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Everything posted by Mistwraithe.3106

  1. I would just like to point out that what I'm saying wouldn't prevent people from doing what you said. Whether the HoT or PoF dailies are shown should depend on whether the player has visited any of those maps. Those who want to speed run or dip their toes in all the maps rather than following the story progression would be fine then, they would get dailies for all maps. But people like me, Tev, Padrion, etc who are going through the game in story order (which surely is the recommended order?) would not be presented with dailies in these future regions just because we paid Arena Net money. Both groups would be happy. Right now, players who want to enjoy letting the story unfold and like doing dailies occasionally are not going to be happy. Note that Arena Net did refund the ultimate collection for me which was great. I think it was the right thing for them to do but I'm also impressed that they did as some game companies most definitely wouldn't have. I purchased some gems (my first) immediately after the refund so they got some money back, but they won't be getting money for the expansions until I reach HoT in the story progression.
  2. No. But, as mentioned in one of my earlier posts, it is part of one of the living world seasons which we also haven't got to. We haven't fought Zhaitan yet and are sticking to to the story progression.
  3. How can it be by design that when you pay for the expansions you suddenly start getting daily missions to do in maps you have never been to and (in game following the story) don't even know exist? It's definitely a bug. It's just one which you have become accustomed to thinking is normal.
  4. So, today only 1/4 is in the expansions or Maguuma Wastes (HoT lumberer) which would work. I can't really wait a few weeks to build up a record of percent of the time it's 1/4 or less. So I think I'll just take the refund. Arena Net should fix this tho, it's not in their interest to make the game less fun when you buy the expansions!
  5. I've just purchased the expansions (ultimate collection) and encountered a bug which significantly reduces my ability to play and enjoy the game. I'm playing with family members who are moving through GW2 rather slower than me so my main character is level 80 but I am not progressing the story until they are ready. When I want to play alone or with just a small part of the group (usually my daughter) we will often do the PvE dailies - they provide a nice goal and we can often explore a new area as part of at least one of them. But now that I've purchased the expansions the PvE dailies are abruptly including maps from the expansions! These maps which are way ahead of where our characters are in the story, I haven't finished the base game (Zhaitan) let alone started Living World Season 1. I have no interest in rushing ahead of my family into these maps. This seems a clear bug - the PvE dailies shouldn't include maps just because I own the expansions, it needs to look at where I am in the story, or alternatively whether I have visited the maps (I haven't visited any). GW2 essentially got less fun for me because I purchased the expansions - this is not a good thing! In my case I raised a ticket and Arena Net support have offered to refund the ultimate collection. I will probably take this offer which I presume will solve my problem. Obviously from your point of view tho I think you should fix this bug so that people aren't forced to delay purchasing the expansions if they want to enjoy the game properly.
  6. I get what you are saying here, but at the same time it is nice to be able to when I want to (and I don't actually do them every day, far from it). For example, if my daughter and I decide to play (without the rest of the group) we have recently done the dailies and she really enjoys that. Her character is level 67 or so which means occasionally I have a level 80 daily which she doesn't but we can almost always find 3 we can do together. Now that I've bought the expansions (assuming I don't take the refund) it seems likely that on any random day we decide to play we won't have 3 dailies which we share. It's just silly - there's no upside to this bug.
  7. I know there are some comments in this thread speculating that it might be hard for the programmers to tell whether HoT and PoF dailies are appropriate, but I don't buy that. GW2 already has a system tracking map progression for everyone zone, it would be easy to check whether map progression on the HoT and PoF zones is 0%. I'll see what the next dailies are, but yesterday 2/4 were in HoT and PoF maps. I bought the Ultimate Collection which includes EoD too and I was already avoiding the Maguuma Wastes dailies (those zones are one of the Living Seasons I think?) so I fear that there will frequently be 2/4 which I can't do. I have a Raptor BUT I never visited PoF at all, it was given out as a trial to all players a few weeks ago? The Raptor disappeared when that trial ended but when I purchased the ultimate collection yesterday the Raptor appeared again. So maybe the game has some logic of "I have a mount so I'm playing PoF" but in that case it's a bug as I've never visited any of the expansion maps (or indeed any map outside of the core area). ArenaNet support have offered to refund so I might just take that. I wanted to give them some money but not at the cost of reducing my enjoyment of the game. If I take the refund then I'll buy the first expansions only when we reach them. It's all rather silly tho - seems like a clear bug to me that the Dailies include areas so far ahead of your story progression!
  8. Necro I know, but why? Why would they do this? I've just purchased the expansions and am totally regretting it - the game is essentially punishing me for paying to buy the expansions! I'm playing with friends who are moving through GW2 rather slower than me so I'm level 80 but not progressing the story until they are ready for it, so I do the dailies occasionally. I haven't finished the base game let alone started Living World Season 1. But now that I've purchased the expansions I'm stuffed. The PvE dailies suddenly say mine the deserts in maps I've never heard of or view a Heart of Maguuma Vista in more maps I've never heard of. For clarity, I have no interest in rushing ahead and exploring these maps either, I want to do it in our group. So basically I'm trapped for months now with no longer being able to do the dailies until my friends catch up and we get through the expansions? What sort of crazy system is this?
  9. I'm not sure you have thought through the cost of having to use MFA for everything... Virtually every MFA system I have run into only trusts the computer for a period of time, usually 1-3 months. Then you have to repeat. Some expire the trust if there is just a 1 week gap in usage (eg Apple). I think I have about 300 login systems I interact with. That's everything from bank, work, SAAS services, entertainment (Netflix, local movie chain), travel (airlines, uber, etc), local stores and restaurant's loyalty programs, various online shops, school systems for the kids, etc. I suspect I'm at the light end of the scale and it's a lot more for some people. Let's say each of these requires MFA every 2 months and it takes 2 minutes to do each time. That is 150 a month, 300 minutes per month, 5 hours per month, 60 hours per year. So you think it's a great idea that everyone should have to spend 60 hours a year entering MFA? That's a massive chunk of my life being wasted because these login systems want to put all the risk onto me instead of accepting any themselves. I've never been hacked on any system before. Touch wood, because I'm sure I've been a bit lucky, but also prudent (different passwords for every site, etc). The cost-benefit relationship is just wildly off - 60 hours a year lost to avoid something which has never caused me any loss anyway!
  10. I totally agree with OP. The game is best when it is a challenge but even for completely new players who haven't looked into ideal builds (ie us) it's hard to achieve this challenge, particularly as we play together as a group of 3-5. We've generally tried to be in zones where we are slightly under leveled but there is a fairly narrow margin before you can't hit at all and once you hit level 80 it's no longer an option anyway (since there aren't any zones > level 80). The game is often just too easy. I would love to have an option to increase difficulty by downscaling our abilities slightly. GW2 already has power scaling when characters go into lower levels so it seems like it wouldn't be that hard for them to add an extra level of player control to downscale ourselves harder.
  11. Yes, until you hit level 80, then there aren't any core zones above your level. We were around level 50 when the CAG came out and looking forward to another 20+ hours of leveling in the higher level core zones. It seems like the CAG will cut that down to maybe 6 hours before we hit level 80? We're just lamenting the lost time enjoying playing the core zones with some challenge.
  12. A very interesting conversation. In general I really agree with a lot of what Asum has said. I'm into playing for story and the memories of my actual achievements (I don't mean the in game achievements, I mean goals I feel good about having achieved). That generally requires a decent level of challenge. It helps if there is also a nice reward at the end of it, something which you will remind you of the achievement whenever you see it. So more quests which lead to "cool rewards" (cool enough that you keep using/seeing them for a while) sound great. This is obviously somewhat in conflict with the F2P monetization as ArenaNet also need plenty of those cool rewards in their gem shop so that people will keep paying money. I can also understand why ArenaNet might want to keep some categories of rewards almost entirely gem shop based rather than risking diluting their income stream by making some of them (eg mount skins) earnable in world. Yes, if people get a few mount skins from gameplay quests that might incentivise them to spend more on gemstore skins, but it could go the other way too and maybe ArenaNet don't want to take that risk. Hopefully though there is still room for more other cool rewards which are earnable from quests, as that is the sort of thing that motivates players like me. Equally I hope those quests will actually be fun quests rather than excessively grinding! If the quest isn't interesting and/or fun then the whole thing falls apart and you may as well just go back to grinding gold in your favourite gold to buy things on the gemstore.
  13. Perhaps the best solution is that WvW should only be unlocked at level 80? We're fairly new players and have generally been enjoying PvE. Our only real complaint has being that the open world gets too easy, it's hard staying in zones where you are slightly underleveled, particularly with the new Character Achievement Guide doling out XP like it's candy. We haven't tried WvW or PvP tho.
  14. Seems the thread is almost done, but I would just like to add that as a player still finishing up base Tyria maps (not level 80 yet) the game is far more fun when there is some challenge to the combats. The base open world maps are often too easy (particularly with the Character Achievement Guide boosting your level all the time so you can't easily stay in zones where you are underlevelled) but I can see that there will be some inexperienced players who need it to be that easy. I think the obvious solution is to add difficulty levels so that each player can choose how much challenge they want. Easy (even easier than current), Normal (like current settings), Hard, Savage, Insane, or whatever you want.
  15. I also played a bit with my kids when they were younger (7-10). It didn't last that long but we've now picked it up again as a family with the kids around 13-16 and this time it's stuck (apart from everyone being grumpy at the Character Achievement Guide throwing out gazillions of XP and overlevelling us for the zones we want to explore! We so want to turn that thing off!). It's probably not a big moneyspinner but I wouldn't be surprised if at least 5%, maybe 10%, of sales of the expansions etc are coming from families like us.
  16. I would love a difficulty setting. It would make it much easier for players of different levels to work together (the lvl 80 with 200 masteries player can set themselves to ultimate mode so they are way weaker while the level 30 player is on normal mode) and it would also make it far more fun when going back to map complete or generally explore areas of the map you haven't visited for a while. The game is straight up better when combats have a bit of challenge to them and being able to set your difficulty level would be awesome.
  17. Yeah, I've never really watched Twitch, it was fun. Particularly one of the streamers who had 70 subscribers prior to MightyTeapot redirecting 7000 of us to her stream...
  18. Just thought I would say, a global option to increase how much you get downscaled in PvE openworld in general would be very nice. I've just posted above about how sad we are the new CAG achievements are overleveling us so quickly - if we had a way of downleveling ourselves harder so that Tyria zones 20-30 levels below our actual level were still a challenge then this would largely solve our issues with CAG!
  19. ArenaNet, can we please have a toggle to disable the Character Adventure Guide XP for players who enjoy leveling at a slower rate as they explore Tyria? The new Character Adventure Guide achievements give out a lot XP. I haven't been able to find exact numbers but extrapolating from Volume One and looking at how many more there are it looks like around 25 levels worth. For many level 1 characters that is going to be great. However, we're level 50ish characters who have happily spent maybe 40 hours of gameplay getting there over several months. Most of us have level up boosters but we aren't using them because we are enjoying exploring and we particularly like playing in zones a few levels above our level to increase the challenge (as otherwise it is a bit too easy). We've only played for a very short period of time since the new Character Adventure Guide came out and in that 15 minutes we gained 5-6 levels, what would normally be 4 hours of fun gameplay for us. It looks the CAG achievements we will catapult us all the way to level 80 in just a few hours, instead of the 20-30 hours of gameplay we were looking forward to. At that point you can't play Tyria zones above your level anymore so there won't be any challenge left in any zone other than level 80 zones. To put it mildly we think this sucks and it has very much demotivated our desire to play further (hence the very short 15 min session last time). I can understand the point of the CAG for level 1 characters and I can see it was added so that the new Steam players would reach level 30 faster. But it's disastrous for players like us who were already level 50 and are really enjoying exploring. It's a compliment to ArenaNet that we enjoy your Tyria content enough that we want to savor it instead of being rushed through it. I was just talking to a friend about this and she pointed out that in WoW Classic right now they have a temporary 50% XP boost going on so people can level up in advance of Wrath of the Lich King coming out. But in WoW you can easily opt out of the boost if you want to level at your own pace. This CAG achievement XP boost is more like 500% while it's running. We desperately need a way to opt out of it. We're going to hold off playing for a week or two in the hopes that a toggle is added so we can turn the CAG XP off and continue to level up at our own pace. Thanks for reading.
  20. Thanks, I 'll try that. I was just talking to a friend about this and she pointed out that in WoW Classic right now they have a temporary 50% XP boost going on so people can level up in advance of Wrath of the Lich King coming out. But in WoW you can easily opt out of the boost if you want to level at your own pace. This CAG achievement XP boost is more like 500%, it's crazy that ArenaNet haven't given us a way to opt out of it.
  21. Just checking, do the devs or game designers look at this forum? If not is there another forum or place that requests such as this should be posted? I realise the dev team might not be interested in this feedback but wanted to make sure it's in the right place anyway.
  22. Thanks Aikatara. I think this is a minority issue in that most players don't mind or would only ever have the CAG XP turned on, but for those of us who want to enjoy exploring and leveling up in Tyria it is a serious downer. ArenaNet should take it as a compliment that some of us really do enjoy the original Tyria zones and want to explore them properly rather than rush through to level 80.
  23. ArenaNet, can we please have a toggle to disable the Character Adventure Guide XP for players who enjoy leveling at a slower rate as they explore Tyria? The new Character Adventure Guide achievements give out a lot XP. I haven't been able to find exact numbers but extrapolating from Volume One and looking at how many more there are it looks like 25-30 levels worth. For many level 1 characters that is going to be great. However, we're level 50ish characters who have happily spent maybe 40 hours of gameplay getting there over several months. Most of us have level up boosters but we aren't using them because we are enjoying exploring and we particularly like playing in zones a few levels above our level to increase the challenge (as otherwise it is a bit too easy). We've only played for a very short period of time since the new Character Adventure Guide came out and in that 15 minutes we gained 5-6 levels, what would normally be 4 hours of fun gameplay for us. It looks the CAG achievements we will catapult us all the way to level 80 in just a few hours, instead of the 20-30 hours of gameplay we were looking forward to. At that point you can't play Tyria zones above your level anymore so there won't be any challenge left in any zone other than level 80 zones. To put it mildly we think this sucks and it has very much demotivated our desire to play further (hence the very short 15 min session last time). I can understand the point of the CAG for level 1 characters and I can see it was added so that the new Steam players would reach level 30 faster. But it's disastrous for players like us who were already level 50 and are really enjoying exploring. We're going to hold off playing for a week or two in the hopes that a toggle is added so we can turn the CAG XP off and continue to level up at our own pace. Thanks for reading.
  24. I think you will find you're more like level 25-30, the rewards are ridiculous. That might be fine for new players to boost them to level 30. It sucks for us level 50 characters to be suddenly boosted to level 80 😞
  25. After a little more playing the character adventure guide is really annoying me now. I thought it was bad enough but that's when I thought it was probably only going to give 10 levels total. That's before I found out each Adventure Experience Award gives you two levels on it's own. It's looking more like 20-25 levels from the Character Adventure Guide. That's going to carry me to level 80 when I'm still trying to enjoy the 50-60 zones, haven't even done my level 50 story mission yet. I've gone from level 52 to 56 in literally 11 minutes of play because of the last few Volume One rewards. Maybe it makes sense for new characters to help get them from level 1 to level 30 fast, but it sucks for level 50 characters being thrown up to level 80 before they want to be there. So broken and OP.
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