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Everything posted by Richter.9614

  1. You think that is bad? What about all those moments when your target was close to a wall or some other object and the projectiles just went over the target for some kittening reason? I don't have any ideas why stuff like that isn't being fixed and balanced. It's almost like that "devs don't play their own game" meme is not a meme but is a pure 100% fact.
  2. Just gonna try to quote from memory what some other guy said in another thread a few months ago: "WB is really good at getting first to mid, dealing no damage, and dying instantly"
  3. Because targets in PvE are almost always STATIONARY thus allowing entry into them for the whirl through the insidehitboxformaxdmg design flaw?
  4. GS2 is absolute trash in all game modes. Just the fact of having to be inside your enemy like you're a sex toy or something to do max damage just screams bad game design. Slowdown just adds extra frustration points.
  5. Mainhand sword is still a problem. It hits like a wet noodle and this can be said about almost every guardian weapon because of the ungodly reliance on damage modifiers and the virtue multi-hit design flaw. It is also really clunky and is basically just a glorified teleport with some extra borderline useless stuff thrown in.
  6. This. Same legendary quality, slightly different name and unique status. Should be just as easy as adding a simple ascended amulet to a vendor. No unfair advantage will be gained.
  7. No, uncharged mantra icons are the best.
  8. Well, GS can use an update.AA chain is kinda meh.GS 2 is by far one of the most poorly designed skills in the game. What other skill requires you to stay inside of your enemy's hitbox to do full damage? All because of that useless gimmick with "hurling projectiles". Should get a hurl bag for those.GS 5 has incredibly poor aim. It's almost as bad as Torch 4 aim - you can use it point-blank and it will still miss the target half of the time.
  9. DH is a jumbled up together mess without any clear vision behind it. It needs almost a complete redesign, except for the virtues - they are quite nice. But everything else is just meh.Traps are redundant and not fun to play with. Sure, some people might think traps are fun because you can instakill someone in WvW with them or get stealth with trapper runes but this meme quality of theirs does not make them good. Changing them into something more proactive like stances or phisical skills might just help since it will actually signify DH's phisical presence on the battlefield along with the phisical nature of their virtues and will require less animation work in general. ANET have shown us they can significally change classes with mesmer, scrapper, herald and the upcoming berserker/revenant updates. They can do the same with DH.Not to mention light's judgement. Just think about this - this worthless skill hasn't been changed ones since HoT came out. They only tweaked the animation on it a few times. Only 3 traits are worth something - the bottom line which is for virtues. 6 other traits are either mandatory to take because of poor balance or complete trash that can't compete in the meta nowadays. LB is probably the worst weapon in the game so far. It makes you vulnerable and immobile, barely does any damage at all. And the cherry on top - the skill icons. They are sooooooo ugly, not to mention they reused at least 2 icons from other classes' bow skills.
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