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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. Yeah i get that point. I´m just pretty sure if they don't step up their "maintenance" for lack of a better word, these modes will die. Then the rest of the game will suffer. Then the game dies. The power of the core battle mechanics is why they got away with it for so long.
  2. How is Anet catering to elite content? SPvP lives be the sheer force of it´s player base in spite of the decade of neglect. That is an insane Return on Investment! WvW the selling features of GW 2 as a whole is comically under supported for what it is. Raids got the shinny's once and anet never looked back. Anet seeing the writing on the wall and trying to make Dungeon/group content more like other games(a fact i heavly dislike) is not catering to elite players. GW 2 is honestly a hard enough sell as is. And owes a lot of it´s success to the good press from content creators put out. What did draw you to the game in the first place? What keeps you playing in a year?
  3. I really don't understand where you guys are coming from. Without Strikes and the likes i would run out of things to do. I would be geared(exotics are easy to come by) in a day or two. Do some collection and then what? What did draw you to the game in the first place? What keeps you playing in a year?
  4. Then open a group yourself? Join the majority of groups who don´t ask for that? 4 of the 6 IBS Strikes ask for nothing to join. Nobody is softlocking you out of anything. YOU do that. You can`t beat Boneskinner with random mediocre players. You need people who pull there weight in that one. Believe me I tried. Your post reads like you are just mad some reward is locked behind challenging content. And you would see the game die just so you can get the dam turtle egg or whatever without doing anything challenging. If we would cater the game to people like you there wouldn't be a game in a year.
  5. Are you an profit driven anet manager who would run the game in the ground so the quarter number look good? What is there to strive for without challenging endgame content? What point would be to the easy parts of the game if there would be nothing to transition into? No point in learning a profession if everything is easy. No point in gearing up if everything is trival. Do you want GW2 to be a fashion Simulator? A gem farm simulator? If Strikes, WvW, SPvP and raids die so does the rest of the game.
  6. Whoa whoa. Slow down there buddy. We are talking about exotics. The strongest gear in the game obviously takes time. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warbeast_armor_(medium) Is 8g a piece and able to select most stats. Some very specific gear is a little more expensive. 70% of the stats are under a gold. That is 2 pieces of the second best gear just for logging in and doing dailies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9SxZwC6V5U There is a video for Budget Condi willbender geared for 10 g. That is $0.63 if you buy the gold. How much more cheaper do you want your gear? If you invest time in crafting and recipe collecting you are set. You can get a full armor set of the second best armor in them game for 2 hours of farming. How much more easy should it get?
  7. Lol people advocating mob justice at cost of the health of the game. Enough people are interested in challenging content. And you heavily underestimate the number of fractals/Raid/WvW/PvP combined. A game needs some Reward to strive for. And challenging content is part of that. A game needs that even if not everyone does it. If you are mad because people don't carry you to content stay mad. People being mediocre is there own dam fault. Nobody wants you to be more hardcore. If you join a Strike, any group content were people rely on you, you have to do your part. You cant claim being oppressed because other people don't do your work for you.
  8. No no no. That is not about berserker gear player one shoting other berserker gear player. That guys has a point. I remember how frustrating these builds were. Mesmer is more or less an auto win against every new player with not enough cleaving. Dodging isn't as easy a veteran player make it out to be. Dodging the new warrior spec sure. Rev burst no problem just die couple of times to it you figure it out. But between 27 elite specs and Visual clutter dodging is quite hard. Look at league of Legends Yorick(noob killer) died so the game could life.
  9. There is a fine line between hopeful and delusional. People could be more patient, but I'm pretty sure it is not gonna happen. I got kicked out of my own group 2 times because i explained mechanics cause i saw low AP in the group. Honestly a compressed Strike acronym list should be enough to smooth things out. There are enough guides for the encounter itself. Yes the game is not designed for 10 man content without a tag. But the LFG tool is fine for what it is. They could split it in Open World and instanced content. Even then you are looking at 20+ categories. Clicking Strikes-> join group seems easy enough. Its mostly acronyms which confused things. Queuing up doesn't work as Strike alone are so varied in difficulty and team composition that is an impossible task to design a que for that. WOW has a que up for almost everything, besides mystic(hard) dungeons because they too are to varied in difficulty. I can be very patient with new players, but i would never join whisper of jormag Strike que if i can help it. Noobs can kill me. Don't want that if i aint ready for that. We have a que but whisper of jormag is hard so nobody did use it even at launch. And Everything below jormag is more or less free to join right now. Edit: I do agree Lfg is confusing but there is no easy solution without the help of outside resources.
  10. His "side" being "casual" players on the forum. Which is somewhat of a contradiction. If I go for strikes and have time I hop on my druid and open an all welcome group. If given time to explain mechanics<Chains> people mostly succeed if they try. Real casual are normally willing to learn and contribute. They just cant because people Speed run that stuff and real casual don't want to be a bother and ask things. The total opposite of forum casuals. Bonus for all welcome groups if you can carry they fill up in no time. I once got my squad full in a loading screen. More then enough time saved to type out boss mechanics.
  11. I guess you play revenant which did go from behind broken sustain to just broken. While the other profession gone from VERY strong to borderline unusable. My rev still doesn´t die. My thief heals for 5% on his 5-10k damage. That is 5oo health per second at most. In practice much less. And not worth the final trait in OW. While being even more niche in Raids now. I think teapot cares about the health of the game. But is pretty clear, to me at least, he plays on another plane then most people. Like the nerf to sustain is a minor fix for raid balance at the cost of A lot of OW/Solo play power for no reason. People still cheese game mechanics in raids with all the powerful tools they have. The nerf to self sustain is like drop on a hot stone. While a lot of people lost much power in a place which wasn't problematic to begin with. A pro perspective on Profession mechanics makes way more sense in PvP and WvW. If something is broken in there it is to the detriment of other players. So long something doesn't eclipse raid/Strike representation it really doesn't matter if its little broken. Not even once did I see a LFG looking for Scrapper/Rev/Thief DPS because of there strong selfheal/barrier. Balance in PvE isn´t that important. You soloing bosses with your revenant pre patch didn't affect me negatively🙂.
  12. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Token_Collector Is an absurd collection that was balanced around people on release combing through the island like we are searching a missing person in the woods. And after that you really need the wiki. Because the hints are crap and Anet leans why to much on the user generated wiki. Even if you could ask an veteran player they would look it up in the wiki too. The wiki is so much part of the game one person thought it is part of the company. Which it isn't. Which becomes very clear if you switch the language on the wiki to something non-english and halve the content is missing. There are so many design mistakes in the game who are carried by the wiki. I certainly don't want marker for the collection. But there is so much stuff missing or poorly explained in the game because they lean on the wiki. Let me check what my specter shroud ability's do. Oh I cant! Now dear reader you may say the wiki is there so it isn't a problem. But its a third party site and has a number of complication that follow because of that. Lets assume for a second not the whole world speaks English. German Spectere wiki entry. https://wiki-de.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phantom Oh great. Was zum Teufel fang ich hiermit an? Its empty. Imagine they port the game ever to another language. What are they gonna do? Translate the whole English wiki? Hope the new players base does their work for free again? Ship GW 2 without a wiki?
  13. The person is just being dramatic. They nerfed all Heal and toughness amulets over time or flat out removed them. As being tanky and able to sustain is pretty broken in a game mode where holding points is the way to win. Add to that block and dodges and tanky bunker builds were quite strong. PvP is nice. There are just 2 main problems: The game mode itself isn't updated. Same maps for years. But we get balance patches! With Anet update speed sadly. The other is, like you probably noticed, there is a lot of skill expression in the game. Coupled with the game being 10 years gold there is a wide gap between noobs/newcomers and Veterans. Which makes it hard for new player to get into the game-> which means player numbers are low-> which means matchmaking can be a pain(if you don't sit at the "good" populated low gold rank)-> which makes people are a little more toxic then they should be. PvP is fun! Knowledge about other Profession is a real asset. Combat is responsive. As the population is so low there is room for experimentation. Don´t let people convince you that a game with a low population Problem is "solved" and the meta is set in stone. Especially in the lower ranks. I got into Platinum with my Dagger/Dagger Condi Daredevil "meme" build. If you are content with Gold you can play basically anything reasonable you like and make it work. All that stuff about broken game only becomes partly true at the high end of gold or low plat. Mobility creep mainly.
  14. Place a number of raptor renting merchant across old Tyra. Usable with only the base game. If they want to go from a to b fast they can rent a raptor. If they have only the Base Game, I can´t imagine a better advertisement for Path of fire then that. You could also give them a Chat option to explain where they are coming from. Make the world more living without charging 200 gems🙂. The merchant already exists. On winters day fore example there is one for the race usable without expansion. All they would have to do is give one employee a day to scatter them smart around the map.
  15. Does anyone have something productive to add? It is a post about a draft. If people wanna exchange the same boring points over and over there is a threat open RIGHT NOW were people can do that. People in favor of OW Armor are derailing the post because why? They don't wanna see high number? They gamble on season of dragons amount of effort(free)? They hope high page numbers=Legendary armor? They are just so angry they cant help themselves? I honestly don't know but it it is ridiculous. As you should! As should I. Not meta bosses, meta events. Also 500 of them. Also also with the trade of of exchanging a existing reward. One meta event is at average around a 15 min time investment. If we assume mostly leeching. Way more if done the correct way. So 125 Hours at minimum. With the trade of of 500 gemstones. Seems fair to me. Honestly homeboy probably overshot that requirement if anything. I do agree with the events they need to be time gated and caped per map to discourage afk farming or some other solution. Well memory of battle are tradable so I know why he got that idea in the first place. Still not a fan myself of that one. Reading Map Chat = Hero Points. Expansion HP are mostly challenging. Following a hero train makes it easy but no vastly easier then following a commander in WvW. I do agree with the fact that people in the forums vastly under estimated what commitment WvW is. Being at minimum 15 Hours per week in the mist and on your feet is no small task. Grieving the game mode makes it of course easier but also boring.
  16. I agree with the fact that PvP/WvW armor boxes aren't a solution. Its nice to outfit alts when you like that mode but not to gear yourself. But reducing the cost solves nothing. Exotic armor isn´t pricey. Its is dirt cheap. The problem seems that a handful off stat combinations are normal priced. Sure we could reduce the cost of these but as the cost problem is only a problem in perception we would sit here in halve a year why ascended armor is so expensive. And in 2 years we start our character with full ascended. Its an Rpg and gear progression should be part of the gameplay. The only real cost factor in crafting exotic armor is hardened Leather and you should get enough of these to supply yourself. If you wanna very specific stats pick up crafting. If you rather sell the leather to get gold, well it doesn't bring you any gold if we decrease the value of exotic armor. That's why we shouldn't demand game changes for all our personal annoyances. If you suggest we reduce the fax seed cost for the newer stats, so some exotic stats don't have an High tax for being new stats, that would be a little more reasonable. Exotic gear has a base cost of 7-8 gold when you craft and a such is the value for Specific gear and I see no good reason to changed that. You can always run cheap suboptimal gear. Just because the meta build sides show you full sets nobody is stopping you from running 2 Vipers and 4 grieving if you wanna go cheap.
  17. Obviously i am a friendless hobo on the internet so I'm just guessing. Killing waves of centaur seems like a good team building exercise(level20). You can open a Guild with them and do some race mission or invite them to your guild and show the hall. Speaking of race you can rent beetles and low level maps and race them. Doing jumping puzzles together! Dueling them in the PvP lobby. Worldbosses! Like there is a lot of stuff to do. On a side note: you aren't running around with your fully geared 80 with them? Dungeon could be tuned down so they are actually leveling content. But otherwise i would like to know in which exciting content they wanna get. Doing Events with level gear in queens dale isn`t much different then doing HoT events in exotics. You could craft them the overpriced exotic Leveling equipment and do the dungeon with them if you want them in your fractals later on.
  18. Most gear is under a gold? Prices for exotic gear were never lower.
  19. I agree. It feels really clunky and non impact full for stopping your dps. Since I first read shadow savior I hoped to be able to heal people with porting. But i run some test against golem with environment damage and the heal numbers are just not there. Specter feels like a healers healer. Someone who keeps the heal alive. I am sure people gonna abuse consume shadow in a very specific situation and the spec will suffer as a result of it. 50% heal without healing power seems pretty broken.
  20. We can assume they like they shiny and dislike challenging content.
  21. Place a big water bubble besides the arena, so you have another way to fall in the mist while waiting for q besides the jumping puzzle.
  22. Dude, your low effort as maybe. People who are ready for a challenge normally do. But then again those people already have a path to do that:D.
  23. And when people don't want to be shot, they should always wear Kevlar? Dude, you are the biggest argument why OW-Armor shouldn't exist. What point is in a reward if you not earn it?
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