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Everything posted by KawsMeCal.5923

  1. Hope we get some AA or something on launch based on where we are in the daily login currently or something. Bad timing that my chest of loyalty would have been landing a couple days after the launch.
  2. I have both my Steam and Anet accounts just losing connection to server randomly a lot lately and lots of lag like when I mount I will be on the mount already for others but just be standing there on my end and then get in the mount causing a lot of desync with the lag. It also shows itself in characters just standing up like normal when in the turtle mount either side just standing on top like I am doing a stunt. It makes it hard to play, but I guess with Baldur's Gate 3 out now it's not too bad to have GW2 not be very playable right now...
  3. Both Steam and non-Steam account can't login... Any news from Anet? It's been like an hour and a half or more for me.
  4. You have a legendary relic... I have a legendary relic... We have legendary relic-S
  5. If you look up Wizard's Tower and home this is the only thread that appears so... Not saying their shouldn't be a lounge for an area for the lounge but imagine if they sold Arborstone in a lounge pass... That'd be flamed to hell. However an "Arborstone" that comes with us that has the custom home instance tacked on would be something people want and would be nice. I mean the longue pass could be an area of the Wizard's Tower and let you "save" your location like the best ones do now but eh. They could also allow us to put our longue keys into the tower to travel to them without having it on the characters acting as a "Lounge Pass Pass" and encouraging whales to get even more lounges than needed.
  6. I had a thought of information we have gathered so far and had a hopium/copium great idea that if Anet planned this would be genius. People want home instances and a cool hub place like Arborstone to gather for strikes and stuff. What if we get control of the wizard's tower at some point and it becomes the home instance we can design for ourselves like people always wanted? It can be a map that is personal like player homes are now, but have some (purchased with ingame currency? mastery? notgemsifsmarthere) additions like IBS does for Asura gates and NPCs and also for strikes and stuff. If it can also be logged off in without being kicked out or maybe there's a communal zone on it that's a public map like Arborstone and part of it is a home instance you can manage, it can use Arborstone masteries for things or maybe a new mastery for it (Mixing if both like we have with the new Skyscale mastery?) so we can get the XP buff instead of making us go back to Arborstone still which will feel off. This would allow them to have us move the Wizard's Tower along to new locations with each expansion to have a familiar area and meeting area for things. This also means down the line when we are on Xpac 6 new players could buy Soto, Xpac 5, or Xpac 6 and get the Wizard's Tower mastery/new system/whatever that can be "magicked" into whatever the theme is or whatever and moves to be near the action so to speak. Having the exit portal for the map go to wherever the player determined for themselves based on xpac or whatever. I am terrible at explaining how I imagine things, so I expect all the confused emotes as per usual on the forums, but I still think it's a good idea and the tower is so iconic and was wanted for so long that I'd hate to be like alright Xpac 5 see ya wizard's tower it was a nice 18 year long wait to know more about you but I'm done with you now! and the fact that it can be utilized as a good meeting place combining Eye of the North and Arborstone together. Maybe just having portals to and from it on those locations could even work if nothing else.
  7. Yes! A good way to get people to do dungeons more as well as they will be able to do it while gearing up to get what they want before they can move onto ascended and legendary. On top of that, I think they should have exotic back items since we have no good way to get those a stat selecting back exotic would be really cool.
  8. The newest TeaTime brings up some good suggestions which I will build on: - LFG shouldn't be Training and Experienced it should be Progression, Cleared, and Veteran where Progression is the only one that appears to a fresh account, Cleared for those that have cleared the content, and Veteran with X clears required unlocking as that is met. That and putting some form of kill proof on accounts that can be seen easily is much better. - Private maps for open world stuff. It would be cool if we could have tags create a locked map of a public event going on so only people in that group or guild can join in. It will allow for a lot of cool things and making sure there's less headaches trying to get everyone together, which people already brute force. Just make things easier. - On top of that last note, either exclusive to the private maps above or not (using a vote like CM?) would be something that would really highlight cool features that are kinda dismissed and ignored now by "feature creep" - a way to lock out features that came out after that content was created. For example: Dragon's Stand locking out mounts so people have to fight the boss the way it was meant to in design instead of with dragons and skipping all the cool things. Maybe giving more rewards for people doing this so the g/hr matches the people able to speed clear with the mounts. - Putting extremely rare drops into raids and content you have people lacking in now. They mention mount skins but also novelty stuff or just cool armor skins would be nice. I feel like a lot of skins should be sellable on LFG too as it will encourage a lot of active play and swiping as people will sell them for high gold that people gem to gold to buy especially if they are rotated or never exist in the gem store itself. - I don't think boon supports should be able to 100% uptime ever tbh as it makes content less engaging, but def shouldn't be able to do this without concentration/boon duration. It would be cool if we had to time boons uptime at specific times to burst and that can be communicated. Hopefully a lot of these things will be shifting slowly, but if nothing else, having healers be separate from alacrity and quickness might be nice as we'd need a healer, alacrity dps, and quickness dps. I just want instanced stuff to be mechanic based not just dps check and we win no matter what. Probably a more hot take on this point, but I think plain DPS being a thing is lame. Maybe another idea with bosses having like "Intimidating Presence" debuff to weaken players so content is more engaging without affecting people outside of those places. Could always RP something with the Kryptis causing it. IDK going off hinged here.
  9. Perfect. Ship it. Not a bug a feature.
  10. I already mentioned some of this, but I'm gonna put it all here again: - Redo traits altogether - its a mess just redo it again with choices that dictate how a profession is played instead of this make more damage this make more heal it's so bland. Cool ones change what skills do. If more traits or a replacement system did something where like you choose how you apply boons and stuff it would lead to more personal choice for what feels best to you not 100% whatever is the best thing. - Make the stats we never use actually work in at least one build/environment. Giving skills additional benefits based on/scaling off the unpopular stats would be exciting. I'm not even sure if condition damage healers exist as I don't have one (I see they might have/do at some point but never good) but it'd be cool to heal allies based on condi damage you deal for instance giving a use to the healing power and condi damage prefix's or some spec being able to critically heal so healing and precision used together would be ideal for them, "spec centered condi" damage scales with precision, etc list can go on and on and be very interesting. - Need a lot of QoL to help the Inventory Wars. I'd love a way to say use the jade bot or bank something similar to place say Jade Runestone into it and when I activate it it pulls all my items of that name and puts them into that slot so I don't have to play dedupeotron all day when inventories get messy. - Better tags for things we don't need or just a cleaning up button to remove all unsellable crap we can't use for anything. A library (In our customizable guild hall-like player home can house all those books we collect without taking up inventory space in bags WHICH THEY SHOULDN'T DO ALREADY!) - Rebalance old content so it's fun with the modern creep. Events shouldn't be so uneventful now. Dragon's Stand doesn't show off the mechanics, Boneskinner is just a mess where I am pretty sure a ton of designed mechanics don't get interacted with and people still struggle to just go left when rings happen, Tequatl is interesting before you hit 75% then it's sleep mode. I wish boss events felt more like events. - Make boons all apply in a LARGER RADIUS. We should have some benefits to playing not squeezed together clipping into one blob "The Commander" blob. - Make players have indicators on the party that show if their builds are providing specific boons/healing spec. It'd be amazing if it could tell by build if not let players mark their characters by what they do so it shows up and we don't have to deal with the people unable to read and think someone else is giving a boon or having two boon providers because they got confused. - Make every instanced boss fight ever (Raids and such) respawn you just before the boss. People get really annoyed walking back because someone made a dumb mistake and we had to GG. - Mystic Forge repeat setting. Let me just say I want this to be crafted on repeat X times or until I can't refill anymore. It's annoying to keep hitting the buttons. QUALITY OF LIFE EVERYWHERE PLEASE! - Let me favorite items in crafting menus, reorganize them, and "craft all mats" for items would be cool too if it can look at components and know how many total I can make with what I have a toggle for that would be neat so you craft all the mats you use for it too. - Let us reorganize guild tabs. I want to be able to sort which channel each guild is without leaving and getting reinvited to fix the order. - Festival for Four Winds invite/invite to party during the event should open like season portals and let you pick between each of the three locations instead of moving between them all every use. - Let players be party leaders without a tag. They don't get a lot of what the tag gives, but can ready check, get a symbol for just the people in the squad to see, etc. People go crazy when there isn't a tag they can't listen to save their own lives. Need to remove the player behavior that tags are needed and that someone coming in that has a tag because they formed and nobody else had a tag isn't the leader. I get thrown into a premade group and tag up for them and they expect me to know what they have setup already and to instantly do everything for them - it's wild. - Inspect wardrobe as an option for players when right clicking their target icon where it just shows the transmog on a white item frame so no other information can be shared maybe the dye channels and the item it's shown as. - Transmutation charge vendor that lets you buy things with your charges for people that don't want to play the end game of fashion wars or have legendary everything so transmutation charges do nothing for them. Also make them automatically added like wallet currency it's weird it's an item you have to use. - Make it so people can toggle to play Stronghold/other game modes in PvP and if enough have it toggled automatically put it on the choice for PvP. I finally played it once after all this time and it was more fun than I expected from what I heard. I wish we had more game modes like this too. Look at games like Smite and just copy some stuff they do in game modes here lol. Sad this was abandoned... Maybe even some event outside of PvP. - Give that area in WvW nobody goes to anymore with the NPCs you have to fight have some sort of good rewards dropping in some place as it's basically impossible to do the Season 1 achievement stuff there right now. I am sure most of this was suggested and plenty is spaghetti-code gated, but like please I need some QoL. One of them slipped my mind too as I got distracted so that's annoying, but this list is long enough anyways.
  11. Nah one of the expansions will just give us sub-class professions like GW1 mixing first 3/main hands of main profession with offhand 4-5 and utilities mixed in with one skill tree being like an elite spec of "subclass"
  12. Just put some jets/wings on my skiff so I can go fly fishing already /s
  13. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ori_(dolyak) The Ori better get an expansion.
  14. Remove this annoying NPC or move them away from this spot they are always INSIDE the cloth like hello what are you doing? Stupid Charr
  15. I think that can exist now it's called "Donate to your guildmate that spends time making the decor." People do HP Trains and don't get gold for it magically in game - people tip them for their time. Just, y'know, have guildies that tip you if you really need to? Seems just awkward and weird to implement. Also just feels like a joke but somehow I feel like you're not joking.
  16. Probably not since WvW doesn't apply masteries and uses its own point system or you'd have people gliding around without putting a point into it.
  17. SoTA Secrets of The Apple Tybalt return confirmed
  18. I still say a good idea is to give everyone a Relic of the "Something Shapeshifter Something Magic Something Whatever RP Desired Here" that will mimic whatever effect or what it will become that the 6th rune would give you for having it on so it'd be like having the same thing as now but able to customize for better combinations by making better fitting relics. Makes people not cry over the rune bonus loss and still need to go get that carrot.
  19. So I get no benefit from carrying you new players either? If the only dailies you can manage to do are these then you'd be struggling hard with NO players that have level 80s helping you. We love making new players feel overwhelmed even more.
  20. I have been enjoying playing the alac mirage build lately I sure hope nothing happens to change it soon 😄 OH NO WHO COULD HAVE FORESEEN THIS!?
  21. So I'm not allowed to do events I never did before on a low level character because I have one at 80? That doesn't sound stupid in the slightest... /s
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