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Everything posted by Mistwraithe.3106

  1. If you are talking about the Hidden Arcana instance then you can talk to the challenge motes to ask for the boss to be reset if you have failed the achievement, you don't have to restart the whole instance. I think you have to kill the boss first tho which is a bit painful with the last boss (and the wiki page mentions some bug too I think). They are all easier with a second person if you have a friend who can help out.
  2. I think personal difficulty levels which just scale your own character's stats to make things harder would be great. No extra rewards for playing on harder difficulty, it would just be something that players could set higher if they want more of a challenge while doing OW rather than everything dying with one shot...
  3. I haven't created a Thief myself but from what I've gathered Thieves might be a bit the way you are talking with the ability to burst damage and then stealth away to rebuild their resources?
  4. The core story is pretty meh but LWS1 is significantly better, then LWS2 and how it flows into the Heart of Thorns maps was awesome for me (I did everything in order so hadn't visited HoT maps until I got there and hence I enjoyed the couple of plot twists which came out in LWS2). I'm currently in LWS3 and the story is slightly more disjointed than LWS2+HoT was but still fun. So yeah, if you are interested in story I thoroughly recommend this approach...
  5. I agree with many that I don't think GW3 will happen for the same reasons I don't think WoW2 will happen. The closest you could get to that is ongoing developments and improvements to the engine which continue to improve how good it looks, plus perhaps new systems like weather etc. Anet have already been doing this with the push to DX11, replacing other old parts of the code base such as the browser, etc so its possible so long as the game keeps making money.
  6. Yeah, by design. It's pretty clear that one of the drivers for the Wizards Vault was to link the rewards more closely to actually playing the game rather than just logging in. If you do play the game enough to get most dailies weeklies (which will often just happen as a byproduct of your playing if you are playing regularly) then the rewards are both higher and obviously more flexible. My only gripe with the system at this point is when dailies/weeklies want you to go onto maps/expansions you haven't reached yet in your story progression, which is pretty dumb, I don't read a book out of order and I'm not playing the GW2 story out of order either. If you just login daily instead then you get less, as Anet obviously intended.
  7. Personally I think they should tell us they are shelving Alliances and instead focus WvW resources on a third borderlands map and WvW related skins (eg siege etc). Maybe some more WvW achievements or events, etc.
  8. Alliances is very much in the air and Anet don't seem to know what to do about it. Which I can relate to as I think Alliances are a very fraught idea which is likely to do more damage than benefit - and the damage done would be the newer WvW players, the new blood. Other than that, we got what we were told we would didn't we? More rewards both from drops and the WvW achievements?
  9. OP's post is exactly how I feel. I and my family own all the expansions but are in LWS3 in the story. I really enjoy the story and there is no way I'm visiting a future map to do a daily. At least now there is one extra daily but it's still possible to get two PvE dailies which you can't do because they are in PoF, EoD or SOTO. And if you miss the dailies by 1 then you only get 25 AA instead of 65 AA, it's a huge penalty. So essentially we are being being penalized for having purchased expansions before we reached them in our story advancement. It's a completely boneheaded move by Anet, make the game worse for your customers if they give Anet money before they needed to. I've switched to only doing WvW dailies for that reason, however my friends and family don't do much WvW so instead they have mostly given up on doing the dailies. Anet need to fix this (only include dailies if you have actually visited and got say 5% map completion on the map) or add more choice than just the one spare daily we currently have.
  10. I think it would be a cool feature to add in an expansion. I think they should retroactively add it to the other maps if they do tho.
  11. Right, yeah with my regular group of friends and family I usually run a celestial tempest and can provide a decent amount of heal. We didn't have any healers in the pickup group, good fun tho...
  12. I just wanted to say that we played the Sunqua Peak Fractal for the first time today and it was really cool. Beautiful map and fun mechanics. We actually failed to beat the final encounter as we had a pickup group of 4, none of whom it turned out had done it before and one left after our second wipe, but will definitely be giving it another go with my regular group once they get some agony resistance. More of that please 🙂
  13. Yeah, this is my concern. I play WvW with a few different guilds and with my friends and family (who are also in our own little 10 person guild). We're all on the same World so it works well right now, but it seems inevitable that world restructuring is going to make things straight up worse for me. I honestly don't know how I would choose between the guilds, I would probably have to pick my friend and family guild because, hey, they are my friends and family (!), but I actually play WvW with them more rarely than the other guilds I am a member of.
  14. It seems indisputable that there has been some power creep over the years. Not as much as some have suggested perhaps, but a noticeable increase every few years. I feel pretty strongly that the specializations should be kept reasonably in line with each other when other factors are taken into account. If a DPS build also provides a lot of boons, CC, sustain or other utility then it should have a bit less DPS than a glass cannon build which doesn't provide much other utility. Melee builds should provide a bit more DPS (they usually do), low intensity builds should provide slightly less DPS than high intensity (but only slightly IMO), big upfront burst builds should have slightly less long term DPS, etc. Tradeoffs should exist.
  15. I think a strong case can be made that they had to make the PvE legendary take noticeably more time and materials (and hence more grinding) than the Raid, PvP and WvW legendaries. The other legendaries all require you to commit to either getting good enough to do raids or playing against other players (which is harder than most PvE). Sure it's possible to get the PvP and WvW legendaries without being very good at playing against other players but if you don't do anything to get vaguely competitive then it's going to be a very painful grind (and also take longer in PvP I think?). One of the main goals of the PvE legendaries seems to be removing the need to do any difficult game content. I can see this is very useful for a subset of players but it seems only fair that they take longer than the legendaries which involve more challenging content.
  16. Like many have said, the real question is why were Living Worlds ever free? As someone who started playing relatively recently they weren't free, I had to buy most of them (got a few from the tail end of a repeat free unlock they had). IMO they should all have been mini-expansions and cost money from the start. Then Anet would have had more money to improve the game more. They would also have probably bundled them together with the bigger expansions by now instead of having this awkward situation where HoT buyers don't realise they need to buy LWS2 too if they want the proper story lead in to HoT (so messed up).
  17. Great to hear you have found a good place to play (PoF, which I haven't reached). I'm going through the story slowly and reached HoT a few weeks ago. I've found it an amazing place to explore and have really enjoyed unlocking the masteries and getting the extra powers that come with them - I'm having a blast. BUT, I did LWS1, LWS2 (which do a good job of leading the story into HoT) and had unlocked many of the Core masteries before I reached HoT (plus quite a few hours playing WvW which probably improved my ability to survive the tougher mobs in HoT). I think when you go back to HoT after learning more from PoF you will find it much more fun.
  18. Heh. I think everyone realises the new system is worse for those who just login and don’t play. But that does seem to be a part of the point, part of the reason Anet changed to the new system. It is by design so complaints about it are unlikely to get anywhere. I suspect most people, including me, feel that this is better, the in game economy shouldn’t be so influenced by people just logging in on multiple accounts. Play time should be how you get rewards and make progress. I am pretty sure there won’t be any moves backwards on this.
  19. If I was going to do anything in WvW I would add more maps. I think it's a shame the desert map got so much negative reaction which seems to have killed the idea of Anet adding any more maps. I'm a relatively new player and the desert map is more confusing to learn so I get it, but it's not that bad either. New maps would add some variety.
  20. Agreed. Karka Queen is worst for me, it's billed as legendary in the wiki and in the same section as Triple Trouble and Tequatl but it usually seems to melt in less than 2 minutes.
  21. I agree entirely. I've been waiting a few days to see what Anet do about vault but my current plan is to ask for a refund of SOTO for me and my family (4 of us). We've all been stung by getting a SOTO daily (three times for me last week) which means we can't complete it at all since none of us have progressed past HoT in the story. We bought SOTO because we enjoy the game and wanted to support Anet but none of us will be playing the maps for months yet. This new vault system penalizes us for buying the expansion by giving us dailies (and weeklies) in maps we're not visiting.
  22. I think you are also missing the 30 AA chest for doing your dailies? Rewards are a lot higher than you calculations. btw I agree on all your other points. Earning dailies, doing them with friends and family, all much worse.
  23. Huh? That's outright wrong. Once you see today's dailies you are stuck with them, there is no way out of them. If you change the tick boxes to say you want WvW or PvP dailies then that will ONLY take affect from tomorrow when dailies are rerolled.
  24. I'm not a fan of the lack of choice with the dailies, not being able to do them with friends, etc. But rewards is not a problem. If you do all the dailies every day you will be able to get more gold than you got under the old system, between buying bags of gold, mystic coins and other things you can sell for gold. Rewards are fine, strong even. Lack of choice in how to play the dailies is the problem.
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