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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. What I know from the leaks, there is limited bandwidth for changes that go into a patch. That is always full. My assumption is: If nobody fights for the small bugs or changes, this bandwidth gets used up by all kind of changes. More assumptions: That bandwidth is probably just a handful of actual programmers, who have to implement changes trough a jungle of spaghetti code and tech debt. So Everything that isn't a numbers change needs to go trough a limited amount of coders. Even "text changes" go trough these Bandwidth and the balance team is not able to change text if I remember the leaks correctly. Tech debt is heavy, Code spaghetti.
  2. No, but people should be realistic. Luk over here flaming the game as failed. Can't name any example of other MMO's doing better and wants a vague "more group content" without any specifics. Last new content was HT CM. So all i get is you people want the devs to work faster.
  3. Look the game you want doesn't exist. Or it exist with 100 players online somewhere else. GW 2 does decent. The fact you don't have to be in discord to do a strike is not a bug, it is a feature. And one of the reason Strikes are vastly more popular then Raids. You guys chase a fantasy if current grouping isn't enough for you guys. Because it would force you to think: "mhh why doesn't the game I want exist already?
  4. Again for you. Last new content was HT CM. Maybe you just angry at the content drought? In comparison to what? WoW? Just play that. Finalf fantasy has a whole lot of single (story) player content if i recall correctly. BDO is had farming as endgame content doesn't it? So how did GW 2 fail? In comparison to which other games?
  5. What are you talking about. Guild wars 1 has failed? How? Its not even a real MMorpg. Also is still runs to this day. Or do you mean GW 2? Also whos talking about solo content? I'am saying the romantic idea of majority hardcore content that bands player together by forcing them together for 70%+ of the game is just that: A romantic idea. I don't even dislike the idea of hard group content. Tuning content so you forced to work together will just force people to play another game. Again pls be specific what you even want. What do you mean when you say more Group content. Because all I hear is: "I want more CM'S" Which we just got. Again last new content was HT CM wasn't it? P.S. Just play wow if you want regular raid content.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. Maybe you should play another MMO. If you want harder Raids there is WoW. There are also tons of failed MMO that give you exactly what is asked for here. I Mean Strike CM was the last new content, so I am not even sure what you guys want. Are you guys posting here the 30 people who did HT CM already?
  7. But it is group content. The general player base apparently just don't want that kind of hard content. Dhuum CM is at like 3% completion.
  8. People just want to game, not a second life. Meaning they don't want every second of game time depended on other people. OP clearly asking for more group content that forces interaction. As OW metas and other group activities don't count apparently. Its seems to be not enough to be able to group in OW, PvP, WvW and PvE it needs to be somewhat forced or encouraged. You can group in almost everything, but that is clearly not enough for OP. If you want to group up you can do this in everything with the only expectation being PvP ranked for balance reason. That is 95% of the game. So I don't get how you want more?
  9. People just want to game, not a second life. Almost anything in this game can be done in a group. What Op and probably you too is asking for is more content that forces group interaction one way or another. Something that has tried and failed multiple times over a multitudes of MMO'S. OP isn't asking for group content, as there is and unending amount of group content in the game. OP asked for the romantic idea Group content, who mostly exists in the head of MMO veterans.
  10. That is hard to believe, when the team balances more around snow crow benchmark then internal numbers. I'm Pretty sure one of the speedrun guilds didn't upload their benchmarks for this reason.
  11. I didn't refuse to acknowledge. I did it the second prove was provided. The point about missing data points also still stands as firm as a speculation can stand.
  12. Yes, because from trying Drms solo they don't feel like intended solo content. After your provided prove i was wrong, I did concede i was wrong. A Response you saw because you quoted it. In my statement that i was wrong about drms not being solo content I mentioned that they still are group content and as such don't act as prove for the invalidity of solo content. A fact you dance around and try to derail because it weakens an argument of your "site". Which is kinda dishonest bro. Or you maybe just lack the intelligence to get that in your emotional tribal state who knows. Or maybe you forgot that this is a forum and just because i Quote you for context doesn't need to mean i'm talking to you. And you took my mention personally which clouded your Judgment?
  13. So you understand it is also group content(and generally just bad) and you agree the person some pages down who named Drms as an example for the unpopularity of solo content made a dishonest argument. Yes or no?
  14. Why are you so insistent to ignore the fact that drms are also group content? Its bad solo content it is also bad group content. Drms are generally bad. Some pages down someone made the argument Drms are prove that solo content is unpopular. As such its relevant to mention that it also is group content. And the argument that Drms prove solo content in unpopular is a dishonest one. Are you so up your own kitten that you dont understand it or are you just trolling?
  15. Well the clear implication was solo content failed ->prove DRMs. As such it should be mentioned that DRM's are also group content, and the failure of them doesn't prove the failure of solo content in general. especially as DRM's failed on so many levels. Only things it proves Anet kind of suck. If you insist DRMs proves solo content shouldn't be made i have to ask you: Do you think by the same logic Anet should never make 5 man content again?
  16. kitten my life I stand corrected. Who in their right mind thought forcing a 5 minute wait to start your potential "solo" content was a good idea. Well if that is the best Anet can muster I changed my mind. I would still argue it still ALSO group content and failed for other reasons(rewards that fall in value etc.). But that is beside the point, its probably better they never make "solo" content if that is their idea of it.
  17. Its isn't. They scale to group size. They never were indented for a group of 1. DRMs were budget dungeon and Strikes were budget Raids. The MANDETORY 5 MIN GROUPFINDER Segment should have tipped you off , that it is indeed group content. I can dribble around 10 ten years old and kick the ball in a goal. That doesn't make football suddenly a solo sport. If you disagree with solo content being added fine. But there has to be a better argument to be made, then deluding yourself into thinking drms were designed to be solo content. Fractals are better solo content then drms for crying out loud. Does that make fractals designed solo content too?
  18. They don't really have datapoints in that regard as there is no hard solo content in the game. They just have loud complains, when story(somewhat main/mandatory content) is to hard and stay on the side of caution. Drms aren't solo content, they are "dungeon" content that just happens to scale nicely for solo and even then fails thanks to the Groupfinder mechanic at the start. Anet doesn't know if I soloed arrowhead in auric basin or just tagged it while other people did it. I Also doubt they track group numbers for dungeon or fractals to check if they are soloed. Its a Risk the probably won't take. But to interpret Anet inaction to do something as prove for truth seems somewhat misguided. Especially after the leaks. If you disagree on principal or another better reason sure. But pls don't sell DRM's as intended solo content. Or their failure, which has so many reason as a failure of solo content. Because they aren't solo content.
  19. Something that is engaging. Most PvE solo content is either toddler level or mindless grind often times both. GW 2 has such a nice combat system so i can tag mobs in metas? Mindlessly walk through a story instance one hit killing stuff? Doesn't even need to be Resource intensive. Just scale some story bosses for a non toddler and let me access the fight without grinding through the story again. Take a champion add an ability or two(which already exist) maybe add some adds and decrease HP a little. There is quite a bit of content you can create with some number adjustments and reusing assets. It's an MMORPG give my character something to fight in his own weight class. Make an open arena like queen gauntlet. I don't see how that is any less MMO then the silent Metas going on.
  20. Well its to kill her a special way. The actual number of kills is probably higher. I also don't understand the fixation on Liadri, tier 3 in general has a 13% completion rate. I loved the solo challenges, but didn't make it to Liadri because I only learned of it on the tail end of 4 winds. And even then maybe I would have been to bad? Its not like Vale Guardian where you can be mediocre and 9 other people carry you. I remember having to wait for queen gauntlets on all platforms because it was so popular.
  21. Well everything that is challenging and has any kind of exclusive reward no matter how tiny is hated by a loud portion on the internet. Doesn't mean it is unpopular. It has a 12% completion rate. For a Challenging fight that is only doable in a specific time frame that seems pretty popular. City of gold(100 times tarir) sits at 8% and Citadel crasher(10 times drizzle wood) sits at 13%. And that are one of the most popular and well known metas in the game.
  22. So true. In case of dungeons you have to research which you can even solo or give up halve way through because you get softlocked by 2+ player mechanics. I just wish there were some place in the game that uses they vast amount of skills, mobility and gear option we have access to. WvW roaming and PvP is a fine outlet, but I think it is a shame we don't have a real PvE outlet for all we can do. Raids and Strikes are kind of "solved" and center much on being a blob and executing a Rotation while doing mechanics. I am also starving for a challenge I can sink my teeth in, with the engine we have without grieving 4-9 other people. There is so much potential in the game.
  23. I think its actually dependent on terrain. Rocket jump on even terrain doesn't despawn it. Jumping 2 times respawns the mech. If i had to guess its probably something about rocket jump not landing properly .
  24. Well seemed I made an assumption about op looking for a marksman class instead of general range. That opens up the number of good range spec quite a bit. Don't play many caster so can't recommend much. Fair point. Not as serve as other "ranged" weapon, but Bladecall does want you be real close and is the strongest of the 3 weapon skills on dagger from what I remember. But i mostly kept it as honorable mention because It goes more the caster route, then marksman. Virtuoso is great and a strong dps class in instanced content. Its great that why I kept it as honorable mention, even thought I assumed OP was looking for a Marksman class. Also a Fair point. It is decent I guess, better then rifle at least. I did probably undersell it. In my opinion It feels a little to clunky. Op shouldn't avoid it, but I still think it pales in comparison to the other option I listed if not in dps, then in ease of use. Especially in a learning context and camping your ranged weapon. It certainly outperforms thief and maybe renegade in instanced content, especially if you swap to a melee weapon in your rotation, but still not something I would recommend to someone who wants to stay ranged. Also fan of fire, your primary source of weapon dps is one of these skill that loses dps if you stay ranged.
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