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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. And your weapon collection for that spec offers free trinkets. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Keenest_Cut_(achievement) . Anet devs aren't that out of touch with the game as people seem to think.
  2. That is quite helpful. Looking at the needed Gift Blood, Gift of venom etc. I would say 1 armor piece should take halve as 1 Weapon. So 2-3 Months. And 12-18 Months total for one weight. Of note here is these numbers can be shortened by intense play. Most requirements for gen 3 Legendary weapons seem to be devisable with 2(or 3). But that specification is of course debatable. It should use the same resources as the Legendary Weapons, so people couldn't double dip. They could make nice looking precursor, accessible through achievements/collections so people who aren't that much into OW have something to gain and less reason to complain. Also it wouldn't feel as sterile as Competitive armor. I like it. I guess it would take a little longer then PvP /WvW armor if you plan on speed running it. Which should be fine as OW is inherently more rewarding. This is good. Most People would agree with that. Looking good! People can agree with that even if they aren't filthy casuals:D. Edit: I hope people aren't going to ignore this exchange in favor of name calling. I feel like we made real progress here! I cant see many people disagreeing with Legendary armor tied to that amount of effort, besides maybe debating Details.
  3. Right you saying the exact opposite. You doing it for pages now. Arguing in vague terms of improving the economy and wealth distribution. Very much misunderstanding the situation, especially WvW / PvP. As less PvE mats will be kept and used up in PvE after everyone gets there more or less free legendary armor. You just saying stuff. No argument. No logic used. Nothing proven. No desire to find a fair solution. Just saying. Repeating nothing over and over again.
  4. They do. And it is important. How would you know what people in challenging game modes need, as you dislike them and a are unwilling to play them. They maybe shower you in rewards. Maybe you are swimming in gold, I and others who play challenging content certainly don't. We play it for the challenge not the rewards. OW player in the threat sitting in jewelries and designer clothes begging for a garage worth of premium tools so they can hang a pictures at the wall every 2 months. If you need a Hammer you get a hammer. If you need a drill and don't have already one, you buy a cheap one(Exotic gear). If you need to drill a lot, you get a good one(Ascended gear). There is a reason not everyone owns hydraulic ramp despite the fact it is quit the QOL feature for changing Oil in a car. It is a little pricy for only changing Oil. A workshop(Legendary armor) is to pricey for casual players and they rather spend there effort onto nicer thing. People only campaigning for Legendary Armor as a useful tool, cause they think they can get it for the price of a hammer.
  5. You didn't ask for an explanation you asked for helpXD. There never was demand for it. Only spec before EOD I can name on top of my head who needed it was some daredevil build and even then that build would need some vitality anyway. It is only hard to get for trinkets. And the game throws stat selectable trinkets at players. For example Spec weapon collection give you stat selectable exotic trinkets while exploring.
  6. Then Chill out, have fun playing the Game. You gonna get them eventually. It is a long term goal anyways.
  7. Because values matter. If it would take 20 hours of WvW for a full armor Set this threat wouldn't exist. What else is there to discuss? Are people fine with OW Legendary armor? Answer: Mostly Yes as long as it isn't free. So the only thing left to discuss is what effort is needed. We don't need to be precise. But we gonna estimate it somehow. Otherwise there isn't any meaning to any of that.
  8. The WvW armor doesn't cost only a gift of battle. It uses https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_War_Prosperity Which has a heavy material cost on top of gift of battle to it. So gift of exploration seemed to be in the same Tier. Mesmer Portal!!!! Kidding aside it is just an example could be everything OW related. if you increase the number it could be drops from elite mobs what have you. Edit: Or World boss kills one per week per boss. Something somewhat specific so people don't farm drizzle wood over and over again while gaining extra currency on top. Also Anet thinks Winterberry's = air ship parts and 1 Airship part = 10 Jade sliver. That would be a WvW style currency as Jade slivers are passively generated and kind of limited. Which would take 17 000 Jade sliver(5000 for the precursor and 12000 to upgrade to legendary) for 1 Armor piece. Which would be passively generated Obviously a massive undertaking like the WvW one just without playing WvW. Ball park of course. Could 14k could be 20k. but around that. As that is mostly just to ballpark how expensive legendary Armor is lets say instead of 30k(precursor + upgrade) unbound magic we use around 30k Volatile magic(as most OW players probably have some concept of that in terms of value and effort. 20% up or down isnt that important. But its around that order of magnitude to get 1 piece. Which is a HUGE amount of stuff i know. There is a reason not everyone in PvP and WvW owns Legendary Armor.
  9. Then show my please. "certain level of dedication" can mean anything. That's not even a ballpark. It can´t be that hard to find one person that is specific. Another Example of a person who states Legendary Stuff need to big of a grind right now: Which is understandable Legendary ARE a huge grind probably around 10 times as hard to get as ascended Version of an item. There is a reason not every raider, WvWer and Pvper owns a set.
  10. I mean i could link to the breather and legendary Amor wiki page for an easy doublecheck that the numbers aren't fudged and if not exact at least a reasonable estimation. Anyways I could name people. But forum rules prevent that, as that is a bannable offense. But if you ask again, I provide and get myself banned to make a point if a must.
  11. But it isn´t one person. It is 90% of the people. Not you, but the vast majority. And i tried to provide an comparable price. I even did write down a theoretical Mystic forge recipe which can be done solely by open world play which hits all criteria that were demanded from the OW Armor crowd. Which got ignored. Reposted by another user still ignored. And i am guessing of course here: Probably cause it seemed like to much work. Which ngl kinda stings a bit, as that took quite a bit of time and effort to research and calculate.(for a forum post anyway) But hey I am just one guy and as people stated at the end Anet does decide. SO we will see.
  12. Correct! But this post made it clear that most of them don't want a fair reward. And Anet isn't gonna make huge changes if there isn't a demand for it. Big demand only exists(looking at the discussion in this threat) if it is on the level of effort as that amulet. Which wouldn't sit well with a lot of people. When I can get account wide legendary Armor in maybe 40 hours of rather relaxed gameplay, why should I ever bother with ascended again. This makes all acquisition methods for armor irrelevant. In shorter terms: old legendary armor? Sure maybe for halve the grind of PvP/WvW. It just wont be as easy as the amulet as that was a cash grab to funnel people into the Gem store for LW. QOL progression and Gold is all there is to give in the game as a reward after all.
  13. What is it now? It makes people raid more or increase your gold per hour. Cause they dont gonna raid no matter the reward or they would do already. If they want maximum gold: THey gonna work 2 hours more on minimum wage and buy it before they go raiding.
  14. We are at Page 20 of a threat where people are very clear they never gonna raid no matter how much they like the reward.
  15. Oh thought it made sense in context. Not Everything in the game should be buyable with Gold. Other wise we are playing on the same map with the highest Gold per hour.
  16. I don't really need a vendor. But A vendor is still a better idea then change the dynamic of the game just so your Gold per hour can go up.
  17. Look dude I too would like to liquidize my PvP claim tickets. No need to change the dynamic of the game just to fill our pockets :D. Just ask for a Vendor or gobbler.
  18. Could people pleas stop lying. Barley any person even opposed the idea. 90% are quite clear. If you want legendary armor you have to put the same effort into it as the rest and then you can have it. And that effort can be purely done in OW barley any person has a Problem with it. But people don't want that. 1 Person even stated he doesn't give f**k, he just wants Armor on top of everything else, fairness be dammed. Being casual doesnt give people a 89% discount on stuff.
  19. Just play Story. First vendor on the Hearts of thrones map sells everything but the breast slot as stats selectable. I started playing after POF never had problems to get exotics. Now ascended and the cluster f**k of LW maps is a different story. Bojarch marches Amulet and trinket are so cheap converting gold into gems to buy the LW and buying the trinkets with Ice shard is probably still the cheapest way to get ascended , even if you get them only once. But how should a casual/newbie even start to know that?
  20. Right now there is no pretext for getting ascended gear with open world currency. Which would help with the comparison as you could compare the price of ascended gear from open world with the price of ascended gear in PvP and WvW. Only point of reference is an aqua breather head gear(ascended head gear that costs 6k unbound magic and 500 Winterberries). That would set the cost of a precursor round 6k unbound magic and 500 Winterberry's(more for a coat). You probably would need to introduce some 3rd "time gated" currency to make a comparison to existing Legendary gear and ensure Anet actually implements it. Lets say Jumping coins(its an example could be something else don't do much OW Stuff). You gain 1 per week per puzzle. If you are the jumping god you get them together fast, if you have one arm you press the Mesmer Portal 7 times a week and slowly build up. Lets say A mystic forge recipe for open world armor would look something like. Replace the berries and unbound magic with a currency of your choice but equal value. Gift of exploration Gift of Open world Power 50 Jump coins Eldritch Scroll 50 obsidian shards Cube of Stabilized Dark Energy Gift of Open World Dedication 35 Jump coins Glob of Condensed Spirit Energy Glob of Berries(1200Berries) Star of unbound magic(24k unbound magic) Precursor Unbound magic and Berries are used cause Breather is the only thing I have to compare. But Open world legendary armor should look something like that, obviously with berries and unbound magic replaced with more up to date currency of equal value. That is to much work for the open world crowd right? Cause it checks all the boxes. It is fair. It isn't skilled depended. You can keep doing what you want while working to the Legendary.
  21. Or any other form of currency to buy Legendary armor yes. Doesnt have to be claim tickets. I tried to find something but right now there is no pretext for getting ascended gear with open world currency. Which would help with the comparison as you could compare the price of ascended gear from open world with the price of ascended gear in PvP and WvW. Only point of reference is an aqua breather head gear(ascended head gear that costs 6k unbound magic and 500 Winterberries). That would set the cost of a precursor round 6k unbound magic and 500 Winterberry's(more for a coat). You probably would need to introduce some 3rd "time gated" currency to make a comparison to existing Legendary gear and ensure Anet actually implements it. Lets say Jumping coins(its an example could be something else don't do much OW Stuff). You gain 1 per week per puzzle. If you are the jumping god you get them together in some weeks if you have one arm you press the Mesmer Portal 7 times a week and slowly build up. Lets say A mystic forge recipe for open world armor would look something like. Gift of exploration Gift of Open world Power 50 Jump coins Eldritch Scroll 50 obsidian shards Cube of Stabilized Dark Energy Gift of Open World Dedication 35 Jump coins Glob of Condensed Spirit Energy Glob of Berries(1200Berries) Star of unbound magic(24k unbound magic) Precursor Unbound magic and Berries are used cause Breather is the only thing I have to compare. But Open world legendary armor should look something like that, obviously with berries and unbound magic replaced with more up to date currency of equal value. So What that would mean in jade bot time I honestly cant know(or bother to calculate). But if i had to guess I would say it would take years to get with a jade bot alone.
  22. Please don't fudge numbers. Commander tag comes with a 300g price tag and a big portion of responsibility. I did already use the Bronze ranks(which needs more then enough time to achieve. Pls inform yourself about what a Diamond rank is(a multiple year journey). If you know what it is you should know not to include it. Yes if you are the most dedicated player in the game it speed things up. But we were talking about how low effort WvW is. Probably cause off your Big Open world rewards you don't notice. 302 Hours of WvW reward track give you 60% of the Materials you need for the Armor. Only if you liquidize all non material rewards to buy more materials. The rough estimation is already posted.
  23. Yes they do. And in addition to the claim tickets Legendary amour cost materials. As The reward track is one of the only sources in WvW to get materials the Legendary armor eats up all reward track gains in these 300 hours and hungers for more. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Reward_Track 8H 35 mins to complete 1 Track(without boosters). 302 Hours grind. 302/8.5 = gives 36 Reward track Completion. (rounded up) Exact Number would take a lot of effort. But really rough estimation with Gold value of reward tracks: You get about 60% of the materials if you keep every materials and completely liquidize the Stuff of the Reward track to buy more materials.
  24. There argument was it is unfair they don't have a way to get legendary Armor. So Personal interest is your argument? But you have Legendary armor? So you have no personal interest in that Matter. Which means you have no argument at all. So you are here to argument for the pro OW armor side by contradiction there Main Point.
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