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Everything posted by KawsMeCal.5923

  1. Hope the new chapter in Cantha gives us new masteries. I really want one maybe for the Jade Bot or something new that will automatically pull out stuff we have from bags that we have in the bank as well. Anything that makes inventory wars 2 easier to manage would be a godsend.
  2. Since someone is confused, look at the second image and then look at the one given as a reply as if it was the same thing: https://i.imgur.com/jwaibeO.png https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vendor#/media/File:Vendor_window.jpg As the big red arrow shows, that's the bit I am talking about. I am not talking about any other parts that are semi-transparent... It's literally a spot of transparency like someone used an eraser tool and erased part of the UI.
  3. It's quite literally very different things entirely so I doubt you did. Look at the vendor's UI in game and how it isn't like that in any other NPC I have checked. Not sure why the UIs aren't shared resources across them all anyways, but it's not the same thing. One is semi-transparent and the other is COMPLETELY ERASED which isn't semi-transparent, it's just transparent.
  4. That looks intended... This does not at all. Did you look at both screenshots?
  5. Nalar, the vendor that sells Plaguedoctor stuff has a slight amount of the vendor UI that looks like someone accidentally went over it with a transparent eraser tool as you can see thru it to the game behind it. Not a big deal, but it does look funny. https://i.imgur.com/qjvkl0y.png https://i.imgur.com/jwaibeO.png
  6. You hooped into a conversation being had and stated I was the wrong one between us, which puts you in the same side as they are. If you don't agree with them you need to state how they are also wrong to be clear your intent. Saying I am wrong here in reply to that conversation as another party means you think my stance in relation to that thing you're correcting in that thread of dialogue is wrong, or that's how I interpret it. As someone stating how people can misinterpret people you sure don't seem open to the idea that you jumping into it without clarifying anything would lead to confusion on your stance and saying someone should look into your reaction to know is laughable. And how does this fit the narrative of them saying "expansion content will be free and we shall never do an expansion at a cost" because that's literally the entire point being made that is being argued about. Expansion content and free content were specifically separated in that quote. Icebrood Saga also came out like 7 years after that quote and about 3 years after it we got HoT which was a paid expansion so what's your point? Expansion content for free =/= all expansion content should be free. If you believe that quote means expansion content will always be free, feel free to keep arguing it. I've made my point about how it never stated that, so have fun.
  7. You said I was wrong for how I said it can be interpreted wrong and are now saying it can be interpreted in multiple ways. I am saying that by charging for expansions they did not break what was said here and you said that's wrong because x, y, and z. You are coming out on the side of them saying everything should be free based on that quote so that does mean you expected it to be free. I clarified what was said because obviously people took it and ran with it thinking it meant something entirely different from what it says. I said it doesn't claim these things are free because if it did it would be worded like "free content such as black lion offerings and expansion content." which it doesn't and even if it did would still not be as some claimed meaning every expansion level content would be free. If I said free muffins for everyone that bought a meal for the opening week of my restaurant that doesn't mean you should expect a free muffin for every meal you get there forever. That's the entire point I was making, so if you don't disagree, you shouldn't say it's wrong to say this, right?
  8. Right it's not your take just the one you keep constantly posting, defending, and replying about? That makes sense.
  9. Yes A LOT of it was free... Not ALL of it was free... Just because free content also means all of those things doesn't mean it also has to include expansions as well. Did you think their business plan was lets give them every single thing for free or did you think for more than 10 seconds and think maybe that wouldn't be the best plan? There's no shot anyone thought this meant something like HoT, PoF, and EoD would all be free as well and not having them be free conflicted with what was said. You read free and expected the world apparently. Seriously giving off spoiled brat vibes with this take.
  10. Saying we will get free content on one side and then in a separate part of the sentence expansion content, right, means they had two separate thoughts there. IBS can be expansion level content and be in the free content pile... Right... So then we have stuff that has to not go into the free content pile but do go into the expansion content pile... Which would be what? Anyone? That's right... Expansions.
  11. "We will be doing free content, gem store, and expansion content." If you don't think that means the free content we got, the gem store stuff we got, and the expansions we got, then you have some issues.
  12. It says what I think it says: As well as the free content we promised, we will also be doing other things (we separated free content and this for a reason) such as large expansions down the road.
  13. Read it again and look at the bold parts really hard. Not only does it not say what they thought it says, it says the exact opposite lol
  14. "I'm mad that I got a lot of content for free on a game I never have to pay a subscription fee for and will now get ideally better content more rapidly and be able to cover a lot of balancing issues easier with cheap yearly fee for cheaper than before expansion costs." What?
  15. Even more so: remove the IBS masteries off the core maps because they serve no purpose other than to confuse people that don't know. Add them to the DRM maps of them instead or delete them, they do more harm than good. Go to the crafting vendors and use one of the tables there they all have banks as part of them and no more spammy violets violence annoying NPC. There are a ton of those annoying NPCs tho so much so that I know when they will trigger and every part of the line. I wish they had more line variety maybe GW3 we can get more than one line on repeat.
  16. Please, especially if you're not revamping runes sometime soon, let us with Legendary Runes just change all 6 of them on us at once. Not sure why runes aren't just combine 6 into a super rune that you put on at this point to make it way better QoL. Even if there's just an option to set all of them at once, that would save a ton of time.
  17. Didn't say I don't use food or enhancements, but they yelled at people for not using POTS which is stupid to waste on these. I also am typically the healer and I have an infinite offensive potion, but that's not the point. I have had zero issues in pug t4s doing them without being max potions. Requiring and getting upset that someone isn't doing them all for something that's so simple to do is ridiculous. If we have 3 dps, a boon dps, and the other boon healer and everyone is doing their job, it doesn't matter. These are not extremely difficult encounters if people are at least halfway paying attention. If you want to do CMs, then I understand that you want full optimization, but having a "daily T4 lfg" then going to do CMs and getting upset about pots is completely unreasonable.
  18. Not sure how many times I have to state that it wasn't just two times, but it keeps being brought up like that's what I said. Pointless to keep stating things if nobody bothers to read them. I asked if multiple people experienced a flow of ups and downs all at once or if it's just randomly bad RNG I got paired up with a TON of kitten rude people all at once suddenly. If multiple people also encountered a huge uptick in toxic behaviors, that would be interesting to know.
  19. "I don't see it so it must not happen" is a weird stance. I gave examples but things similar to that have happened. If I had 100 encounters before and 1 was bad and now 100 encounters I have 40 bad ones that's a rampant growth. Even if it's RNG if I get an kitten or not, the fact that it comes up THAT much more often is a bit alarming, no? Other MMO transplants and the festival time theories in here make sense. Steam userbase being the issue is weird because it's not like Steam is a cesspool of gamers, it's just a bigger market of the same odds of people. It's the same kind of influx of players that something like a new expansion would bring.
  20. I saw it but I didn't see it so rampant that's why I made the post. The community in GW2 has been far better than any experience with MMO communities in the past, which is why the small amount of toxic suddenly feeling more like normal MMO levels was a shocking sight.
  21. Did you want me to list every negative interaction I've ever had? I gave a few examples of things that happened so it's understood what kind of people I am referring to. Not sure how listing out a bunch of slightly different versions of those interactions would help as I stated it's more than it was before. I had many many many groups over the time I played and very few were bad. Recently the amount I encountered surpasses the entirety of the interactions in previous months of playing. That alone is quite telling.
  22. It's not that people like that exist, it's that it's more commonplace. That was the entire point of my post if you read it I mentioned it being a thing before as well, but the toxic levels feel much higher lately.
  23. I've been playing for about half a year now after returning and the community has been super nice and wholesome for the most part and only rarely had anyone that acted out in a severely negative way. The worst things to deal with outside of the occasional rude player or idiot was some portal troll or something which isn't even a big deal. Recently, however, it seems every day joining fractals I've been met with the most vile kinds of people acting so mighty on people and getting mad if they aren't playing perfectly or using pots for normal dailies or whatever it is. I had a group yesterday advertising normal T4s run push CM and get mad when we didn't pull it off first try when suddenly asked to do CM when the post was just normal dailies. Another posted for DPS and then got upset that the DPS they got wasn't Alac DPS when they asked just for DPS. People are getting angry over such small things now and the community used to be so nice and forgiving. Is this a common thing that it comes and goes with the festivals or are people just so much more jaded suddenly and acting mightier than thou?
  24. You already can disable the random comments your character says which disables all of them including the revenant speech.
  25. I joined the Discord last night and am not in there today to type up anything to join or anything so I guess it's not recruiting lol
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