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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. Its is not our right to suggest firing people. "our" is relative. It a big Game company with an international community. You can get a sizeable mob of any opinion together on the internet. Should all Anet employee fear each word they write down on any semipublic site for all eternity because it has a change to ruffle some feathers? The Person in question is may or may not biased incompetent or whatever. It lies on the company to sort that not an emotional mob on the internet.
  2. True! But did you look at warrior banner? That is a planned change announced over 6 months ago. That is a quarter patch. Multiple persons working over a 3 month period did produce that. Its a joke. People are overtly emotional about patches, but that doesn't excuse kitten work. Im not even a warrior player and I am mad at that. People shouldn't be attacking employs. But they have the right to kitten on the company as a whole for producing something like that. This a systematic failure of the company and should be viewed as such.
  3. So true, also movement! But it is understandable to forget how much Jumps and ports we have, when the meta way to do WvW, OW meta trains, Raids, Strikes and to a lesser extend fractals is to stay in the blob as long as possible. Small scale skirmishes like PvP and WvW roaming is the only mode in my opinion where you really can use most of your kit to the full extend. In theory you can use much of your kit in OW too, in praxis most OW content is just a spawm party. While having mediocre PvE endgame content. I blame strikes. Reused asset became popular content thanks to accessibility and now serve as motivation for balancing around that kind of content. Edit: The patch also cements the boon meta, which limits encounter design drastically.
  4. I would it call being cheap, but I Totally agree with the rest of the post. Adding to that PvP changes feel like shots in the dark slightly guide by 5 people in the hidden discord who may have their own agenda.
  5. Is that an NA thing? I really don't understand were this sentiment comes from. From the couple of raids i joined people seem quite normal. I run mostly strike and people are at the absolute worst exclusive(in part out of necessity), impatience and sometime lack understanding how much worst below average player can be. But is to be expected in any game or Real life activity were success depends on your teammates. In Strike people underperform massively in comparisons to slightly above average player and it barley even gets mentioned. Are you guys faking LI's? Do you guys take it personally that your are to bad for content? Also how do you guys even know how elitist raiders are if you do not raid?
  6. I did no such thing. I made an assumption based on the content in this threat. But as you in principle for easy mode(besides the rewards right now) let me put it another way. Yes higher dps makes even fights easier where its i all about mechanics, but still not free. There are enough instant death mechanics and continuous damage effect that would murder noobs who don't step up even with 5 times hp. Only because it is theoretical possible to wipe your way to victory it is highly improbable people actually gonna do it for halve a year, week after week. For example look at PvP armor while its possible to lose your way into it, i really doubt someone uninterested or unable to PvP did suffer through 400 hours just to get a "effortless" PvP Armor. I am pretty sure the same will be the case for the Raid armor. If 10.000 people get Legendary armor thanks in part to the easy mode how many of them would be completely unearned. Maybe 10 or 20 at most? That is what? The number of raids that got sold in the last week? Maybe another 100 or 200 who can clear most wings but need the buff for one hard fight. Is that unearned? How many walk around right now who got carried by their guild for the harder fights? While some incompetent people might get an unearned armor, I really doubt many incompetent people will grind a game mode in which they fail all the time for halve a year. And the miniscule number of people who will shouldn't matter.
  7. It is a badly implemented easy mode. While you personally don't like the idea of an easy mode, it is necessary to let people getting familiar with Raids so new blood can get into the mode so Anet can justify making content for it. Right now getting into raids is miserable and almost requires a guild to be a human experience. Wing 7 is how old now? They have to do something or the game mode dies. I personally would be fine to not get LI or only 1 per wing. But i guess the devs don't want to take chances here. Strikes did blow raids out of the water while being cheap reused assets for one simple reason: Accessibility! "ISB 3 easy" is run around the clock and a gateway for the harder strikes, which in some cases are harder then raids. If you want raid content you do want an easy mode. Could some stuff like LI be locked behind normal mode? Sure. But raiders really need to weight their options here.
  8. Did you now? Did you also play the real challenge mode? Play on a potato pc, with a normal mouse, 200 ping and halve death lfgs not stacking the most meta profession combination possible. What hard means is relative. Should we take legendary armor from people who did it with a guild on discord? Bonus title for people who did it purely per LFG and off meta picks? Ask yourself this: If you wanted the most smooth easy run possible Would you rather go with full easy mode buff, with a couple of Randoms in the halve death lfg or Run the normal mode with your guild in discord? Of course it stings a little, but even at it worst you know the easy crowd has to play longer to get the same reward you got. If that is not enough maybe you and others can be loud enough so Anet reverses these changes. Then you can sit in your ivory tower your achievements untouched playing wing 1-7 for all eternity, screaming at the sky why Anet doesn't revitalize raids for once.
  9. So do I. Anet is sadly really cheap with dev hours if it doesn't contribute to new content. I for one would have liked an real easy mode + weekly achievement to funnel instead of the low effort buff we got. Or giving us an graphic option that makes clutter more bearable. But hey after 10 years Guild wars gets a contrast option for the courser. YAY!? Funny enough that is what I did. Between my 1 ascended weapon, the next precursor and my Legendary PVP stuff I had more legendary gear equipment then ascended ones on my main for the longest time. Absolutely true. I think I stated something similar previous. But the thing for me( and other people I assume) having to show up on a specific time doesn't appeal to me in games. Also talking to stranger on the internet isn't for everybody. But it is correct joining a training discord/guild does eliminate or reduce all hurdles I listed.
  10. Of course the wing who gonna be in easy mode is not difficult, that what an easy mode is supposed to be. But that doesn't make Challenge mode suddenly easier. To have an easy mode is the first step to harder content. Wing 1 4x 4 minutes =16 mins. And mukluk videos are as fast as they could be. But lfg is pretty barren so wing 1 may not be run anymore after that 16 mins. So if i want to join a random lfg the information i need beforehand 16 x 7 = almost 2 hours of dense information. Or I join a group and keep them waiting while i watch the 4 mins video + repeating the critical part. True. So have strikes too just less. WvW is easier I guess. PvP while arguably way more panful then raids at least give more agency to the player. No. It is not. I have some issue with not noticing mechanics in visual clutter. Like if I heal wing 1, 3 encounter(2nd boss) on druid and i wasted celestial in normal dps phase and don't have the big heals to prolong break bar phase for the skip, that is on me. Getting teleported thanks to bad tells on vale guardian on the other hand... Anyways i'm willing to wipe on bosses, finding 9 other people who do is the hard part. Sure i could wait longer when people leave and eventually someone will come. Or i just could do strikes if i have an itch for PVE. They are not even that much easier anyway. I'm Patience, im willing to read/watch guides before hand and can down bosses as i have a couple of LI I got from carrying myself. It is just not worth the hurdles in the current state raids are. I normally play PVP so i don't have need for legendary armor and a reason to suffer through lfg for a couple of weeks till these problems disappear on their own.
  11. Same with thief fury. Why. Give allys short buff yourself long buff. That is no wizardry. This function is already in the game. Why do they have to nerf solo builds in favor of Boon deathball stack meta. Some idiot at Anet wants to make instanced content great again in the most stupid way possible.
  12. I wish. Guardian and necro got a slap on the wrist. WTF.
  13. I don't want to sour the mood, but i think it is to late for such a change. The same is the case for PvP league tickets and the various WvW and PvP emblems. Giving them any kind of meaningful value will disrupt the economy to much. At 50 silver and only looking at gw2 efficiency user base that would be an possible injection of over 18 Million gold into the economy. While it is annoying to have death loot , looking at you chilis, Raid rewards were designed with LI being worthless. Same for PvP League tickets, which reasonable would ask for the same treatment. Which would be another 9 Million injection at a fair 50 s per ticket. And that are just 2 currency's the same argument for li could also be made for emblems of all kind. I just took league tickets as they are basically PvP Insights with identical use and acquisition rate. Buying materials which can be sold would have a similar effect, less then liquid gold but still massive. Only thing you can hope for is a discount on ascended salvage tools, ascended Weapons, clover or something similar. as long it is account bound and unable to be liquidized.
  14. Its still is. It is just a cheaply implemented easy mode to learn the respective raid. WoW for example had easy mode for years. WoW raids on highest level sure are harder then GW2 ones. Reading 2+ hours of walkthroughs to use the lfg tool like a regular person seems like a barrier of entry to me. If I look into lfg there are more raid sellers then no requirement groups. I have read the walkthroughs, watched the videos for the relevant wing and joined training groups. Just to instantly get kittened over by a mechanic I barley noticed if at all. 7/10 would rather do Strikes. Between a big frontloaded information dump you have to seek out, the infrequent no requirement/training groups, the bad tells GW 2 raids give you and the harsh punishment for failing a mechanic you just learning, I see why Raid aren't that popular. Sitting in discord with your guild eliminates most of these barriers, but I don't want to schedule my gaming time. Will do Raids again when the changes go life. Only reading up on one wing, hopefully more groups and less punishment for failing a mechanics I'm learning is enough for me to try raids again. Because right no the hurdle to enjoyment ratio is just to high.
  15. It is anet decision makers being cheap with dev hours again. I bet the idea from the devs was to make an easy mode, but estimated DEV hours were to big. So some smart guy suggested to just use a buff to make an easy mode. Some promising idea again squashed by some manager being cheap.
  16. I do Strikes but stopped trying to get into raids. Doing strikes/fractals is helpful but general gameplay while necessary isn't all that impactful because Raids are challenging in all the wrong areas. Raids are convoluted and visually way to busy. Most Raid mechanics are not that hard on their own just numerous and hidden behind visual clutter. Having whisper on farm isn't helpful when wing 1 is 20 minute long homework to know the general mechanics. Walking out of the teleport isn't hard. Seeing the teleport is hard. A fact that is made worse thanks to the boon deathball meta which forces player to sit on each other for 90% of the fight. And they made eod strikes into raid fights with the same exact Problems for some stupid reason. Fights are way to busy. Players are to powerful so everything has to instantly down/kill us. And halve of the strikes are long with way to much stuff going on to learn them in a natural way. Just look at Aetherblade Hideout Normal mode(easy mode). The Mechanic with the 3 circles and the "hidden" gunshot line. Why is that here? It is the most boring, easy baby mechanic you could do. But it can kitten people up who are new. Its literally just here to make your first run more annoying by instantly killing you while not being fun or rewarding to do in any form after you learned it. If EOD Strike mission stay fringe it will be for the same reason raids did. Thanks to the boon meta LFG is confusing and everything has to instant down you while player stack on each other like Strikes are some kind of 111 meta train. No smooth difficulty progression, something that ibs did right. The one thing Eod Strike did right was giving players different difficultys.
  17. Yes on release. Now there just not enough people. I am willing to wipe on a boss multiple times to learn the fight. Finding 9 more people in Lfg for that NOW is near impossible. Also many mechanics are near instant death mechanics so people will feel the mechanics even with a 100% buff. I would have liked a easy training mode more(without LI, dont scream at me), but i take it. True. I'm not a raider but I did kill vale guardian a couple of times as healer and dps. The hardest thing by far was seeing the teleport in all the visual clutter, not the fight itself. Right now there is no feasible way to learn raids without a guild. An easy mode with reduced rewards always seemed like the obvious solution. If they listen to the people who have the content on farm->reduced chance the changes will attract new players->reduced chance to get new content. Giving the wider player base the opportunity to learn raid fights via LFG will increase the chance for new raid not decrease it.
  18. Yeah the whole set of sigils and runes is more costly then 1 legendary. Its uses gift of condensed magic and might. So that shouldn't be a surprise. It is a normal legendary recipe. The charms/symbols aren't the thing that make then overly pricey. They would actually be great value if they would have been better implemented. Edit: Gift of Craftmanship can be costly, but only if you speedrun it.
  19. Highest sits at 1g, lowest are sub 20s. It does feel like kitten if you look for them. But the game throws gear at you and you don't need much of them anyway. Crafting is build around the Trading post. If you don't go our your way and I mean really out of your way to farm something you will need to use the TP. The max amount you ever need is 300 each. That is 6 legendary runes and 4 Legendary Sigils. Only use rune crafter on greens. Lost profit or overspending on salvage kits could buy you instead more symbols and charms. You can. The cheap ones are so much cheaper than the expensive ones. 3 cheap -> 1 random can be profitable depending on TP prices. That's how I got my control symbol for the legendary Sigil, till I realized Sigils are kitten. if you ever change your weapon.
  20. Being present in the thing you do and git gud aren't the same buddy. If you have to take care of your kid don't play the part of the videogame which takes 2 hours. Daily thousands of Online matches in all kinds of games are lost because some RL stuff happens. People just move on. I didn't call anybody a loser. I called them apathetic and unwilling to try which should be a fact for everyone who did dragonstorm public. Do you count yourself to the people. Is that the reason you got so offended. Because you are actual agreeing with me. The idea of an epic final battle is impossible with the reality of the current player base. DE was designed to be an epic encounter. You cant nerf it to appease the bottom 25%. It just isn't build that way. And they fixed that. Right no it is doable. The biggest factor in success of the meta is not depended on the encounter but the player who show up. There is no fix for that. Most metas are done by a quarter of the map the rest might as well be the little brother with the control not plugged in. Not Dragons end. There is no fix for that. Each nerf to the encounter or buff to rewards will attract more "little brothers" neutralizing the effect the nerf had for the average player. It will also encourage more exclusive LFGS. Also Eod metas are meant to farm imperial favor not gold. I am 80% sure pre event delivers on that. Dint care to much about gold in OW so I cant be 100% sure.
  21. *Reward presentation* Imperial favors are really valuable. In stark contrast what player say they want loot and unnecessary boxes to clutter their inventory so they can visualize their earnings. Maybe increase some rewards at cost off imperial favor? But people wont go poor from doing DE meta right now. You can't always trust players see point above. Also constructive? Come on. You know it was mostly a riot and grieving with some reasonable points sprinkled within. That for example is a valid point. I add to that, the dragon has static hp so everyone not doing meta is one more level of challenge mode as Maps are always full if people attempt the meta. *You can't place medium content were it is accessible by leeches, bots, halve afkers and people who refuse to look at traits after investing 100+ hours in a MORPG. Did someone do Dragonstorm public while it was fresh? It was Horrible. People dragged that encounter so much down. People just left even without a timer denying the reward. That is the reason i'm convinced adding to the timer or removing it entirely will change nothing. Ten man Dragonstorm is a really fun encounter when you don't have 25+ people kneecapping you. We could place DE into an private instance but people will complain anyway. Now that is just strawmaning. Git gud was the elitist response pre nerf. After the nerf it is medium difficulty almost anybody agrees with that. Anet(and many people to be honest) just underestimated how apathetic and unwilling to try in earnest the bottom ca. 25% of the player base are. Anet could work on rewards, making the fight scale on platform and maybe a couple of other tuning but 1 sad truth remains. You can't have epic fight accessible to the whole player base because depending on which people group up the enemy can look like a chump. Looking at you 30 seconds fire elemental "Worldboss". GW2 has to much skill expression. How difficult an Event is, is 90% depended on which part of the player base show up. The idea of an epic final battle is impossible with the reality of the current player base.
  22. Oh. Anet does plan to not make accounts transferable. I remember reading something like that. Maybe the come to their senses? Yeah OP seems to be in trouble. Better get that drizzlewood rotation going and hope for a timely eod discount.
  23. Ah the classic people disagreeing with me so someone has to be wrong with them. People explained why they disagree with you, you just ignored it. Some extra points. More buttons doesn't mean more cognitive stimulating its just means more button presses. Also in high end play(PvP/PvE) you never not pressing any buttons. So you want more key binds for what? You didnt make any point to begin with here. You didn't even specify for what mode. Also if you feel the game is to easy for you and you are not enough simulated pls play a little PvP to see the people good at the game can do more then enough with their "limited" selection of skills. If you want more utility's for power sake? Why? Top Players with top builds already crush any form of endgame content. Top players are so overpowered every challenging PvE content need instant or near instant death mechanics to keep people on their toes. Just play a round of WoW or GW 1 to scratch that itch your having. They are both still live. Don't make some vague emotion driven arguments on the forum because you cant be bothered to download another game.:)
  24. Thief-> Daredevil->unhindered combatant->Shortbow 5->Shadowstep-> I am
  25. Is your economy bad enough that farming outpaces minimum wage jobs for gold acquisition. <insert absolute Win Meme here>. In case of the expansion there may will be a sale before regional pricing becomes a thing. Game is a decade old, I wouldn't get my hopes up about Regional pricing. If you really desperate for a discount on the game for poor regions your only realistic chance is to pray steam release will throw you a bone in that regard.
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