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Everything posted by Sahne.6950

  1. Correct me if i am wrong, but there is just 3 "techs" you need to master. 1) Trigger discipline. Dont blow your hardhitters or stuns into blocks/aegis. <- This skill comes with the baseline package of "i wanna play FA Ele remotely effective". 2) Setting up bursts. Make it muscle memory to dodge before attempting a burst against someone that has alot of blinds and Weakness on demand, cuz hes defo gonna use it on you, if he sees a stun coming. I simply play the engagement slow. i dont engage. Rather i dodge one of his important skills and then instantly turn the engagement into my favor, by beginning my own burst that ignores weakness/blind <- Daredevil HAS to do this ALL the time to not hit like a noodle and die with 2 hits. 3) Weapon stowing. Turning your biggest weakness, into your biggest strength, Use weaponstowing to bait out dodges, which you then use to snowball into a kill. <- Baseline skill from playing literally any build ive ever played. All of those things are considered the bare minimum to get most builds working. This might be controversial to hear for you. But warrior is all around a very simple and straight forward class at all levels of play. Yes you might say, that good player will dodge telegraphed attacks, which warrior has alot of.... spoiler alert.... alot of professions do! Its not just something warrior has to deal with. (besides necro marks and ele sceptre air skills... those things are obnoxious) I know there is a few tips and tricks to playing warrior, but if youve played alot of holo/ele, or any kind of fast paced roamer, you feel like playing a diffrent game, just because of how mechanically easy and straightforward it really is. compare it to the mechanical difficulty of things like hammercata for example. you know what you gotta do to heal? its a 9 button wombocombo, that you need to do in perfection, otherwise your healing plummets, while you also need to keep an eye out for the respective attunements to be ready in the first place, and then you also need to deal with your opponent that is on your kitten trying to stop you from pressing those 9 buttons. You overheat on holo ONCE, and you are LITERALLY FRYING YOURSELF. A Druids pet dies, and thats a literal Deathsentence. A revenant pressed a wrong button and dared to go below 40 energy, while being stuck on shiro.... well.... he´s dead. The easiness of Warrior comes in the form of you... not having a "okey i die now"-type of mechanic that you have to nail down in order to be good. There is just no such things. Alot of other builds have that..... And thats what makes them hard to master. Cuz even playing good, atiny mistakes can end your life. There is techs to be a better warrior, and you definitely can tell apart good and bad warriors. But these "techs" are widely used by other profession aswell and are often the bare minimum to be able to play these. Its not something that only warriors have to deal with. Its totally fine to play warrior. Absolutely no hate. But pretending that its in any way shape or form remotely difficult to play or master is just blasphemy. 😄
  2. HII!!!! traded the experience of playing ele for THOUSANDS of hours(mainly FAWeaver and SignetTempest), against some warriorbuild from metabattle and i am performing alot better, while playing worse. There is simply alot of room for mistakes. So much room, that alot of the time, hogging your enemy and hammering your skills like youre having a seizure will give you better results than playing your main. AND I AM TALKING: Stunning someone and then pressing fullcounter while he is knocked down.... that kinda gameplay... AND I WAS WINNING 1v1´s like this, which i lost 5 minutes earlier on my longtime elebuilds. It simply feels off. 😕
  3. *cough* Almost every sidenode contender is heavily dependant on green numbers, thus this change is completly senseless, if a shakeup of the sidenoder meta is something you want to achieve. All it will do is buff thief and ranger into oblivion *cough* sry.... that was a big cough. i think i caught a cold or sumthin.
  4. Hot take: Righteous indignation should not run out, unless a Gate was breached. (people hiding in keeps, to teleport people inside, in shambls) Takes away a cool part of the WvW experience, but it would take away peoples ability to just teleport into towers and take them.
  5. Wait till you realize that Druid´s sustain is heavily fueled by healing. This Demonqueen change is not the answer sadly. outcome is wayyy to vague and absolutely not just targeted at warrior.
  6. This sounds like Soulbeast with extra steps. 😂
  7. Think so? There rly isnt alot of good Vindiplayers in EU, atleast when i played yesterday.... But the ones that were there, had no chance against my superior: "i mash buttons that come off cooldown" tactic, i used on my StaffSpellbreaker.
  8. you know what? fk it! lets go! A meta balanced around Diffrent builds fighting eachother is alot more enjoyable for your average jimmy, compared to a balance that evolves around the ability of builds to hold tiny circles and rotate between them. You know... better player wins the 1v1 type of thingy... and not the " are you sidenoder? no? then you cant beat this sidenoder! And now run to the next circle and decap that, you filthy thief enjoyer" type of thing we got going on right now. Sadly its roouuuughly a bajillion years to late for that.....
  9. i.... have to agree with this. If we are real, the game indeed is cyclical.... and its been warriors turn for a VERY long time now... But one can dream 🌠
  10. If you send a topdog into the shadowrealm, it only spawns the next FotM. When establishing a clear counter to a FoTM, a healthy balance can be created. Right now, Warrior has no real threat on the sidenode, besides a better Warrior. Which is why its so dominant. If (i know, will never happen) Renegade was a strong counter against war, you couldnt just mindlessly spam warrior, because the second you meet a renegade, you hit a brickwall. Establishing clear counters is a healthier approach to balance than just nerfing, whatever is ontop of the foodchain. Sadly anet hasnt understood that yet. If they butcher spellbreaker today, it will only spawn some weird Mace untamed build, or what not. And we are back again here, talking the same crap, but this time we type Untamed, instead of spellbreaker. Spellbreaker can stay where it is... but there should be alternatives when looking for a viable sidenoder. Its just bad balancing, when there is just 1 metaviable sidenoder build across the whole game. That should never be the case. But simply sledgehammer nerfing this one build, also has unknown consequences. Remember, how the deletion of every ele build from the meta, spawned Swolebeast? i remember that....
  11. You know just as much as i do that this is exactly what will happen. x) Its Anet.
  12. Yeah! good plan! ^^ You might not be at a elo, where those little differences matter that much / your team doesnt know what to do with those advantages. But this right here is pretty much how you play and win games with Daredevil. That being said, a good thief can make a MASSIVE difference in low elos, especially because you can be in a lot of fights and win those for your team. A thief can be a great carry! I wouldnt give up on thief, if i were you. I wish you the best of luck!
  13. Prolly like 2000^^ There was years in my life where i played nothing but daredevil. And its also what brought me to p2 4 months ago. I think you can trust me 😄 In your described situation, your team is not pulling it together. There will be games, where you keep 2 people occupied, leaving your team in a 4v3 and they still loose. There will be games where you lock their warrior on the node 24/7... but you still loose... But then it wasnt your mistake! Your team was simply shite. You cant win them all. The role of daredevil only works, if your team is able to capitalize on the numbers advantage that you are creating for them. You are heavily dependant on them having two hands and atleast a few braincells. If they dont have that... yeah... bad luck. But mindlessly 1v1ing people on their node, wont help in this situation either. There will be a few exceptions, like a mesmer hogging a node... but just for the sake of learning it, follow this Rule of thumb: you NEVER fight for a node, UNLESS there is someone else from your team on the node and you are helping them. You can steal nodes from enemys, but you should NEVER do it thru a direct confrontation. Wait till they capped it, and then snack it from them the second they leave the node. Your time spend fighting them is better spend elsewhere, even if you could kill them over the timespan of 2 minutes. You are literally more usefull spamming bow 1 in midfight, and then stealing the sidenode if you see the sidenoder leaving it. Even if you didnt exactly "win any fights", it will pay off in the longrun. Warrior has to go back to sidenode... you go back mid.... Warrior did literally nothing, but standing on the node, while you got of 30k+ damage even if all you did was spamming Bow AA´s. Those little "differences in performance" that you are creating add up, and eventually snowball into a win, even if you didnt kill anyone face to face. Follow my advise and you will notice it in your winrate. i promise. If you want a bigger chance at winning, pair yourself with a good Warrior, and constantly +1 his fights. Its a recipe for free elo! 😄 hope this helps ❤️
  14. YES! If they send a second person to deal with you, YOU WON! Thats what you need to understand. Your job is to bind their attention, creating outnumbered situations for your team. If there is 2 persons trying to get rid of you on the sidenode, your team is in a 4v3 at mid. YOU WON, if there is 2 persons chasing you. You need to let go of the idea, that you need to kill someone or decap to "win". Sometimes keeping 2 people busy is all you need to do. And that is what you havent really grasped yet. CREATE OUTNUMBERED SITUATIONS FOR YOUR TEAM. If you manage this, you are winning. Havent played ranked in prolly 4 months, but i was hovering p1-2 constantly. I believe my tips are valid bro^^ The thing is... when hes not burning defenses while you dance around him... why dont you just open up and use that window? play sm0rt 🙂 I didnt mean "stomping" with this. After your first burst attemp, enemy will be 50% or lower. Interrupt the heal, The enemy wont stunbreak a 1 second daze, so naturally most people will dodgeroll when you rupt their heal. At the end of every dodgeroll is a small window, where you are vulnerable, but also cant roll yet again. You need to EXACTLY hit this small window with your Heartseeker, setting them to VERY low hp. At this point its literally just a matter of finishing the kill with a few AA´s. Thats what i meant with safe kill. You can literally force certain behaviour, and then punish this behaviour. If you cant kill someone, all you need to do sometimes, is being between mid, and the point hes holding. You see him leave his node? You stealth up and approach the node. This has either of the two results: Either he sees you stealthing and realizes what you try to do and is forced to stay on the node. <- If this happens, you cancel your decap attempt, and keep on hovering close to mid, helping in the midfight. OR he doesnt realize, runs mid... and you get a free decap, forcing him to go back to node yet again. Decapping takes less time then fully recapping, so you inevitably waste more of his time, than you invested time. AND you create a outnumbered situation in mid again, when he goes back to node. If you are doing it right, you can completly take out the enemys warrior. and essentially lock him on the point, having him not participate in any fighting. Cuz the second he leaves the node... its gone. You dont have to kill someone to snack a node 😉 PLAY SMART. You need to keep in mind the numbers of participants at any given point, and how to create a advantage WAYYY more than you need to be good at fighting someone. All you need to do, to become a better daredevil... is getting into the right mindset. i hope this helps.
  15. This sadly aint rly a metric here.... Imagine i chimed into the FA Cata debate back in the day with: "WELL.... i killed FA Cata on my Signettempest... so its not rly overpowered". It just doesnt make any sense saying this. Try killing StaffSpellbreaker on something that isnt another derivate of warrior. Its just very frustrating for alot of players (flowki) when you meet a build, that no matter how hard you try to slot counters on your profession... you SIMPLY.CANT.BEAT.IT. But thats just been the essence of gw2 balancing for a long time. Your build isnt a designated, Anet approved, sidenoder? Then you have borderline no chance to hold the node against the current meta sidenoder, which has been X-Y-Z Version of warrior for a quite some time now. Bladesworn -> Banner Spellbreaker!? -> Bladesworn again -> Condizerker -> Staff spellbreaker. Those have been the dominant sidenoders for the last 1-2 years. (with a short period of FACata overshadowing literally every role and build, lul) StaffSpellbreaker right now, is simply the easiest build to play, while still being one of, if not the most effective build out there. Regardless of all the flaws that come with it being a warrior build. And that is Flowki´s problem here. That being said, it also makes 0 sense to say: My class harder to play... so it should be better. soo... yeah.
  16. with that out of the way: Daredevil is fine. Its a skillissue, and i am saying this with all due respect, cuz i am sure you can learn from this and improve immensly. Daredevil is not about "Can i kill this Reaper?"..... thats not how you play Daredevil. (i know you dont wanna be a decapbot! Absorb the tips, and i am sure it will help you win 1v1´s 🙂 ) if you want to kill a reaper: You can defo win 1v1´s against reapers. Which is shocking in itself. But also not what you should be doing. By the time you killed him, you could have decapped 2 nodes or +1ed a fight, leading to a snowball😄 Thats your job as daredevil.... not killing people solo. If you want to win 1v1 fights you need to make smart and concious decisions that go wayy beyond: "What skill will hurt the reaper so much that i can blindly burst thru his whole shroud!?" YOU dictate the engagement! YOU decide if you want to fight right now, or wait 5 seconds! YOU have the whole fight in your hands! Thats the strength of Daredevil. Some builds have crazy defense, some crazy offense.... YOU have the power of dictating a fight. you need to use that to your advantage, and you first need to realize that you indeed have that advantage, otherwise you will loose every fight! The fact that you are counting Shroud hp, towards active hitpoints that you have to get rid of to win the fight, shows that you havent even grasped how you play against reapers, let alone how to play daredevil. WHY WOULD YOU INTERACT WITH THE SHROUD IN THE FIRST PLACE? you cant burst thru it, and he hurts like crazy.... but its running out over time, forcing him to either leave shroud early, or watch it run out while you just cycle invisibility. you see where i am going? Daredevil is not about bursting thru defenses... its about being sooo slippery, that you can literally just kitten around your enemys and watch them burn their defense.... and when those defenses run out, you go in for 1 big combo, then rupt the heal with pistol4, followed by yet another burst(simply press 3,lul), They will panic roll, and then you time your heartseeker to perfectly land at the end of the dodgeroll, giving you a safe finish to the kill. You can literally 100-0 alot of builds, but you have to play smart. If you are doing it right, you can easily snack 1v1 kills on unsuspecting/semi good enemys. All it takes is smart useage of your kit. You mainly just have to wait out the defenses and then interrupt the healskill with f1 or pistol4, that already puts you wayyy ahead in every 1v1 engagement. What is very important is, that you know your opponents build, and the respective defensive cooldowns. Its literally a game of counting what he used, and knowing when there is a gap in the defenses and then abusing that gap to unload your burst. I hope this helps you understand your Profession a little more. 🙂 Bonustip, cuz you dont seem to know how to use shortbow: Bonustip on how to cycle stealth, without burning your ressources:
  17. Its just the average hate for Thiefs that is deeply embedded into every Mesmermain.
  18. How long is that "bug" a thing now? at this point i am convinced its a feature. 😄
  19. yup. its the only thing i would touch, when balancing that build. If it wouldnt have this absurd damage, that is 75% fueled by that one skill... it wouldnt be nearly as opressive.
  20. I can beat the warrior fotm on the previous warrior fotm´s : ergo, warrior fotm isnt even as strong as people make it out to be. FLAWLESS. 😅 bruh wtf 😄 ❤️
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