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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. Yeah and get your teeth kicked in. Be a bother and leech your teammates. If it is so easy why don't you have the legendary pvp armor? Just tell us how you wanna have the 300 hour grind implemented in Open world content for YOUR legendary armor.
  2. Or you know communicate to succeed. Same in PvP. If you wanna halve kitten the game be my guest. But if you wanna have the same rewards you have to put in the same work as everybody else. And between all your complaining you didn't state once how much your are willing to do for legendary armor.
  3. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tactician_Deathstrider This NPC sells the trinkets. An event has to be completed to access that NPC. You can upgrade the exotic trinkets, but these upgrades don't have cavalier as possible stat combination. So you have to search for an alternative in that regard. Armor you can buy from the Trading Post. Donari was talking about crafting the armor yourself and buying the insignia for that purpose. That of course assumes you have the relevant Armor crafting discipline at 400 or higher. Hope that helps.
  4. PvP Conquest is just smaller in scale. That why it is much easier to get into. While gear maybe is a tiny hurdle for the game mode, things like the talent system and the fact it is coordinated group content are much bigger barriers for entry. How many hours does it take to be an effective supply mule(Warclaw + some point in supply capacity)? Even with ascended gear there is not much you can do to help win the game as a single person. In PvP you can go in play your class well, win a Game and be finished in 15 mins. Im honestly surprised how little PvP player there seem to be, as GW 2 smooth combat system is it´s best feature. I am pretty sure the simplified build setup system is there mostly for balance reason anyway. How often did they have to nuke the heal amulets? WvW is the only place where you can pvp with the full power guild wars provides. That's why you often see guys dueling out over the bottom camp in the boarder maps. I wouldn't like to see that gone.
  5. The reason is people should have to put in similar Work for similar rewards. Work defined as time x intensity. PvP players generally hit back much harder then OW npc`s. For crying out loud 1 dragon hunter hits harder then most world bosses and I have to face that kitten alone and not with 49 other people. If you are an average PvP players it still takes around 201 hours of somewhat intense gameplay to get the needed shard´s. Now you probably saying but hey you literally can afk in WvW. True. But if you wanna have WvW armor, the not shiny one, we are talking about a 289 Hour commitment over at least 22 Weeks for the claim tickets alone. Way more if you approach it casually and can´t commit to that game mode hard. That is all without the actual gold cost of these item, for what players have to go(funny enough) to the open world even if they not like it all that much. And as long as not enough open world people make it clear they want legendary armor with these kind of strings attached it is not gonna happen.
  6. Isn´t that site user generated? So it is highly skewed towards "hardcore" player and excludes a big portion of the casual player base.
  7. Option 3 Legendary Armour light Call it the Explorer-Armor and give it exotic level stats but legendary amour functionality. As OW content is more casual in nature the lower stat line shouldn't be a problem. Nobody needs full ascended to kill octovine. Introduce an achievement for the core and expansions Map which give an item after completing a number of events on each map(Similar to Emblem of Victory and the WvW version). Also let it cost a tiny amount Claim tickets and Ascended shard(maybe even pristine fractal relics) so casual need to at least try the other games modes a little. Throw a gift of exploration in the mix and reduce the amount t3 -t6 materials. Let them Explorer everything and get the freedom to experiment with there builds, at the cost of a big time investment and reduced stats. How high the Cost of this theoretical gear would be is debatable. For example:10 events on each map? 100? 1000? With that system OW player would naturally make some progress for the Explorer-Armor.
  8. Fair Point, sadly can fix the title. Did try to fix the body a little without changing it completely. On the other hand a discussion about a CHEAP strike TAG would have gone the same way anyway. Besides buying a tag is more a compromise then what i think is right. I think it should be baseline or locked behind an achievement. Being able to buy it with some of the currency from Strike would obviously be way better then now, but would still kind of weird as it is an interface function that doesn't effect other player besides the 9 people in your Strike. The fact you have to be kind deep in the game or search through multiple wiki sites to even know that is missing and where to get that is outrageous for a game in 2022.
  9. The Reason I am asking is the same Reason you and others dodge the questions like you all maining Daredevils. Ready-Check is is a helpful tool that is why people use it. And the only Reason people not use it in Strikes is because they don't have access to it or they have such a high skill level that they could do the Strike drunk with a hand tied behind there back. And even THEN they use it from time to time because its is just how you run that content. Will a Ready-Check have a HUGE positive impact? probably not Huge. But that's the Point! It is an easy to implement(most likely done by an underpaid intern) positive change that should hurt nobody. And you guys act like we are grabbing the 300g directly from your wallet, what apparently shouldn't even be a problem as 300g isn`t a big investment anyway. Nobody who is against even offer an alternative. Do you guys really thing it reasonable to lock interface function behind(for casual Players) multiple week long grind. You cant be serious. Not every on can be expected to commit so hard to a game as we do. There is no prestige in grouping your teammates into subgroups. There is no Glory in doing a ready-Check.
  10. Nobody is talking about figuring out roles. And yes I do believe its gonna help. It seems worth repeating the end of the Quote, which suspiciously got ignored. If you ever find yourself in a Strike mission do you use the Ready-Check?If yes, why?
  11. The one in shiverpeaks for example is a Mile before the actual Boss. For another example the Kodan one has a wall so you can even get in position. Also why shouldn't they update Strike group function what would be the Harm to that? EDIT: There is a reason Commander squad function are used in Strikes if available. These are tools which make group content more organized. Which is important in Strike, more so when you do Strike with and LFG group.
  12. But not every one who has a Tag wants to lead the group or update the LFG between Strikes. It seems like a necessary update as 10-Man Content become more available to the Player Base. Is there any Reason it shouldn't be updated or is any Harm done, when a Non-Commanders is able to ready-check there group. Cause i doubt it would eat up any significant Dev-Time as this functionality is already in the Game.
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