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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. Okay lets do this. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_armor: 7 880 Claim tickets(CL) for the complete armor. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_reward_track Middel rank for your World: 5. Personal Bronze rank 2. Commitment: 1 Makes 8 Pip a tick(5 minutes) or 96Pips per hour if you play each week. There is an extra tick every 2 hours. makes 100 Pip per hour I Hope you don't suggest the commander Tag(300g investment) or the Silver rank(HUGE time investment, likely years for a casual) the whole argument about WvW was about low effort. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_reward_track 1440 pips for 365 Claim tickets 365 CT = 1440 Pips / 100 Pips Per hour 365 CT = 14 hours ( more then 14 hours but let round down) For the set 7880 Claim tickets are needed: Hours needed = 7880 / 365 *14 = 302.24 Hours Also I am interested in these others rewards you mentioned WvW player have after these 300 hours and there Legendary Armor. As far as I know there aren't any.
  2. Sure. Depends on the numbers of course. Everything that get us away from the name calling. Personally I would prefer something like Stat-swabable rune-changing exotic gear as you could highly reduce the requirement for that. And make it accessibly for much bigger part for the player base. But jade bot is fine. Numbers are gonna matter. When Legendary armor would cost 1 PvP match we wouldn't have the discussion in the first place.
  3. People apparently want Legendary armor on top of keeping there regular Rewards, basically doubling there current rewards. Which could be defined as "give me". As such not a misrepresentation.
  4. Yeah LI isn't the best of ideas. Maybe something from the open world? But how come that no single Person who is in favor builds on that idea. Even now it only gets mentioned to reflect an argument.
  5. Haha. Funny you mention that. The 300 hours are calculated with your team winning All the time and commitment Bonus. So the actual time investment is even bigger. Okay you clearly should inform yourself. All they get is the armor. That is all they get as a reward. Probably even less so if we ran the numbers. They probably have to go into OW to get the rest of materials. Which is seems to be an huge injustice. You don't understand your privilege. Your Content throws so many rewards at you that you don´t grasp the concept that if you play WvW for 300 Hours and make armor: There is no Gold left there is no unidentified Gear there is no chance for an Infusion there is no mastery Progress There aren't that many Skins There is not even the glimmer of a chance to get a Legendary Weapon I did explain how it does factor in. Multiple times. I literally did it spell it out. And I do it again. The current work you have to do to get ONLY nothing else ONLY Legendary armor is 300 hour low effort or 201 hours high effort. You want that while keeping all your regular rewards. Basically doubling your Rewards you get from playing the game mode you are enjoying. And that is indeed unfair.
  6. I am not talking about about Gold loss. Legendary armor right not comes with with a 300 Hour low effort time commitment(WvvW) and a 201 hour high effort time commitment(PvP). And if you choose any off these routes you don`t have a single Gold to spare. That's just how much you have to do, to get Legendary Armor. I get you want the armor. I don't get why you think OW players deserve it for a fraction of the effort and time. Edit: When you say OW player should have access to legendary armor in the name of fairness. Then the reward structure should reflect that.
  7. They don't. I am quoting myself yet again: But fairness doesn't seem to be the end goal for the loudest part of the pro OW-Legendary armor crowd. WvW is comparable to OW content in effort if you wanna but out minimal effort. They are looking at a 300 Hour grind. Are you willing to disable all your PvE rewards for a PvE Legendary armor track that does take 300 hours to complete?
  8. And i am quoting myself here: Your answer with this: I REALLY don't want to put words in your mouth. But that's reads like you wanna make Legendary armor really easy to get. Just to? Appease the casual player? Hope the play more challenging content after they got there easy reward? If they don't start the these game modes with one of the best carrots in the game they never will. So not that smart. Also what point is in a reward, in playing the game in fact if everything comes easy? Again: I am not opposed to Open World Legendary armor, as long as the reward structure is fair.
  9. Its is not about gatekeeping the reward. It is about keeping it fair. I am no opposed to Legendary Armor for OW play. The Person you responding to doesn't seem to be all against that either. A lot of people wont be opposed to the concept so long the reward structure is fair. Right now OW is where most of the rewards are. Nobody goes "hey lets make a bunch of gold in WvW" or "hey let do some PvP matches for the ugly PvP armor skin". People just don`t want it as easy as the LW amulet. I play PvP. I have all my PvP Stuff for the amulet. But just looking at the numbers I am probably better off going for the amulet and buying the LW i am missing. That was the point of it anyway. Make it so easy to get that people are funneled to the gemstore to buy LW. And now People argue about getting armor on that level of Effort.
  10. Fair Point I do not have a Source for my Claim that most player want ascended Stats on there gear. I just assumed from that what I know. Fractals starting from t3 need the ascended gear. I think otherwise the infusion get quiet costly. I see often specific request in the lfg for strike and I assumed someone who insist on for example a BS gonna get ascended if they can help it, as that is all a BS is a stat boost. I don't know the raiding vendor but the old Strike vendor mostly had ascended gear to sell. So people who do Strike a lot have the access to it. But no idea about raids as I don't do them. Yet. Raid armor is indeed very shiny. I actual Agree whit that a lot. But it is to be expected as the post started as a way to liquidize there Insights.
  11. You are right I remember now. That was a thing. But i also remember games getting easier. Probably still hidden mmr are at works. Its a while since i started oops.
  12. Easy fix: Play ranked get slaughtered rank down repeat step 2. and 3. till you stop getting slaughtered get People on your skill level to play with Have fun That`s what i did, and now living the best live on the bottom of plat with my Meme build. Unranked uses a hidden mmr and if you have no ranked at all the games doesn't know where to place you. It probably assume some value around high Silver which is to hard for some newbie. Also they are probably not coordinated, just blood hungry. Also also stunbreak and condition cleanse are you friends in sPvP. Still more fun then farming warclaw without a warclaw:D.
  13. Stat selectable is the way to go then. Candy Corn Orichalcum Amulet is an stat selectable exotic amulet. If you have Bojar marches there is a stat selectable amulet and accessory on that map and is "easy" to get. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lucky_Great_Ox_Lantern is a cheap backpack that has cavalier as selectable stat.
  14. Some do Obviously. Most just say they do. What content do OW players play. Which content they wanna grind? Would they still enjoy the content if there old rewards would striped away in favor for progress towards legendary armor? The last time someone talked about using Gift of exploration is 8 pages deep in the thread now. The general opinion seem to be that rewards are unfairly distributed between game modes. That ignores the fact that besides Legendary armor there are no Rewards in WvW and PvP. In proportion of Reward to time spend, there is arguable no worst place then PvP and WvW. And no one else in the Game you get less Reward for Effort then in the 2 Competitive modes. I think it is underestimated how much grind is necessary solely for the legendary armor in these mode. That is why i urge people to be specific in what they are willing to do for Legendary armor alone. Some would of course rise up to the challenge! But if we are talking about major changes to the Game which need dev time for implementing and consideration we shoud be sure a high number of people gonna use that new content. It is questionable many People in OW gonna grind 300 hours for nothing but legendary armor. Which would be needed to be the case to ensure a fair reward Structure between game modes. Edit: Nicer Version As the previous post got flagged as personal attack.
  15. Some do Obviously. Most just say they do. What content do OW players play. Which content they wanna grind? Would they still enjoy the content if there old rewards would striped away in favor for progress towards legendary armor? The last person who was willing to pay with Gift of exploration is 8 pages behind us. Right now the all repeat the same thing: "why they deserve it". Ignoring all the stuff they get by OW play the other modes don't get. In proportion of Reward to time spend, there is arguable no worst place then PvP and WvW. And no one else in the Game you get less Reward for Effort then in the 2 Competitive modes. And I think the second the realize how much grind there is too do for only Legendary armor they wont pursue it anyway. Some Would of course! But if we are talking about major changes to the Game which need dev time for implementing and consideration. I really doubt many People in OW gonna grind 300 hours for nothing but legendary armor. Which would be the fair thing to do.
  16. I does not. Legendary armor isn`t saving gold. That is what halve your people don't understand. It is a quality of life Feature you want for basically doing the same thing you keep doing(a.k.a making Gold). Do you know what a gold loss playing WvW is? From the extra Gold you make while plying OW you can buy every gear you eve wanted. You want something and are not willing to make any compromise. WvW is 300 hours playing at basically a loos if Legendary armor is the end goal. That`s all they get as a reward! And you guys want that for no effort at all. If we low ball OW play at 15/g an hour that´s 4500 Gold you make and they don´t. You guys talking about fairness really should check your god damm Privileges. And the whole undertone about the thread is ohh how unfair and such why cant I get that. Would give all the other Rewards back you get from OW play so you can have legendary armor? No! Would you guys do Stuff that forces a 4500 Gold loss to you? Maybe some, but the vast majority clearly not. So the Solution obviously nobody wants: Make a PvE rewards track that disable all normal OW rewards. NO spirit shard. No Extra Materials. NO gold. NO Skins. You have to tag stuff or its not gonna progress. And in that you get the Currency for OW Legendary Armor and barley enough T3-T6 mats to make them. Grind your 300 Hours in OW. Everyone is happy right? That`s the deal WvW get and you act like your missing out.
  17. Because changing stuff cost Dev time. Considering the wider implications of huge changes like these cost Dev time. And the game updates slowly enough as is. Also if these new legendarys are so easy to get that people need to stop playing there game mode and change to do easier content would be a detriment to the game. Also it would Defeat the purpose of a Reward. At the end of the day that is what Legendary gear is, a reward for dedication. This is why the lack of details in these request and disregard of the current work that is needed for legendary armor derails the discussion every 2 pages.
  18. What any Legendary? You can´t get Legendary weapons as PvP player. But what if i don't want play open world content. Why should weapons be locked behind a Game mode i don't enjoy. Why should i need to buy Weapons from the TP and be locked out of gen 2 Weapons completely. Why cant i buy Nevermore with ascended shards?
  19. I need some source for that besides your word, cause I have a hard time believing that. First of all i do not want it to "cost double then an exotic" that came from someone else. I made clear in my post a Explorer-like Progression would be a nice way to go about it. Also i wouldn't necessarily get that Explorer-set I purposed. I already own legendary armor for one weight and have not need for it. I personally want ascended stats on my build if i can help it. I just thought giving casual player the ability to stat swap with a reduced grind, at the cost of stats seemed like a neat compromised.
  20. Not true there are 2 camps. Some want with it with Gift of Exploration and the like and doing achievements. The other want to do a 10 hour collection and farm octovine till the shinys drop. The latter is just way louder and probably not as numerous as they seem. But both camps are pretty vague in specifics which makes it pretty hard to evaluate how fair(free) these theoretical Legendary armors are. The People you are talking about are the reason I see so many god damm Sellers in the LFG and already swiped there card.
  21. Actually they don't. Pretty hard to get a weapon if your are PvP only. As legendary crafting is locked behind Masteries. Check your Privilege. Probably similar for WvW. As long as the collection takes the same effort as the other games modes People wont complain to much. But OW content is more laid back and people are more casual. And i doubt a Collection with an estimated time investment about 300 hours is what they want. But it is what PvP and WvW player need to do for there legendary armor. Also what some guys seem to miss, we are ALL in the Open World sometimes.
  22. You think raiders, fractal enjoyers and WvW-slaves don't want ascended stats? They only people who would stop wanting/needing Legendary Armor would be casuals, OW-players and maybe Strikers. Which is kinda the point isn't it? Maybe a WvW player will use it as a stop gap and don't buy the third armor weight. And that should be fine.
  23. I liked that idea. As that would Streamline the build swapping process without making it technical Legendary armor. I disagree about the cost it should be relative low or people just not gonna swap. After all 15 times 1 gold is more then 1 time 10 gold in the perspective of a gold sink. With the capacitor you wouldn't even reworked the system much. The Bank moving part should be fine. If you have so many characters and different builds that the moving gear part becomes annoying maybe you aren't a casual after all.
  24. So tell us how you wanna have your 300 hour grind implemented!!!
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