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Tiscan.8345's Achievements

  1. Just to let you know: your "fix" seem to have broken the keep/tower-champs pretty badly. It feels like their HP-scaling is not working anymore. So if a zerg is at a champ, his HP melt within 4-5s. The scaling seems to be all over the place. And I'm not 100% sure about this, but gates seem to be affected, too!?
  2. Yeah, I've got the same issue with the banners since the latest patch: https://i.imgur.com/iC9VWI8.png
  3. According to somebody on twitter: Heart Event in Cantha 10x harvest with sickle loot 10 enemies But keep in mind that the objectives are dependant on what expansions you own and what your setting for the preferred type of objectives is.
  4. The thing is: even if you report stuff, nothing seems to happen. I reported a bunch of exploits/hacks using the ticket system (including video-evidence on YouTube) and the videos were never watched (YouTube shows 0 views). Combine this with ArenaNet's default reply of "Yeah, thanks for your ticket but for privacy reasons we can't actually tell you if we did anything about it" (which is utter BS as there is literally ZERO private data involved that needs to be protected if they tell you "Yeah, we found that person guilty of cheating and banned them for 3 weeks") and you know why people are frustated and stop reporting stuff. (( Don't get me wrong - i still report people who are using Teleport-Hacks, etc. but i honestly don't expect that ANet actually does anything about these players - and that's a really sh*tty feeling ))
  5. The description of the achievement says But killing normal wurms will give you 0 progress for the achievement (but when i kill one i can see a chest pop up in the world for a split second which disappears - i guess thats the bugged meat). If you kill champion wurms you get some progress (btw. the description is wrong, as you also get progress from champion ice wurms)..
  6. Yeah, the meta seems to seriously break something... I can't click on mobs after the meta, left mouseboutton + moving the mouse to look around doesn't work, etc. - the Meta seems to totally mess up the controls (which is a really, REALLY weird bug).
  7. Yep, can confirm. Disconnects and huge lag spikes lately on Abaddon's Mouth / Ring of Fire in WvW. A friend hat the same issues yesterday on Piken, too. And lately the game often feels sluggish even if the Ping in the options-screen is okay-ish (70ms)
  8. I'm curios - what "recent feature revelations" do you mean? The relic stuff was pretty much obvious the day they announced the expansion. And other than that, AFAIK nothing new was revealed!?
  9. I don't know if you ever solved this problem but here is what worked for me (i had the same issue with my Asura and the "Peacekeeper Pilsner"): I went to Rata Sum to the vendor -> he didn't have the Pilsner I changed my active story from "16. What Lies Beneath" to "15. The Cycle, Reborn" I logged off Logged back in, restarted the "16. What Lies Beneath" chapter Now, the vendor sold me the Pilsner 😉
  10. Do I have to worry? I'm using an Authenticator-App for all my accounts and today it got removed from multiple accounts and was replaced by Authentication by E-Mail. I changed it back to TOTP but ArenaNet might wanna look into this bug (?) as this could seriously mess up people that are uing TOTP and don't have access to their eMail address for some reason.
  11. I've got the same issue. The popup is basically only visible for a single frame (if at all - most of the time i can't see it at all) and all it displays is "ERR_ABORTED" https://i.imgur.com/w0jiEx9.jpg
  12. Because I just saw it again... this bug is still unfixed and occurs regularly. on the green border.
  13. I wonder if there is anybody on the team at ArenaNet who actually plays WvW. Especially on one of the servers that are not utterly overstacked. Once again they are punishing everybody who is playing a support-build (while i prsonally don't care about this, it still sucks to see ANet make the same mistake over and over again) as apparently the only way to reliably getting any event-participation seems to be killing enemies. Not to mention that this change makes the Daily WvW Objective Defender really annoying. IMHO one of the worst changes to WvW lately just because of some people abusing these mechanics.
  14. The circle that you have to stand in to capture objectives in WvW is often displayed at the wrong position (usually for the monuments in the middle of the map -> I've seen this happen quite often at the cap-point south of stoic rampart) or not displayed at all (this happens quite often when you are capturing towers) https://i.imgur.com/jueIZs8.jpg
  15. They seem to be doing some kind of A/B Testing as I get the advert on roughly half of my accounts and there doesn't seem to be any logic like "Show the advert if the account has no expansion" or anything. Some of my accounts are basically identical (roughly the same amount of AP, roughly the same age, etc.) and still: only some show the advert while others don't. Personally, I would expect permanent on screen adverts for the gem-shop from crappy F2P games but not from an AAA game. Let's just hope they don't make the mistake of starting to push the gem shop harder.
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