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Everything posted by Mistwraithe.3106

  1. That is just an absurd statement, to the extent that I'm starting to wonder if you are deliberately trolling. You don't think Anet want WvW and PvP players to buy Janthir Wilds? I assure you, they do. You can use spears, one of the big selling points of Janthir Wilds, in WvW and PvP. You can even unlock them in WvW and PvP without doing any PvE at all.
  2. Cyninja beat the chatbot on the first page when he pointed out that children often play by doing things adults do for work. Logos/the chatbot responded, as quoted, saying that this is role play which is different from play. Yeah, nah, sorry. 5 year old kids are a better authority on what can count as play than the chatbot which hasn't ever actually played anything.
  3. OK, so we are talking fairness. I disagree with giving everyone who buys the deluxe version 6 glyphs because it doesn't seem fair that Anet decided to be kind and give everyone 3 glyphs instead of 0 and are now facing complaints and demands for everyone to get 6 glyphs because a small number of players got 6 glyphs. Having started at everyone getting 0 and only going to 3 because Anet decided to be nice to us this seems like a pretty rude endpoint to be demanding. It's like I give a friend an unexpected present, then I give another friend the same unexpected present but it happens to be worth more than the first for some reason I didn't expect. Is it reasonable for my first friend to demand I compensate them because the second friend got more value from this unexpected gift? That just seems outright rude as a response to being given a gift!
  4. But people did NOT get less than what they expected (in fact many got more because many purchased before the glyphs were added). No one got less than what they expected. People did get less than a few people who got bonus rewards due to a bug. That's not the same thing. That's complaining about others getting more, not about you getting less. To repeat, no one got less than what they expected when they purchased the deluxe upgrade *. (* I guess you could make a case that a very small number of people who bought the deluxe upgrade just as Anet fixed the bug might have been expecting to get 6 glyphs and hence got less than they expected, but deliberately exploiting a bug is strictly against ToS so they don't have a leg to stand on if they wanted to complain).
  5. LOL, me too. Most of my characters have it near the bottom but one or two have it at the top and for some reason it doesn't bother me. This is an important point. I keep my invisible bag full of things that I want to keep all the time. This means food I plan to eat, quest items, etc go in it until it is full. Doing so stops it from getting random items put in it as your inventory fills up and is obviously critical if you have your invisible bag at the top.
  6. It concerns me that this complaining might influence Anet so they don’t give WvW any exclusive rewards in future. That would be very poor. As many posts have said here WvW deserves some exclusive rewards given how much of the game fashion is locked behind PvE. If someone really can’t stomach WvW then that’s fine, the world won’t end if you don’t unlock every skin in the game.
  7. Not the first thread but OP’s is perhaps the most constructive. I like the story and the RP bits so like many here I don’t really want it trimmed of any dialog. However, an option to save time for those that do want to skip, particularly on second play through, would allow everyone to be happy.
  8. The jump from 250 to 500 in material storage is obviously the biggest percentage improvement and it's well worthwhile. I've gone up to 1000 which is good for materials I gain a lot of like mithril, thick leather, etc but it's less significant than that first jump to 500. It's well worth getting an account on GW2Efficiency (and adding an API key obviously) - it doesn't help with inventory management but if you play multiple characters it will allow you to search across all of them to find things and it's also invaluable if you are wanting to craft something big like ascended or legendary gear (it will tell you everything you need, how much it will cost and the crafting steps). I also have one invisible bag on each character much like Nash. I have the unidentified blue, green, yellows, some quartz crystal (so I can turn it into charged quartz at hero points daily), and anything else I want to keep safe from accidentally salvaging/selling. Note that if you decide you want to salvage gear then getting a Copper Salvagomatic (gemstore item, goes on small special fairly regularly) is potentially worth doing so you no longer have to mess around with buying and managing salvage kits (the mystic and runecrafters salvagomatics also have their benefits but less so). If you are salvaging then you want to clear out 20+ slots (the more the better), salvage a small number of items to get a few material piles in your inventory, then do identify all on your stack of unidentified, your inventory will max out so click the deposit to material storage button (that's why we started by getting some material piles in the inventory) then right click on your salvage kit/salvagomatic and say salvage all. Then repeat by identifying all again. Or just sell the stacks. The economy is pretty efficient so you will usually get close to the same amount of money selling as identifying, you mainly just miss out on the luck (for greens if you don't have the runecrafters salvagomatic then you almost always do better selling the green unident). Hmmm, too much on salavaging, if you want to do it then just search reddit or the forums for advice.
  9. If you like storyline then I would go through them in order. From PoF it is Living World Season 4 (LWS4) next, then Icebrood Saga (aka LWS5), then End of Dragons, then SOTO, then JW. I've been slowly working my way through the story (doing a bunch of WvW and other things such as legendary collections on the side) and I just started Icebrood Saga. The LWS4 maps were pretty busy in peak times (eg for NA server that means US evenings or weekends) and quieter outside that. For LWS4 (and LWS3) there is a daily map in the achievements tab which cycles through them and each map tends to be a bit busier when it is the daily. If you decide you aren't fussed about story then RavensSorrow's post above covers the main features of each expansion.
  10. I'm pretty sure the retroactive change to add the glyphs to the eldritch gathering tools from the deluxe upgrade is JUST for that. The black lion glyphs started appearing about a year ago I think and clearly Anet have decided that is the way to go in future with their gemstore gathering tools but I haven't seen any sign that they intend to retroactively give them to anyone who previously bought gathering tools sans glyphs over the last decade. That would be a huge call and seems extremely unlikely.
  11. Are they tradeable? If so then it isn’t nearly such a big problem.
  12. Glad they fixed it. Ultimately, those that pre ordered (Inc me) got either what they expected (if they pre ordered late) or got more than they expected if the pre ordered early before the black lion glyphs were announced (me). I get that it is frustrating that some others who didn’t pre order and purchased in the last week got more glyphs out of this bug, but it’s fixed now and we still got what we wanted and a good deal IMO. It is a choice to get upset about a small number of other players getting a bonus which doesn’t actually negatively affect us. You can choose not to get upset about it and be happy about what you got instead.
  13. Making more skins available in both modes would be the other reasonable approach. Getting to level 281 is not that trivial, particularly if you are just doing camps with minimal involvement as you suggest. I would hazard a guess that you would a couple of dozen GoB in the time it takes to get to level 281.
  14. Way worse happened to me - I couldn't mount my warclaw! (same solution obviously but it had me for a moment)
  15. This. GW2Efficiency is the best way to search for things on your account which might be on any character.
  16. Personally I think difficulty tiers for instanced content is an excellent idea. Anet obviously came to a similar conclusion with fractals ages ago, surprised it has taken so long to apply it more broadly to strikes and raids. Anyone who wants more strikes and raids should applaud this. It seems almost certain that if you let players gain familiarity with mechanics in easier versions then more of them will move up to the harder versions.
  17. One of the Anet posts just before release said that the stands for showing off your equipment had to be delayed and the quick gathering was pulled forward into this release instead.
  18. Clearly PvE has a huge majority of the mode exclusive skins in the game. There doesn’t seem any merit in arguing that WvW shouldn’t be able to also have exclusive skins. It’s only fair. As for the post saying only 1% play WvW, GW2efficiency says 20% of players are WvW level 281 or higher. GW2effiency is a self selecting sample but it’s clearly still a lot of players. I play mostly PvE myself, but they deserve some exclusives too.
  19. It’s fair to give your criticism but I don’t think you are comparing the past with the present fairly. Specifically, your count of maps seems to ignore timescale. SOTO and JW deliver their 3/4 maps on an annual cycle. Historically we have received roughly 30 maps between HOT and EOD inclusive over about 8 years. That is 3.5 maps per year which is exactly the same as the average for SOTO and JW. Sure, around POF they did deliver maps at a higher rate, but conversely maps were at a much slower rate pre HOT and around LWS5/IBS/EOD. IMO Anet are doing a good job and showing signs of improving how well they deliver on their new annual cadence. They have also hit their last 5 expansion drop release dates which is not that that common in game dev. Think you have to give them some credit !
  20. Right now is likely worst case for TP material prices. Demand is high, probably near peak, while supply is low because no one has a stockpile and a high proportion are keeping materials for their own use. Prices of tradeable materials are almost certain to drop.
  21. I tend to buy a few things with gems from time to time so the Ultimate version is my go to. Gives me the deluxe stuff (which isn't generally that amazing but is very nice this time with the infinite tools plus glyphs) essentially for free and I treat the 4000 gems as costing the same price they would have anyway (given I was likely to buy them).
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