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Everything posted by Serperior.6541

  1. Lonely Tower releases, buggy overtuned mess, pugs avoid it. It is fine (it's not) Silent Surf wasn't much different anet will adjust the fractal comeback after a break pugs still avoid the fight. bruh
  2. Thanks for explanations! I wasn't active in the beta test so I didn't know. This sounds little bit wonky though and might become more difficult to maintain in a real enocunter, honestly I would rather a more streamlined rotation with potentially lower dps but I digress.
  3. For instanced content it is a choice between Condi D/D DD/Power Staff DD/Condi S/D Specter can't recommend anything in particular since I love playing all of them. For open world I am a massive rifle Shadow arts Deadeye simp. I ran it through anything, multiple mobs, group bosses, group bosses that summon minions, bosses that are too agile, bosses with high amount of immunity frames, bosses that are primarily ranged etc. It is foolproof and extremely easy to play definitely recommend you to try it. To be honest most of my tests were on champion bounties and events, I am not good enough to solo leggies with anything.
  4. I am not even asking for it to be popular or meta I want to be able to bring it to a group and don't feel like a hinderance, Lets look at what an ideal healer should have in pve - Offensive boons - Some amount of defensive boons - Strong Heals (also counting barriers aswell) these are in my opinion what every healer should have as base, and a healer that can't provide any one of these can't be viable in pve. Then lets look at utilities, these are not necesserily a requirement but having one of these can make a healer a lot more usefull: - On demand Aegis/Stability - Condition Cleanse - Strong CC - Reflects and Bubbles - Insta/Fast revives - Group mob pulls - Decent amount of dps (for healer standarts) - Unique buffs And which one of these do you think Heal Specter Can/Will provide?
  5. Alac on Tempest is fine, but anet added it to the end of the animation rather than pulse for some reason
  6. That sounds like an usefull trick, but I don't play deadeye in pvp and personally hate playing against one.
  7. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PaQAQlFwwYXMJmJW2OqvKA-e Really simplified not even active abilities as utilites. You should have shadow flare and thousand needles ideally but I keep forgetting to use them.. Also picking a venom for quick healing isn't bad either. Deadly arts might be higher dps than critical strikes, but not getting the crit really screws your malice
  8. Don't get too bothered by the name of the gear, name of the stat set is what is important. For example Usoku's Needle here is a berserkers dagger to determine the accessories you can always check the wiki. generaly if you type "ruby orichalchum" into the trading post, berserker trinkets will show up, if you want to play dagger/dagger with power you should go for D/D Deadeye build. It is the highest dps in the game at the moment, but it is a bit wonky to play. If you want to play scepter you need to go for condition damage, berserker won't work with scepter .You need gear with either Viper stats, or if you want a more forgiving but overall less dps version use Ritualist stats, but both of them are not easy to get.
  9. I am very satisfied with what ANET did with the Deadeye. Deadeye with dual pistol or dagger/pistol was always good for fighting champions 1v1, but I hated those builds because fighting anything with more than 2 enemies sucked, and if you wanted cleave you had to go for staff daredevil who has really low amount of sustain after the invograting precision nerf. Enter rifle deadeye, now with reworked kneel and reworked shadow arts. Not only now you can deal with multiple enemies by just spamming kneel 2, and using death's judgement without anything being able to block the shot, now you are also able to get huge amounts of sustain due to leeching venoms! Since you are constantly going in and out of stealth, leaching venoms is giving you 6 spider venom stacks everytime, and they each heal you for a huge amount. Not to mention the condi cleanse, intiative and superspeed just for doing the normal rotation! Overall, I always wanted a thief build which specializes on stealth attacks (basically %90 of the pve thief builds ignores the mechanic., and i can't blame them either.), rifle deadeye, double dagger deadeye, dual pistol deadeye, or pistol dagger was always there but I never liked playing those for the reason mentioned above, but now with the changes to rifle, deadeye is really good for solo open world. Hope Anet continues to improve thief like this.
  10. Turn Sniper's cover into a short sidestep kind of skill, like bladesworn, you know it makes sense too considering unkneel version of the skill is also a shadowstep
  11. Well i have been in the new server for around 2 weeks now i thought i made a mistake train already left but i guess dosent hurt to try
  12. Soo i play in Eu, i played in a french server for a while and im not french and decided it would better if i just changed servers with free use My absolute idiot brain didn't see that massive [DE] tag near the server name so i landed into a german one this time and changing server again costs a lot to me so i decided to stay now im thinking about guesting, game clearly says "no home world wvw bonus" but i don't know how critical it is
  13. Whenever i see this thing on the enemy team i immediately lose all my will to play that game, chasing a deadeye was a difficult thing in the past with all those ports and invicibilities but now superspeed is added on top of it im not going to say it is broken and op BUT MY GOD I DON'T WANT TO PLAY AGAINST IT
  14. thanks for clarifying, at the time i thought killing elder dragons was bad because released magic damaged enviroment (also it was fine as long as we had our personal magic sponge dragon) not interdimensional horror tearing the fabric of reality
  15. this question randomly came to mind so wanted to ask here because i don't remember "void" getting any mention in the previous expansions and living stories
  16. Hello everyone i wanted to talk about how much i liked heal tempest, i was going in and out between buying another character slot or gearing my elementalist for the heal alac slot but then after asking some ppl and watching some guides i decided to bite the bullet and geared my tempest, tried it on a raid run with guildies and was pleasently suprised that how strong it was i had no problem keeping boons up and those heal bombs were huge like water phase and overload is basically firebrand book 2 on low cooldown it was extremely funand will be using it from now on though still had some minor issues, those being -No fury outside of air traitline: I find this not so important because you will most likely be paired with qfb anyways -Low sustained healing (?): Well despite the big heal bombs i didn't really find any passive healing (like fire brand symbols) in heal tempest's kit but im not sure i just had a few runs after all. Hope some of you can clear it out. if im right about it this might be an issue where there is a mechanic that makes people continously take damage most notably boneskinner -Overloads getting interrupted: this one was pretty annoying and had it a few times but it shouldn't be an issue if you can time it right -Boss might move to another spot when you are about to do a field combo: this would be an issue most likely in raids as boss will have to be kited to different spots But most important problem with this build is -People actually pug for HAM not for alac heal lol, despite tempest being a perfectly fine replacement in most encounters
  17. just curious since balancing is vastly different would it be one shot fest? since nearly every skill would get a damage buff and which profession would be the strongest?
  18. But that still dosen't make it a major issue. Hundreds of runs are made in a day if only %10 of it had problems would that be a big issue? only spesific nitpicked screenshots wouldn't prove it and I do fractal dailies everyday last thing i recall that comes close to toxicity was one guy leaving because hfb wasn't able to keep %100 quicness uptime and that was like 1 month ago. %90 of my runs to this day was smooth (and by smooth i mean people not getting toxic), people don't get angry when you join a run and fulfill your role. at max they leave without saying anything. Other guys said lower tiers had more issues.I can't confirm or deny that but i suppose it is because t3 and lower being less likely to have a proper composition which would mean more randomness and chaos going on. Well i don't think you need any comp in t1 and t2 but it would hurt not having any healer in t3 and some spesific fractals in t1 and t2 (like mai trin or siren's reef which depends on your healer's ability to keep you alive)
  19. Here is the ones i know not necessarily a skip but still makes the run faster (wihtout white mantle portal or any other item) first of all have a second build with trickery, daredevil (long range dodge) and bunch of dash and shadowstep moves another build with shadow arts trickery and bunch of stealth moves helps in some places always have shortbow on the other hand Aetherblade: Can skip electric grids with shortbow while your party is fighting with adds go near panels and deactivate all of them (dodge to remove immob so you can reach other panels), i don't know how to do it but you can also quickly skip rotating lasers Chaos: Can quickly run past jumping puzzle by giving yourself stealth also can jump between platforms with staff 5 once you are there make your party /gg, Can quickly run through the part with bonefires with combination of short bow 5 and dash moves Cliffside: You can spam shortbow 5 and shadowstep to skip wooden scaffold parts, also prepare shadow portal helps with skipping arm seals Multen furnace fractal: Very minor but you can skip through steam walls with shortbow, only works in second and 3rd wall for some reason Siren's reef: Can make carrying treasure a lot more faster but don't stick to treasure too much you may die to agony Snowblind: Can quickly run through "follow the tracks" part Sunqua peak: Can teleport through waterfalls to talk with frigthened water elementals Swampland: Can carry wisps significantly faster and help someone else with prepare shadow portal Thaumanova Reactor: Can skip fire room without having to place cooling rod on walls Twilight oasis: Can port people to second sandbinder with shadow portal if they are too sluggish to do the skip Uncatogrized: Can provide stealth to whole party to skip first jumping puzzle and Port others to top if you reach first Can shadowstep through stairs and deactivate all consoles (keep in mind this time consoles lock you in place instead of immoblizing so you need to use shortbow to travel between them) Underground facility: I don't really know how do you skip this but you can do plates with spamming stealth on yourself and also spam stealth on whoever is doing the console Edit:After watching the video the guy above me sent you should be able to do the pressure plate skip with staff 5 and inflitrators signet, but you still need white mantle portal In the boss room you can shortbow 5 to platforms you poor lava from Urban battleground: You can skip courtyard with either shadowstepping or spamming stealth on yourself and rush to door, make your party gg after that (also there is a parkour you can do at the start to skip this part but that is not spesific to thief) Volcanic: Can quickly skip through lava after defeating shaman (don't wait to change build just jump down and spam shortbow 5 and healing skill when needed) Deepstone: Can skip tetris thingy with shadowstep and do both preassure plates at the same time with shadow portal same for other part When you get near the ledge in the part with platforms you can staff 5 into ledges Well thats every fractal except Mai trin and Aquatic ruins and i believe a thief can do most of the things in the video guy above me sent
  20. I seriously don't get what kind of toxicity you guys are talking about i always do fractals and strikes daliy (also trying to get into raids) sometimes you bump into that "one guy" but i don't really see any toxicity or elitism on a major scale that you guys are talking about. Most people just join and don't say anything even after multiple wipes. I guess these kind of stuff are more common in sPvP and WvW since enviroment is more competitive but it is not the case for pve. Pve has issues but Elitism or toxicity is neither of them
  21. During leveling period what are you playing dosen't really matter in my opinion nearly all professions can roll over enemies in core tyria, maybe some do better than others but thats not much of a concern. for the end game i find celestial weaver quite strong in open world honestly i can survive most encounters while dealing good chunk of damage it absolutely can solo champs but you need some practice Also i am not a good ele player keep that in mind oh also it is just an avarage dps spec in instanced content with lil bit of spice but you can provide full quickness uptime while doing top dps as catalyst
  22. Oh right completely forgot acrobatics is actually a speciliziation line, thank you very much will try it!
  23. Hello i was someone who enjoyed daredevil with staff in open world mostly in solo but after they sent invogorating precision to oblivion i can't make use of it anymore i feel so weak, and i don't like p/p, p/d deadeye because how it just falls of when there is more than 4 enemies, specter is mostly fine shadow shroud gives enough aoe skills to cleave the adds even when it is still a single target dps. But can't get that bonk bonk experience anymore please if anyone has a build that can stand on its own in open world solo i would very like to see it
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