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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. No that would be raids^^. I like pvp but even i am in the process of trying raids for the shinys. Why are you so deterrent to avoid effort. What are your builds you need to adjust so much?
  2. If you wanna game the system as you try to game this discussion there is no reason everybody should listen to you.
  3. And the people in your picture aren't there for pipes, they are there for dailies. As a player who joins WvW for some Full Power PvP and dailies I should know. And as such your point is invalid.
  4. Highly unlikely and probably a lie. People normally port from map to map cause of the 5 min timer. They did that once port map finished there dailies and left WvW. No one who plays like that gets WvW armor before 2034. And as such your point is invalid.
  5. If you are as good at dodging in the game as you are in dodging my question you have your PvP armor in no time. I know because I read the others post about leggy armor and I doubt anything new or valuable was said here. So back to you: Did I forget something? Did someone got convinced by anything? Are you any step closer to Legendary armor? Do you think if these Post get big pages number it will make a difference? Or did people just annoy each other for 13 pages again?
  6. Haha. I shouldn't as you just stated your opinion. Which means nothing. People think you want free legendary like season of dragons. And nothing in there would change that opinion. I'm sure there wasn't much said of value. I try to summarize the threat without reading it( I read the last 7 posts and the first 5): OW armor pro: Popular, i am a buying customer i should get it, raid are toxic, WvW is brainless afk, PvP is easy, want armor while doing what I enjoy and of course stating that people are surely willing for a comparable grind while never having done that grind(probably 1 exceptions who owns a set of armor). Anti OW armor: Get gud, free legendary, Raid is Pve, "stop begging", just play one of the 3 paths already in the game and of course Raids arent toxic, WvW isn't brainless if you play it right and PvP isn't easy. Edit: forgot: Legendary armor is a prestige item. People on the fence: Depends how it would be implemented, shouldn't be free. Did I forget something? Did someone got convinced by anything? Are you any step closer to Legendary armor? Do you think if these Post get big pages number it ill make a different? Or did people just annoy each other for 13 pages again?
  7. Yes you stated as much, but what does that mean for all i know you could think the LW Legendary amulet was comparable time and effort. Which would be a joke. Do you want WvW cllaim tickets a bonus loot on your normal farming path? I don't know. And no one gonna read through 13 Pages of Raid toxic, Pvp easy and lol WvW brainless to find the one post were you convincingly stated you are ready and willing for the grind.
  8. If we go off the PvP or WvW armor it would be a good idea to find an analog in OW which isn't included in gold farming. Gift of Might magic Eldtrich scroll etc. stay of course the same. WvW Claim tickets/PvP league tickets: Badges of honor/PvP League ticket: Certificate of heroics/Ascended Shard of Glory: Memories of battle/Shards of glory: Gift of battle/Mist core fragment: Lets start with Memories of battle/Shards of glory: They are the farmable currency you get no matter what. An good analog is gathering as you can do that on any Map. Lets say if you gather any random note you have a chance to find Aurenes wild magic<a 1 time item> that does send you to Taimi. Taimi explains to you that aurene magic is scattered around the world and we have to collect it. She gives you Aurene gathering tools that function like Volatile/Unbound Gathering tools and a Absorb badge(i come back to that later). Looking at some other items in the wiki, you should need around 6000-10000 of aurenes magic per Piece(Like volotile magic). Certificate of heroics/Ascended Shard of Glory: Badge of absorption replaces expansion Hero point challenge loot with Aurenes Crystal and allows to commute with hero points to also get a crystal. That would have the added benefit to make Hero points trains more desirable and help players to unlock the elite specs. If you don´t wanna group at all you can test your Valor in battle against arrowhead in a solo match or just go for the hero points which only need to be found. There are a 100 Points in the expansion. Give it a daily cap of 30 or a weekly cap 200 otherwise player will burn themselves out doing them all. To be comparable you would need around 800 of these aurene shards(Hero points). WvW Claim tickets/PvP league tickets: The strongest time gate. There are 38 Different maps in Core+ expansions. I am excluding Living world as these are behind a gem purchase. Bottle of Adventurer's Sweat 4 per Event per week per map. Means a maximum of 152 Bottle of Adventurer sweat. To keep in line with WvW you would need 400 of those per Piece(faster then WvW if you try hard). Badges of honor/PvP League ticket: 100 Essence of Jump Dodging I don't know about the numbers here as Jumping puzzle are hard to gage for me. I would like if someone who does them often could give some input. Gift of battle/Mist core fragment: 1,000 Glowing Egg Timer actual seem a little to high probably 500-600 would be more comparable. An alternative would be any combination of 2 expansion map completion. Gift of battle and mist core fragment aren't that hard to get. Glowing Egg Timer 1 per Hero chest meta event so at max 12 per day. That way it encourages exploring and moving around the world. It also discourages Gold farming. If we put bonus loot on stuff like gathering or doing Event in queens dale I'm totally fine with it. I just don't want that Guild Wars Devolves to Gold farming the game. Would that be a reasonable amount of effort? + the Precursor of course any ideas?
  9. That is a opinion at best. A very active person in this threat actually discourage people to use numbers so the the time and effort people are willing to put in is never stated. Probably because they are afraid it weakens their argument. They wouldn't have fun doing boring OW stuff either. Everyone who reads these post assumes people want to get Legendary armor while farming gold in halve the time it takes to get WvW armor. And that's not gonna happen.
  10. Not every one who does PvP get the legendary armor you know that? Why do you think is that the case? Also the demand is probably not there. Look how the one threat that puts a a rough outline of they needed commitment is the least visited by the pro Armor crowd. Anyways that is not a discussion about whether anet should do it or not. We have enough of them already. Its a discussion about a draft how it should look like if it gets implemented. Are you alright with the numbers posted here? Would you do something different? Is it to much grind and you rather farm 10 Sets of ascended gear instead of a legendary set? Another idea were the Armor should come from, so not every players sits in drizzlewood?
  11. That seems a little excessive. 8 Weeks of doing 10-12 Metas daily seems more reasonable. All 4 seems a little much if you keep the other cost like Gift of might, gift of magic, 8 weeks of meta and so on. But I agree no matter how the armor would look like you should have to walk away from the gold farms to get it.
  12. I agree. I don't think that is helpful no farm makes gold with gold find. If we go off the PvP or WvW armor it would be a good idea to find an analog in OW which isn't included in gold farming. WvW Claim tickets/PvP league tickets: Badges of honor/PvP League ticket: Certificate of heroics/Ascended Shard of Glory: Memories of battle/Shards of glory: Gift of battle/Mist core fragment: Lets start with Memories of battle/Shards of glory: They are the farmable currency you get no matter what. An good analog is gathering as you can do that on any Map. Lets say if you gather any random note you have a chance to find Aurenes wild magic<a 1 time item> that does send you to Taimi. Taimi explains to you that aurene magic is scattered around the world and we have to collect it. She gives you Aurene gathering tools that function like Volatile/Unbound Gathering tools and a Absorb badge(i come back to that later). Looking at some other items in the wiki, you should need around 6000-10000 of aurenes magic per Piece. Certificate of heroics/Ascended Shard of Glory: Badge of absorption replaces expansion Hero point challenge loot with Aurenes Crystal and allows to commute with hero points to also get a crystal. That would have the added benefit to make Hero points trains more desirable and help players to unlock the elite specs. If you don´t wanna group at all you can test your Valor in battle against arrowhead in a solo match or just go for the hero points which only need to be found. There are a 100 Points in the expansion. Give it a daily cap of 30 or a weekly cap 200 otherwise player will burn themselves out doing them all. To be comparable you would need around 800 of these aurene shards. WvW Claim tickets/PvP league tickets: The strongest time gate. There are 38 Different maps in Core+ expansions. I am excluding Living world as these are behind a gem purchase. Bottle of Adventurer's Sweat 4 per Event per week per map. Means a maximum of 152 Bottle of Adventurer sweat. To keep in line with WvW you would need 400 of those per Piece(faster then WvW if you try hard). Badges of honor/PvP League ticket: 100 Essence of Jump Dodging I don't know about the numbers here as Jumping puzzle are hard to gage for me. I would like if someone who does them often could give some input. Gift of battle/Mist core fragment: 1,000 Glowing Egg Timer actual seem a little to high probably 500-600 would be more comparable. An alternative would be any combination of 2 expansion map completion. Gift of battle and mist core fragment aren't that hard to get. That way it encourages exploring and moving around the world. It also discourages Gold farming. If we put bonus loot on stuff like gathering or doing Event in queens dale I'm totally fine with it. I just don't want that Guild Wars Devolves to Gold farming the game.
  13. Yes! Everyone who is on the fence on the idea cites that as the breaking point. "they want legendary armor for free" "depends on time needed" "they dont want to put any afford into it" etc. I mean its been a while since someone put a draft with some, somewhat reasonable numbers out. And as thanks the opponents are more civil and the supporters a lot quiter;D. And I'm sure A-net isn't opposed to the idea if there is enough demand for Legendary armor to justify implementing it. And that is the other point. If there are enough people willing to do a "fair" Legendary armor journey, the will implement it.
  14. Look I believe you are well meaning. Putting valuable Currency on top of profitable stuff like events is bonus loot. It will just increase the gold per hour in drizzle wood. I don't know how i could write it down simpler. I mean what do OP-Player do? How to you implement a Legendary armor so you cant get it while farming gold?
  15. I actually have a bunch: Boring WvW/PvP: whatever the Legendary armor currency ends up, you just can buy it with that currency and a gold price A One time collection with many parts. Pick up papers or whatever, I hope you know what i mean. Numerous enough so mesmer don't stand next to the hard to get ones with their services. Across All of tyria. So even if player dont want to go on a year long legendary armor journey, they get 1 set of ascended gear "for free". Bonus points if some are hard to get so you have to use your mounts glider other OW tools. Some instanced recycled Elite mob encounter to test your valor if you face the elite alone.(that one is what i would personally like, but probably not quite populat)
  16. That is the main point of misunderstanding which i think OW players struggle with. WvW currency is the loot. It is like 80% of the reward of doing WvW. Rewards track are so not profitable https://metabattle.com/wiki/Guide:Ways_to_Earn_Gold list them at the bottom and are to afraid to even give you a number. If you introduce new valuable legendary armor currency you create Bonus loot. OW players look at the tiny numbers of tickets, shards and Insight get confused what work(intensity x time) is hidden behind these numbers. They see 600 ascended shards(PvP) and think it is something like 600 Airship Parts. Or it at least reads like that looking at the forum. If you don't want to be a leech then that is still more challenging then most metas. I saw and so I did the rough math, which is why I don't like these numbers:D.
  17. Leave the poor matchmaker alone it did nothing wrong. The average PvP player folds the second he has to punch up a little to high and uneven scores are a result of players giving up to easy. If there were a surrender options every second game would get to the surrender vote after 1 minute. What people not realize is that your skill can vary greatly between matches. You maybe have an mmr of 1500. Your Guardian has an theoretical mmr from 1600 and your rangers has theoretical mmr of 1400. You focused and calm on guard can give you a skill level of 1700 mmr. Frustrated and on a losing streak your rangers has a skill level of 1200. And the same is true for most other players. And as enough people get a defeated attitude games go in one direction hard. I personally play only one profession and try to stay calm. And I never have losing streaks. Even as I was ranking up into plat and scraped top 250 were the matchmaker goes out of whaack<through no fault of its own> the worst I got was 4 or 5 in a row at most. I never shot out of my division or did fall out of it. As a Side note to that: As I did the backpack achievement I probably kittened up the matchmaking for a lot of people, as I was falling through the ranks as necro, ranger etc. and rising back up again as I got back to playing thief. Same is true if other player doing the backpack or change Profession for another reason and top 100 veteran playing on alt accounts doesn't help either. Defeatist attitude, low player count and Profession skill variations cause lopsided matches not the poor matchmaker. I'm honestly surprised how good it is still working considering the state of sPvP. The only fix is to get more people in PvP. Besides some more neat rewards and a report function there isn´t much Anet can do. What is played on the monthly tournament or is meta in Plat has no affect on new players. One class being 10% better then another means nothing if you have to face player who are having a 5 year head start in pvp and flame you to bits for not playing "correctly". If you want more people in the game, Players need to calm down in ranked. And stop blaming everyone else for everything, every single game! P.S. If we would IP ban the top 20 players matchmaker would improve greatly on the higher end.
  18. Protip: If you have a character slot free, make an bank alt with cheap bags. Stuff like most boosters are hoarded on an alt and not the bank tab.
  19. It is a MMO. Massive multiplayer server cost game. They have to keep the server running and quality of life is the most reasonable aspect to monetize. Besides skin but that does cost money to produce in the first place and unlike LoL I don't think anet is big enough to make enough money on Skins alone. If you ever played WoW or another subscription based game you always could buy 1600 Gems for 20 bucks every 2 months and look at it as a optional 10 dollar subscription. I actually agree on the living world part. Monetizing the main story was a stupid idea from A-net.
  20. Neat and specific I like it. But it has the same Flaw as all other suggestions you basically want Bonus loot on OW play. And you precursor has less OW-play then raid precursors. Besides the Jumping puzzle stuff, you can get everything else while farming gold. And you choose to make the one thing that has a little challenge involved to be tradable. Glowing egg timer seems fine as you at least trade existing rewards for getting them. Getting currency from renowned hearts seems fine, as these aren't profitable. But 100?. You would get enough for 3 piece for one map completion on top of Gift of exploration. 100 Event for legendary armor? Come on! We need at least a 4 Bottle of Adventurer's Sweat cap per map per day. And even then 100 seems absurdly low. People shouldn't be able to farm drizzle wood for there legendary except for the material cost. Certificate of Repetition (purchased with 50,000 Karma) is also suspiciously cheaper then the corresponding parts of the existing armor. Hero points also seems like a good way to get to legendary armor as they aren't that profitable but even with the high cost of 250 you almost get all you need while doing Gift of exploration. As all suggestions before it that armor is cheaper, faster to get, more profitable to get while being disconnected from anything challenging. Edit: Which I don't like
  21. They shot themselves in the foot with making living world main story content. I started after Pof released. I did the personal story, got funneled into HoT story, played the first story mission and never touched the story again. Who are these people? What is happening? Why should I care at all? I now have all the living World season halve from the free season of dragon rest I bought with gold Gems recently. It is a mess each story is boring because I'm so out of the loop on everything. I miss context or already spoiled and it feels all so pointless. Look at WoW how long their story carried that Game. Frozen throne introduced all the feature player hate, but you are fighting God Damm Arthas and People are hyped. I know they make money of living world, but they have to fix that somehow at a profit loss if need be. Even if new players don't complain on steam and get refunds, at best they just disengage from the story like me. That is like selling a "Harry potter book collection" with "Chamber of secrets" and "Goblet for Fire" missing. They even use Living world on there advertisement.
  22. No. At maximum I want slight better rewards if at all. NOTHING that can be converted to gold. The second you make challenging content profitable you ruin it. If you put any extra rewards into challenging content they have to be one of the following: Minor(PvP/WvW reward track or+5 stats infusion for Raids) Discount based(make stuff cheaper like runic armor drop from strikes or cheaper ascended Gear) Only usable after a long Period of time(PvP Legendary backpack achievement/ 22+ weeks of claim tickets for legendary armor) Cosmetic(but they are running out of design ideas sooner or later) Otherwise People will "speed" run it:1,5 hours dragon response mission grind. People will over optimized it: Cold war Strike with Randoms is a blast. Cold war Strike with a optimized group is standing still for 10 min and doing dps. People will grieve the content cause they are only there for the rewards: Ever joined a PvP tournament? People wont have any patience with other players cause it cuts into there profit. If the rewards are to tangible, Challenging content will stop rewarding the challenge and start rewarding Content per hour. People in Raids and Strikes will lose all patience with other players. In PvP they will be even more toxic. In WvW even more afking. Look at IBS Strikes. Since they stopped being "current" content they became so much better. People don't death rush them anymore. And the lfg isn't full with "250 LI FC" groups anymore. People still do them because they are fun and the rewards are all human so it doesnt feel like a big waste. 1 Armor set, cheaper ascended, LW currency, some collection and a cape. You want people in your group who are here for the challenge not the rewards. I personally would like something exclusive but People are rioting in the forums already. Long achievements for a mount skin would be nice. One for OW, Strikes, PvP, WvW and Raids so people cant complain.
  23. Yeah seemingly it is. What you described how matchmaking works after season 2 is utter non-sense. Its is absurd based only on your own inflated ego. If that were true that would mean 50% of your games and 100% of your wins you would have been carried by better players. I don't know how people think mmr goes only in one direction. Besides the top 100 and bottom 100 Mmr affects all players equally. If you are top 100 and see a bronze, it is a fellow top player gaming the system to scam easy wins. If you are gold or lower what you think would "help" bronze player would also "help" you.
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