    I think Smoke Screen is probably tied to the SA issue too with Cloaked in Shadow. Then adding in Shadow Savior with Shadow Shot, the spec just begs thieves to play more into the annoying playstyle that everybody hates, which fuels the forum posts. 


    Some SA ideas...

    1. Rework idea for CiS would be to remove the 5.5 second blind from entering stealth, but make entering stealth siphon health as well as blinds, or maybe just heal and not siphon health.
    2. I think Shadow Savior is something that may need to be revisited after we see Specter.
    3. Swapping Shadow's Embrace with Concealing Restoration to have thieves make the choice between Hidden Thief or Concealing Restoration would be interesting.



    Issue Two - Stealth - People are hating on stealth... This one I generally disagree with, this is what makes thief more fun and interesting IMO. However, most of these points are followed up with "You can reveal!" And the counterpoint "Thieves can remove reveal!" There are so many other ways to play against it and as a thief in stealth I feel like I have to think and make smart choices. I need to position myself at the back of a player, who's spinning around so I can't easily backstab, and they can block, blind, dodge, cc me (Nec fears, Ranger roots, Guard walls).  But, I generally think most of these complaints are targeted at Deadeye... but Deadeye isn't really considered meta, and I think nerfing stealth too broadly would inadvertently (and maybe unfairly) destroy the best and most rewarding aspect of thief.


    Some stealth/Deadeye-deas

    1. Nerf Shadow Meld - No longer removes Revealed. 
    2. Nerf Silent Scope - No longer gives precision.
    3. Buff Premeditation - Maybe 3% per boon.
    4. Buff Renewing Gaze - The 3 second regen just isn't enough. Refreshing  your Mark should be included with Deadeye's Gaze IMO.



    Issue Three - Acro - Instead of supplementing Acro, I think DD kind of killed it. I just does it better and focuses on dodges. I'm not sure what to do here, so I'd like to hear more opinions. But maybe DD should focus more on blocks, and Acro just needs some love and flavor - make the grandmaster DD traits the Acro traits, sprinkle the GM Acro traits throughout the spec, and rework the DD traits would be interesting.




    Anyway, there's a part of me that thinks SA and Stealth might be more of an issue at lower ranks, I'm not high ranked by any means and I don't think I'm good, especially because I rarely win my 1v1s as a thief in G3 and I've used these cheese builds before lol. Also, usually thief guides I read or Vallun video I watch, all say generally not to 1v1 playing as thief, but I don't play at a high rank, so idk if this has been going on more lately in Plat+.

         Let's cut to the chase. I'm already tired of those with Daredevil trait, Shadow Arts including the very same weapon set, Dagger/Pistol. Almost every Thief players go this way. Barely I see anyone play Core Thief and Deadeye. Less and less variety of playstyles to play. No joy at all, to be honest.

  17. On 1/29/2022 at 6:06 AM, Keitaro Dragonheart.9047 said:

    If we're going to delete traitlines willy nilly, then lets also delete Zeal from Guardian, or Soul Reaping from Necromancer. Maybe we can axe Retriubtion from Revenant or Fire Magic from Elementalist while we're at it.

    "Nerf everything I don't like"~Forum Community since 2012

      Nerf everything I don't like? I don't know. It looks like a childish idea from a person who has hatred toward something but has no idea what consequeneces will come after an action is done.

    • Like 1
  18. On 1/28/2022 at 8:01 AM, Exile.8160 said:

    As tittle says.

          lol It has been years since the first year of the Specialization System. Later, It was already reworked and nerfed. Now, you ask for its disappearance? Jeez.


  19. On 1/28/2022 at 2:23 AM, Ragnarvor.2351 said:

    Hello. I understand maybe Thief should try capping sides, decapping and plus 1 in fights. I'm using a beginner build that I found on youtube and I try to do this. In some games people talk trash basically blaming me if we lose. I can 1v1 many classes but some I can't. But then I think maybe I'm not supposed to 1v1 I should stealth and focus on capping etc. Sometimes I go help mid (for fun) and people yell at me about that lol. I can't win. 

    Anyway, is there a guide anyone would advise I check out. The bracket I'm in right now is silver so I am like at a 50% win rate but I want to feel more impactful and helpful for the team.  

     Don't pay attention to those who speak ill-words to you. Focus on what you must do or should do. Improve your combat capacity step by step. Assist teammates to take down their foes if it is needed.  Avoid unwinnable fights.

    • Like 3
  20. 2 minutes ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

    Thief was nerfed to be a decapper, they took away the tools to duel, and barely left the ones to decap.

    But decap at will is mostly untrue today as any side noder can keep us away, and most roamers can chase us down, and the ones that can chase us down, are very unfavorable matchups.

    You can counter a thief with any duelist/roamer.


    More truth here than most of the anti-thief posts


    Thief is balanced by it's skill floor.

    Most can not use it to the potential you imagine yourself capable of, but please go in game and get yourself farmed by the "annoying pro thieves" that seem to be ever prevalent.


    No nerf comes without more nerfs to others, that is to be sure, but if you are in the thief food chain heirachy and you are above it, this will hurt you as it brings nerfs you don't want, and will likely put more predators into your own food chain.


    Imagine if they remove stealth and compensated thief with something to make up for it, you call that Revenant.


    If they delete thief, we will just move over and main that, and guess who is gonna be here on the forum chopping block next.


    Realistically, if I was guessing they are going to probably nuke shadow arts and smokescreen, or change them for thief.

    Necro will get a damage reduction nerf.

    Weaver will get a might and barrier nerf.

    Warrior will get nerfed.

    Ranger will get another druid nerf.

    Mesmer will get blurred inscription nerf.

    Guardian will get probably nothing but soldier runes removed.

    I don't think anyone else will get touched.

        It seems Anti-Thief players are never satisfied enough and never will be until its complete disappearance from the game, I suppose.

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