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Everything posted by Mistwraithe.3106

  1. Vote went about how I thought it would. I am personally fine with Desert BL, it's nice to have the variety. I find the two alpine BLs a bit repetitive and think Anet should take the plunge and add a new third BL so that every team can have a different BL. I would also like Anet to target some of the exploits on the various maps more (ie certain classes can get around/through walls in places).
  2. There is no doubt that now is an expensive time to craft a Legendary Rune, probably 100-200g more than usual because anyone who has one when the next big update drops in about 30 days will get a free Legendary Relic. This means a lot of players are crafting their first Legendary Rune right now and Charms have doubled in price. So waiting is a good plan, particularly if you (OP) don’t have many resources. However if you do have a decent amount of gold and other materials already and have multiple characters you play (which is really where legendaries shine, you get minimal benefit if you only have 1 or 2 characters) then OP might want to consider joining the rush and crafting a single Legendary Rune before the update drops so you get the free Legendary Relic. Just be aware it will be quite expensive, particularly if you don’t have some charms already or a way of acquiring them (salvaging when done right, Google how to salvage to get charms).
  3. Hmmm. I'm not convinced that you will get access to the SotO relics as it would be against the normal business model. I would have expected SotO relic effects to only be available to people who have bought the expansion. I think that paragraph was mainly trying to explain how in future expansions you won't just need to own the expansion you will also need to unlock the relics in game, once on one character, then you can use it with your legendary relic on any character. We'll see though. NOTE: To answer OP's main question (ie in the title) I'm pretty sure you don't need to own SotO to be given the legendary relic for free if you have crafted at least one legendary rune before the cutoff. Relics were added to everyone, not just buyers of SotO. They could still make the Legendary Relic only craftable to SotO owners but I think they would have said by now as it would be a much bigger issue than the small things people are nit-picking about regarding relics.
  4. I don't see any way of announcing it which doesn't result in the exact same thing, it's a free market in action. Unless OP is saying he wanted Anet to privately just let him know first so he could beat the market? 🙂
  5. That was one line of my post. And in any case that one line was still directly related to the responses in this thread. Correct that I am indeed complaining about the excessive complaining...
  6. I wasn't saying the legendary relic situation is the same situation as the 10k check example. I was saying that there are a bunch of people in this forum who would complain even if Anet won the lottery and sent everyone a 10k check. I believe that to be true. There would be people complaining that they have played more hours than others and deserve more of the money, there would be people saying that anyone who didn't login during the last month shouldn't get any money, there would be people saying that 6 years ago someone who worked for Anet said if they won the lottery they would do XYZ with it, etc, etc, etc. It doesn't matter what Anet does, it appears people will complain.
  7. I don't mind the appearance of the Wizard's Vault but the UI for buying things from the WV is terrible, with those buttons for either 1 or 5 at a time and then having to click a confirmation dialog after each one. It's embarrassingly bad.
  8. Human's are in many ways illogical. If Anet had announced that each legendary rune gave you 1/7th of a legendary relic such that owners of 7 legendary runes got a free legendary relic then you would have been totally happy as the end result would be that you have 7 legendary runes and a free relic. Anet have made a different announcement which means that the end result is you have 7 legendary runes and a free relic. That is, exactly the same end result as above and you are no worse off than you originally hoped to be. Yet you are complaining and are not happy? Is this logical?
  9. Wow. There's a bunch of people here who would find something to complain about if Anet won the lottery and mailed everyone a USD10k check. I read today's relic announcement and it was very clear that Anet were bending over backward to give the best solution for people who had legendary runes. It's a fair and even generous solution. As for making people play the game to unlock future expansion relics, that's in line with other decisions Anet have made and I think it's a good thing. Eg, removing most of the rewards for just logging in when they created the Wizards Vault, the WV provides a lot of rewards (more than the old system in most ways) but you actually have to play the game to get the rewards. Making people play the game to unlock future expansion relics is totally reasonable (it's not a money making exercise either - it's always been the case that you need to buy an expansion to unlock anything from it). Yes, it's slightly different from the other legendary in that respect but, I'm sorry, I think complaining about being forced to play the game to get features from the game is just silly. If you aren't willing to play the game why are you even on this forum? My only sympathy here is for full-time PvP and WvW players who have no interest in PvE (and maybe some of the complainers are in this category but they haven't made it clear). I don't know if there will be ways of unlocking the relics via WvW / PvP vendors and currency, eg like you can unlock hero points. No mention of it yet if there will be, but we'll see.
  10. Excellent suggestion. I think there is actually a thread to add suggestions to, you should perhaps add it there?
  11. Exactly. In the Core story we were more like a sidekick that helped Destiny's Edge and Trahearne beat Zhaitan. Sure we did the heavy lifting in the fights but in many ways the story was more about them. Starting with LWS1 the story is centered around the commander and our own band of companions and that's where it really starts to get good.
  12. Heh. Thread went many directions. Ele isn’t my main character but I really enjoy playing tempest, it is flexible and fun. And ele gets moderate use in WvW with occasional obligatory complaints about being overpowered (not as much as willbender obviously…), there is one commander on my WvW world who runs tempest most of the time and his ability to run into enemy zergs and survive is frankly unbelievable (I play enough to know it is extraordinary). I think there are some very good points in this thread about how ele is perhaps slightly worse than most at high end PvE instanced content but I feel the difference in effectiveness isn’t that all that dramatic (ie it might be noticeable if you are good but doesn’t mean you can’t play).
  13. Generally you can double click on the item, then click on an upgrade slot and see a list of the upgrades which will go in that slot. For some reason backpacks are janky and often don’t work that way, I have single click the back pack then double click the upgrade on the left to get them to work.
  14. I am a relatively recent player, half way through path of fire after doing all the story up to that. I love exploration so unlocking and exploring new zones. That alone isn’t enough for me, I also need the story (a bit mediocre core, better in LWS1 and great fun since then) which I have enjoyed following. That story plus exploring and unlocking new things, whether gliding, new mounts, new specialisations, new map metas, cool new places, etc, works really well for me. Equally important for me is that the game has plenty of challenge. Each of the classes plays differently, the specialisations are different again, and there is a significant difference between playing poorly and well in terms of combat performance. Heart of Thorns+ open world is rather more dangerous with any significant mob group having potential to catch out the unwary and champions being challenging to solo (or even duo sometimes). Then there are fractals which I have been playing through with friends for both different challenges and rewards. Then there are strikes and raids which I have dipped my toes in. WvW I also find fun and interesting, plenty of challenge there (easier to become a good Zerg player than being able to go head to head with good roamers but it’s all a good challenge). I have even enjoyed a bit of PvP. I can pull very good dps with a few characters now, plus some boon and/or heal builds but don’t feel I am close to having mastered all the challenges of the combat system. This also provides plenty of goals, unlocking new abilities on my characters and gearing them up for doing different builds effectively, you don’t strictly need Ascended level equipment but it makes a noticeable difference and takes a bit of achieving, with legendary equipment a nice quality of life upgrade (I have 6 legendary items so far). Then there are the various people I have met through guilds plus the guild I have created with friends and family, we recently unlocked a guild hall and are building it up. GW2 is one of the best games I have played for the reasons above but also because it respects my time and doesn’t get too exploitative with its gem shop unlike many games with a similar shop.
  15. I have a few comments to add… The extra bag slots from a paid account make a significant improvement to ease of managing your inventory. The raptor mount also makes getting around much easier so if little frustrations like this annoy you then I would seriously consider getting the first expansion (Heart of Thorns plus Path of Fire, they are bundled). Also, I really enjoyed the story BUT the core personal story is significantly more staid and impersonal than the rest. Living World Season 1 I found significantly better, Living World Season 2 even more so, than Heart of Thorns I loved, etc. Keep this in mind if you are story focused. Note that unfortunately you need to buy LWS2+, they aren’t bundled with the expansions (unless you buy the big full story bundle).
  16. Just to counteract the no crowd, I would love a third borderlands map in WvW to go with Alpine and Desert.
  17. Raptors are actually pretty fast in a straight line, but agreed that obstacles can get in the way. As others have said a big part of the problem is that everything dies too fast due to DPS creep.
  18. It would certainly be nice if zone loading was faster. Not sure if there are any easy fixes for that tho, I suspect they have already made it as fast as it is going to be without a sign amount of work.
  19. Source? I am sure they reserve the right to but I am also pretty sure that 99.99+% of the time they have minimal interest in doing so.
  20. I think they could improve the map closing to take meta progress into account. Verdant Brink in particular on multiple occasions I have got the message about map closing due to low players then when I move the new map seems no better but more importantly is much further behind on the meta progress.
  21. I think ISP routing is often the problem. I have a VPN because of this and usually if I encounter lag problems then starting up the vpn and restarting gw2 will fix it. This pretty much rules out Anet’s server speed, my computer and my direct isp connection as problems.
  22. Yeah, it was nice of them to give us a themed week but not my favourite one.
  23. There is some confusion in this thread which may confuse future readers. I believe it is as idpersona.3810 said, there is no difference in cost between going straight to the mistforged version or adding it later. Going straight to mistforged requires unlocking the normal ascended armour anyway so you pay the same amount of skirmish tickets. Source: I thought it might be cheaper to go straight to mistforged so waited until level 500 to unlock but found you still need the normal ascended armour anyway.
  24. Alternatively, Revenant with hammer and as weapon swap probably sword/sword (hits harder than hammer but is melee) or whatever takes your fancy. Take dwarf and assassin as your two legends. That provides quite a bit of variety between the four combinations of legend and weapon swap. The elite specs are all decent too when you get to them, tho condition renegade (short bow) might be the strongest ranged dps of the lot.
  25. No, You would still choose your own mix. The only difference is that instead of everyone getting different sets of dailies/weeklies based on expansions owned, people who choose the same guild would get the same set of dailies/weeklies (with expansions accessed just being a final filter).
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