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  1. I never thought I'd say this but: Holy crap the fractal is too easy now. They quite literally decreased his health from 40m to 10m as well as nerfed most of his attacks. kitten.
  2. Even Victoria's Secret sells bras for cheaper than Anet sells virtual bikinis for. 😛
  3. As someone said in Mistlock Sanctuary: it's officially more expensive to get a bra than to get a piece of legendary gear.
  4. I wish Anet would just add more sources of Mystic Coins if they are going to insist that every end-game recipe has to cost tons of mystic coins, ectos or clovers (which require the former). For people who have been hoarding or farming them it must be nice that they are worth more than 70s but it'd be great if Gen 2's didn't cost almost twice as much as any other legendary weapon just because of the Mystic Coins alone.
  5. I've managed to get a few metas off over the last couple of weeks, but it's definitely hit or miss. Aetherblade seems to always have people, but other maps less so. Usually I'm just fishing when a fully organized squad shows up and I join them. It helps if you're in the map ~10 minutes before the event starts, and check LFG for a squad that may help you join a more active map. The rewards are good enough, definitely better than SotO so they're still worth doing even if you don't need to farm Imperial Favors for Gen 3 legendaries. Worst case, you can also buy a commander tag and post the squad in LFG, which is what I do in that situation. There's almost always enough people around to do a meta, they just need to know that other people are also doing it.
  6. I agree with the people complaining about the pricing for objectively less quality and quantity. Anyone arguing otherwise is the reason we are paying more for less and why Anet thought SotO was acceptable to be released in the state it was despite having 10+ years of experience of regular content releases. People also seem to forget that "Buh €25 is the price of coffee in a first world country" doesn't really matter when €25 also gets you an entire bundle of older top tier games on a Steam sale. THAT is what Anet is competing against for your money, time and emotional investment. The other form of competition for new players is Guild Wars 2 itself because Anet is selling PoF + HoT + EoD + ALL Living Story Content for €50, which frequently go on sale, so people are bound to notice the massive discrepancy between paying €50 for decades of game development and €25 for this embarrassment of an "expansion" that makes even the Covid-era Icebrood Saga releases look well designed, fully finished and not rushed at all by comparison. Please, for the love of God, just add more jetskis, race cars and cargo pants to the cash shop and take as many years as you need to develop good content that will be praised for years to come instead of pushing out forgettable releases just for the sake of player retention and a quick cash injection.
  7. 1 month since it got released and almost every group is still skipping both the CM and NM version. Not just average daily T4 runs but also CM groups exclude even the NM version. I don't think reducing the boss health even by 50% is going to make most people enjoy this fight. The fact that CM is possible only with exploits says all you need to know.
  8. They are probably not going to do it since there is a huge backlog of black lion skins to go through, but I noticed that the recent skin packs from festivals and "expansion" releases have included a spear variant as well. I hope they add some nice spear skins into the game and make them look as distinct as the spear-like staff skins. In a practical sense I doubt I will see much spear fashion since everyone and their grandmother crafted Kamohoali'i Kotaki, so there's no doubt that many will be showing the rotting shark carcass off as a status symbol, fashion be damned.
  9. Adding or removing things from daily is a bit conflicting to me. On the one hand I wish there were more fun dailies, on the other hand there's content that would be pretty much dead if it was not included in the WV objectives just because of how boring and unrewarding it is. The efficiency mentality of being able to finish that daily objective in 6 minutes doesn't help when people would rather spend 6 minutes killing Queensdale mobs than chasing after rifts.
  10. After a bit of reflection I'm still not sure. You're going to be damned no matter what route you go. You can add a support weapon OR improve existing weapons in one way. Both may open up synergies never previously thought of, and the related traits and skills might get nerfed to compensate. While I'd love to see scourge being able to actually use weapons to help its role, it would be hard to slot a dagger-specific trait to apply a mild pulsing heal because it would compete with other healing traits in Blood Magic and it doesn't make sense for it to be anywhere else.
  11. I'd also happily pay for this entertainment and support the developers publisher investors, but this is a business, not a charity. Unfortunately neither €25 expansions with €10 worth of rushed, unfinished content nor €20 skins that look like they came straight out of GTA V are what I want to spend money on in a fantasy roleplaying game, whether I am from an impoverished country where €25 puts food on the table for an entire family for a whole week or a privileged rich nation where €25 is the equivalent of 1 cup of coffee. 😛
  12. If there was a GW3 coming out they might also have something like a Hall of Monuments system like the original GW1 did for GW2, so you may get access to some unique skins in the next game for reaching certain milestones. As for the case for farming it in a game that may cease to exist... it's pretty simple. While there is hundreds of hours worth of content you can enjoy that does not require legendary or even ascended, legendary gear can be an easy end-game goal to set and pursue. It doesn't have to be the end-all-be-all that you beeline and focus all your attention on, just something you gradually work towards while enjoying what the game has to offer. The accessories are nice, the armor is helpful if you want to do many different builds, but weapons are overpriced for the negligible QoL they provide. Some of the collections are guidance on the type of content you can do but you haven't done yet, like reaching almost 100% completion in LS3, LS4, IBS, raids. The rest...? As long as you're not actively using your materials and gold you'll regularly reach a point where you put a legendary crafting recipe in gw2efficiency and notice: "Oh wow, it would cost me only 400g to buy the materials I need to finish this 1300g legendary". At that point it's more like a nice bonus that makes you feel like you're making progress, not something you're bitter about because you put so much time and effort towards it.
  13. I use legendaries purely for the utility, so 1 set of each weight class is enough. To me, most of their skins are either ugly or completely clash with the class aesthetic, so I transmute almost all legendaries except the ones that troll others (Quip, Dreamer) or have some unique transformations (PvE heavy raid armor covering charr tails in metal).
  14. The writing has been on the wall with increasingly immersion breaking skins (legendaries don't count since a handful of them are troll skins). I'm sure if they had the clout, there'd be no artistic integrity to stop them from doing a Marvel collab just like Fortnite and adding outfits and transformation tonics. Maybe a sponsored Pepsi outfit, free for everyone.
  15. ... but how much longer will I have to wait till we get a 2021 BMW 5 Series 530i with optional heated seating Raptor skin?
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