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Posts posted by Sylvia.4870

  1. 1 hour ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

    On the one hand I agree that nobody should care about the genders of your characters.

    On the other hand do you have a habit of announcing your gender on map chat every time you load in or something? How is this conversation even getting started?

           No, I'm not crazy to announce my gender on the map chat everytime  I log in. Not even once. If I was a madman, I would already be in a hospital instead of living in the society as I should. Too many times to count, I was insulted  as though I was as similar as other men who are obsessed with something of the lower part of a woman. No matter how hard I tried to say that I wasn't psychic, none of them believed me. That's why I'm so tired  and this post appears.

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  2. On 6/25/2022 at 2:55 AM, Piteous.4165 said:

    Title says it all, when I'm done with combat sometimes I stay in combat for up to 30 seconds, why is it like this?

              To be completely out of combat, you have to make sure no enemies nearby  are alive(even the neutral mobs which were damaged mustn't be spared) or keep away from them until they stop chasing you or your health points are back to full.

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  3.      Can I consider myself  as  a traveler? For I like to go to various places, the borderlands in World versus World gamemode(whenever I miss it a lot), the Silverwastes(one of the most favorite maps across Tyria) and the Free-For-All Arena(If I feel motivated  and cheerful enough, I dance with others. If something or someone is too bad to handle, I leave at once).

         What I don't like much from Player versus Player gamemode:

    1. A person who loves to interrupt others' duels.

    2. A person who is obsessed with bullying someone who doesn't play the meta builds.

    3. A person who likes  to insult someone who doesn't play the elite specializations(from Heart of Thorns  to End of Dragons)

    4. A person who accuses someone as a cheater or hacker when the player displays combat skills  as effectively as the player is able  and the person doesn't know how the player can perform them.

    5. A person who jumps up and down on somebody who has been completely defeated from a fight or a duel.

    6. A person who despises certain professions  and  judges everyone in each professions  that they are all the same, villians in the person's eyes.

    7. A person who insults someone's parents when the person knows nothing about the player.


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  4.       I used to spend time on the open world for doing  the meta events in Tyria, anticipated in overcoming the stages in the Fractal of the Mists(the Silverwastes was  and is still my favorite one), helped  the teammates in World versus World gamemode counterattack enemy forces, attacking  forts, camps  and  towers  in the borderlands maps  and gathered some lumber and some ores in specific areas of Tyria.

        Now? I spend some time on the Free-For-All Arena in Player versus  Player gamemode to witness  the meta builds, the old ones  and  some unusual ones  from different players. At the same time, I practice to hone my abilities  in combat  and learn what I ought to do and what I oughtn't to. 

  5.         By the six! It is  already 2022 and  almost 2023.  I can't believe there are still some people  who love to look down on anyone who plays  an opposite gender character in the game -  a woman plays  as  a male character and  a man plays  as  a female one. What is wrong with the case much , especially the second one? Since when did it trouble you , harass  your life? Since when did it matter so much? If I prefer creating  the  female characters  to the male ones  and see some outfits  are fitting to them, is that strange much? If you think I created the female ones in order to just look at their arses, act like a woman, be my guest. After all, I can't convince you nor control your thoughts. 



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  6. On 8/30/2022 at 4:46 AM, Thomas Scheltens.9526 said:

    Hey all,


    On specter, running the quick pockets trait (Gain initiative on swapping weapons while in combat), how do you keep track of the 8s cooldown? Is there a way? 

    Because loads of times I see myself waste the trait by waiting too long to swap or swap too early and end up with not enouhg initiative.

    Additionally, lead attack icon is uses the quick pocket icon next to the boons and condis on your own character, very very confusing.


    Does any specter enjoyer has a trick or answer for keeping track of the cooldown?

        Changing weapons cooldown time: 10 seconds. Pickpocket cooldown time: 8 seconds.

     In other words,  It will be activated every time you change weapons. 

      P.S.  Fight your foe as usual, don't pay attention to it too much -  you will eventually swap weapons once the situation requires  you to do so. 

  7. On 7/8/2022 at 7:17 PM, NeverLoseGuy.3894 said:

    How would you feel if Braham dies? What would be your first impression on it? How would you see it after like say, 3 months?

    Do you like the idea of him dying at some point or do you absolutely abhor it? Or do you just don't care?

             Even though Brahm dies, his legend will live on! The memories  about him will be in one's heart. Those events. Those moments. All of them. Ka-Brahm!!

  8. 6 hours ago, DeceiverX.8361 said:


    ...SR is a Dark field bro.

    I agree with the SA changes, and even I'm gonna call out your post as BS lol.

    😄     Speak for yourself. Go on. Grant him some good ideas if you are so intelligent and insult anyone else's  advises. Your comment right here doesn't help either. You have already wasted time. 😄

         P.S. Talk about the Shadow Arts Traitline - I don't care anymore.


  9. 1 hour ago, Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:

    The keyword is "You say that like".


    Reality is, every thief eventually gets to this point. The problem is, that over time your kit fell behind and theirs only improved.


    Timing counter attacks against other players skills? Yeah. Thats how thief USED TO WORK. You had burst damage which let you punish. Thief was a single target duelest. And it used to be the best at it.


    Now you don't have that massive burst. You don't have the init to stay in a prolonged fight. Hell, acrobatics used to be good back when cats grace refunded half of core thief's stamina while providing vigor. So core thief could actually go blow for blow with a warrior and stay on top of them. Init regen used to be faster, so you could blow up mes's phantasms to reduce their damage on you temporarily and get back to them. You can't pressure as well anymore. They have easy access to crap like stability, protection, aegis, regen, invulnerability. Spammable AOEs to zone you out, or blow you up.


    And the same people who can't seem to figure out that the easiest way to stop a thief isn't reveal - complain causing more and more nerfs to get stacked on the profession. Cuz reveal isn't that big of an issue. Its just DO SOMETHING. Anything than just stand there waiting for the thief to be visible again.


    The most infuriating part? I have to put more effort into this profession to take out another player than they do for me. And now if you're not a deadeye, they can eat a backstab without worry, and faceroll the keyboard to burst you dead.


    If you're not a specter the survivability you used to have has been sliced in half and set on fire.

                 I wholeheartedly agree with you. All of what you say and elaborate here. Cat's grace - you mean Feline Grace. Initiative regeneration is slower than it used to be. Due to the reduced damage, one has to struggle more than ever to inflict damage on an enemy significantly. 

                     Those poeple who barely stop complaining about the Thief profession and cry out for nerfs on it - I wish they were in the position the Thief players currently stay at,  learned it more for erasing their hatred, misunderstanding or at least tried to fight it with what they possess  as best as they could till the end; be that as it may, they will never change(sigh).



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  10. 11 minutes ago, Eddie.9143 said:

    it's just a spam fest of aoe, insane burst, ridic boons, and invuln/blocks. it's so silly. 


    really really REALLY need to scale the game back to core pacing. the power creep is just waaaaaayyy too much. also it's not spectator or noob friendly at all. 

            Understandable. u.u

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  11. 6 hours ago, Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:

    You say that like its a simple solution. It is against someone that didn't know how to deal with a thief. Against someone with more than two brain cells to rub together, this advice is meaningless.


    Considering that you have a heavily neutered kit, going against someone with more tools to deal with you than just reveal. And access to their entire hotbar without fear of global cooldowns getting in the way

    Honestly. Im near the point of just quiting. As they feel its fine to make crippling changes and address it three or more months later.


                Meaningless? If you think that way, okay -  I respect your thought. I can't forbid someone's idea, after all. A simple solution? Since when did I say it was simple? It is not.  Imao!

  12. On 7/2/2022 at 11:07 PM, Jitters.9401 said:

    I am Straight Melee.

    Weapon sets are D/D  D/D because it is the most fun for me. 

    Stealth On Steal Was Very important. 

    Stealth on Heal Was very Important.


    Cloak And Dagger: (stealth) costs 5 initiative points. I have fights where it fails every attempt.

    It is subject to evades, blocks, blind.. range glitches.  Just had a fight with a harbinger where it failed twice in a row. It looked like I was on him but something glitched. That is 10 initiative points wasted and I get stuck with auto attacks most times.


    Shadow Refuge:  Half the people out there have "reveal skills/Traits." Others throw reveal traps. People place reveal traps in camps as well. Then there are sentries and towers traited to mark/reveal. I just fought a necro who had multiple fears. Made my shadow refuge useless. 


    Deadeyes have NIGH stealth.  D/P thieves have nigh stealth.

    Pure Melee Thieves have minimal stealth. We got screwed with this ridiculous patch made by people who have zero clue about playing a pure melee thief. 


    I got in a fight with a d/p thief. He spent 90% of his time in stealth. I spent 90%  of my time visible. The 2nd time shadow refuge was ready, I used it to leave the fight. Totally ridiculous how anet buffed thief classes who do not need buffs and destroyed the one thief build that was not already over powered. Remember.. I don't spam stealth because I cannot. He can now stealth more and move more due to the initiative gain anet gave his already overpowered build.



    I can play my scrapper engineer who does so much more damage, kills more, and has more maneuverability but I prefer my d/d  d/d thief. And fun note... my engineer was buffed with the new rifle auto attack. Too funny.


    But I know through experience anet does not listen to reality. 


    I quit once before and can do it again. No loss to me. no loss to anet. I do not spend real currency on transactions anyway. I would actually love to do it as there are things I would want to have... but anet keeps reminding me why I quit the first time so I do not.


    I am a firm believe that stealth was overly used by certain classes and those are the exact same classes anet buffed. Now they get more initiative gain and super speed while pure melee thieves get nerfed.


    Good Job anet. you really earned you money on this screw up.




    EDIT "Oh Yah My Point"   Learn the classes you make changes. You literally buffed deadeye and d/p thieves while ruining the one thief build (d/d  d/d) that was unable to abuse the stealth mechanic. It is truly frustrating investing so much time into what I like to have it ruined by those who probably have never tried it in the first place.








         Greetings, Original Poster. Honestly, I would like to ask you some questions: How about using an opponent's strength as your own advantage to counterattack? How about timing the weapon abilities  or the Steal skill  to land on an adversary  more precisely? How about turning a weak spot into a trap to deceive a foe?

         P.S.1:Shadow Refuge makes you stay in a certain area; thus, it lets your foe attack the area. It is predictable; however, you can use it as a combo field to blind your foe with some certain weapons; for example, pistol, shortbow. 

        P.S. 2: Accuracy, agility and awareness  are highly required to fight certain types of fighter.

        P.S.3 :Don't fear the so-called Reveal.Try to play more aggressively and more carefully.

        P.S. Bonus: Above all, practice makes perfect. 

        I understand what you have been encountering with. I have been there and done that.



    16 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

    This is for the pure melee thief builds like mine. 


    I cannot stealth on heal. I cannot stealth on steal. The #5 cloak and dagger fails to work much if the time due to evades, blinds, blocks, knock backs.... 


    Let me give an example of how ridiculous it is now. 

    Most rangers have Sic em, quickness, and the elite skill that gives double attacks. 


    So at 2000 range I was dismounted and hit for 18k damage while being stunned. Normally I'd have to hit blinding Powder to remove the stun then withdraw to heal. 


    That stealth on heal would allow me to get into range to steal onto that ranger so I could fight in melee range. I needed that stealth to go its full term for the healing while in stealth.  I wouldn't be full health because the amount was so little, but still enough to allow me to fight 


    Now I am F'd.

    The withdraw heal is minor in comparison with the damage I take. I'm in a revealed state for 6 seconds from "Sic em" and I'm a far distance from the ranger.


    I need to use my evades for the follow up attacks, but they only do so much and I have to take more damage before I can use steal to get to the ranger. I need that stealth on steal so I can position myself for attack so I can force that ranger to reposition himself to defend.


    Remember. I've not done any damage yet but have probably taken 24k damage already and needed that heal skill plus healing in stealth.


    Now, I could have used "Dagger Storm" to get close but that would be suicide. By the time I get close the ranger #2 skill is ready and it does a ton of damage. 


    I get off two firm attacks and the ranger works to position himself to fire off his #2 skill again. That is when I pop dagger storm. I will still take some damage but DS reflects the rest back to the ranger. 


    That is when I pop shadow refuge. It gives my healing skill the final moments it needs to be ready again. 


    So now I've needed to heal once for sure and possibly twice before the ranger has to think about doing it once. 


    But Now...

    how can I get in range to fight with any chance to win? I have to blinding powder, then shadow refuge to run away. How is this any fun? For you maybe. Not me.


    But my toon has 2 legs so I can run away. Are you going to finish the job and remove one? May as well get that final nail in the coffin.


    If only one of you understood the pure melee thief you might have just made changes to mechanics that abuse stealth instead of ruin the game experience for those who do not nd cannot abuse stealth.


    Rant Done.


             I feel you, Original Poster. I used to seem desperate, lost and sorrowful when I was new to the profession. I got scolded, insulted, hated and blamed for countless  times. As long as I still like it, I don't give up playing it. Even as a core thief. Whether win or lose to a fight from anyone with any professions(including the Thief profession with its different specializations), at least I obtain some details  as knowledge in return to improve myself and try not to make a mistake, which will lead myself to defeat. I believe you can overcome  the obstacles in your way in time, Original Poster. 


           P.S. I also like the D/D thief playstyle(power damage), one of my favorites  among the other weapon sets for the Thief profession. 

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  14. You refer to Improvisation from the Deadly Arts traitline. It will work once you land the Steal ability on an opponent(if you miss, it will do nothing); nonetheless, Improvisation doesn't always reset one of your Utility skills  you  are equipping. 

  15. Ah. To be honest, Original Poster. Instead of complaining about all the capabilities of the Thief profession(including its Elite specializations)and asking for nerfs endlessly, how about giving a shot to playing the class for your own understanding or trying to counterattack the Thieves harder and more precisely? Thieves are cheaters? Do your homework first! Thank you for creating such an uninteresting case!

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  16. 1 hour ago, Stalima.5490 said:

    This one is a pretty simple fix: just remove spammable stealth, problem solved... there shouldn't even be stealth skills with cooldowns below 50 seconds

                  Hide in the Shadows: 40 seconds cooldown. Shadow Refuge: 60 seconds cooldown. Smokescreen: 45 seconds cooldown. Shadow Meld: 45 seconds cooldown.


  17. 12 minutes ago, kellenburger.9245 said:

    We are just going to forget thieves? Really?

        Which? What kind? Core thief? Daredevil? Deadeye? Specter? Power damage Thief? Condition damage  Thief? Or hybrid damage Thief?

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  18.    One-shot Soulbeast? Isn't it a combination of utility skills, the Elite one with a certain skill weapon to burst someone from 100% of the health points to 0% of its within 5 or 7 seconds? No. Not necessary to delete it. If one can react to him fast enough, the combo will be naught. After that, the rest is up to the fighters.


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  19.        How about modifying one of the Alpine Borderlands maps to another style; for instance, the Canthan theme -  new defenders, new lords in each keep, each tower, each camp,  including each spot where the sentries watch and guard? 

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